The Wayback Machine -
Kolyma, GULAG, the 'Road of Bones' (Obama Approved)
Gułag 1985 VHSRip / Gulag 1985 Polskie napisy [Cały Film]
[2006] Der Internationale Gulag
Gone to Gulag: Diary of a Soviet Schoolgirl
Gulag sovietici, le isole delle lacrime.(Racconta: RaiTre)
Film - Bekstvo iz ruskog logora Gulag - Srpski titl
Russian Gulag Prison Camp
Gulag 3.3
La historia secreta de Archipiélago Gulag. 2008
Im Schatten des Gulag: Als Deutsche unter Stalin geboren Doku (2011)


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'Gulag' is featured as a movie character in the following productions:

Hero Of The Day (2012)


Mark Chambers, a down and out former professional football player plans to redeem himself unbeknown-st to Allen, a documentary filmmaker capturing a day in the hero's life. A thrilling and heartfelt (found footage) drama, the first of its kind.


Kamandag (2007)


Kamandag is a tale of a half-human, half-snake creature who is forced to live in the mortal world because of the conflict he brings in his birthplace. With his snake-like powers, he becomes a sort of hero in his town and the people begin calling him Kamandag.

Keywords: anti-hero, based-on-comic, based-on-cult-comic-book, dimension, half-breed, human-form, jungle, mutated-human, snake-man, virus




  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:30:59
  • Updated: 30 Jul 2013


Нам никогда не узнать, сколько человек стали жертвами строительства коммунизма за период между Октябрьской революцией 1917 года и смертью Сталина в марте 195...СССР-ГУЛАГ -СОЛОВКИ USSR-gulag-Solovki
Kolyma, GULAG, the 'Road of Bones' (Obama Approved)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 45:05
  • Updated: 18 Aug 2013

Kolyma, GULAG, the 'Road of Bones' (Obama Approved)

"Looking back, we wonder: could Stalinism have been as bad as we feared? Kolyma answers with a resounding "yes." Exploring the legendary Siberian prison camp...
  • published: 29 Mar 2012
  • views: 20335
  • author: MrLads13, GULAG, the 'Road of Bones' (Obama Approved)
Gułag 1985 VHSRip / Gulag 1985 Polskie napisy [Cały Film]
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:59:09
  • Updated: 23 Nov 2013

Gułag 1985 VHSRip / Gulag 1985 Polskie napisy [Cały Film]

Amerykanin Mickey Almon (David Keith), były olimpijczyk, zostaje korespondentem sportowym w Moskwie. Pewnego dnia przypadkowo poznany Rosjanin proponuje mu udział w przemycie do Stanów Zjednoczonych dokumentów o prowadzonych w Rosji tajnych badaniach naukowych. Almon zgadza się wziąć udział w akcji szpiegowskiej. Ma nadzieję, że w ten sposób dokona czegoś wielkiego i przejdzie do historii. Niebawem zostaje aresztowany przez KGB, oskarżony o szpiegostwo i zesłany do jednego z obozów na Syberii. Tam rozpoczyna desperacką walkę o przetrwanie, w końcu podejmuje również próbę ucieczki...
  • published: 23 Nov 2013
  • views: 226łag 1985 VHSRip / Gulag 1985 Polskie napisy [Cały Film]
[2006] Der Internationale Gulag
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:16:02
  • Updated: 22 Mar 2014

[2006] Der Internationale Gulag

Der Internationale Gulag Film von Thibaut d'Oiron u. Peter Hercombe. Dieser außergewöhnliche Dokumentarfilm gibt Zeugnis, wie hundertausende von Ausländern aller Nationen unbemerkt in die sowjetischen Zwangsarbeitslager, in den Gulag, verschleppt und verbannt wurden. Man sagt, es gibt keine Nation auf dieser Erde, die nicht im Gulag zu finden war. So wurden Amerikaner, Japaner, Franzosen, Engländer, Italiener, Deutsche, Schweizer, Chinesen ein Teil der ZEK, im russischen Volksmund die Bezeichnung für die Häftlinge des Gulag. Der Film enthüllt ein grausames Verbrechen, eine Epoche, die von der Geschichte übersehen wurde. Der Filmemacher ging mit einer Handvoll Überlebender auf deren Spuren zurück in einige Lager. Das kurzzeitige Öffnen geheimer KGB-Archive beweist ein ungeahntes Ausmaß des Internationalen Gulag. Man spricht dort von ca. 30 Millionen Opfern, die tatsächliche Zahl wird man nie erfahren. Ein 1918 schriftlich erteilter Befehl Lenins ordnet bereits die willkürliche Verhaftung von Ausländern im Land an. Der Internationale Gulag ist ein historisches Dokument, das heute und immer mahnt.
  • published: 22 Mar 2014
  • views: 0[2006] Der Internationale Gulag
Gone to Gulag: Diary of a Soviet Schoolgirl
  • Order:
  • Duration: 25:41
  • Updated: 19 Aug 2013

Gone to Gulag: Diary of a Soviet Schoolgirl

"I have a weird feeling that I keep a diary for somebody else rather than myself. Quite often I shudder at the thought that I might say something wrong." The...
  • published: 16 Jan 2011
  • views: 29260
  • author: RussiaToday to Gulag: Diary of a Soviet Schoolgirl
Gulag sovietici, le isole delle lacrime.(Racconta: RaiTre)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 38:11
  • Updated: 29 Jun 2013

Gulag sovietici, le isole delle lacrime.(Racconta: RaiTre)

I Gulag, il "giocattolino" per eccellenza di Stalin ma gestiti però, dalla polizia politica dell'URSS, costituirono il sistema penale dei campi, ai lavori fo...
  • published: 29 Jun 2013
  • views: 9
  • author: Videoluci1 sovietici, le isole delle lacrime.(Racconta: RaiTre)
Film - Bekstvo iz ruskog logora Gulag - Srpski titl
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:07:22
  • Updated: 06 Jan 2014

Film - Bekstvo iz ruskog logora Gulag - Srpski titl

Film je radjen po istinitom dogadjaju.
  • published: 06 Jan 2014
  • views: 357 - Bekstvo iz ruskog logora Gulag - Srpski titl
Russian Gulag Prison Camp
  • Order:
  • Duration: 8:54
  • Updated: 12 Aug 2013

Russian Gulag Prison Camp "Perm 36" - Inside Tour

See all my other videos here: Some people really like some of them, many people hate them, some (mostly from Oregon) even believe them to b...
  • published: 19 Jul 2011
  • views: 138794
  • author: Alun Hill Gulag Prison Camp "Perm 36" - Inside Tour
Gulag 3.3
  • Order:
  • Duration: 10:50
  • Updated: 23 Aug 2010

Gulag 3.3

We will never know how many people were victims of communism between the October Revolution of 1917 and Stalins death in March 1953. Some historians say 20 m... 3.3
La historia secreta de Archipiélago Gulag. 2008
  • Order:
  • Duration: 51:11
  • Updated: 09 Aug 2013

La historia secreta de Archipiélago Gulag. 2008

"La historia secreta de Archipiélago Gulag", es una producción de 2008, de 50 minutos de duración, dirigida por Jean Crépu y Nicolas Miletitch y producida po...
  • published: 30 Aug 2012
  • views: 3841
  • author: Jaluzaga historia secreta de Archipiélago Gulag. 2008
Im Schatten des Gulag: Als Deutsche unter Stalin geboren Doku (2011)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 1:26:58
  • Updated: 09 Jan 2014

Im Schatten des Gulag: Als Deutsche unter Stalin geboren Doku (2011)

Als Deutsche unter Stalin geboren - In ihrem Film beschäftigt sich die Dokumentarfilmerin Loretta Walz (Grimme-Preis 2006 für "Die Frauen von Ravensbrück") mit einem bisher weitgehend unbekannten Aspekt der jüngeren deutschen Vergangenheit: Sie beleuchtet die Geschichte der Kinder deutscher Emigranten, die mit ihren Eltern in den dreißiger Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts ins Exil in die Sowjetunion gehen oder dort geboren werden. Während der stalinistischen Säuberungen werden ihre Mütter oder Väter als "Feinde des Sowjetvolkes", als Trotzkisten, Faschisten, Spione, Verräter oder Saboteure verhaftet, mit Folter zu "Geständnissen" gezwungen und in Lager des Gulag verschleppt oder ermordet. Ihre Kinder kommen in Heime, andere werden mit ihren Eltern nach Sibirien oder Kasachstan deportiert. Viele müssen Zwangsarbeit leisten, Hunderte sterben. Erst in den fünfziger Jahren werden die überlebenden Eltern rehabilitiert und dürfen mit ihren Kindern nach Deutschland zurückkehren in die DDR. Dort sind die Kinder, inzwischen meist Jugendliche oder junge Erwachsene, Fremde, sie sprechen die Sprache nicht und werden diesmal als "Russen" ausgegrenzt. Sie werden zwar nicht mehr bedroht, können ohne zu hungern unter menschenwürdigen Bedingungen leben und ein bürgerliches Leben beginnen aber über ihre Vergangenheit, ihre schrecklichen Erfahrungen und grausamen Erlebnisse zu reden, wird ihren verboten. Schließlich wird die DDR von Männern regiert, die zum Teil ebenfalls aus dem sowjetischen Exil zurückkehrten und in den Jahren des stalinistischen Terrors nicht auf der Seite der Opfer gestanden hatten. Diese Männer haben viele auch sehr persönliche Gründe, über die Zeit in der UdSSR zu schweigen und das Schweigen darüber zu verordnen. Loretta Walz und ihre Co-Autorin Annette Leo haben 21 dieser "Kinder des Gulag" ausfindig gemacht. Im Film sprechen acht von ihnen über ihr Leben und das Schicksal ihrer Eltern in der Sowjetunion und in der DDR. Viele hatten ihre Erinnerungen noch nie zuvor in Worte gefasst.
  • published: 09 Jan 2014
  • views: 29 Schatten des Gulag: Als Deutsche unter Stalin geboren Doku (2011)
  • Order:
  • Duration: 2:29
  • Updated: 25 May 2013


From BBC documentary on GULAG.
  • published: 08 May 2012
  • views: 1643
  • author: vid512 sex
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - The Gulag Archipelago
  • Order:
  • Duration: 41:38
  • Updated: 26 Mar 2013

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - The Gulag Archipelago The GULAG Archipelago 1918-1956 An Experiment in Literary Investigation By A...
  • published: 07 Mar 2013
  • views: 2636
  • author: DEADNEST1 Solzhenitsyn - The Gulag Archipelago
Soviet Gulag
  • Order:
  • Duration: 7:23
  • Updated: 13 Aug 2013

Soviet Gulag

RU14, 1930s, W/out sound. Propaganda film about the construction of the BAM railway (Baikal-Amur Mainline), 1937. Hard labour camp / gulag in Siberia : huts ... Gulag
  • СССР-ГУЛАГ -СОЛОВКИ USSR-gulag-Solovki
    СССР-ГУЛАГ -СОЛОВКИ USSR-gulag-Solovki
  • Kolyma, GULAG, the 'Road of Bones' (Obama Approved)
    Kolyma, GULAG, the 'Road of Bones' (Obama Approved)
  • Gułag 1985 VHSRip / Gulag 1985 Polskie napisy [Cały Film]
    Gułag 1985 VHSRip / Gulag 1985 Polskie napisy [Cały Film]
  • [2006] Der Internationale Gulag
    [2006] Der Internationale Gulag
  • Gone to Gulag: Diary of a Soviet Schoolgirl
    Gone to Gulag: Diary of a Soviet Schoolgirl
  • Gulag sovietici, le isole delle lacrime.(Racconta: RaiTre)
    Gulag sovietici, le isole delle lacrime.(Racconta: RaiTre)
  • Film - Bekstvo iz ruskog logora Gulag - Srpski titl
    Film - Bekstvo iz ruskog logora Gulag - Srpski titl
  • Russian Gulag Prison Camp
    Russian Gulag Prison Camp "Perm 36" - Inside Tour
  • Gulag 3.3
    Gulag 3.3
  • La historia secreta de Archipiélago Gulag. 2008
    La historia secreta de Archipiélago Gulag. 2008
  • Im Schatten des Gulag: Als Deutsche unter Stalin geboren Doku (2011)
    Im Schatten des Gulag: Als Deutsche unter Stalin geboren Doku (2011)
  • GULAG sex
    GULAG sex
  • Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - The Gulag Archipelago
    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn - The Gulag Archipelago
  • Soviet Gulag
    Soviet Gulag


Нам никогда не узнать, сколько человек стали жертвами строительства коммунизма за период между Октябрьской революцией 1917 года и смертью Сталина в марте 195...

Нам никогда не узнать, сколько человек стали жертвами строительства коммунизма за период м...
pub­lished: 05 Feb 2013
au­thor: taras Kozarljuk
Koly­ma, GULAG, the 'Road of Bones' (Obama Ap­proved)
"Look­ing back, we won­der: could Stal­in­ism have been as bad as we feared? Koly­ma an­swers wi...
pub­lished: 29 Mar 2012
au­thor: Mr­Lad­s13
Gułag 1985 VH­SRip / Gulag 1985 Pol­skie napisy [Cały Film]
Amerykanin Mick­ey Almon (David Keith), były olimpi­jczyk, zosta­je ko­re­spon­den­tem sportowym ...
pub­lished: 23 Nov 2013
[2006] Der In­ter­na­tionale Gulag
Der In­ter­na­tionale Gulag Film von Thibaut d'Oiron u. Peter Her­combe. Dieser außergewöhnlic...
pub­lished: 22 Mar 2014
Gone to Gulag: Diary of a So­vi­et School­girl
"I have a weird feel­ing that I keep a diary for some­body else rather than my­self. Quite of...
pub­lished: 16 Jan 2011
Gulag so­vi­eti­ci, le isole delle lacrime.(Rac­con­ta: RaiTre)
I Gulag, il "gio­cat­toli­no" per ec­cel­len­za di Stal­in ma gesti­ti però, dalla polizia politic...
pub­lished: 29 Jun 2013
au­thor: Vide­olu­ci1
Film - Bek­st­vo iz ruskog lo­go­ra Gulag - Srp­s­ki titl
Film je rad­jen po is­tinit­om do­gad­ja­ju....
pub­lished: 06 Jan 2014
Rus­sian Gulag Prison Camp "Perm 36" - In­side Tour
See all my other videos here: http://​vid.​io/​xBU Some peo­ple re­al­ly like some of them, many...
pub­lished: 19 Jul 2011
au­thor: Alun Hill
Gulag 3.3
We will never know how many peo­ple were vic­tims of com­mu­nism be­tween the Oc­to­ber Rev­o­lu­tio...
pub­lished: 24 May 2010
La his­to­ria sec­re­ta de Archipiélago Gulag. 2008
"La his­to­ria sec­re­ta de Archipiélago Gulag", es una pro­duc­ción de 2008, de 50 min­u­tos de d...
pub­lished: 30 Aug 2012
au­thor: Jaluza­ga
Im Schat­ten des Gulag: Als Deutsche unter Stal­in ge­boren Doku (2011)
Als Deutsche unter Stal­in ge­boren - In ihrem Film beschäftigt sich die Doku­men­tarfilmerin ...
pub­lished: 09 Jan 2014
From BBC doc­u­men­tary on GULAG....
pub­lished: 08 May 2012
au­thor: vid512
Alek­san­dr Solzhen­it­syn - The Gulag Archipela­go
http://​archive.​org/​stream/​Gulag_​Archipelago_​I/​Gulag_​Archipelago#​page/​n1/​mode/​2up The GULAG...
pub­lished: 07 Mar 2013
au­thor: DEADNEST1
So­vi­et Gulag
RU14, 1930s, W/out sound. Pro­pa­gan­da film about the con­struc­tion of the BAM rail­way (Baika...
pub­lished: 19 Aug 2010
au­thor: Footage File
Youtube results:
The Gulag Lives On - Rus­sia
June 2003 In the forests of south­ern Siberia, work­ers are still work­ing as serfs in the Gu...
pub­lished: 13 Mar 2008
DOKU 8 Hor­ror Trips Flucht aus dem Gulag
pub­lished: 29 Dec 2013
"Gulag" Clip -- Mup­pets Most Want­ed
Mup­pets Most Want­ed -- On Blu-ray Combo Pack & Dig­i­tal HD 8/12. Pre-or­der Now: http://di.s...
pub­lished: 31 May 2014
Eine Kind­heit im Gulag Teil 1/2
Anna Kar­low­na-Lengen­felder er­litt in­s­ge­samt 12 Jahre Ter­ror in sow­jetis­chen Straflagern. A...
pub­lished: 24 Mar 2012
au­thor: Post­boteify
photo: Creative Commons / Grin160
Abubakar shekau
Edit Mashable
24 Jun 2014
Islamist militants have reportedly taken another 60 girls and 31 boys in northeast Nigeria, compounding a crisis that began in April when the same group kidnapped more than 200 girls. The latest abductions were made public on Tuesday by the Associated Press, whose reporters couldn't safely verify the information. Nigerians reportedly witnessed the abductions on Saturday in the village of Kummabza ... See also ... Image ... ....(size: 2.9Kb)
photo: AP / Ricardo Mazalan
Uruguay's Luis Suarez holds his teeth after running into Italy's Giorgio Chiellini's shoulder during the group D World Cup soccer match between Italy and Uruguay at the Arena das Dunas in Natal, Brazil, Tuesday, June 24, 2014.
Edit The Times of India
25 Jun 2014
RIO DE JANEIRO. FIFA said it has opened a disciplinary probe against Luis Suarez of Uruguay for allegedly biting an Italian opponent during a World Cup game Tuesday. Full Coverage. World Cup 2014 . Points Table . Schedule & Results. Uruguay won the game 1-0 but it was overshadowed by the incident involving Suarez and Italy's Giorgio Chiellini. Suarez has already banned twice before in his career for biting opponents ... "I didn't see it ... ....(size: 4.1Kb)
photo: AP
In this undated file picture released on Friday Nov. 29, 2013, and posted on the Facebook page of a militant group, members of Ahrar al-Sham brigade, one of the Syrian rebels groups, exercise in a train camp at unknown place in Syria. With a new label - the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant - the global terror network al-Qaida is positioning itself as a vanguard defending a persecuted Sunni community
Edit Sydney Morning Herald
24 Jun 2014
When Argentina's Lionel Messi curled a sumptuous strike past the opposition goalkeeper deep in stoppage time during a match against Iran on Sunday, his nation heaved a sigh of relief ... Advertisement ....(size: 1.2Kb)
photo: AP / via militant website
This file image posted on a militant website on Saturday, June 14, 2014, which has been verified and is consistent with other AP reporting, appears to show militants from the al-Qaida-inspired Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) leading away captured Iraqi soldiers dressed in plain clothes after taking over a base in Tikrit, Iraq.
Edit San Francisco Chronicle
27 Jun 2014
BAGHDAD (AP) — Iraqi insurgents executed at least 160 captives earlier this month in the northern city of Tikrit, Human Rights Watch said Friday, citing an analysis of satellite imagery and grisly photos released by the militants. The U.S.-based rights group said militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant killed between 160 and 190 men in two locations in Tikrit between June 11 and June 14 ... Gen ... ....(size: 2.6Kb)
photo: Creative Commons / Flickr upload bot
Phil Collins Berlin
Edit Newsday
26 Jun 2014
Related media. Travel deals. SAN ANTONIO - (AP) -- Remember the Alamo? Phil Collins sure does. The British 1980s music icon is in San Antonio on Thursday, announcing the donation of his vast collection of artifacts related to the 1836 Battle of the Alamo and the Texas Revolution. Texas Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson says the 63-year-old Genesis singer-drummer is looking for a home for his collection ... All rights reserved ... Add comment ... . ....(size: 2.5Kb)

