
I fell pregnant after my husband passed away

Erin O'Dwyer Although Katie Elfar's husband was no longer with her, she says that having a baby using his frozen sperm was the best decision she ever made.


Hold the phone: mobiles damage chance of becoming a dad


LETITIA ROWLANDS For one in five infertile couples, the reason for the failure to conceive is male infertility. Recent studies have suggested mobile phones and cannabis use are two factors which could damage a man's chances of becoming a dad.

The invisible loss of infertility

The IVF letter we dread

Dealing with the emotional impact of infertility

American woman sets record as oldest IVF mum


Eating chalk and other extreme cravings during pregnancy

Jennifer Morton Craving a nice handful of dirt, or a crunchy stick of chalk? No, you're not losing it - you're just experiencing pica, a common pregnancy side effect.

Athlete competes in 800m race while eight months pregnant

Alysia Montano.

Alysia Montano finished last in her heat in the 800 metres at the US track and field championships. She was, however, the story of the race.

Aspirin may hold key to preventing miscarriage

The joy of discovering pregnancy yoga

What I wasn't told about pregnancy

The rise of the gender reveal party


Can birth be fun?

CATHERINE RODIE We all know that no two births are alike, but one word that doesn’t come up much is ‘fun’. For these mums, however, it fits perfectly.



Colds in babies and young children

Learn how to treat a cold in young babies and children.

When your baby is in jail

nicu mum

Moata Tamaira Having your kid in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is a very strange experience. It's kind of like they're in jail, except you have no idea when they'll be eligible for parole.


Baby suffers seizures after formula replaced with cordial

'Mini-epidemic' of virus infecting newborns

As a guilty mum: spending money on memories

Dog tries to teach baby how to crawl


When good kids say bad words

JO HARTLEY “Oh, bugger!” exclaimed my three-year-old son. It was the start of conversations I knew we all needed to have.


Can a working mum be as good at her job after maternity leave?

Antonia Hoyle Working mothers seem doomed to feel they're failing both their career and children. So how do you break the double-guilt cycle?



Project shows beauty ideals around the world

Stan Schroeder A woman had her face photoshopped to be 'beautiful' by people in 26 countries - and the results are stunningly disparate.

Desperately seeking sleep: advice for exhausted mums

sleep mum

PINKY MCKAY How exactly are you meant to get sleep when your kids don’t get any sleep of their own? Pinky McKay gives sleep advice for exhausted mums.


Overcoming anxiety as a parent

Childbirth doesn't have to mean the death of the orgasm

Jessica Rowe: Jessica Rowe: What every mum should know

How yoga can help strengthen your pelvic floor