List of canonised popes

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This article lists the popes who have been canonised or recognized as saints in the Roman Catholic Church they had led. A total of 81 (out of 265) popes have been regarded as saints, including all of the first 35 popes and 52 of the first 54. In addition, 16 other popes are on the track to sainthood, either currently undergoing or have completed the preliminary stage of beatification.

The most recent pope to be put forward for sainthood is John Paul II, whose cause for canonisation was begun in May 2005 and who was beatified on May 1, 2011. John Paul II and Pope John XXIII were canonized on April 27th, 2014.[1]


  1. Pope Adeodatus I
  2. Pope Adrian III
  3. Pope Agapetus I
  4. Pope Agatho
  5. Pope Alexander I
  6. Pope Anacletus
  7. Pope Anicetus
  8. Pope Anastasius I
  9. Pope Anterus
  10. Pope Benedict II
  11. Pope Boniface I
  12. Pope Boniface IV
  13. Pope Caius
  14. Pope Callixtus I
  15. Pope Celestine I
  16. Pope Celestine V
  17. Pope Clement I
  18. Pope Cornelius
  19. Pope Damasus I
  20. Pope Dionysius
  21. Pope Eleuterus
  22. Pope Eugene I
  23. Pope Eusebius
  24. Pope Eutychian
  25. Pope Evaristus
  26. Pope Fabian
  27. Pope Felix I
  28. Pope Felix III
  29. Pope Felix IV
  30. Pope Gelasius I
  31. Pope Gregory I
  32. Pope Gregory II
  33. Pope Gregory III
  34. Pope Gregory VII
  35. Pope Hilarius
  36. Pope Hormisdas
  37. Pope Hyginus
  38. Pope Innocent I
  39. Pope John I
  40. Pope John XXIII
  41. Pope John Paul II
  42. Pope Julius I
  43. Pope Leo I
  44. Pope Leo II
  45. Pope Leo III
  46. Pope Leo IV
  47. Pope Leo IX
  48. Pope Linus
  49. Pope Lucius I
  50. Pope Marcellinus
  51. Pope Marcellus I
  52. Pope Mark
  53. Pope Martin I
  54. Pope Miltiades
  55. Pope Nicholas I
  56. Pope Paschal I
  57. Pope Paul I
  58. Pope Peter
  59. Pope Pius I
  60. Pope Pius V
  61. Pope Pius X
  62. Pope Pontian
  63. Pope Sergius I
  64. Pope Silverius
  65. Pope Simplicius
  66. Pope Siricius
  67. Pope Sixtus I
  68. Pope Sixtus II
  69. Pope Sixtus III
  70. Pope Soter
  71. Pope Stephen I
  72. Pope Stephen IV
  73. Pope Sylvester I
  74. Pope Symmachus
  75. Pope Telesphorus
  76. Pope Urban I
  77. Pope Victor I
  78. Pope Vitalian
  79. Pope Zachary
  80. Pope Zephyrinus
  81. Pope Zosimus


  1. Pope Benedict XI
  2. Pope Callixtus II
  3. Pope Eugene III
  4. Pope Gregory X
  5. Pope Innocent V
  6. Pope Innocent XI
  7. Pope Pius IX[2]
  8. Pope Urban II
  9. Pope Urban V[3]
  10. Pope Victor III[4]


  1. Pope Paul VI[5]
  2. Pope Pius XII

Servants of God[edit]

  1. Pope Benedict XIII
  2. Pope John Paul I[6]
  3. Pope Pius VII