Edit The Guardian
27 Jun 2014
Immigration minister tells asylum seekers to return home or face a 'very very long time' in detention. Scott Morrison says the video is an 'orientation message' for new asylum seeker arrivals. Photograph. Alan Porritt/AAP ... “This footage has confirmed that is the intention of the Abbott government to let refugees languish in the gulags of Manus Island and Nauru indefinitely,” said the Australian Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young ... ....(size: 2.7Kb)
Edit The Examiner
27 Jun 2014
Directed by. Joon-ho Bong. Starring. Chris Evans, Tilda Swinton, Jamie Bell, Ed Harris, John Hurt, and Ewan Bremner. The Plot. In an effort to solve global warming mankind accidentally unleashes the seed of their extinction ... The haves and the have-nots ... The Film ... They live in squalor and rage against their betters in the front - only because they seek the same lavish lifestyle they've learned to hate over seventeen years of gulag living ... ....(size: 6.2Kb)
Edit Entertainment Weekly
26 Jun 2014
A few months after he played Captain America for the second time in The Avengers, and a few months before he’d play Captain America for the third time in Captain America. The Winter Soldier, Chris Evans went to Prague in the spring of 2012 to film Snowpiercer (rated R, out now) ... Snowpiercer. See Full Coverage. Exclusive video ... Snowpiercer was shot almost entirely on a series of train-car sets, beginning at the gulag-like back ... One issue ... ....(size: 7.5Kb)
Edit The Charlotte Observer
26 Jun 2014
ALAN PARTRIDGE 2 1/2 stars. Steve Coogan imports his long-running stock comic character to the U.S. Partridge, a small-town British DJ, is a vainglorious twit. In this thin feature he gets caught up in a siege at his station that goes on far, far too long. 1 hr. 30 R (profanity, violence, nudity) - David Hiltbrand ... And through it all ... 2 hrs ... 1 hr ... An evil frog is masquerading as Kermit while the real thing is hopping mad in a Russian gulag....(size: 29.9Kb)
Edit The Guardian
25 Jun 2014
It seems as though Sudan's persecution of Meriam Ibrahim will not end ... But as well as hoping that she is finally liberated, her plight should draw attention to the persecution of Christians across the globe ... I think this counterposing is unhelpful ... tens of thousands of Christians are believed to be locked up in Gulag-style work camps, although it should be said that life is hardly a bundle of laughs for many other North Koreans either ... ....(size: 3.7Kb)
Edit The Guardian
25 Jun 2014
Response made after Northern Ireland shopper says she found message from Chinese dissident inside their trousers. Primark customer Karen Wisínska says she was shocked to find the note and card inside the trousers. Photograph. Clive Gee/PA ... Primark said that while it would investigate her claims there was no evidence any of their clothes are made from slave labour in Chinese gulags. Primark said ... Wisínska said ... "It is a horrific tale ... ....(size: 4.0Kb)
Edit Huffington Post
25 Jun 2014
WASHINGTON -- An investigation targeting Wisconsin Gov ... In May, U.S. District Judge Rudolph Randa concurred with the state judge in . Analogizing the investigation to "attempts to purify the public square" that lead to "the Guillotine and the Gulag," Randa suspended the probe and ordered that all evidence be returned immediately ... The case has moved to the U.S ... A recent report from professors Daniel Tojaki and Renata E.B ... ....(size: 5.6Kb)
Edit Huffington Post
25 Jun 2014
The Korean War started 64 years ago today on June 25, 1950. The time has come for the United States and the rest of the world to accept that North Korea has, or will soon have, nuclear weapons ... The U.S ... South Africa had a happy ending ... The systematic and institutionalized nature of the brutality in North Korea is truly unique today, exceeding, most likely, the historical heights of totalitarianism in Stalin's gulags or Mao's labor camps....(size: 8.4Kb)
Edit The Guardian
25 Jun 2014
Off limits to the public but enjoyed by Soviet-era leaders, the Lenin Library collection grew out of erotica confiscated from aristocrats after the revolution. The Moscow Times reports. A nude drawing from the collection, much of which is too explicit to publish. Photograph. Joy Neumeyer/Moscow Times ... Photograph ... “Yes and no,” she said ... How did Skorodumov amass such a collection when owning a foreign title could result in a Gulag sentence?....(size: 10.1Kb)
Edit Huffington Post
24 Jun 2014
Nearly 70 years after the untimely death of U.S. General George S. Patton, suspicions linger as to the nature and circumstances surrounding the demise of this formidable military genius ... Within three weeks, Patton would lose his final battle, and the fate of post-war Germany would be sealed for several decades ... In so doing, the destiny of millions was reduced to mass starvation, blood revenge, and distant gulags ... Simpson ... ....(size: 7.6Kb)
Edit BBC News
24 Jun 2014
Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, which depicts the rise and fall of socialism and a totalitarian regime The Master and Margarita, a satire on Soviet society by Mikhail Bulgakov The Gulag Archipelago, by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, about life in a Soviet forced labour camp was published in the West in 1973, but not published in the Soviet Union until 1989 We by Yevgeny Zamyatin, a dystopian satire on state control completed in 1921....(size: 10.1Kb)
Edit Caixin Online
23 Jun 2014
By Nailene Chou Wiest ... Lu Yanshi, like countless intellectuals of his generation, spends many hellish years in the Chinese gulag ... ....(size: 0.8Kb)
Edit Sydney Morning Herald
23 Jun 2014
But it might also be ingenious ... In one talk at the festival, Tolokonnikova and Alekinha will share their experiences from the Gulag; in another they will be joined by writer Masha Gessen (who followed up her The Man Without a Face ... Advertisement ....(size: 1.4Kb)

The Gulag (Russian: ГУЛаг, tr. GULag; IPA: [ɡʊˈlak] ( listen)) was the government agency that administered the main Soviet forced labor camp systems. While the camps housed a wide range of convicts, from petty criminals to political prisoners, large numbers were convicted by simplified procedures, such as NKVD troikas and other instruments of extrajudicial punishment. The Gulag is recognized as a major instrument of political repression in the Soviet Union.

GULag is the acronym for Chief Administration of Corrective Labor Camps and Colonies (Russian: Гла́вное управле́ние исправи́тельно-трудовы́х лагере́й и коло́ний, tr. Glavnoye upravlyeniye ispravityel'no-trudovih lagyeryey i koloniy) of the NKVD. It was officially created on April 25, 1930 and dissolved on January 13, 1960.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, winner of the 1970 Nobel Prize in Literature, introduced the term to the Western world with the 1973 publication of his The Gulag Archipelago. The book likened the scattered camps to "a chain of islands" and depicted the Gulag as a system where people were worked to death.[neutrality is disputed] Some scholars[quantify] concur with this view, whereas others[quantify] argue that the Gulag was neither as large nor as deadly as it is often presented, and it did not have death camps, although during some periods of its history, mortality was high in the labor camps.

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Aleksandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn (play /slʒəˈntsɨn/;Russian: Алекса́ндр Иса́евич Солжени́цын, pronounced [ɐlʲɪˈksandr ɪˈsaɪvʲɪtɕ səlʐɨˈnʲitsɨn]; 11 December 1918 – 3 August 2008) was a writer, who, through his often-suppressed writings, helped to raise global awareness of the gulag, the Soviet Union's forced labor camp system – particularly in The Gulag Archipelago and One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, two of his best-known works. Solzhenitsyn was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1970. He was expelled from the Soviet Union in 1974 but returned to Russia in 1994 after the Soviet system had collapsed.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was born in Kislovodsk, RSFSR (now in Stavropol Krai, Russia). His mother, Taisiya Solzhenitsyna (née Shcherbak) was Ukrainian. Her father had apparently risen from humble beginnings, as something of a self-made man. Eventually, he acquired a large estate in the Kuban region in the northern foothills of the Caucasus. During World War I, Taisiya went to Moscow to study. While there she met and married Isaakiy Solzhenitsyn, a young officer in the Imperial Russian Army of Cossack origins and fellow native of the Caucasus region. The family background of his parents is vividly brought to life in the opening chapters of August 1914, and in the later Red Wheel novels.

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This article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License, which means that you can copy and modify it as long as the entire work (including additions) remains under this license.

Captain Save A Hoe (remix)feat. The Click
Ah is a, Ah is a
Should I save her (I wanna be saved)
Ah is a, Ah is a
Should I save her (I wanna be saved)
Ah is a, Ah is a
Should I save her (I wanna be saved)
It's 1994 and fools need to miss me be savin' these
You know how these tricks be, be buyin' em' clothes
Wanna taxi those on vogues with the beat
And have em' sittin' next to em' in the front seat
But not B see I'm a hog up out the V
And my motto is bust a batch and hit the throttle
To the smoke talkin' on my Okie doe
World wide I got a clydes up in Tokoyo
Look up in the sky it's a bird it's a plane
What's that fool name? (Captain save a hoe main)
More faster than a speeding bullet
To put on his cape and scared
I put the fake the fake the funk the funk
To me that's not the way to do it
Captain mutha-f em' Save a soul came to me
Flexin' just like a little ol' batch
All up in front of my company
Had to check him fast with an ear check dump and
Talkin' to him while I'm beatin' him down
Pumpin' fear talkin' bout partner you gone retrospect
something here
Mr. Super-Snitch, Mr. Super-Trick
Yeah, you wanna kill me cause I tossed ya chick
You should had your cape on tight that night
Cause a brother like the Shot sho plugs em' right
And now yo batch is straight callin me lovin me
On the under for the porno star that I be
And don't you come in my face with that trick shhh
Ya betta try some more shhh
I got the gift to grab any batch
That I want but I don't
Cause batches now a days will get you caught up in some
Oh no, I'm not tryin' to save you girls 'n
How come when I was broke you wasn't brown nosin'?
The other day you see me smobbin' down magazine
With some ol' sucker in your car lookin' at me mean
I stopped in the middle of the street
Reached under seat to grab my heat
Man that's the same ol' buster
that I got into it with at the club last week
Man them suckers can't fade
They batch made
And so they start
But suckers with no heart
Don't want no part to this
Fool rollin' with the Funk Mobb
And when it's funk
The pump will spit them double laws
So what you doin' when we roll through you hideout
I let my mack get off and then I rides out
With your as* there smokin' like a dope fiend
You savin em' man and that's batch thang
I'm lovin' tricks when I'm pimpin'
And even snitches just for my riches
Captain Save Me, it's all good if ya slippin'
It's all good as long as ya payin' yeah
It ain't my fault if you get sprung off my land
I'm takin' GA checks, go to the bank Hank
If ya comin' faulty, you get ganked main
Long as a trick comes fallin' down
That gets me all upset to put on my suit and clown
But make that man take care your kids
Make that fella call your kids his
Make that mark get out there and work
Make him fool buy you a Brinun Burk
It's all part of that sucker take care of me
Crevice whipped fool come save me
Batches out there be on the look out
For Captain save em' though
Cause he's savin though
[Captain Save a Hoe]
Ha ha
Yeah baby, what's up you wanna get your hair done
Come on let's go down to Lee and Kim Nail's
We can get your nails done, get your hair done
What about your kids? How many kids you got? Two?
Ah, yeah that's cool we can go feed and cloth them kids
We can go down and get the hook up at Durant Square
Yeah baby I do anything for ya
Want you phone cranked on, I can get it cranked on to
my name
Matter of fact I get you a cellular phone and a pager
We can get that package deal down there at Cellular One
Baby I'm here for you I got you

* (E-40 talking)
It's just like moonshine,have you on yo face
I mean you be slutterin and what not,next thing you know
You don't know how you got home
I mean this shit is so damn serious playboy
I mean the sherry bombay,????? on some thang's like that
So dig what I say
Verse 1:(E-40&B-Legit;)
I'm so tore,look like my eyes been stiched together like stitches
Ho hopin around wit these bitches,get ya garbage dump wit crickets
But you know me,the life of the party,sluricane anthem
Do what ya mean and make ya fight ya folks wit dr.jekyl
Like the other day I gulped to many swallows
Had them nigga's actin bad at the club wit them power's
Coppin limp dick problem's tryna to get it up
Well oh well,come wit me,i'll have yo shit on stale
I wakes up in the mornin and i'm seperated
In the bag wit my homie's and I sholl hate it
Billy Dean he be trippin cause they don't respect him
The nigga rum,man that nigga get's dumb
I can't wait until they mix me
I'm goin in they mouth,down they throat,into they kidney's
Hurricane havin muthafucka's seein thangs
Courage juice,watch when I get loose
Chrous:2x(Suga T)
Hurricane,but you can call me sluricane
Sluricane,strong enough to start a engine mayne
Verse 2:(D-Shot&Suga; T)
I'm hurvin,swirvin,fuckin wit tycoon shit
Shit,it's time to swip up another mix
Smovin to the sto',oh,it's 1:51
Got to catch Charlie 'fo he close
Too many ho's at the studio that ain't lit
I likes to bring out the freak in a nasty bitch
Studio tone,pop off the shit that ??? wrote
(Suga T)
My crips got hot,seat sweat and all
That hurricane anthem ain't no joke,it'll make a playa fall
Creepy eyes on the sticky rug
But them fools who staright check make em think that hell arose
Knock,knock,hella greedy,got greedy,gotta stay strong
But if I get wrong enough to deal,I can't go wrong
This trick juice will have a playa on his face
Worst then poppy face gin wit no fuckin chase
Verse 3:(B-Legit&E-40;)
Life of the muthafuckin indo weed
Me and nigga's at the bar,keyed
Walkin threw the joint unstumble
They bumpin to bubble
Face like I hate the taste,but now i'm humble
Whisper to a bitch,baby I been watchin you
But when i'm pervin,everything lookin cute
So if you get the boot when my hang over sober
Don't even trip,get yo shit out my range rover
I get's to put how this Spanish fly 90 fin
Influence yo bitch to go both ways,and eat her friend
Shit locked down,muthafucka don't be carin
Who ridin wit my dank cousin Victor Barrin
Hurricane,but you can call me sluricane
Strong enough to start a engine mayne
BITCH,and that's how we do for the nine-teen-ninety fin
And we out this biotch
Out this biotch

