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The Children’s Crusade—Gravy Train For Treason Lobbyists, Including Bush Turncoat Julie Myers Wood

While the Children’s Crusade against the historic American nation continues, powerful forces are arguing that America needs not just more illegal immigrants, but more lawyers to represent them. And the very people arguing for yet another wealth transfer away from Americans are those who were once trusted to enforce the laws.

Julie Myers Wood was the head of U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement from 2006 to 2008 under “conservative” President George W. Bush. Now that she’s done her time failing to enforce immigration law, she’s moved on to lobbying for more illegal immigration, to the cheers of the liberal Main Stream Media. One Mary Sanchez in the Kansas City Star fawns:

Nine months ago, in the Wall Street Journal, a former Bush administration official described the sorry plight of children now streaming northward across the U.S.-Mexico border.

Hundreds of children, mostly from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, are showing up daily, their numbers having increased in recent months as violence and poverty have spiked upward in their home countries. They are overwhelming border patrol stations and raising concerns about health and safety, not to mention the dilemma of locating their parents. The Department of Homeland Security is scrambling, setting up space at military bases in Oklahoma, Texas and California to keep the children until their futures can be decided.

Estimates are that 90,000 children will attempt to cross into the U.S. this year.

Julie Myers Wood… co-authored The Journal op-ed with attorney Wendy Young. Young heads Kids in Need of Defense.

[Humanitarian crisis at border defies right’s platitudes about immigration, June 13, 2014]

Sanchez plays down Kids In Need of Defense (KIND), a guilt tripping law firm financed by self-interested mega-donors from the Slave Power.

Not surprisingly, Wood and Young are both concern-trolling about the illegal alien juveniles actually being deported, as the law requires.

The two women raised the alarm about the increasing numbers of children at our border. And they pointed out that in immigration proceedings, nobody — including children — is guaranteed legal representation. That fact can have dire consequences for a child.

“We’ve seen 5-year-old immigrants in front of a U.S. judge, about to be sent back into harm’s way,” they wrote.

Their piece was a thoughtful, nuanced appeal to the conscience of America. “For a nation founded on the principles of due process and access to justice, we are grievously violating both when it comes to deporting undocumented immigrant children,” they argued.

It’s funny how the “conscience of America” seems to coincide with the bottom line interests of Wood’s lobbying clients and Young’s megadonors.

Journalist Sanchez follows the pattern typical of her profession when she says...

Time’s Up, Democrats and Republicans! Immigration Has to Be Fixed Now

The immigration surge at the border may have been planned, but neither party is benefiting from the reaction. The truth is neither Republicans nor Democrats wanted this issue to surface, particularly before the elections.

Both parties have supported de facto open borders for decades. The Republicans eagerly surrendered to the avarice of big business. The Democrats betrayed their working class base in favor of Latino ethnic tribalism. President Obama is openly breaking the law when it comes to immigration and the Supreme Court is certainly not going to do anything to stop him. All the different branches of the government are pushing mass immigration, conning the American people by talking about enforcing the law while privately rejoicing at its desecration.

The mainstream media duly concealed 50 years of the immigration invasion as well as its disastrous consequences on health care, education, national security, and our civic culture. All of this simmered under the surface while immigration patriots tried to sound the alarm. But now Pandora’s Box has opened.

A seemingly never ending stream of migrants is assaulting our Southern border, creating a security, health care, and humanitarian crisis. The media is reporting that unaccompanied “children” are pouring across the border, but among the initial 1000 people housed at a military base, over 83% are over the age of 14, and 80% are male. Central American media is continuing to urge illegals to pour in, boasting that the Obama Administration will do nothing. [Central American Media Promote Illegal Child Immigration Tsunami, Give Tips,by Craig Bannister, CNSNews, June 18, 2014]

The Obama Administration is pretending to care, but this crisis of its own making. The Washington Post reports,

“The Obama administration toughened its border policies Friday, hoping...

Exposed: How the VA Red-Flags ‘Disruptive’ Vets

VA Patient Record FlagsImagine how much better off America's veterans would be if the federal government spent more time delivering actual care and less time compiling tyrannical lists. The death-inducing secret waiting lists for patients are just the tip of the iceberg.

Did you know, for example, that the VA keeps a database on "disgruntled" and "disruptive" vets that results in arbitrarily restricted care?

Disabled Air Force veteran and veterans advocate/attorney Benjamin Krause has been raising questions about the system for months and warning his peers. Under the VA policy on "patient record flags" (PRFs), federal bureaucrats can classify vets as "threats" based on assessments of their "difficult," "annoying" and "non-compliant" behavior.

