Popular policies


Hi, my name’s Kirsty. I’m going to be born on 18th September 2014, the very same day as the referendum on independence for Scotland.

The question is what kind of...

Supporting Education

We know that supporting children in their earliest years gives them opportunities for learning and development that make a huge difference for the rest of their lives. Even in these difficult...


The number one priority for the people we have spoken to in communities across Scotland is to see the police out and about on our streets and in our neighbourhoods.

Over the...

Economy & Jobs

The SNP is committed to creating jobs and opportunities for Scots old and new. We believe that Scotland can and should be more successful, and we will continue to argue for the Scottish Parliament...

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The SNP in action

C.diff cases fall to record low

New figures that the number of C.diff infections acquired by hospital patients has reached the lowest level on record.

What a Yes vote means for immigration

Yes Vote – Pete Wishart, SNP Westminster Home Affairs Spokesman

With independence,...

25th anniversary of the Poll Tax in Scotland

First Minister Alex Salmond on the 25th anniversary of the introduction of the Poll Tax in Scotland, published in...

Pensions in an independent Scotland

Scotland can more than afford a decent pensions system. Independence will make that a reality, says Eilidh Whiteford...

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