Shit don't S-M-O-B
Smob shit
Check it
V-Town in this bitch
Studio Ton
I'm in some deep shit
Got some niggaz from another click
On that ass tryin' to run me off the fuckin' cliff
What should I do, where should I go, how could I fake
Bust a bitch on that ass and try to shake em' bake 'em
Call up cousin B on the phone, all 'cuz I be in a
bit of trouble, a fruithead out here tryin' to turn
your kinfolk
into a vegetable
But I'm hexa-smart smebbin' high performance Dodge
They in a Buick Skylark
Meet me at the fo' niggaz
Got the dough sit real low
I'm on the roof with the fo' fo'
Drive slow
What they ridin'
I'm aiming for they engine block
And when they stop I'm closin' down on they shop
Suga baby they done fucked up
Won't you wait in the cut
While I bust and buck on these nuts
Fuck mercy on a nigga tryin to take mine
Mobb shit with the click'll happen every time
Heard some shots
Fireworks fully auto chops
Sound like they come from around my corner near my knot
Must be folks they done fucked around and went to war
I know the sound that's my nigga B's fo' fo'
On the scene they say a nigga got peeled back
A Skylark wrapped around my neighbor's Cadillac
A pretty sight but a nigga can't say that though
Hot ones echo through the ghetto (through the getto
Hot ones echo through the ghetto
(No gat too black sent hot ones to the back)
Hot ones echo through the ghetto
(Ridin' shotgun lettin' loose hot ones)
Hot ones echo through the ghetto
(But if hollow points is fired niggaz better duck)
Hot ones echo through the ghetto
(Hollow point hot ones dipped in garlic)
I'm in the underbucket
Blastin in the cut
It's the glock goin' buck buck buck
I'm like damn whats up
I had that glock that fit the script
Some of that high powered shit
'Cuz all along I was smoking out them tricks
Hot ones echo through the ghetto lit
This way that-a way I split them dope fiend's wigs
They had me fucked up
Ph-ing on my click
We pound the frowns on those punk ass bitches
See your nigga be's a ridah
Hops inside
7-4 malibu with the do dirt crew
What they wanna do
I ain't shootin' for the stars
Cars or homes
I'm from the town leaving bodies face down
I'm tryin' to stay real cuz niggaz they will
Put you in the cross, fuck around have you halled off
I got moss with the these fools in a major way
Down and dirty to my death day
Gotta watch them riff raffs
Hittin on you when you piss-ass niggaz
Wanna slap my kizz-ass
Might as well have pussy ass niggaz
Hot ones echo through the ghetto bullets ricochet
Bush comin' sheriff better duck that ass down in the
Dope track late night should be poppin' bein it's off
the hook
See if they stay fienden' foamin' at the mouth better
feed them rook
Niggaz better be careful just like jell-o shit be goin'
through metal, sheetrock and stucco hot ones echo
through the ghetto
Hot ones echo through the ghetto
(No gat too black sent hot ones to the back)
Hot ones echo through the ghetto
(Ridin' shotgun lettin' loose hot ones)
Hot ones echo through the ghetto
(But if hollow points is fired niggaz better duck)
Hot ones echo through the ghetto
(Hollow point hot ones dipped in garlic)
Hot ones echo through the ghetto
Hot ones echo through the ghetto
Hot ones echo through the ghetto
(Where they echo at where they echo at nigga?)
Hot ones echo through the ghetto
(B-Legit, you up in this bitch with me nigga)
(Fa sho' boy)
(C-L-I-C-K while...)
Shit is funky
Better keep a trey-eight, quit the bullshit
Better be bullet-proofed out
Better sleep on the floor if you wanna survive
Better know about those hot ones
I said you better know about those hot ones
You better know about those hot ones

Wolf tickets..
Yeah, game goes on nigga
And it ain't no myth for the nigga fifth
C-L-I-C-K shit up in this bitch for rich
I was told a few hands sellin them wolf tickets
Like they gold tryin to be bold
So we here to buy a few
Cash em in check a chin
Cuz hogs play to win
So if you doin' alot of baulkin', can't walk that walk
Take two steps back and look at yourself
Before you wind up in that in that chalk nigga
17 from a broken down hood with no dreams
The only thing I knew was to form a fat team
The Hillside just a small part of the city
Where poppin ass gangstas flossin like me
See I rap
But what I spit gets straight real
I serve no wolf tickets
Nigga I will kill
Any motherfucker that step within my boundry
When you fuck with me, you fuck with my family
Motherfuckers talk hard
But never hit the yard
When they car gets snatched
Lil' ol batch
We can knuckle up take it to the blind
Main line livin' got me diggin
Tryin not to catch no time
They got me locked down cuz I made the dump
17 gettin off nigga bring the funk
And ain't no punk from the start
With no love and no heart
So nigga you can sing the part
Why is they barkin', knowin they know,
Talkin that irrelevant, fat mouth n fo sho,
But since they ain't no tellin what jack told Helen
What the hell is they Sellin'?
Wolf Tickets
Haters, come out and play-yay
And I be waitin' with they Chinese AK-yay
But you can't have female dog bitch in your joints
Goin alll about ya way just ta get the brownie points
First one to to wolf that shit first one to bone and
skat like cash
Dissin one them hard hoe ass niggas run in packs
Hatin on the slusha; just cause he heard that
I was thinkin bout throwin me a Testarossa this summer
Yeah, wolf tickets is some silly tricks tryin to be the
Comin' with that sicky-sing sing stupid ass shit
Soul Train's about to pay me doe
So I can skat from Vallejo to the iggity-iggity O
Uhh, it's a gang of fools wolfin' tryin to get in for
Sprinkle Me, you see me Suga-T
Uhh, might wanna preciate some real shit spiggity spit
But now fools be straight wolfin' it
I hate the transformin' - Bustas in disguise
Don't really know what the fuck is between they thighs
To my surprise you've been sleepin with the enemy
And at the same time drinkin' on gin with me
I cut you loose wasn't fuckin with the extra luggage
90 somethin and you just now gettin' published
But you wolfin to the wrong cat
I got the hog on my back and body bleeders in my
A thir-a thirteen hundred block magazine
40 cookin' cola, A-1, Ice Cream
Packages stuffed pineapple, yola, and greens
Had a basement full of choppers and Triple Beams
In order to spit this type of shit you gotta know it,
Seen it, did it, lived it, been it
No more 7-11 turf burrito chimmy chomas
Now we some timahs regular customers at benny dollars
Ha, ha yeah I tried to told ya falsified ass niggas
that it's goin down, comin up out the V-town
You see funk is somethin only a choosen few stand tall
But as you can see we pull hoe cards
For you hoe-havin', playa hatin'
Mad at the world cause the game is passin them by
Top naggas that want to be hard
So accept game and stop, look and listen and quit lyin'
to kick it
and cease on the motherfucker wolf tickets you

by Gary Chapman
Out on the town
Me and my friend
We make the rounds
Then we make them again
The radio's on
It's blaring our song
Man, we sound bad
When we sing along
We can laugh
We can drive
We can't sing
But we can try
We can wait
We can see
We can love
We can be
The night is warm
The top is down
We hold our heads
Like we own this town
Maybe we do
Or maybe we will
What if we don't
Who's it gonna kill
Yeah, we can
What I grow old
If I ever do
I need to know
There's still me and you
If I forget
What we know now
Won't you come by
And remind me how
We can laugh
We can drive
We can't sing
But we can try
We can wait
We can see
We can still love
We can be
Yeah, we can
Baby, we still can
Oh, yeah
We can, we still can
We can, yes we can
We can, we still can
We can, yes we can
We can love
We can laugh
We can't sing
We don't care
Yeah, we can
Yeah, we can
We still can
Baby, you know we can
We can, we still can
We can still love
We can still be

It's Christmas again
Families and friends
Chasing from store to store
Here's last minute me
Hoping to see
Just what you're wishing for
We are more than just friends
As the gift should show
Standing here, all at once I know
This gift I bring
It's yours for the taking
Wrapped in love
It took a lifetime making
From my heart
Straight to your longing
This gift I bring
Is simple and free
And comes with a guarantee
I give you me
It may not be much
A smile or a touch
But it's all yours for all time
It's here for today
And won't go away
'Cause I'm not the leaving kind
Here's my fragile heart
It is yours to break
You may say no
But that's a risk I'll take
This gift I bring
It's yours for the living
Wrapped in love, it's the gift I'm giving
From my heart
Straight to your longing
This gift I bring
Is simple and free
And comes with a guarantee
From now on
When the wind is blowing
And the tears are flowing like rain
You'll be safe
In the shelter of this gift
It's yours for the taking
Wrapped in love, it took a lifetime making
From my heart
Straight to your longing
I hope you smile
I guess we'll see
This gift I bring
It's yours for free
It comes with a guarantee
I give you me
Words and Music by Gary Chapman and Michael Omartian
(C) 1997 Riverstone Music (ASCAP), Mandipher (ASCAP)
arrangement: Michael Omartian
electric piano/acoustic piano: Michael Omartian
acoustic guitar: Gary Chapman
electric guitar: Mark Oakley
synthesizers: Tim Akers
bass: Danny O'Lannerghty
drums: John Hammond
percussion: Eric Darken
pedal steel guitar: Tommy White
orchestra: Nashville String Machine

by Gary Chapman
There is a river running through this town
It carries the water
There isn't any way to slow it down
Or make it stop
I was a baby when the big bridge fell
So I don't remember
But I have listened to the stories well
And so I know
They were falling
To the surface
They were calling
To their God
And their cry was
Sweet Jesus, please won't you catch us, save us
Sweet Jesus, please won't you hear us crying
Fishing for luck beneath the bridge that day
A man in his eighties
He saw it happen and began to pray
As he dove in
He found a mother and a baby boy
They both wouldn't make it
The mama handed him her only joy
He took the child
Then he was swimming
Like he was twenty
He made shoreline
Then he died
And his thoughts were
Sweet Jesus, please won't you catch us, save us
Sweet Jesus, please won't you hear us crying
He was crying
I miss my mother and the brave old man
Though I never knew them
They are the soul inside the man I am
I bear their dreams
And I am walking
In their footsteps
I am talking
To their God
And my cry is
Sweet Jesus, please won't you catch us, save us
Sweet Jesus, please won't you hear us crying
Sweet Jesus, please won't you catch us, save us
Sweet Jesus, please won't you hear us crying
We're all crying
There is a river running through this town
It carries the water
There isn't any way to slow it down

by Gary Chapman
I've seen the darkness
And it saw me
But here in the light
Where the dark can't see
There is a sweet glow of mercy that covers me
Now I am found
But once was lost
And there in the gutter
Where the wheels came off
There was a sweet glow of mercy that covered me
It picked me up
And set me right
Brought me day
And killed my night
Mercy's there at every turn
Mercy gives what I can't earn
Gonna let that sweet glow of mercy
Yeah, that sweet glow of mercy
Gonna let that sweet glow of mercy cover me
I've been known to run
But I can't hide
I can't get away
From the light inside
There is a sweet glow of mercy that covers me
I have fun
I got fast
But when the pull
Of this life has passed
There will be a sweet glow of mercy that covers me
It'll pick me up
And set me right
Bring me day
And kill my night
Mercy's there at every turn
Mercy gives what I can't earn
Gonna let that sweet glow of mercy
Yeah, that sweet glow of mercy
Gonna let that sweet glow of mercy cover me
I'm talking 'bout that sweet glow of mercy
See the sweet glow of mercy
Gonna let that sweet glow of mercy cover me
And if I die before I wake
There's no doubt what soul he'll take
There would be a sweet glow of mercy
Yeah, the sweet glow of mercy
There'll be a sweet glow of mercy that covers me
There will be a sweet glow of mercy
Yeah, a sweet glow of mercy
There'll be a sweet glow of mercy that covers me
I'm living in the sweet glow of mercy
I'm loving that sweet glow of mercy
I'm happy in the sweet glow of mercy that covers me
I'm laughing in the sweet glow of mercy
I'm dancing in the sweet glow of mercy
I'm loving this sweet glow of mercy that covers me
There's such a sweet glow
Such a sweet glow

I grit my teeth to keep release, kkep my fatih and hope (hope)
Need to stop stressing before I have a stroke
Up in lower development housin' (housin'), talk and turmoil (turmoil)
Food in our refrigerator never had a chance to spoil
You know why? (Why?) Wasn't rich wasn't poor (wasn't poor)
You know why? (Do you know why?) cause it's the boss player from next door
(from next door)
Sleepin' on the floor, hectic, (hectic), but that's expected
When I was young, I never could afford no Nikes, and everybody else had
brand new bikes
I use to hike to school, in the rain with fools, 13 deep in the ghetto
streets (in the ghetto streets)
LeVitti:I've struggled and I've strived
Suga T:Struggled and I've strived
LeVitti:Been a hustler all my life
Suga T:Been a hustler all my life
Both:I ain't rich and I ain't poor, did more dirt than you would know
LeVitti: I've struggled and I've strived, strived
In 1984 was the year for the Shot to step through the door (through the
That's when my daddy walked away from my mama (mama)
She tried to work it out but it wasn't no stoppin' (stoppin')
Barely paying the rent, she had four mouths to feed, hot water and corn
bread (corn bread)
Watching the stress while my momma straight handlin' things (handlin'
things) ?
Coming up wasn't easy for the no should I be (c'mon)
Living dad to day depended on the first of fifteen
I had 2 kids to raise from a teenage love
You couldn't tell me a thing because I knew what was up
I brought it down the block, crooked at 16 (16)
Bought my first 22 from a dope fiend (dope fiend)
I kept my nose clean, paper by all means
And only real niggas rolled on the team
Ah, ah, a most of you ain't never had to pawn (had to)
A lot of you ai't had to stoned out (stoned out)
But there's something different on my behalf (behalf)
Do what I do to get the cash (get the cash)
My daddy didn't give a shit, I had to struggle and strive to make a
motherfuckin' grip
And every dollar and 15 cents, I gave to my mamma cause we wasn't that rich
Me the knot, give up the twat, hoes wasn't taking that shit on my block
We had a lot of foes, when we first started out (spit it girl)
Now there's players everywhere from the north to the south (beeotch)

[E-40 and B-Legit talking]
Hey what's E, Ah I can't call it just chill like an alcoholic
It's like that huh, yeah
Hey what's up with lil' baby you had last night yo
Ah she was cute and shit but I had to put on my clown suit
Check it out
Only sixteen, thick as fuck
Gigantic size tits, big ass bust
She ain't trippin' her tight jeans was fittin' manish
Mint condition man, major damage
Potent dope, no joke
Bottle of suffix, I knew she wasn't smokin' no coke
Look hella tempted while I'm mustin'
The bad thing about it I was pressed in her cousin Tammy
But that's another story though
Nothin' worth relevant, let's talk about the sixteen year old
Sexy and seducitve, quite impressive
I macked on baby when she least expect it
Designer clothes at the neighborhood laundry
Can I help you, oh by the way my name is E baby
She said I already know my cousin done spilled her guts
Said she did some stuff in yo 1970 Cut
I replied is that right, the boss and the hideous
That tight ass bitch Ginger ain't got nothin' on this
As far as havin' me get, I spit the playa poppin' con
I put that piece in the box, snatched her up and we was gone
I said what about yo nigga, the boss and hood bounty
Wasn't he supposed to pick yo ass up, she said fuck him
I said let's go get twisted, she said my house ain't far
I got a king-sized bed, satin sheets, and a bar
To the velvet rugs, past the liquor store
She said homie just step on it, moms get home at four
I said OK, no problem hella juice from the beat
Smashed on the gas, I see her house down the street
I finally made it, hmmm what is this here
Baby came out the kitchen with a trunk full of beer
I rushed to the niznack time for sex
Like my partner Waldo, E-40 at his best
She was kind of tense, yeah it made sense
I said to myself I might have to hit that there fence
She said let's calm down, we really gotta check it
I don't know about you but I'm ready to get butt naked
She said me too, then I said cool
Unzipped my pants showed her my dick like a fool
She said I'm so hot, touchin' her crotch
Stripped down to nathin' laid on the couch
My shit ain't even in, clitoris tinglin'
Give me some more that what the hiefer was mumblin'
Let's get on the floor, that's what I had to say
She said I like it from the back, I said the rectum or the crevay
Ass in the air, I'm about to dig up in her
Went in the crib but thought before I entered
Chlamydia no, I better check that ho
Dug in my ear the wax let me make it clear
The finger that I use, stuck it in the grill
Searched for some cups if it burns it's chlamydia
Old day tactic taught by my uncle
If ya gonna have the front hold it tight don't buckle
Armed with the test, not a pain or sting
This I presume that the bitch is kind of clean
Unzip the Trojan, better safe than sorry
Stretched it to fit, told it feel like calamari
Am I makin' love, she said no ya not
Should I keep it up, she said I'm nuttin' don't stop
How does it feel, she said such a large cock
I continue to tax the bitch like H & R Block
Back in forth, forth and back just call me ball
These rug burns got my knees feelin' kind of raw
She's bustin' nuts repeatedly can't be mad at me
I'm lastin' longer than a Doracell battery
To the lessons of clock, got pin and a cock
Got two and a half non-stop and the door ain't locked
I'm out of line like a patient
Went deep into the fullopian tubes, released my frustration
Moms walks in, sniffin' and shit
Actin' like she wanted some of this big dick
She said my tits, clit be hard as brick ya aught to try it
She said move over girl let me show ya how to ride it
She started lickin' my dick with much philosophy
I'm feelin' like I won the lottery
From the head to the scrotum gobblin'
She even sucked my toes something slobberin'
Don't even tweak, I'm a nympho ya didn't know
I said what sign is you, she said Scorpio ya know
[E-40 and B-Legit talking]
Oh so that's what went down with ol' baby right
I thought you heard
I told ya man, the facts been proven man
These sedity hoes be choosen
Like that, why don't ya switch ya partner number man
I wanna see this type of game ya know
Ya know that ain't no problem, I sign off
If I got to, you still got them black jack things
I thought you heard, let's go get twisted or something though
Yeah you too though, I got that too
Ah front it man, all them cops glidin'