The VA manual says the flags "are used to alert Veterans Health Administration medical staff and employees of patients whose behavior and characteristics may pose a threat either to their safety, the safety of other patients, or compromise the delivery of quality health care."[PDF]

That last phrase is priceless. Untold numbers of vets are dead, and legions more have languished because of the VA's failure to deliver "quality health care." The Office of Special Counsel just confirmed to President Obama this week that vets across the country were exposed to contaminated drinking water, dirty surgical tools, untrained doctors and neglectful nurses—and that whistleblowers...

Brat Has Written Playbook To Defeat Goodlatte (Treason Lobby-VA) in 2016

See also Could Cantor, Goodlatte Primary Challenges Kill Amnesty/ Immigration Surge? by Pádraic O`Bannon

Immigration patriots already defeated House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, but this is just the beginning. To mangle a line from Michael Corleone, if history has taught us anything, it’s that a good challenger can defeat any incumbent. The Ruling Class is desperately trying to pretend the Cantor election wasn’t about immigration, but other rationales (including the despicable suggestion of anti-Semitism) are thoroughly implausible given Cantor’s seven prior election victories in his rural district. Next target: Bob Goodlatte of Virginia’s 6th district, chairman of the Judiciary Committee

Beneath the usual GOP Leadership mendacity about immigration, Goodlatte also backs the “Latino” conquest, and has pushed Cantor’s Kiddie Dream Act. In May, he told Jonathan Karl of ABC News that a “grand bargain”—meaning an Amnesty/ Immigration Surge—is coming:

“The grand bargain here is, we need to have an agreement that if we find the appropriate status for people who have been here a long time and pay back taxes and pay a fine and do some other things … allow them to stay here, but for the future, there would be zero tolerance of illegal immigration.”

The United States should also focus on attracting skilled foreign workers, who are often educated at U.S. colleges and universities, Goodlatte told Karl.

“We want them to stay here and create jobs here,” he said.

[Top Republican Refuses to Predict When Congress Will Vote on Immigration, by Erin Dooley, ABCNews, May 2, 2014]

This might be a “grand bargain” for “Latino” illegals, but not for the rest of us. And no, we don’t want them to “stay here” , take jobs, and vote Democrat. But that doesn’t matter to Goodlatte.

Writing about the Judiciary Chairman’s reaction to the Cantor “stunner,” George Will supplied one reason Goodlatte loves foreign colonists: He’s

Make Congress Vote On War

With the Islamic warriors of ISIS having captured all the border posts between Iraq, Syria and Jordan, we may be witnessing the end of Sykes-Picot. That was the secret 1916 treaty by which the British and French carved up the Ottoman Empire, with the Brits taking Transjordan and Iraq, and the French Syria and Lebanon. [...]

Heritage Foundation Fired Richwine Over Truth About Immigrants–Now Wants To Cash In On Brat vs. Cantor

On June 13th, I received an email from the Heritage Foundation inviting me to take a strange poll. The email was signed by Rob Bluey, [Email him] the editor in chief of the Daily Signal. The Daily Signal is the Heritage Foundation’s multimedia arm. The email and the poll revealed a disgusting, greasy sort of hypocrisy that I want to make known to readers.

I got on the Heritage Foundation’s email list because a few years ago I was looking for a new job and figured a politically-conservative organization would be a good fit. Heritage happens to offer a helpful job bank for this purpose, delivered about once a week by email. (It’s so helpful, in fact, that I would recommend signing up to any VDARE.COM readers looking for work.)

Heritage uses email addresses collected in this way to send out newsletters, event notifications, invitations to take polls and surveys, and other things like that. I’m sure there is an easy way to opt-out of all this, but it is unobtrusive enough that I never bothered to. Besides, a few of the articles have been worth reading.

From my email on the 13th, the poll to which I was directed was vague and, from an empirical data-gathering standpoint, likely scientifically useless. It seemed obvious that its purpose was instead to provide a way for a future article to say something like “In a recent Heritage Foundation survey, it was found that X% of self-identified conservatives think Y.”

Here is the poll’s full text...

Foreword To The Kindle Edition Of PAVED WITH GOOD INTENTIONS

James Fulford writes: We’ve frequently referred to an “interglacial” period in the 90s, when mainstream publishers sponsored the publication of a number of best-selling [!] books on race that told the truth about America’s racial problems.

Jacob Weisberg, reviewing Alien Nation in the New Yorker, wrote that this sort of thing shouldn’t be allowed. “Not so long ago, the literature of egregious bigotry was treated like pornography. You had to send for it by mail—from backwoods presses that advertised in the classified sections of conservative magazines—or frequent the political equivalent of dirty bookstores.”

