SACC campaigns against Britain's terrorism laws, against torture and detention without trial, against laws that criminalise political and community activity, against the so-called war on terror. SACC stands up for human rights and civil liberties.


Resisting World War 1

A new website is being launched to tell the story of the people and social movements that resisted World War 1

What's Wrong with the Terrorism Acts?

SACC campaigns for the repeal of the UK's Terrorism Act 2000 and all subsequent anti-terrorism legislation. These laws undermine fundamental human rights and criminalise whole communities.
The Terrorism Acts - why they are wrong

Write to the Detainees

There are many detainees in Britain held without charge or trial in a type of house arrest .
Please write to them

Background & Comment

  • by SACC
    A new campaign has been launched to stop Sainsbury's sourcing fresh produce from companies that operate in illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine
  • The SDL and the North East Infidels are planning to hold a march in Berwick upon Tweed on the 5th July 2014. Berwick upon Tweed & District Trades Council, Unite Against Fascism Berwick and RMT Berwick Branch have initiated a Unity statement in support of a counter a counter demonstration
  • by Richard Haley
    Demo against the SDL, Edinburgh, February 2010
    SDL supporters - one of them a teenage mother of a very young child - have been given custodial sentences for desecrating Edinburgh Central mosque with strips of bacon in January 2013. Richard Dawkins called the sentences “law gone mad.” But the islamophobia promoted by the SDL has led to arson attacks on mosques.
  • Police at a demo against the fascist SDL, Edinburgh, June 2013
    SACC Briefing on your rights under Stop and Search laws
  • by Aamer Anwar
    Wreckage of Pan Am Flight 103
    Background to the conviction of Megrahi over the Lockerbie bombing
  • An application has been lodged with the SCCRC seeking to overturn the conviction of Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi for the Lockerbie bombing. What happens next?
  • by Richard Haley
    International Roma Day, Glasgow, 6 April 2014
    A May opinion poll conducted for Dundee University's Five Million Questions project prompted a headline in the Herald, published the day before the European election, that claimed: "Seven out of ten Scots 'back Ukip policy on immigration" Can that be true? And are they all racists?
  • by Richard Haley
    Close Guantanamo - demo in Edinburgh, January 2007

    Demonstrations were help around the world on 23 May to call for the closure of Guantánamo Bay. In the year since Barack Obama launched his last initiative to close the camp, just 12 prisoners have been released. 154 men remain in illegal detention, including Shaker Aamer from London. Britain is putting no pressure at all on the US to mend its ways. Could an independent Scotland do better?