Uh, uh it's so scandalous (Scandalous)
Uh, it's really get scandalous (Scandalous)
Ooh, scandalous (Scandalous)
Uh, scandalous (Scandalous)
Yeah, don't allow no speaks
We play for keeps among these darkened streets
No peace, half of them fools I went to school with are deceased
Sad, especially when your rag don't come from much
I'm doin' bad, but they call me playboy
Partner came through in the clutch, reached out and touched
And I want the Chips Ahoy without the milk and honey
I ain't no punkish fool, steady missin' money
Steady missin' fetti, Eddie steady missin' scrill
I'm tryin' to make enough allowance to pay my water bill
Growin' up wasn't that cool to me
I didn't have that many friends just enemies
Until I quit school and started slangin' dope
Came up and wanted a lil' mo'
Mo' mail, clientele yo that sells
Humongous clout, tryin' hard not to fail
Boss ballin' feelin' my way this mo' each day
Out smartin fools tryin' to have it my way
Well, how can a cutie come so so tight
Everybody and they mama got a gat so don't nobody be wantin' to fight
Haters be out there bad tryin' to impress their foes
Pimps turn em' out and then they grow up to be sad-a-pus
Gotta keep a child because I'm tryin to get paid
Yeah, gotta shake these city slickers outta my way
But now mother's day I didn't like a hold on, amen
Stay strong, through it all, do it all
Cause folks is straight scandalous
Scandalous, shit is gettin' scandalous
Scandalous, it's really gettin' scandalous
Scandalous, scandalous, scandalous yeah
Scandalous, it's really gettin' scandalous yeah
I'm off in this game, runnin' thangs tryin to get it
I do what I do but I'm true when I spit it
Talk about the time when the grind did me bad
Broke in my pad, took everything I had
Left me with the fo' maybe I can trade her in
Rent's due and all I got is a fen
Knots in my stomach can't understand this
Fools in the town becomin' scandalous
I know some things that'll stun ya, make ya wonder
I seen the scandalous use to cheer the social security number
I seen fiends make pipes outta ink pens
Commit incest throw they body at they own kids
Playas become haters, if they ain't doin' it now they doin' it later
Oh you ain't heard man this here's startin' to be contagious
Can't be sittin' in the cabinet collectin' dust
Plus, man this life is so scandalous
Scandalous, scandalous, scandalous
Scandalous, really gettin' scandalous
Scandalous, scandalous, scandalous
I remember sittin' in the pen
On the pool table hopin' that I win
Ten packs of some noodles, coffee, and some cigarettes
Tryin' to get penitentiary on the ridge
It seems fools don't wanna pay
My source of income depends on day to day
Nobody on the streets cares for me
No packages or no messages
Scandocious, keep my focus would ya feel me
Got me thinkin' people close to me tryin to kill me
That's why I ride with this hill side beamer
Bust ueys and only smoke with the lueys
The other day they was plottin' on my homie Dre
Tried to slip him a mickey in his Bombay
But now we knowin' not to fall for the oakey-doakey
It's all bye-bye when it smokes
I was left in the dark scene had to run
Did what I had to do, kept my game tight and never wonderin'
Credit card scandals, boostin' falsified checks
Takin chances, scandalous
[Suga-T singing]
You know times are so scandalous
What should we do, just keep on movin'
Close your eyes, have that flow
Could it be your face I see
Up in these scandalous dreams

[The Click talking]
Alright, alright
I'm tight, I'm tight
All day, all day
Rock up my birdie on the D-spot
If the funk jump then my pistol will pop
Rock up my birdie on the D-spot
Don't let that shit jump, my pistol will pop
Rock up my birdie on the D-spot
If that shit jump then my stapler will pop
Rock up my birdie on the D-spot
Don't let that shit jump, my pistol will pop
Straight up on some swirve, like pump I got my shit tight
Mobbin' in the Chevy, four deep after midnight
And just because I'm rappin' nigga ain't shit changed
I'm still slangin' thangs nigga deep in this game
My homies like to fork, them fools like to ride
My homie got the Tommy out the passenger side
About to let em' fly cause it's another season
And niggas let them ho punk bitches be the reason
Niggas on the roof, bulletproofs and straps
Posted on the corner, walkie-talkies and booby traps
Ready for whatever, we can get it on
In any type of weather, ya know we fuck them domes
Them choppers will chop, niggas slippin' down ya block
Funkin' out her hand, you wouldn't understand
Half money half heart, ain't nowhere to hide
Put yo shit in park, you know these fools will ride
Suicidal if it's vital on these streets of mine
And niggas pack them gats bustin' thirty-two times
Business is fine if ya fuckin' with me
On the spot where a niggas slangs his D
Rock up my birdie on the D-spot
If the funk jump then my pistol will pop
Rock up my birdie on the D-spot
Don't let that shit jump, my pistol will pop
Rock up my birdie on the D-spot
If that shit jump then my stapler will pop
Rock up my birdie on the D-spot
And if that shit jump...
Testin' one, two a nigga sold a few of those ki's
Broke em' down to boulders, stacked a few of those G's
My bitch was the check, my set was the year
A nigga had hills, meals
And about eleven thousand dollars worth of bills
I was posted at the spot smokin' doja
Just put the rumble in my 68 Nova
But what about me
Fool you can't get with it
But what about me
Fool my crew is Sick Wid It
Boom-shaka-laka, it's the big blocker
Three ninety six, I get rubber and fit punk bitch
And I'm a bomb smokin' zipper holdin' pistol packin'
In my lap cause it's G's that a niggas stackin'
Mackin' is my game, Legit is my name
And if ya ain't careful ho
Ya pockets are drained so
What else ya wanna know about this playa
Dope rhyme sayer, my mail weigh longer than theirs
That shit is gettin' funky and them fools wanna bust caps
But motherfucker ain't no money in that
You need to lose that strap and go from the shoulders
Cause shit gon' get funky with this soldier
Rock up my birdie on the D-spot
If the funk jump then my pistol will pop
Rock up my birdie on the D-spot
Don't let that shit jump or my Reuger will pop
Rock up my birdie on the D-spot
If that shit jump then my stapler might pop
Rock up my birdie on the D-spot
Please don't let it funk...
First I flipped the Vette, then came the Lex
I swept up thirty thangs to get the whip got me blessed
Eighteen and older, money gets me over
Sixteen years old with two straps on my shoulder
A real Hillside hog, leavin' em' fucked in the fog
Nigga you can't fade me I'm ya top notch dog
How can ya figure that D-Shot will sliver
Nigga run up on me then I gots to split ya
Split ya, no shit and no white for sale
Man I'ma rob that nigga, let the buzzer be the bell
Cause I ain't fixin' to suck up to none
Punk now that not even in my plan
Dry as the fuck and I'm the only one left in the yo-yo
Seven houses down, cross street dashboard, broken down Pinto
Black screens, high school prom queens
Smoked out, shriveled up as dope fiends
Heckyls my, Jekylls me sweatin' me
Just like the task, them motherfuckers had my ass
Won't be able to serve niggas for the one forty
Give me thrirty, rock up my birdie
[Hook to fade]
Rock up my birdie on the D-spot
And if that shit jump then my pistol will pop
Rock up my birdie on the D-spot
Please don't let it'll pop
Rock up my birdie on the D-spot
If that funk jump then my pistol will pop
Rock up my birdie on the D-spot
Please don't let it funk my chop-chop will pop
Rock up my birdie on the D-spot
If the funk jump then my brownie might pop
Rock up my birdie on the D-spot
If the funk jump then my'll pop

Tennessee tighty, I went out my body
Had a little too much to drink Almighty
God can you show me some leeway
I'm seein twos on the mutha fuckin fr, a freeway
I comin out the gate crooked and I'm loosey
Got the tech and my deck and some mob music
Hit the strip tryin to catch me a twenty doosey
Drinkin bombay mixin it with orange juice
Twas the night before my rad had to turn himself in
One or less more violation and he's lookin at ten
So we gon live it up and act bad balls
And party til the mutha fuckin wheels fall off
Hope those wheels ain't made of stone
Five in the mornin and I still ain't home
Man I'm tore like never before
On the couch assed out with my eyes on low
Tonight we gon smoke..
burrito size Taylors served with Vegas
Like to drink beer with mashed potatoes
Steak and chicken, eggs and grits
Clicked out shit makes platinum hits
I don't really know why niggas made me go way out
my body, way out, my body..
I don't really care if the popoes stop and stare
I'm way out, my body, way out, my body
A'ight B
I heard the yak went quack, zob schilacked
Multi-orgasms and the bitch collapsed
From the back I bash all night I last
When I grab that ass long dick ya daz
A ruh uh ruh uh ran up on her, from Tacoma
Man that bitch had miles on her
Fuckin wit a pimp bitch you ain't heard
You can start me in the mornin with a bottle of 'birds
Lick on the hip and watch the dickhead rise
Up under your legs, in between your thighs
Long range pimpin, LRPs
No high jeans no ticks and fleas
Wake me in the mornin cause at night I snores
Alcohol comin all out my pores
Four-door drivin and I'm fast asleep
Bitch next to me in the passenger seat
Certified top hat, one of the truest
Timin like my niggas up in east St. Louis
Jack be Daniels, Jack be swift
My niggas in the H-Town smoke the spliffs
Juice and Vodka, the tower of power
A plate of hot wings and some whiskey sour
I don't stop perkin keeps in goin
A full house in my dank room blow air
Nigga disrespect don't let it slide
Go get your entourage fool time to ride
I spots red lights and I'm loose and lick
Open bottle and a gat in my glove compartment
Alcohol, tabacco and firearms
But this time man it's a false alarm
I really wish I took another route
But I'm gone out my body way out

What's up, what's up man what goes on
I don't know ohh yea I see you got your cutlass out the shop
Yes you know my shit is out man
Cutlass supreme in back
I bought it messed up with a dent in the back
May eighty eighty I flipped it
Seven months hater I whipped it
And now its done its all complete
Can't wait to see little pushers in the street
I'm on my way to the spot ya'll
To get my ol school drop ya'll
Hit the light hit the G
What's up baby are you glad to see me
I know its been a long time
But man still looks good
The rubber straight the stakes is straight
And niggas ain't fucking with the fire escapes
Dude I'm ready to ride
I'm off to the millville side
Not too wossi but hecks a fly though
Makes me a strong left down a how
Now I'm up to no good
I spots the lil bruce under the hood
I said what's up sahob
I thought you heard
Lil bruce got him an ol' school bird
Seventy eight like freaking highes
I came up manuvering on some like chinese
I'm slapping a fo barrel long right now
You be wishing in a minute to show you how
I be mobbing like a millville veteran
When I slap out of first instead of second
I got a 3 0 2 with the pies in the rear
I'm seving this bitch when I'm full of the beer
Took it to this now dark to bark now
Mad as that pushing the whip
You ride up the block sideways that's cool
But can you mobb that ol' school
Can you mobb your ol' school
Can you mobb can you mobb
Can I mobb the question is how tight
Dude the suckers spread all right
Burn the rubber cuz I love the sport
Turn a few title in a front end court
I'm straighter than a player tighter than a chef
And getting into some good ol' doja
Lil bruce not late the seventy eight
And meet me at the end of Mariposa
And watch me yok way too there
Hop my you joint slipping the clip
Then we line them up at the stop
You sucking my seven duce drop
And when man says go I push to the floor
And make my cut do a million
Slipping out of first get the shit get slurped
And now I'm doing a zillion
Smokes your man I ain't joking
That's why all fo wheels is smoking
The other block sideways that's cool
But can you mobb your ol' school
Can you mobb your ol' school
Can you mobb can you mobb
High speeds I know all about them
At the V.P.D. they tell you all about them
Food the good weed down for the high speed
Supposed to make my ol' school fly
I continue doing ninety with my partner chip behind me
Dang I hope I don't bite
The life was real I went through it
I'm mobbing like a lot of mobil break fluid
Hood gets juice when smoking that dank
And making that moet not too stank
I'm about to fly sideways mug me
Zap my coke smoking fo fifteens
I drive like Kiwie you don't want to see me
Pulling your totes is way too easy
You and your mean real the deal
I thought you knew bruce was down for his real
But waits till I hits that intersection
And turn my wheels in the left direction
I'm a spit forever like cool headed dude
Mobbing my ol' school

[* Man talking *]
Yeah, go on pour ya partner some of that there [* Pouring]
Oh boy, yeah hold on not too much not too much
Right there, yeah see that's that num num juice
(Num num num) Yeah that'll have a motherfucker on his back
So quick (Num num num) see you gotta sip sip with this shit here
(Num num num) Cause it'll have ya ass out of commission
Oh boy (Num num num)
I'm perkin' drunk about a half a liter
Liquor stains all over my cut white woman beater
Fuck Johnny Law, that's the po-po
Outta my body ridin' solo folo, solo folo
Burpin' gurpin' girpin' swirvin' swirve
In my car, rockin' the burgandy Excursion
Music hummin' pedestrians think glossy glossy
You can see yourself in my paint, I'm so damn flossy
Serious about my thuggin'
Had to pinch myself but I couldn't feel nothin'
Uh uh I'm pissy y'all
Cause I been drinkin' out a straw
Uh uh can't tell me shit
Feelin' my cherry beeper on my hip
On my way to see my reala, she hella sprung
Good with her daddy, she like it when I'm num num
We often num num (Num num num)
Ya know you want some (Num num num)
(I'm hella keyed and I'm perkin' off that num num num)
We often num num (Num num num)
But you can't get none (Num num num)
(I'm hella keyed and I'm perkin' off that num num num)
[Suga T]
You play the role, get outta line you out the door
You want more, I make ya head to the liquor store
One night I sinned but I wasn't sleepin'
My video was rotatin' but I was creepin'
Off that num num juice, they was watchin' me
That night you was liable to see anything
I was too hot to drop, my twat was on pop
The pimpin' don't stop, long grain till I drop
I got fifteen numbers one night
And I don't even remember what then hoes looked like
I must have been drunk out my motherfuckin' mind
I took two to the house
And then I put my dick in they mouth
I remember doin' two but it looked like I was doin' eight
In which I was gettin' raped
I woke up the next morning with the rubber still on
But all a nigga's shit was gone
I'ma tailgate fanatic
Barbecues with rowdy crews I'm manic
First round genuine draft pick
I crack the bottle, sippin' on some Sapphire swallow
Insides hollow, niggas like follow me wrong
Two or three pints to the dome, now I'm on
Gone with the wind, clothes sweaty
Cover up the liquor, hoes ready
Niggas bet that nigga B he hella over
But I'm sober, I runs like a Range Rover
Or a Nova, 68 O.G.
In Guatemala, know they can't fuck with me
Act real bad like a Raider fan
Rather argue or fight than understand
But I'm the man, really am tell the truth
I'm hella keyed perkin' off that num num juice
[Chorus x2]
[E-40 to fade]
I'm hella keyed and I'm perkin' off that num num num