Well, Jared Taylor’s classic Paved With Good Intentions is certainly the kind of book Weisberg would like to ban, yet it was published by Carrol & Graf in 1992, and reviewed in National Review by Peter Brimelow, in the Wall Street Journal by Clint Bolick, and many other mainstream outlets. (The Detroit Free Press didn’t like it.)

Now, years later, it would impossible to find a mainstream publisher for it, and it’s possible you could get fired for possessing it.

However, technology comes to your rescue—you can now download it onto your Kindle, iPhone, iPad, or Android device instantly, for only seven dollars.

paved_with_good_m[1]Again, I must begin with thanks to the people who made this edition possible. We live in evil times, and they have asked that I not mention them by name and I have reluctantly complied, but it is they and they alone who have kept this book alive.

Sadly, preservation of older books may be more important than ever. In the preface to the 2004 edition of Paved With Good Intentions, I mentioned half a dozen books that had appeared after mine in the 1990s and that seemed to presage a breakthrough on race. That breakthrough never came. The new century has seen an almost complete retreat by the mainstream press from anything but orthodoxy. Gregory Cochran and Henry Harpending’s 2009 book, The 10,000 Year Explosion, is a startling exception.

Why did publishers show the white feather? It is part of the new Dark Age that has fallen across the entire Western world. Doctrinaire egalitarians are now so desperate and vindictive—and still so powerful—that few people dare challenge them openly, and race and nationalism are not the only fields in which dissent is banned. We are to believe that not only are races equal but that religions, cultures, nations, sexes, and

John Derbyshire: Hillary—Lead Balloon Or Great White Hope? And Can The GOP Win The White Working Class?


When Hillary Clinton finally retires from public life, my reaction will be similar that of Samuel Johnson’s publisher, Andrew Millar, after years of editorial struggle to get his Dictionary written and published—Thank God we have done with her!

She's still around though, and I have to deliver to you the news about her doings.

Fortunately this week's news is good—heart-warming, in fact. At any rate, I came away from it smiling and chuckling.

Hillary has a new book out, telling us all how wonderful she is, and what a great job she did as Secretary of State. The good news is, that the book is being greeted with well-nigh uncontrollable apathy. First week sales are about one hundred thousand. That's one-fifth of the first week sales for Sarah Palin's book back in 2009. By midweek Hillary's book was being beaten in the Amazon sales rankings by a book titled 10-Day Green Smoothie Cleanse: Lose Up to 15 Pounds in 10 Days!

Hillary hasn't done much better on the TV talk-show circuit. She got two big prime-time interviews on cable news Tuesday evening, but ratings were lackluster.

Looks like people don't much want to hear what Hillary has to say. Perhaps we're getting close to Millar time—that blessed day when we can say: "Thank God we have done with her!"

There has been an interesting little counter-current in the Hillary talk recently, though. The argument is, in a nutshell, that Hillary is skilfully positioning herself ...

House Leader Kevin McCarthy (Chamber of Commerce-CA) Is A Blessing in Disguise


The House Republicans have replaced defeated Amnesty shill Eric Cantor with Amnesty shill Kevin McCarthy as their new Majority Leader. Having learned nothing and forgotten nothing, the Republican Establishment is doubling down on its vision of a party of Politically Correct corporate lobbyists. But immigration patriots should take heart—this development widens the divide within the Republican Party and increases the probability of a new movement centered squarely on stopping mass immigration appearing on the national scene. The Republican Establishment’s arrogance and stupidity should be seen as an opportunity.

The opportunity lies in the political reality that even mainstream conservative stalwarts like Red State’s Erick Erickson are fed up with the GOP’s betrayal of immigration patriots. Unconsciously (or perhaps consciously?) echoing the late Sam Francis’s famous joke, Erickson wrote in a post called “The Stupid Party” soon after Cantor’s defeat that House Republicans have decided to “ignore the results as a meaningless anomaly” and “Amnesty is coming… They care more about Wall Street dollars than Main Street voters. “[RedState, June 12, 2014]

Kevin McCarthy is a particularly obnoxious breed of traitor, eagerly facilitating the loss of California to the Reconquistas if it means he can cling on to office just a little bit longer. McCarthy exists to serve the interests of his large donors, especially

NY-22: Laughable Lies of Liberal Open Borders Republicans

How do you spell “sidesplitting chutzpah“? In New York’s 22nd congressional district, it’s spelled: R-I-C-H-A-R-D H-A-N-N-A. He’s the liberal GOP incumbent trying to cling to public office by smearing the Marine mom, small-business owner, lawyer and conservative state assemblywoman poised to take his seat next week. Claudia Tenney is as rock-solid of a Republican as [...]