Voter Fraud Protester

New York Times publishes Chelsea Manning's op-ed

Read the full text of Chelsea Manning's first op-ed since her imprisonment, published by the New York Times on Saturday, June 14th.Read more »


Help us fund Chelsea's legal appeals and build a movement for government transparency!

Please help us fight the legal and political battle to free Chelsea Manning, promote government transparency, and protect Manning, Snowden and other whistleblowers like them.Read more »


Chelsea Manning's appellate counsel: We'll leave no stone unturned in our quest for justice

We are honored, humbled and excited to be Chelsea Manning's appellate lawyers. Unless we act to reverse the misuse of this statue in Chelsea’s case, the stage has been set to incriminate any American whistleblower who reveals wrongdoing to the media.Read more »


Pride 2014: We Stand with Chelsea

This summer, we are again marching in celebration of Chelsea Manning in Gay Pride events across the United States. Contingents in Washington DC, Los Angeles, Seattle, Minneapolis, New York City, and of course, San Francisco, are already confirmed. Join us!Read more »

Civilian Prison

Statement from Chelsea Manning concerning her proposed move to a civilian prison

May 14, 2014. An unconfirmed Pentagon source alleged that the Office of the Secretary of Defense is considering transferring Chelsea to a civilian facility to receive treatment. Attorney David Coombs and Chelsea Manning wish to explain the problems with this suggestion.Read more »

How Chelsea Manning sees herself -portrait by Alicia Neal

Chelsea Manning's statement on her legal name change

April 23, 2014. Today, a judge in Leavenworth, Kansas, has granted PVT Manning's petition to change her name legally to "Chelsea Elizabeth Manning." Chelsea has issued this statement in response.Read more »


Defending Democracy: A presentation by Chelsea Manning's new defense team, now on Youtube!

April 19, 2014. See Chelsea Manning's new defense team, Nancy Hollander and Vincent Ward, give their first public presentation alongside NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake, FBI whistleblower Mike German, and Support Network Organizer Emma Cape.Read more »

How Chelsea Manning sees herself, and would like to look as a trans woman following treatment for gender dysphoria at Fort Leavenworth military prison. This image was created by artist Alicia Neal, in cooperation with Chelsea herself.

Chelsea Manning to represent largest U.S. 'Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Pride Celebration' in 2014

April 11, 2014. Chelsea Manning has been chosen as an Honorary Grand Marshal for 2014 San Francisco LGBT Pride. Chelsea thanked the SF Pride Committee for the honor, and shared an initial illustration of how she sees herself.Read more »


David Coombs: Update on PFC Chelsea Manning

March 26, 2014. By attorney David Coombs. Since being retained to represent [Chelsea Manning] on July 16, 2010, I have fought to ensure that she received a fair trial and a just result. Unfortunately, I do not believe that she received either.Read more »

How Chelsea might look with HRT, as interpreted my artist Molly Crabapple.

Announcing the "Chelsea Manning Support Network"

Edited March 25, 2014. By CMSN. PVT Manning has filed to change her name legally to "Chelsea Elizabeth Manning" and to receive hormone therapy. To show our support in this struggle, we are renaming ourselves to the "Chelsea Manning Support Network."Read more »

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Chelsea supporters march in OKC Pride

June 23, 2014. Chelsea supporters march in OKC Pride, kick off month of national Chelsea Manning Pride outreach!Read more »


An Evening for Chelsea Manning: One Year Since the Trial

June 13, 2014. Join NY Manning supporters on June 19th to mark one year since she went on trial, and for readings of Clark Stoeckley's newly published book, “The United States vs Private Chelsea Manning: A Graphic Account From Inside the Courtroom”.Read more »


DC activists protest at White House

May 12, 2014. On Sunday, DC activists rallied in front of the White House, demanding that Obama pardon Chelsea Manning.Read more »


Sydney Mardi Gras Parade features Chelsea Manning contingent

May 2, 2014. Sydney activists created a Manning contingent in Sydney's 2014 Mardi Gras Parade. The contingent, spearheaded by a Sydney-based activist group the Support Assange and WikiLeaks Coalition, featured theatrics intended to spread awareness of Manning and the surrounding issues of government transparency.Read more »


The Advocate calls out Fox News for defamatory coverage

April 25, 2014. Fox New uses defamatory slur "Gender-Bender", refers to Chelsea as male throughout coverage.Read more »


Today marks the fourth anniversary of the release of Collateral Murder

April 5, 2014. It has been four years since the public became witness to Collateral Murder, the shocking video which exposed the murder of innocent civilians and two Reuters journalists, which was released by Chelsea Manning and then published by WikiLeaks on April 5, 2010.Read more »


Watch Chelsea Manning’s new attorney speak alongside famous whistleblowers in DC. Live stream Sunday, April 13, 2014.

Unjustly sentenced to 35 years in prison, WikiLeaks whistleblower Chelsea Manning is gearing up to fight for her freedom, and for government accountability, during her legal appeals. The appeals may go all the way to the Supreme Court. Civil rights attorney Nancy Hollander is speaking in DC along with other whistleblowers. Watch the live stream here on Sunday, April 13th at 7pm. Read more »


Update 3/24/14: Government censoring Freedom of Information requests more then ever before

The Associated Press recently concluded its study of government Freedom of Information requests (FOIA) and the results are disappointing at best. More then under any other administration, the Obama government is censoring and blocking Freedom of Information requests and departments are taking longer to process them.Read more »


Update 3/18/14: Chelsea Manning supporters march in Saint Patricks Peace Parade

In Boston on Sunday members of Veterans for Peace, and other supporters, marched holding "Free Chelsea" signs while distributing informational leaflets and stickers to recognize Chelsea Manning's heroic actions and raise awareness about her ongoing persecution. Read more »


Update 3/11/14: John Kiriakou: The Espionage Act should be rewritten to consider intent and actual harm done

Currently serving a 30 month sentence for releasing classified information that exposed torture at Guantanamo prison, John Kiriakou argues that the government is selectively and inappropriately prosecuting whistleblowers and refusing to prosecute other government releases of classified information.Read more »

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