Yeah, I'm just a hustler on the go
Out here get my propers don't ya know
I'm livin' kind of comfortable, large mail and all yeah
And a jealous motherfucker would love to see me fall
Like that, that
[* Gangster voive *]
When we sell this load
We'll have twice what we started with
[E-40 talking]
Yeah it's that old mackin' fast
Old school gangsta style, smokin' dank
Cognac lounge beat, cognac lounge beat
Motherfucker, cognac lounge beat
M-motherfucker, cognac lounge beat
Yeah it's that old mackin' fast
Old school gangsta style, smokin' dank
Cognac lounge beat, Mr. Flamboyant
Motherfucker, M-Mr. Flamboyant
Yes motherfucker
As a youngster I never knew nathin'
Just an inobedient child in the neighborhood
You know the one the police was always chasin'
Straight down and dirty for my props
Eleven years old, extra-manish, hard-headed sellin' rocks
I killed an old wack motherfucker, no one ever bigger than me
Prettiest thing I ever seen, a 1979 air fifteen
Clean, fully automatic and the whole killer kit
It's cops be walkin' up and down the street
Folks be pointin' they fingers sayin' "Partner gotta grip"
Basically what I was doin' was protectin' my people
My million dollar spots, it was my duty
Got paid to guard the whole motherfuckin' block
Try to catch me if you can, now that I'm a grown man
The mail I got stashed away, people will never know
Mr. Flamboyant
[Gangster voive]
I came in here on business
I-I-I came in here on business
It could work out pretty good
It could work out pretty good
[B-Legit talking]
Yeah pertainin' to this bein' a dog ass world and all
A brother need some kind of occupaton to make his mail stand tall
Whether it's slangin' em' or whatever ya do man
Just make sure you true to the game
Still in the game everything pretty much the same
Tryin' to reach a certain goal
But I gotta dish that during metro
Alcohol and tobacco and Bureau, Feds and the DEA
Just to run up on me when I'm off that there grandma yay
Well what if they block and slap yo ass in the truck
Partner, if this was a fifth all of us would be drunk
Don't even like rockin' bleach
Trippin' on petty crunk shit like that
What is he sayin' brother
He might be talkin' bout how it's to the back
Me and my pussy was comin' around the corner on these shoes
I mean wheels, yeah in this 76 Cutlass Oldsmobile
Turnin' 360's like he was an Alaskan mobile
Sittin' on gold ones hot flamin' didn't really know the deal
I sais "What's the fuck wrong with you, you crazy motherfucker"
Partner back there tried to mean mug me
And turn me like I was a sucker
So slow ya lil' ass down on this side of town
Before you find yourself either melted or beat down
[B-Legit talking]
Like that and that's on the goose my brother
Because now days a dollar comes harder than a motherfucker
So if you out in that world don't get caught or be slippin'
Cause today's society ain't trippin'
Ah hay Ah hay Ah hay
Ah hay Ah hay Ah hay
[Gangster voice]
There's a fortune in this business
There's a-there's a fortune in this business
Mr. Flamboyant yeah that just might be yo name
The center of attention, money, fame
Fuckin' with just rain or crazed insane
Leader of the squad, much younger than gangs
See he rolls the whole unit in a big simple pipe
Foams stirs let it settle and then make it light
Lookin' like rats, real swing when his bottles mail
Spark off a hill, five hundred grams
Pertainin' to the triple beam scale
Solid as rock, white white white
A-1 peep pistol plan
Nothin' with scandalous ass cakin' baking soda
Whether you know it or not here's a dog scale
You gotta watch ya back or playa will
Way to many brothers get took for large sums but me
You can't be frail and don't be light with ya narrow ass
Gain ya weight
Drink beer by the case, it's not too late
Become a savage, get smoked once what ya want to establish
One hitter quitters, the ho get down run up on me now
[B-Legit talking]
Ooh E why you come at em' like that man
You know they can't understand that shit
When you doin' about a buck fifty man
But now put that shit oin perspective for em' though
[E-40 talking]
Man check this out my side hog
Due to the fact that I am at liberty
To release such valuable information towards the public
Ya know what I'm sayin'
Every one of my last side hogs been hollerin' at me
Demandin' that I define the definition of Mr. Flamboyant
Pertainin' to me havin' inherited
The gift to spit so I had to like let loose
[B-Legit talking]
Like that, well ya know the shit is good listenin' man
But now I want you to go back
To the tune you was doin' earlier in that song
You know that lil' tune ya was doin'
[E-40 talking]
Oh yeah
You mean this right here
Yeah, I'm just a hustler on the go
Out here get my propers don't ya know
I'm livin' kind of comfortable, large mail and all yeah
And a lot of jealous motherfucker would love to see me fall
Like that, that
In Vallejo, California Mr. Flamboyant
In Oakland, Mr. Flamboyant
South Central, San Francisco Flamboyant, Frisco
North Richmond, Flamboyant
East Palliato, Sacramento
Stockton, Pittsburgh, Reno
Seattle, Washington L.A.
Bear with me if I slither I'm kind of twisted off Tanqueray
Never mind that to the East Coast we go
Chi-Town Chicago the land of the snow
NYC New York, The Big Apple
Every town is down, folks be comin' up short
Detroit, Michigan and Philly
Boise, Idaho now Billings
Homeside State, D.C.
Flamboyance don't care what it be costin' in Boston
All around the city of Atlanta, Georgia
The 2 Live State, Miami, Florida
Ya don't wanna mess with Texas
Buffalo, Memphis or Kansas
Boyance can be found in Alabama
New Orleans, Louisiana
I just got a page from The Click
Game tight, I gotta get
[E-40 to fade]
Yeah hustler, yeah hustler
Yeah hustler, y-yeah hustler
Yeah hustler, yeah hustler
Yeah hustler, y-yeah hustler
Yeah hustler, yeah hustler
Yeah hustler, y-yeah hustler

[The Click talking]
We taping.....
What it is...what it is...what it is
[Hook x2: B-Legit]
We ain't in love with no money, the money love us
Cross country with this pimpin' on a tour bus
Up in Florida or in Georgia
Bitches love us, they adore us
Bitches (What) Greasies (What)
Hoes (What) Groupies (What)
Hoochies (What) Sluts (What)
What can they do, the pimpin' love us
Housekeepers, game thievers
Pop goes the pop pop pop pop
Heat misers, chest tuckers
High siders, game providers bitch
But they don't run from it they run to it
They knew it, I'm so true to it when I do it
I pursue it, cash it, I auction you off
Highest bidder get to hit her, bitch break mine off
Ha, and now I'm on the freeway
Perkin' like a motherfucker just got paid
Another night, rollin' like a playa do
Comin' through, gettin' my revenue
[Hook: B-Legit x2]
We ain't in love with no money, the money love us
Cross country with this pimpin' on a tour bus
Up in Florida or in Georgia
Bitches love us, they adore us
Sick to stomach when I do to a bitch, so don't trip
Thirteen hundred all up in her ass, that's where they fit
I run shit, the Sic-Wid-It dumb shit
Ya know I need that big bank roll bitch
I'm undercover, pop ya collar fo' the dollar
If ya hoes need a sponsor then bitch holla
I won't stop ya, I'll fit ya ass with a skirt
I'll make ya bring back the dirty work
We stopped into a place, a Louisville, Kentucky
I went to a gambling boat and lost all my money
I put my last five on the black
On the roulette tables, I broke ten right back
[Suga T]
I'm the best kept secret, mark it fucks up
But I won't get stuck
Keep a broad full of tricks
And my underground niggas do rock us
What you think, blinkity-blink
You act like yo shit don't stink
Hoodrat town, that bitch Suga T gotta come see me
Who you think you is
Hope ya don't think I won't pull the trigger
I fucks with some bigger figures
The Click you'll never get rid of
I'm a bad bitch, flip the script you a trick
On some boss shit worldwide ghetto bitch
[Hook: Suga T]
We ain't in love with the money, money love us
Cross country with this pimpin' on a tour bus
Up in Georgia or in Florida
Cincinnati the niggas love us
I be like all up in the Bank of America
About to regurgutate, talkin' criz-azy
Smellin' like beer
Makin' a deposit, large lump sums
Cussin' out the cashier
For comin' at me wrong, bitch I'm federal
I might get more than the man
In my hand, I stay with a cup
Some of my fans like again they life up
2000 Bentley on the dubs, on the car
Light brown Excursion, sport utility truck
You lil' miss scuzzies better open ya eyes and take a look
And keep em' open for my dictionary book
I spit a slang, a bang nigga, nigga
Full of straight game nigga
[Hook: B-Legit x2]
We ain't in love with no money, the money love us
Cross country with this pimpin' on a tour bus
Up in Florida or in Georgia
Bitches love us, they adore us

* [E-40 talking]
Testing testing one two
Te testing testing one two
Testing testing one two
Te testing testing one two
Muthafuckas dont understand how we do it check game
I take a slow beat,and do a fast rap
I'm not a mark simp trick or a punk sap
I bust the lyrics so quick you must admit my rhymes on hit
you know that nigga from the click
the one that be talkin all that shit
so take a puff of the potent dank
while I make yo ass thank
then go mobbin through the town on a full tank
crank up the beat
Voicetress, make that shit throb
stick yo head out the window and say whats up sahob
I take a slow beat, and bust a slow rhyme
you see the motherfuckin dank will do it all the time
it gets me in the mood (in the mood) that is so relaxed
Stalking with gen and then I gotta tax
so now I'm on baby with the top down
reload pound, call Legit a cock hound
and I'm looking for a bitch that's known foe
I heard she could blow, I wanna hook her at my studio
That's right, fool its the calvary
so dont be mad at thee
we spittin that good stuff on the mic for a salary
my name is E-40 and I'm known as a hill billy
straight from the Hillside of the V
[B-Legit] I'm having money
[E-Feezy] I got my feddi on
[B-Legit] I'm popping con
Just to fuck with your dome, like right about now
you should be saying "dude kinda tight though"
but let me hush before I start up a fight you know
as far as funk man I think you autta not (autta what?)
even attempt to run up you'll get taught (that's right)
[B-Legit& E-40]
By some chitterling eating hog maw
niggas that be beating down fools putting suckers to sleep
We walks around stage looking heck of Humongous
rappers step up and get pilled like a sun kiss
we them fools that you've been hearing about The Click
The word on the streets is that we comin up too quick
some might think I'm slanging yola, icecream,candy see but
they done fucked around and let us blacks make money leagally
now it's gotten to the point to where its really uncontrollable
40 takes advantage of the rap game gullible
[E-40 talking]
testing testing one two
te testing testing one two
testing testing one two
te testing testing one two
I take a slow beat, like I did at first
Cuz I'm still with the bitch in the first verse
she's down on her knees, and I'm on the dank
I would stop pluggin but you know I cant (cant)
Never been down with O.P.P without money
so hear this shit here honey
I know you got mail, it's close to the first
you should have a fat ass knot in your purse (that's right)
so once you start nuttin get a Jackson
then for me, you always get action
And fuck a tore up ass hoochie with a withered ass coochie
see a nigga in boosey, then wanna give up the pussy (heyyy)
I tell a bitch in a minute check game hoe I'm po
and I aint got no motherfuckin cash flow (that's right)
never would furnish a hoe, ride her around in some limo's
and buy her things that contempo
Fuck that, that aint my fortay
that there part of the game, I dont play
tweek off my tounge rolling up zags getting twisted
the form of speach that I be spittin is unlisted
I fucks with game unposted timex Carlos Rossi
I got crew bank but I'm like Ted Deebiassi
I'm not a nothing ass nigga, just down for my riches
I wairs big Britches, dont hang around snitches
serious about my motherfucking capital (capital)
Oozy wipping those who take me practical
[E-40 talking] You know
[Mugzy talkin] He a fool with that one
C-L-I-C-K in this motherfucka (testing testing one two)
E-40 alias Mr Flamboyant (Testing testing one two)
1992 Magazine street my sahobs, wassup hillside

Chorus: repeat 2X
Now drink up, let's get drunk
Le-le, le-le, let's get drunk
Now drink up, let's get drunk
and throwup in the car, let's get drunk
I'm sideways doin about a buck fifty
Drunk and on some of that top of the line high on
Carlos Rossi
Drunk about a gallon to the dome, then that's the hit
Everything's blurry, burnt twisted eyes bloodshot red
Straight up on four
Don't forget about Legit though
Danked out, and full of that Cisco
Siding with the proper dame I don't know her name
But I'm lovin this part of the game (yeah)
And I'ma take her for a real ride (uh-huh)
Somewhere deep in the hillside
I got about a eighth in the coo-ler (coo-ler)
I thinks this just might do her (might do her?)
And ain't nobody gonna stop me main (yeah)
Once I gets her sloppy main (sloppy main)
Drunk as a skunk, and high as a kite
I hope I don't earl on baby tonight
Used to be sophisticated, but now she's intosticated
High society stuck up broad, violated then graduated
If we was the seven, can we get eight? (uh-huh, sure)
Just by you forgettin to say (yeah)
And then the question later, just like my big ol middle
Such an ignorant question, sittin in the corner blushin
It's really no problems I'ma go head and side and like
I'm hecka stuck
And watch baby drink up
Mack D-Shot needin a dose of that gin
Cause I'm in it to win, as I'm tossin a ten
to plug it right, that is my mo-tive
To dig real dip, as I explose this
And watch the expression, on her face (yeah)
It gets me off as I collaborate
But that's how it goes another night, another session
But the tender straight taught me a lesson
Night number two (yeah) I know I shoulda been sober
But now I'm advanced, and I'm about to bend her over
I can't get enough of that fetti for real
And now I'm hopin that she's on the pill (yeah)
Day number three, I'm well prepared
I got my Eight Ball, and I'm ready to tear
I'm stiffer than a doorknob, I do the job
Enough to tell a friend, that D got in
Here we go again, and I'm in pursuit
I gotta hit the liquor store before two
Cuz me and D-Shot big ---- and Dan
Needs us a case of them tall cans
It's not a birthday, but let's celebrate
And get hella keyed cuz it's hella late
I gotta thank God that I'm still alive
Cuz last night I died about 3:45
I hit the lights quick and I jumped in the bed
And somethin went real wrong with my head
The room started spinnin and I needed a breeze
And somethin told me nigga don't you breathe
Dehydrated, nauseated, got a bad case of hiccup
Gotta go fetch some H2R, feel like I'm fits to upchuck
Gots ta have it, looks into the medicine cabinet
Hmm, there it is, plop plop fizz fizz
Oh what a fuckin relief it is
Mumblin and grumblin goes my stomach growling
I'm sick as the fuck I see the devil smiling
It's like a motor, I think I got a damn ulcer and shit
Every other fuckin day I'm tellin my sahies I quit
But you know that's drama, niggaz be barkin they ass
Life is too boring, that's why I wakes up in the
Pervin swearvin runnin all into the curb and
Twisted on some of that cherry flavored bourbon, yeah

Nigga, come on, nigga, yeah
Take it to the house
Yeah, yeah, yeah Dub C, 40 Widah
I know ya in the movies and ya pager's goin' off
You got a call from the boss, you seen the code 2236
You makin' excuse, you got to piss
Even though you at the phone dialin' all seven digits
You got to move with the quickness
Before ya dude gets suspicious and shit
Get to trippin' and shit, get the sock in this bitch
Get to turnin' Doctor Jekyll on hoes
'Cause if he flauntin' dough, he can't take the blows
Ay ho, ay ho
Get 'em again, get 'em again
Pick yo celly up, I wanna fuck
Ho, what's happenin' back at cha?
Get it at cha, once the pussy askin'
You know that ignorant bastard
Pockets full of Ziploc bags, it's ripped nasty
Met you at the Benz dealership in T-shirt and khakis
Crafty over the mic like cookie chips, it's the criminal
Known for C-walkin' in the pussy lips
Let them suckers take care of ya ho, like 40
I just wanna click with you and dick you
From Cape to the Bay Area, bury ya
Flashin' the dick in ya tonsils
Bend you over and fuck you by my studio councils
Poundin' a shady nigga layin' the wood
Video tapin' me hittin' it from the back
Throwin' up the hood, yeah, you like that bitch
The square ass weights tellin' you ain't never been choked
Or done fucked by a felon, no K-Y jellin', just tryin' to inhale it
So when ya ready for the real bitch hit me on my cellin'
It' all the same
(These hoes wanna marry a nigga)
The same ol' game
(Then turn around and bury a nigga)
It's all the same
(It's all gravy whodi)
Wherever we go
(Nigga, please believe)
It' all the same
(These hoes wanna marry a nigga)
The same ol' game
(Then turn around and bury a nigga)
It's all the same
(Fo' sheezy, baby)
Wherever we go
I set rules in this game, I pop my bra, I claim fame
I do my thug thesis, got the world singin' speak of me
I do no jockin' the clock don't stop clockin'
I'm a top notch and my itinerary stay crackin'
I'm mackin' boss bitch, hell I'm pimpin'
I'm on one, I have no mercy I go sick with it
Like cash money we click with it, hey, hey
Super bad, super bad, say, say
Check the pass man, foot on the gas man
I wrap em' up in cashmere and trade em' for cash man
You dig, my sick face down on the side of my hip
I'm seventeen deep with heat so don't trip
I sip malt liquor all of the suds
My bomb is E-coli the murderous buds
I blaze Philly blunts all in the clubs
Keep a bald fade for the bitches to rub
I thug for mine that's the difference with me
From the ball playin' nigga that ya see on TV
I escalate up to the spot on the Hill
Fill you up with Hennessey and ecstasy pills
Fuck you in the mind if ya just sit still
Opened up some game and I let that spill
Bitches love playas 'cause they keep that real
The shit is all the same, ya feel
Yeah, it's all international baby, ya feel
It' all the same
(These hoes wanna marry a nigga)
The same ol' game
(Then turn around and bury a nigga)
It's all the same
(It's all gravy whodi)
Wherever we go
(Nigga, please believe)
It' all the same
(These hoes wanna marry a nigga)
The same ol' game
(Then turn around and bury a nigga)
It's all the same
(Fo' sheezy, baby)
Wherever we go
But every time I spit this game
These L I P's these niggas know my name
You see my name is E-Feezy
These hoes be lovin' me
Ya gotta be a special lady and a very exciting girl
Yo, I'm slammed, lookin' savy in the back of the crackhouse
In the bathroom choppin' up and baggin' up my cavy
You must be blankin' off them blankin' thangs
Who the fuck you think you dealin' with?
I hold up, I ain't gon' rescue no bitch
I'll slap ya upside ya nooda, bitch
Talkin' that shit, I'ma buy ya ass some Prada
Some Norman Camali, the Mazda MX or Miati
I ain't gon' lie you got some good ass lush fire punana
But I ain't sprung even though you been handlin' on
Been suckin' the peel off the banana with yo big ass lips and gums
Swallowin' down my cum, runnin' around there
With yo big ass tongue, you're hangin' out your thong
You wanna stay with ya hard ass workin', baby, dada
He loves ya dirty draws, he'll drink ya bath water
He'll let ya ass go clubbin'
He ain't gon' be trippin' off nothin' you mention
He know you something
He know you can't turn a tramp into a good woman
It' all the same
(These hoes wanna marry a nigga)
The same ol' game
(Then turn around and bury a nigga)
It's all the same
(It's all gravy whodi)
Wherever we go
(Nigga, please believe)
It' all the same
(These hoes wanna marry a nigga)
The same ol' game
(Then turn around and bury a nigga)
It's all the same
(Fo' sheezy, baby)
Wherever we go
It' all the same
(These hoes wanna marry a nigga)
The same ol' game
(Then turn around and bury a nigga)
It's all the same
(It's all gravy whodi)
Wherever we go
(Nigga, please believe)
It' all the same
(These hoes wanna marry a nigga)
The same ol' game
(Then turn around and bury a nigga)
It's all the same
(Fo' sheezy, baby)

Touchdown from all angles...and what have you
Make like a tampon and soak up this game
While I teach ya bout my dictionary book of slang
I used to fuck with the triple, coconut popsicles
Been tellin' time on the grind, but never got caught in the pickel
My doctor say I drank too much, cirrhosis
But I'm pissy drunk till my liver bust cause I'm hopeless
Hope I don't miss my target
Hope I don't and tinkle all over the toilet
Money plus game four keys and a glock
A fat ass sack and I ran the block
If it wasn't my brand it wasn't on my corner
The only nigga plugged with the border brush
Got that white bitch, tight shit, right fo' sho'
Hook me with a pot and some soda and watch me flip the snow
Niggas know that when I'm droed that I be gone
And don't know what the fuck page I be on
Back in 86 was a motherfuckin' trip to me
A young hustler actin' bad on the city streets
And never givin' a fuck about nathin'
Who's that man that got jacked, who's that fool on the pavement
Damn whatever it takes to get my grits
Stackin' large mail, tryin' to get my pockets thick
And fuckin' every bitch that I could
But what about those niggas actin' bad in my hood
Niggas actin' bad (Ooh)
Niggas actin' bad (Actin' bad)
Niggas actin' bad (Real bad)
Niggas actin' bad (Niggas actin' bad)
Niggas actin' bad (Real bad)
Niggas actin' bad (Ooh, ooh)
I grew up listenin' to Too Short and Freddie B.
It's some nigas out there between Magic Mike and Calvin T.
Kind off U-T-F-O, KRS
Blow Fly and Rudy Ramone and girls with sex
I ball up in my truck lookin' cleaner then cozi
Burnin' mo' rubber than a pussy on fire
See there ya go, 40 flashin' like blue light
Man fuck his ho, that bitch ain't in check
I once heard a ho say pimpin' was dead
But me and that niggas smoked back to the head
We was choppin' up game just between us playas
The nigga tellin' me that he runnin' for mayor
With his campaign strong, got his money on
Front a brand new Jag when he wrapped his home
Growin' up in motherfuckers doings
Catch me out there bad, actin' foolish
[Chorus with variations]
Look, actin' bad unorthodox behavement
Celebratin' breakin' bottles on the pavement
Put some Barbarians on ya squad that don't be joshin'
Flip a 1970 Cut and spoil it rotten
Every doobie roll thick to the Cali convention
Handin' out cassettes all we want is distributin'
Forced to sell tapes out the trunk of our vehicles
Tirty day assignments to sheet and leopolds
Shows out of state on some concert dates
Plus ice skating on some chrome 1-8s
Motel plans cause the game was hittin'
Seventeen G's cause the game was spittin'
Hangin' in the halls in my draws and shit
Groupie ass bitch on my balls and dick
They makeme sick with they broke ass
Now who y'all know that need that dope fast
Now who's got my back
Now that I'm fucki' with keys, hey yeah I gots to have my strap
Too many fools want to take my place
But I'm a sharp ass nigga and I'ma damn sho' stake my bank
I flips and flops, buster ass niggas drop
Pop the glock, drop my top, it don't stop
Fuck these po-pos they always try to question me
Cause actin' bad is where a young nigga be

[* Beep *]
[Answering Machine]
Good evening, at the tone
Pacific Standard Time will be 7:07
[The Click talking]
Ya know how us bosses step up, know what I mean
Ya do what we do and do what we do to get paid
We get paid, some quintessential, real ass niggas
Stack chips and make some money up
Ya know, I said r-realize the game
Stack chips and make some money up
I said r-realize the game
Stack chips and make some motherfuckin' money man
I s-said realize the game, mob hit nigga
Stack chips and make some motherfuckin' bank
I s-said realize the game
Look here, abominable, honorable
Countable, astronomical but monumental
I used sell and serve pops up out my auntie's Pinto
Still keepin' it ghetto, barbecuin' in the front yard
Slappin' bones, ton of niggas perkin'
Recitin' lyrics from my songs
Ain't nobody hurtin' we all workin'
Tryin' to have loot, in the studio
With hangovers tryin' to re-coop
I get down, ballin' like Kobe Bryant
You niggas is lousy, small things to a giant
How you gonna be swappin' up my style
And goin' off by a crack in my units
I'ma stick to the shit that made The Click
The super kind, I love to spit
That nigga 40 vicious, he got speech I heard him
Took his music out of the streets
Policy out on a small fee
Now to be clear, without equal
Both young and new MCs out for dinner
Crackin' ho ass niggas off something gravy
Especially when I get to doin' it by the way, hey
So that nigga told me, that's square
But why ya wanna get in on that sucker sauce B
I didn't ask you to get on this album
Cause he knew I'd fuck him off
Click shit makes the motherfuckin' money
I s-said realize the game (I said ya blowin' hot air)
Click shit makes the motherfuckin' money
I s-said realize the game (I said ya blowin' hot air)
Click shit makes the motherfuckin' money
I s-said realize the game (I said ya blowin' hot air)
Click shit makes the motherfuckin' money
I s-said realize the game (I said ya blowin' hot air)
[D Shot]
I couldn't hold myself back my niggas
I'm no longer in the background niggas
It's 2000 and I'm shittin' on niggas
I'm callin' shots to the streets my nigga
So niggas, they run and hide under bosses
No longer in California cause it's too many crosses
You fucked around and got a tip from a mad bitch
Cause you was next on the motherfuckin' hit list
You got ya ghetto pass revoked cause you ain't real
If you didn't get to steppin' you was gettin' killed
Rapper, slash street hustler
They both the same, a buster is a buster
Ain't got no chance to revive yourself
Get that buster out ya soul and ask God for help
Nigga, times is a wastin'
What the fuck ya gon' do, ain't nobody got no patience
Nigga this ain't no fun, dat nigga (Nigga)
Nigga this'll have yo hat tacked nigga (Nigga)
Lay ya head flat dat nigga (Nigga)
Smashin' up the wrong way nigga (Nigga)
Niggas side to side, shoulder shoulder
Ain't never stepped foot outside without my bulldozer
Hops off in the Nova, we keeps it cheesy and real greasy
Like Church's with game for you to purchase
Keep bitch niggas nervous
Nigga this Click shit, don't get it misconscrued
It's nothin' to catch yo bitch ass on a move
We don't lose, nigga we like them V's we batter and bruise
And leave ya ass leakin' sloppy for the ten o'clock news
[D Shot]
I'm off that Click shit, sick shit
Hog shit, mob shit
Fuck with my family you get yo jaw split
Off the 2-11 still reserved, I'm on one
Strike a inner in a T-Bird, I blow one
We on that nigga shit, I can't believe it
Ya so damn niggarish, best believe it
A got some bad come holler at me
Ya hope to take the THC, hit ya for the half P
I'm slippery, see it's trickery to get with me
Claimin' victory, leavin' niggas hickory
Party history, things remain a mystery
Got the quick of me, niggas ain't shit to me
Swiftly ain't no ands buts or ifs with me
I'm sickery, state pen stickery
Ice pickerly, main vein literally
It's part of me, I'm hard on the arteries
Got the arch with me, fuck a nigga parking E
Cross this T, then send him out to sea
Where the bodies be deep and titanicaly
Franticaly, some niggas panicky
I'm the sample G, I handle things savagely
Above average things, especially for the cabbage tree
Niggas mad at me and really ain't around me
For your anatomy it's fully automatically
[E-40 talking]
And I said to myself,
Ya know what pimpin'
Dude a lot of these niggas is tardy and they need a tutor
Due to the fact that a lot of these niggas
Wasn't brought up under the umbrella
Ya know, and a lot of these triple OG ass niggas
They ain't really been passin' the game down
Like we was laced and groomed on
Ya know what I mean back in the early 80s
Ya know what I mean, to these young niggas man
I mean I analyze this shit nigga
I mean it is small things to a giant
The way I do these damn things man
I mean a lot of these niggas, hey you know what
I've been caught between a rock and a political hard place
On how to explain the game to these squares man
I mean these niggas is just a square
As my motherfuckin' back pockets man
I'm off this Colo Vasey, this is Click shit all day
On you bitch ass niggas

[D-Shot talking]
Aw shit (*Coughing*)
That blunt ain't nuttin' nice man
Peep game though
Yeah (*Coughing*)
[Verse 1 - D-Shot]
One mo' spot
For the nigga named Shot
With the D in the front
Time to give 'em what they want
Hoes wanna affiliate they self with the shot caller
Cause they know I'm a baller
I'm representin' nathan but the V
Click shit, E-40 and B
Legit, now we might clip some shit
And to you tramp ass hoes it goes something like this
You can call me on the under
But you can never meet Shot on that alias number
The hoes ball down to my SC 4 double 0
But what they don't know
A motherfuckin' thang about D-Shot
Cause he's got way mo' knots than a d-spot
A boss baller comin' out the V
The D to the S to the H-O-T
Who knows a motherfuckin' thang about D-Shot
Cause he's got way mo' knots than a d-spot
A boss baller comin' out the V
The D to the S to the H-O-T
[Verse 2 - D-Shot]
I break niggas like bitches in a game of craps
No screws on my cruise but a gang of straps
It ain't my fault, I ain't trippin' like I try to tell hoes
At the club on my knock it's them Streisdale hoes
Six-footer on the scale she's a 1-6-0
Big shot from the block fixin' to knock this ho
At the club way perved on some shit E hooked
Me and V was choppin' game about this bitch I shook
Chased her through the town like a young greyhound
Shot caller gettin' ghost bitch I'm out this town
Hurricane in my system makes my Lexus run
You can call me on the under bitch but you gets none
[Verse 3 - D-Shot]
Now let you tellit D-Shot is a big fella
A Click fella, at 2-6-0 I'm a thick fella
And my side hogs and my dogs know the rest
When funk was on I wore a triple X vest
In the drought season I went rock for rock
I guess that's why they say I knock harder than a d-spot
And hoes ooh I'm on them sluts and tramps
You can ride on my trunk just don't blow up my amps
But never shotgun Shot don't have one to fit a gender
Six-foot breakin' she's a bender
Tryin' to chase the coupe as I smob through the V
Punk ass ho you don't know a thing about me

Game must be focused upon
If you ain't got game you ain't got nathin'
(What you say)
If you ain't got game you ain't got nathin'
Game (Then spit it)
A nigga spent his last quadruple of cash
Hopin' that the plane wouldn't crash
Out smarted the task while teachin' they ass
Bouts the other side of the grass
Uh, I spits the truth from the soil untold
See 340 in ya pager, that's the code
Hit me back cause you know he's busy off the hook
Plus the hurricane ethyl got him too took
Drug instaces, penitentiary chances
Circumstances, gigantic ass live enhancements
Keep on mashin' though, don't quit
Game Related, comin' from the fuckin' Click
Now that I made the major leagues
Pushin' big ki's
Niggas from my block ain't tryin' to see me
I came up too fast for them punks hoes
Now them fools wants to kick in my door
Bringin' over the change if you think that you can fuck with this
Bam, pops to the dome bitch
Motherfuckers hate to see a true nigga flamboast
Bringin' in more net than gross
They wants to kick in my spot
Boom get chopped
They wanna take me for what I got
Boom get chopped
They wants to strike through my block
Boom get chopped
But I'm up on they plot
Boom get chopped
Bitch, feelin' evil like Knievel lookin' for a wrench
Gotta a couple screws loose like the grinch
Problem child ain't got no problem with disposin'
Lose me temper, lose me cool but on the same token
He ain't gon' bust a grip, man that nigga E-40 fakin'
You failized I have ya whole family wear and taken
Paper hatin' haters get put in they place
Crevice achin' baggers get smacked in the face
Niggas from the other side of town be talkin' big shit
Actin' like they wanna fuck with my click
But the shit ain't changed fuck the rap game
Hillside nigga on a mission to proclaim
My motherfuckin' spot in society
Southside niggas just jealous, they doubt me
Punk niggas lookin' for a reason
Kick off a rucus to start the funk season
I fucks with ya, ya bitch
Nigga get rich, fool don't you know this the click
Be the hundred SL's what a nigga straight smash
One hundred thousand in cash
Follow the leader
Trip on how this thing gets deeper
The more I teach 'em the dumber I get
Dizzy-izzy, hey Shot these tardy niggas kill me
But what they don't know is I fly cerebral cortex like a frisbee
Fuck 'em and feed 'em
Pistol whip they ass and bleed 'em
Stuck 'em and read 'em
Find out where they snooze and sleep 'em
You pearl tongues need to stop workin' for the cops

Playa hatresses, mad at the world
Mad cause you just gt rid of an ancient S-Curl
I'm on a mission so why test me
Cause everywhere you be they talkin' about Suga-T
Top-notch, super bad
All about her paper, all about her scratch
Back in the day you wasn't trippin' when I was broke
You might as well face I ain't no joke
What if I took ya boyfriend, how would you react
I'll do it just because I know you talk behind my back
I'll do ya bad, make ya mad
Take him to the pad and substitute where you lack at
Maybe it's the sneak in me, that could bring out the freak in me
Make you retrospect a G
Now should I be a snakedafied, get wined and dined
Or peep at him from the corner of my eye
If I took your boyfriend, what would you do
Would ya wanna kill me, or would ya wanna feel me
If I took your boyfriend, what would you do
What could ya do
If I took your boyfriend
I bet they thought this chick was gonna fall, naw
Never would of thought I stood tall through this all
World-wide tryin' to back ya man up off of me
And ya wanna put a bad name for me out on the streets
Maybe I should go ahead and page him, here I be
So he can spend yo latest check on me
Then after that he would have to go
And guess what, you would never know
Better back up off before I slang this whip up on ya
Have ya not normal hangin' by my man
Hold up, wait a minute maybe I should stop bullshittin'
Get down and dirty about my business, no sippin'
I thought chu' knew, I be down for what I do
See I can go solo in a minute damn a crew
I can be a bitch or I can keep livin'
So playa back up off me
Now on a scandalous tip
I can pop and scam and spit
I'm takin' thugs out the game for reality checkin'
I'm steady, ready I ain't down for the petty
They runnin' around town sayin Suga's way fetti
Candlelights and toasts gettin' licked at the spot
Everybody knows Suga-T ain't right
Bend behind a red carpet over rug
Bests to retrospect, I got straight love
You can rub-a-dub me down in the hot tub
Might mess around and even fall in love
See it don't matter because my pockets gettin' fatter
Now see that some real shit for this chatter
You see it ain't no future hatin' on me
Cause he'll be forced to feel me
And if he don't hear me on the radio
Then he'll see me on the video screen and he'll love me

Understand this shit nigga learn about it
Ay-thing a nigga spit need to know about it
Understand this shit nigga learn about it
Ay-thing a nigga spit nigga know about it
Soak it up boy, ya know, ya know,
ya know, ya know, ya know
Smebbin down the street in my 7-0
Bumpin the beat sittin on gold tippity toes
Went to the track to buy me some hemp
Some old nigga yells out "40 you's a pimp"
I said "Playboy understand my strategy
Got to know a little somethin this dope game
fall off into this catergory"
I'm from that real live shit fuck hannabera
I'm from the eighty four eighty fin era
I like to sake ‘em up rattle
Baby got sattle
If the nigga had a sack could I fuck with that
Got to blowin' up her head with the chitter chatter
I'm out the roof of my coup spittin game at her
I likes to fuck and get up and get on
I'm eatin' steak on the bone
And steady stuffin dick in her dome
I'm on the phone in my hot tube
Gettin' my back rubbed on
About to fall deep in the zone
Let a nigga kick back and put ten to the ceiling
Got my face in the pillow cuz I'm lovin the feelin
Ain't nothin like nuttin' in her jaw
So damn raw, Nipples pokin' out the bra
Man in the town I see
Undertakers, Captain Savers, Cape crusaders, A
Plays in the game gettin' ratted on
A ba A bitches in the game gettin over on
Never tell a bitch all your buisness
Cuz one day she might be an eye witness
These are the things you need to know man
This shit I'm spittin'
Niggas don't understand
Fools want to come up but ain't paid dues
Want to hang around a player lookin' for clues
Well in my younger days I did dirt
Put in work, I used to but ki's from Kirk
And nigga don't think that I wasn't the man
Out there jiggin doin' all that I can
But now in 95 I done flipped the scrip
Hopin' muthafuckas understand this shit
We used to local till we signed with Jive
40 numnum went nation wide
Who would ever thought that Earl,Earl
On the pitchers mound with the curl -Would be
One of the biggest things to that ever came out the V
Since Michael Copper and confunction barely graduatin Hogan High School
Drunken, Hillside representitive, sky unlimited, game's unlimited
Magazine street pioneer Ex D boy ask my cousin Troy
Man, 40 would you rain on me man, Sprinkle me man
Hey, would you tie my shoes lace me up or somethin
Man I need to be sprinkled man Ay
Understand this shit, nigga know about it,
Know about it
Kind of like when the drought about to hit you need to know about it
You gotta done lived this shit to know about it
Yeah, check game - a fool got at me the other day, Right?
"Hey, hey B, How y'all niggas be comin with that ol' wild shit?"
I say check game playboy, I'm from the 84 - eighty fin era
Eighty fin era
Where we done did that shit, know about that shit
Know about that shit
Spit that shit
And it don't quit
And it won't quit
And it won't stop
And it don't stop
Fuck a hoe
Fuck a bitch

Me ganhou com esse jeito de menino
tão alegre, tão meigo e distraído
eu não sei onde esse amor vai me levar...(esse amor vai me levar)
Que você é mais novo é verdade
mas não quero saber da sua idade
não vou mais fugir vou deixar rolar...(deixar rolar)
Te chamo pro cinema, você tem que estudar
e quando a gente sai sempre tem hora pra voltar...
Não vê que eu tô na sua, louca pra te beijar
se liga na idéia que eu vou te mandar...
Não quero mais brincar, brincar de adoleta
Não quero mais brincar, brincar de adoleta
Eu quero le petit petit polá
Le cafet con chocolat
Le petit petit polá
Le cafet con chocolat
Repete tudo
(dezessete anos, pré vestibular, pai enchendo o saco, tem que estudar;
já tive essa idade, sei como é que é, mas tu tá lidando com uma mulher...
vê se me obedece, tem que respeitar... você é gatinho, mas assim não dá;
quero atitude, quero atenção, tem que dar valor no que tu tem na mão)
Repete #2# e Refrão
Le petit petit polá
Le cafet con chocolat
Não quero mais brincar, brincar de Adoleta
Não quero mais brincar, brincar de Adoleta

Pra que que eu fico aqui te esperando
Com tanta coisa pra acontecer
Desse jeito eu acabo dançando
Quem dança no final é você
Às vezes eu me sinto sozinha
E nada de você me ligar
Preciso novamente te encontrar
Não vem brincar de amor
Você tá vacilando comigo
Não vem brincar de amor
A gente tá correndo perigo
Não vem brincar de amor
Que eu faço o mesmo jogo contigo
Depois não adianta reclamar
Você pensa que me engana
Só tô vendo aonde você quer chegar
Com esse jeito
Corda bamba
Porque você não pára pra pensar

Á, õ, ã, ããã
Tô bolada contigo
Á, õ, ã, ããã
Presta atenção
Tá cansado, tá com sono
Não mete essa não
Tá tristinho, tá sofrendo
Não mete essa não
Dá um tempo
Você só quer ficar
Abaixa esse fogo
E vamos conversar
Eu não sei não
Eu não sei não
Eu não sei se ainda posso
Confiar em você
Seu cí-ni-co
Me entreguei pra você
Mas não tive valor
Preferiu procurar aventura
Fico pensando
Quanto tempo perdi
Quantas vezes senti
Quantos sonhos deixei
Mas tá tranqüilo, paixão
Se quiser ficar comigo
Agora é do meu jeito

Você não acreditou, você nem me olhou
disse que eu era muito nova pra você
mas agora que cresci você quer me namorar.
Você não acreditou você sequer notou
disse que eu era muito nova para você
mas agora que cresci você que me namorar.
Não vou acreditar nesse falso amor
que só quer me iludir, me enganar,isso é caô
e pra não dizer que eu sou ruim
vou deixar você me olhar, só olhar,só olhar,
baba, baby, baba
olha o que perdeu, baba
a criança cresceu
bem feito pra você, é...
agora eu sou mais eu,
isso é pra você aprender a nunca mais
me esnobar.
Baba baby, baby baba, baba...

Mais uma noite chega
E com ela a depressão
É esse seu orgulho que incomoda
E é de pedra
A porta do seu coração
Mesmo assim eu me fascino
Fecho os olhos
Esqueço da razão
Mas não esqueço desse seu jeito
Realidade louca de toda ilusão
Juro que te amo
É por você todos os meus planos
Venerar é minha sina
Anjo, entende o meu querer

Por causa de você
não uso mais batom
rasguei meu short curto
diminuí meu tom
troquei os meus amigos
por alguém que só me arrasa
por causa de você
não posso mais entrar em casa
por causa de você perdi minha liberdade
te entreguei minha vida
só fiz tua vontade
briguei com o mundo
larguei tudo
eu não olho pra trás
e agora vem você
me dizendo
que não quer mais
é ou não é pra chorar?
é ou não é pra
diz você...
é ou não é pra chorar?
quando alguém
não sabe amar
se coloca em meu lugar
o que é o amor?
eu não sei
sinceramente eu já pensei
sinceramente eu não sei
pra que tenho coração?

não sou tão fácil assim
preciso te conhecer melhor
comigo não rola
logo na primeira vez
é fundamental
um bom papo
é só lazer
um beijo bem dado
abre a porta do prazer
e com toda calma do mundo
a gente chega lá
gosto de tudo bem feito
se possível devagar
e não desce
essa mão que me aborrece
não é bem
por aí
pare! pare! pare!
e não desce
essa mão que me aborrece
a banda não toca assim
ei, cê tá pensando o quê?
que eu sou fácil, é?
cê tá muito enganado
ai, tira a mão daí
pode subir
tira essa mão boba daí
pára, pára, pára, pára
não, não
pode subir essa mão, vai

Só quero ficar mais
Quero dançar mais
Quero te ter mais
Aumenta o volume
Quero mais, quero mais
Quero viver mais
Quero te ter mais
Aumenta o volume
Quero viajar num groove
Eu sei ie, ie, ie
Dançar, dan, dançar
Black, funk, charme
Hoje eu acordei
Com disposição
Meu coração está
Feliz, feliz
Hoje eu acordei
Querendo zoar
Mexer contigo

eu nem sei como te contar
amiga ...
mas é que eu vi ele com outra
e não acreditei!
você tem que ver o troço feio que ele arrumou
diz ele que ela é tudo,
tem que ter conteúdo
o seu bucha!
sair com mulheres, amigos
e te deixar aqui chorando
eu te falei! que ele estava,
estava armando
deixa ele com a gente
no baile tem forra
vamos cantar pro "péla"
a melô do ih! Fora ...
ih! Fora, ih! Fora, ih! Fora, vacilão!!!
ih! Fora, ih! Fora, ih! Fora, buchão!!!
não chora não, amiga
ele não te merece
não chora não, amiga
arruma outro
que você esquece...

Só quero ficar
Não quero namorar
Só quero ficar
Não quero namorar
Assim não tem graça de se viver
Aonde eu vou você quer ir atrás
Sinto muito, mas vou te dizer
Só quero tchu, tchu, ru, ru
Com você
Só quero ficar
Não quero namorar
Só quero ficar
Não quero namorar
Se liga no som
Eu vou trabalhar
Me dedicar aos estudos
Me estabilizar
Ter meu lugar no mundo
Ser independente financeiramente
Pra não ter que bater na porta de parentes
Não é por nada, não
Eu não quero depender de você, amor
Eu não quero depender de ninguém
Já pensou jogar na minha cara
Que é isso, meu amigo?
Não aceito isso, não
Prefiro preparar meu coração
Contra toda ilusão
Batalhar meu futuro
Dentro da minha razão
Sem ter que dar satisfação
Vou curtir minha vida
Me prender a alguém?
Quem sabe depois dos 30
Por enquanto não
Ainda não tá na hora
Casamento, no, no
Casamento tô fora

Quanto tempo você
Me enganou, me iludiu
Não entendo
(por que)
No meu divã, baby
Baby, baby
Quanto tempo você
Se enganou e mentiu
Não entendo
(por que)
No meu divã, baby, baby
Se lutei sonhando
Choro porque
Esse amor que não se acaba
Como uma flor que vai nascer
Se lutei sonhando
Choro porque
Esse amor que não se acaba
Por você
Te amo sem saber
Quem é você
Te amo sem saber
Quem é você

Sei que você não fez por mal
Mas vacilar assim não é legal
Sei quando a paixão é fulgás
Rola um ciúme, amor
Nada demais
Perdoar, te querer, te beijar
Me entregar pra valer
Sedução, emoção, me envolver
Tudo com você
Pare de bobeira e deixe o clima rolar
Deixe de mistério
E vem pra pista dançar
Vem que não tem tempo ruim
É só eu pra você
Você pra mim
Deixa a canção te levar
Só com você, amor
Quero ficar

A gente sai humm
A gente sai escondido
Pra beijar na boca e fazer amor
Sai hummm
A gente sai escondido
Pra beijar na boca Ihh...
É zuação, quando a gente se deseja
A inveja mata os impuros de coração
Que querem nos destruir
Mas nosso amor é forte e eles não vão conseguir
Meu pai quer me proibir
Qual é coroa vai me dizer que o senhor nunca huumm
Eu nunca huum! Tudo bem meu gato quer o motel
Mas quem vai me levar pro altar também vai me levar pro céu
É zuação, quando a gente se deseja
A inveja mata os impuros de coração
Que querem nos destruir
Mas nosso amor é forte e eles não vão conseguir
Papai quer me proibir
Qual é coroa vai me dizer que o senhor nunca huumm
Eu nunca huum! Tudo bem meu gato quer o motel
Mas quem vai me levar pro altar também vai me levar pro céu
Meu pai tem ciúmes de mim
Ele quer saber aonde vou e com quem vou
Porque, pra que de que tudo quer saber
Sinto muito papa mas vou ter que lhe dizer que eu...
Não sou criança não, Não sou criança não
Eu cresci, eu cresci yeaahhh
Não sou criança não, Não sou criança não
Eu cresci, eu cresci

Se tem uma coisa
Que me deixa passada
É gritar comigo
Sem eu ter feito nada
Se tem uma coisa
Que eu não admito
É gritar comigo
Você gosta de mandar
Você só me faz sofrer
Você só sabe gritar
E grita sem saber
Mas sei que você não vive
Sem meus cuidados, amor
Fala baixinho comigo
A sua dona chegou
Vem aqui!
Que agora eu tô mandando
Vem, meu cachorrinho
A sua dona tá chamando
Vem aqui!
Que agora eu tô mandando
Vem, meu cachorrinho
A sua dona tá chamando
Thu thu thu thu thu thu
Sit, junto
Thu thu thu thu thu thu
Sentado, calado

Tudo começou assim naturalmente
Nem sei como contar isso pra tanta gente
Mas já que começei, agora eu vou falar ah ah
Daqui a pouco eu falo a frase que me fez amar
Confesso que não foi, no primeiro olhar, mas pelo telefone eu não parava de pensar
Duas pessoas iguais, em lugares diferentes
Com uma dá pra ver o que o destino quer com a gente
Não sobrava outro a noite pra dançar
Uma simples frase agora eu vou te contar
Ele disse eu vou te beijar
Eu doida pra acontecer
Ele disse eu vou te beijar
E agora o que vou fazer?
Ele disse eu vou te beijar
Eu doida pra acontecer
Ele disse eu vou te beijar
Então beija
Eu vou te beijar
Então beija
Eu vou te beijar
Beija logo
Eu vou te beijar
Então beija
Eu vou te beijar
Beija logo
Eu vou te beijar
Então beija
Eu vou te beijar
Beija logo
Eu vou te beijar
Então beija
Eu vou te beijar
Beija logo
Tudo começou assim naturalmente
Nem sei como contar isso pra tanta gente
Mas já que começei, agora eu vou falar
Ah assim não tem graça já contei tudo (rs...)
Não sobrava outro a noite pra dançar
Uma simples frase agora eu vou te contar
Ele disse eu vou te beijar
Eu doida pra acontecer
Ele disse eu vou te beijar
E agora o que vou fazer?
Ele disse eu vou te beijar
Eu doida pra acontecer
Ele disse eu vou te beijar
Então beija
Eu vou te beijar
Então beija
Eu vou te beijar
Beija logo
Eu vou te beijar
Então beija
Eu vou te beijar
Beija logo
Eu vou te beijar
Então beija
Eu vou te beijar
Beija logo
Eu vou te beijar
Então beija
Eu vou te beijar
Beija logo
Então beija
Beija logo
Então beija
Beija logo

Trim, Trim
- Oi!
- Demorou pra atender, hein? Fala sério!!
Pare e pense
E fique quieto
Você não é assim tão certo
Pare e pense
Olhe pra trás, essa cara de anjinho já é demais
Pare e pense
Você bem sabe, eu nada vou dizer, já se ligou
Pare e pense
Então se toca, agora diz pra mim quem foi que errou
Todo mundo sabe quem é você, fala mal de mim sem ter porquê
Se acabou é porque não era amor, foram tantas que você vacilou
Corta essa, tá ficando louco, se fazendo de santo, santinho do pau oco
Corta essa, seu bebê chorão, você não deu valor quando tinha na mão(x2)
Trim, trim
Bebé chorão ainda essa hora? Corta essa, tô fora.
Pare e pense
E fique quieto
Você não é assim tão certo
Pare e pense
Olhe pra trás, essa cara de anjinho já é demais
Pare e pense
Você bem sabe, eu nada vou dizer, já se ligou
Pare e pense
Então se toca, agora diz pra mim quem foi que errou
Todo mundo sabe quem é você, fala mal de mim sem ter porquê
Se acabou é porque não era amor, foram tantas que você vacilou
Corta essa, tá ficando louco, se fazendo de santo, santinho do pau oco
Corta essa, seu bebê chorão, você não deu valor quando tinha na mão(4x)
Trim, trim
Bebê chorão ainda essa hora? Corta essa, tô fora.
(telefone ocupado)

[se liga, senão você vai rodar
tô com ciúmes de você rapá
se liga, senão você vai rodar]
você olha pro lado, eu fico bolada
tá falando com outra, eu fico ligada
eu seguro essa onda calada
se você tá sozinho e não liga
eu ligo pro celular, desliga
você já me conhece, tem briga
e o que você vai me falar
se eu começar a te zoar
fazendo o mesmo com você?
você vai ver
o que eu tô sentindo é que:
eu tô com ciúmes de você
eu tô, eu tô, eu tô
Repete tudo, exceto a parte falada
mais uma vez, Daddy Kall, se liga aí
Kelly Key, que tal, vem curtir
vem dançar, vem sentir
você tem que dar moral quando ela diz:
tô com ciúme de você
tô te mandando uma real, se liga aí
Kelly Key, Daddy Kall here
se liga, senão você vai rodar
tô com ciúmes de você rapá
se liga, senão você vai rodar
eu tô com ciúmes de você
eu tô, eu tô, eu tô, tô
eu tô com ciúmes de você

ninguém me entende
quando eu aumento o rádio
a vida que eu levo
nego pensa que é fácil
ninguém me entende
quando eu aumento o rádio
e fico rebolando na frente do espelho
ninguém me entende
quando eu aumento o rádio
a vida que eu levo
nego pensa que é fácil
acordar, lavar, varrer, passar
de cabelo em pé
assim ninguém me quer
a unha? cruz credo, né!
ainda tenho que aturar
a família do mané
faz isso, faz aquilo
Nhã, nhã, nhã,...
Ô paciência...
eu deixo tudo limpinho
você bagunça tudinho
assim eu não agüento mais
eu quero ser famosa
ser uma grande artista
gravar comercial, ser capa de revista
eles vão ver só
Quando minha música tocar...
vou dar maior gritão!!!
eu vou passar batom
Chic, Chic, Chic, Chic,
eu vou ficar bonita
Chic, Chic, Chic, Chic,
que eu vou rebolar
vou rebolar,vou rebolar

Geral tava olhando
a loirinha com o negão
Juntinhos de mãos dadas
Zoando no calçadão
Foi quando de repente
me veio um cidadão
e perguntou: "Loirinha,
o que tu viu nesse negão?"
O que eu vi dentro dele
não vi dentro de você;
me dê papel e caneta
que eu vou já lhe responder:
meu preto é 100%
e me coloca pra chorar
só pra tirar uma onda,
playboy, vou te esculachar
Por isso eu fiz essa canção
Pensando do meu jeito
pro playboy ouvir
e rever seus conceitos
ele é escuro, sim
um tremendo negão
mas não lhe falta
educação e respeito...

* I got this mother fucker staring at me
Should i hit him up with the heat?
And leave him dead in the streets
I think bout to be desised
But they's a mother fucking want to be fool
I seen'em crying when my homie put a got to his face
Somebody lieing,Everybody dieing, trying to get slick
I put the clip in and sqweezed to my shit don't kick
Reload and trip some more
Lord forgive me cause i love the way the gun blow
kissing on my automatic clicking where the trigger go
Blow your mother fucking head off
I bout to set it off
20 hollow points of your brain
I'm bout to let 'em off
You mother fuckers ain't shit trying to be hard core
You think you're bad cuase you let your bullets rip
through my front door
I think you tried try to disrespect me
I leave that ass leaking come on and test me
I rest in peace any enamys
And leave 'em blind
That's what you get for try to fuck with mine
[one man talking]
We can do this anyway you want doc
One on one from the chest
Or we can all get down
Yeah? we can all fuck this place up
I trust no man but my solo fucking crime partner
You just got to know who's real and the one's who are
You know them liltle rats that got your back but they
start to run
You know them liltle lives that shit their pants when
shit pops off
Ask yourself is everyone down to with your team?
He might look real mean but they look they decive
The biggest baddest locos get their head bashed in
See some of the best of 'em
Get tossed in trash cans
See is not what you say, It's what you prove
It's not what you got, Cause it's what you can loose
A puto dies a thounsands times, A solider dies once
It's hard to show love
When the push comes to shove
You might be binded by blood
But your bound by your honor
If you can't hold your ground
Then your ass is a gonner
It's just the envy in mind
That's when evil occurs
But from what he procives
Then i guess he desurves
[one man talking]
That punk got you kick back in the hole
they say is all back
Now he's running around and talking mad shit
His numbers up holmes
I said I'm taking it off ese
Its gonna happen? Its gonna happen?
Don't try to stop it
You understand me?
I'm asking you carnal
Conosi a un tal huero que tenia mucho dinero
Cocaina de Colombia, Sinturon echo de cuero
Le decian el mero mero con sus botas de culebra
Cuerno de chivo en el dedo para protejer su yerva
Trato echo con respeto, Coca,Chiva,Mariguana
Nos esperan en Nevada si cruzamos la Tijuana
20 Kilos de la buena 15 metros pa' llegar
Ponte listo Jalisqueno no te vallas a rajar
Le ensene mi mika chueka no nos dejaro pasar
Pero chingen a su madre a mi me tienen que matar
Le apunte y dispare
Yo no lo pude creer cayo muerto en el suelo lo patie
como pele cuando pense
Que por seguro estabamos torzidos
Salio el huero bien prendido disparo el cueno de chivo
El huero no los dejes vivos
Si no maman me la pelan

* [Chorus]
I smoke the weed trying to hide the pain
Spendin all my time, smoke my life away
You can feel it inside, take a look in my eyes
Can you feel the pain
Mary Mary, take my pain away
With struggle in time, spittin all over my face
Take a look in my eyes, don't you dear look away
Mary Jane maintains, tryin to heel my pain
[Romero New Mexico Lobo]
Kickin in the door with the double dawg pumped
Shot gun trucha comin in people screamin
And pushin and shovin I'm buggin I'm thugin and muggin
Showin no love to you and my cousin now what [shut the fuck up]
Bringin heat like an oven they call me no good for nothin
I'm always huffin and puffin about to get into some thin
And if you startin I'm jumpin in the Clika I'm bumpin it
New Mexico Lobo I ain't the fool to be fuckin wit
Ignitin like dynamite my beat is automicly
An automatic ak-47 ain't no stoppin me
Got the chronic got a problem G
I'm Romero like rufetho I'ma always be on top of things
I put the chronic in the bowl take a mothafuckin pull
Like a mothafuckin fool like a mystery know who
I'm a lobo I'm a rebel I'm an angel I'm a devil
I'ma norte I'ma sur on the eastside of the west
If you wish me all the best, I'ma keep you in the chest
See you see me all depressed, see you see me smokin stress
See you see a lobo blessed I was never nothin more I was never nothin less
Put my life on the beat comin live from the streets I'ma fill me up a drink
Take a toast to the very up most gettin weeded til I'm comatoast
Mary Mary all I needed I'm a get you blown home grown
All my road dawgs know that I give it all I got
Always blowin out the spot, 4:20 on the dot
Time to fire up a crop, everybody puffin on it when I'm blazin up the chronic non stop
So I'ma hit on the drop, hold it in, let it out, I'm so mothafuckin high
That I'm bleedin from the mouth, wrap my tongue up on the mic
I'ma smoke away my life tryin to hide from the pain
[Bad Boy]
Smokin some weed on the daily waiting for the death says
Since the 80's, I lived in a crib full of babies
Left in the dark was a spark in the park
Walkin with a strap, with no where to go, Mary
Mary Jane, helped me to ease the pain
And maintain the gank to stay game
Started hustlin the dope to change and make thangs
Stop fuckin with the hoes, get up and get paid, homie
Get made, I got me a weapon to spray, I was lost for a day
Walkin the street with a heat and some hay
And ended up locked in a cage, like a slave
Caught in a daze, funny as fuck you could say
I got out and got blazed, took a turn lookin up how to change
Was tellin a Bad Boy not to play
But Mary Jane along with the nuts to get brave
And the hopes to get saved
Got me a name and a gang I would kill for
Takin my bull shit to the grave
Nothin but 7 0 2 blues, troops in a 82 Coup Duece
Gotta move, my attitude's screwed
Gotta get me some weed to get me through
Smokin with nothin to do, writtin and rappin and shit
It ain't nothin new, livin and waitin til death do us part
For my dreams to come true [Say it again]
Smokin with nothin to do, writtin and rappin and shit
It ain't nothin new, livin and waitin til death do us part
For my dreams to come true
From Tropicana to Bonanza
I'm attackin mothafuckas like certain form of deadly cancer
With a handgun throwin tamtrums
When I go more then a day without talkin to samson
Like Halfbaked, I'm smokin at a fast pace
On a mothafuckin blunt of that California Skunk
In an instance so you know I'ma get stuck
And you're gonna get struct cause I'm drunk and don't give a fuck
Roll another I'm already done with the first
You dodn't really feel the pain you just pretend that it hurts
You haven't the slightest idea on how the planet works
There's way more to life then what you can read in a book
Chasin skirts and buyin new shirts and puttin D's on your shit
I come equipt with a full 380 calibur clip
You ain't gotta be a doctor to see that I'm sick
A bitch ain't gotta know I'm rappin to get on the dick
But it sure as fuck helps
Especially when I'm locked up in the county with no money for bail
I'm Don Well, I rock well, my eternal restin place is hell
I don't care to play fair
Fuck the world and everybody on it
I'm so god damn bored with life that I'm yawnin
I don't even see the sun dawnin
Infact I'm pissed off when I wake up
Because I lived to see the mornin
Fuck it hits longer then a cigerette
I live my life by the second with no regret
Like Rodney I swear I get no respect
From this dumb mothafuckas before they get checked
On their chins, now they chasin death
Fuck runnin from it I feel haunted by the general public
They love critizin people like me who stay blunted
Chain smoke and drink liquor all night livin toxic
[Ese Brown]
Ese Brown steppin in with the Click and we already in the game
Loco to the brain comin with the gang bang
Voco it's the mothafuckin local boys
Makin noise with your homie boys, Clika 1 up in their low toys
And we're makin more noise like hood niggas in a rolls royace
Only becomin a street voice, spit the rhyme wit the gangsta poise
And my closest homeboys are criminal minded wit no choice
Take a tok and get the fuck out, spillin your guts out
No heart no doubt, I'm in the Caddy gettin smoke out
With the loks on, and I'm probably coked out
Should I bring out with the gun shot shit
Why not, never listen to words in my verses
I was cursed to be the worst from the first day
The vato bursted from the bullets I gave him in the first place
Never disrespect the name, Clika 1 to the brain
Same things with the Mary Jane to maintain
Fuck the shame I'm gonna swallow the pain
To the brain with the 40 bottle exchange
Bullets are hollow we ain't promised tomorrow
So why bother, crooked paths are hard to follow
When street life is hard to swallow
Light that shit up

* [Voice]
In your mothafuckin ass
ooh this some mothafuckin gangsta shit
[Bad Boy]
Welcome to the Eastside wit 40's and glocks
homies are riders non stop
Any open fire, jus drop block
you fuckin wit hot shots who keep a stash up in the box
They love to get off, they pull it out for the block
whether it's gang bangin or not
Hop in the ride makin it hop
takin your bitches top off makin her hot
Haters will flop for tryin to snitch us out to the cops
they on the phone [tryin to give up a drug spot]
Man you bitches never change, droppin dimes, spillin the game
Won't be satisified til all my homies are locked in a cage
But fucked that, we be cocked wit a guage
buck shots with a rage
Keep the pieces on razor blades you bitch made
bet you afraid to get your house on spray
You know it's retaliation within a couple of days
them criminal ways
Catchin cases in violent days, it pays to pay
pay your lawyers and havin nice days
[Chorus: Ese Brown]
It's our criminal ways, catchin cases from paper chases
It's our criminal ways, gats, brass knuckles and razor blades
I'm cool wit Ese's who got AKs and cases, cut off Dickes and fat laces
[Ese Brown]
This is for my gang bang dippin they cigirettes in the dank glass
Homies liftin and lettin they pants sag, gats in their hand bags
Bitches wit bandanas and gang tats, stuff in they pants
Help us some way if they man ask
Homie wit the continnental kids in the back, puffin them sacks
Poppin them caps, hoppin regals and cadaliacs
Haters get mad, we sent them straight to they backs
And tell em, mothafucka yeah whats up with that
Gangstas get mad because of the shit they never had
Homies got no dads, and no cash, homies get hot fast
Short fuse, belongs to the homies who know what they doin
When they blasted a bullet right through em
This shit aint new to em, chicanos bangin the streets
They handle the beef, wit heaters, homies, pandas and p's
And playin for keeps, and white sheets that cover the streets
The game, all my homies that be learnin them criminal ways

* [Audio From Casino]
At that time, Vegas was a place
Where millions of suckers flew in every year on thier own nickel
And left behind about a billion dollars
But at night you couldn't see the deserts that surrounds Las Vegas
But it's in the desert is where alot of the town's problems are solved
[Bad Boy]
Mobbin down the street with a blue rag
And a sack and I look to the side like a pimp in the game
Lil bro what's your name
Bad Boy from the C-L-I-K with A on the DL, so where's the P-O's
Duckin down on the mothafuckin side cause they're lookin for my primos
What the fuck they want to D-O
With the lexus and hoes and a pocket full of c notes
And we mobbin in some regals, but we can't hit the strip
Because the strip is like pack down, it's the cause and put the gat down
We're the fools that were talkin, so we got to put the smack down
But the levas always back down, mad doggin and fixed to let em know
But I got to hit that doujah killa weed, humped up in my birthday suit
Addin honey to my killa bee, better be cause you never see
3 loked up hold up there they go, put the dot to thier dome
Chrome 45 cocked backed ready tell me when aim steady loco
Let it go loco let em know that I spray wit the AK
All day every day til the day that I never should of die
Should've of known that we gang bang
Take it like a man but treat him like a bitch cause he's from the other side
[Ese Brown]
Bang bang, when I kill em off, fill em all full of bullet holes
Faggot pussy gotta go turn around put your loks on
Keep actin hard in the yard trucha
Cut ya two more to let you know and there's plenty more to go
1 2 3 mothafuckas graves laid down by the loco ese brown
Hyptnotized by the pound that's scatered around
Beatin on every clown that copy cattin on my sound
Hold em up take the crown
Let me get the cane let me do my every thing
Let the bullets reign mothafucka sang
Take the life of an enemy shit instead of me
Let me see if your the murders mean any thing
7-0-2 wit a strap and a sack and a gat, matter of fact
Look at that, mothafucka got shot through the back
Smack down nothin cold in the cadilac
Cause I had a strap on my mothafuckin side
My clip is fully loaded got my cuete right beside me
I'm born to die so let these mothafuckas find me
I show no love when I'm unloadin out the chamber
Buck, that's what you get for tryin to put my life in danger
[Ese Brown]
Okay, pull out your vusca let see who's packin the big nuts
Look at that, hit em up with the big gat now the homie don't know how to act
Clika, vamos chingamos any fools tryin to act ver miatamos
Any bitches tryin to get down cuamos C side clika controlondos
Where's the mothafuckin weed at, pistos shave heads and a mothafucka bark alot
Down to scrap alot, bad boy pull the gat hit em up with the 45 calibur shot
I'm gettin down with the gang bang bang
Tear drops and casket, quick to pull a drive by
Street life ain't no game, homicide, we ride I'm hangin out low rides
Ese Brown from the C-L I-K to the A
Kickin back with a mothafuckin primo, when I'm on a the D-O
Fuck around with the scarface hit em in the neck like casino
What they wanna G-O, fill em all with bullet holes
Let a mothafucka bleed hit em up with the bottle of caresin
Sparked the match, turned around and heard em screamin
When fuckin with a demon no lie
12 guage to the brain from a drive by
Livin my life in the fast line, cokane, insane to the brain with a fake name
What you claim, throw your mothafuckin gang signs hit em up from the side lines
Never mind mine, never try mine ese [be careful puto]
I'll blow your mothafuckin brains man
[Romero "The New Mexican Lobo"]
I'm crawlin up out of the shadow, you ready to battle, gon make your head rattle
New Mexico Lobo, we doppin the vocals for all of your cholas and all of you cholos
I'm rollin deep in mi carro, a 72 Monte Carlo We dip us a limon sin palo
Tripped out in the mente muy malo, my clip's loaded up with hollows
Hey Lobo get down to the point, I take real big tocasos, so big I swallow the joint
I twist the cap on my pito, a vato that's listo parra des madre
A lobo that's puttin in hales, I'm burnin a hole through your carne
Where ever we are, never it fails, smokin the dough, were mackin the hoes
We'll throw in the doggs droppin the bombs, puttin it down when ever we drop
Shit doesn't stop, forever we last, when ever we blast
We sprayin em down, we layin em down, no playin around
My cuete goes pop, til everyone drops
You're fuckin wit mexican mobsters, got grip just like a red lobster
The brown neighborhood knight stalker, got ghost when I heard the chopper
I left no iwitness, took care of business, in it to win it, won't stop til I'm finished

[Boy]Looking out into the land
Knees in the sand
She’s looking for a home
or a place to call her own
[Girl] My face filled with tears
and my heart sore from fears
I’m trying to be strong enough
[both] but things are so though
[boy] who could she count on[girl] I don’t even know
[boy] who could she trust?[girl]trust with my heart
[boy] try as she must to keep holding on
[boy] the sunsets tonight, and out when the light
she cries herself to sleep at night
hoping things will be alright
[girl] I’m looking for a friend
one that heaven would send
[both] but everyday’s the same for the
girl with no name
[boy] who could she count on[girl] I don’t even know
[boy] who could she trust?[girl]trust with my heart
[boy] try as she must to keep holding on
[boy] she locks her heart up with
a lock and key
[girl] I put up a wall to protect
what’s left of me
[girl] who can I count on? [boy]you can count on me
[girl] who can I trust?[boy] I wont break your heart
[girl] try as I must to keep holding on
[boy] try as she must to keep holding on
try as she must to keep holding on….
keep holding on
