
Film Die Landärztin 1958
Film Die Landärztin 1958
Die Landärztin ist ein deutscher Heimatfilm unter der Regie von ...
published: 19 Feb 2014
Film Die Landärztin 1958
Film Die Landärztin 1958
Film Die Landärztin 1958 Die Landärztin ist ein deutscher Heimatfilm unter der Regie von Paul May. Schauspieler: Marianne Koch: Dr. Petra Jensen Rudolf Prack: Tierarzt Dr. Rinner Margarete Haagen: Seestallerin Friedrich Domin: Pfarrer Beppo Brem: Girgl Olga von Togni: Frau Fechner Michl Lang: Bürgermeister Maria Perschy: Afra Roland Carey: Andy Zipfhauser Willy Millowitsch: Krösel Hilde Schreiber: Hannerls Mutter Thomas Reiner: Dr. Friebe Cheryl Benard: Hannerl Rudolf Vogel: Zipfhauser Otto Schmöle: Patient Handlung: Als die junge Ärztin Dr. Petra Jensen eine oberbayerische Dorf-Praxis übernehmen will, stösst sie als Frau auf eine Welle der Ablehnung. Auch Tierarzt Dr. Rinner ist zunächst skeptisch, doch bald hat er nicht bloss berufliche Gründe, um die neue Landärztin zu unterstützen.- published: 19 Feb 2014
- views: 73

1958 - NBC - Your Hit Parade - from 5/24/58 - (1/2)
A really poor kinescope of a complete "Your Hit Parade" from May 24,1958....
published: 24 Apr 2011
author: musicom67
1958 - NBC - Your Hit Parade - from 5/24/58 - (1/2)
1958 - NBC - Your Hit Parade - from 5/24/58 - (1/2)
A really poor kinescope of a complete "Your Hit Parade" from May 24,1958.- published: 24 Apr 2011
- views: 20503
- author: musicom67

Helden - 1958 [Ganzer Film Deutsch]
Helden - 1958 [Ganzer Film Deutsch]
Der schweizerische Hauptmann Bluntschli (O. W. Fischer...
published: 21 Dec 2013
Helden - 1958 [Ganzer Film Deutsch]
Helden - 1958 [Ganzer Film Deutsch]
Helden - 1958 [Ganzer Film Deutsch] Der schweizerische Hauptmann Bluntschli (O. W. Fischer) sucht im bulgarisch-serbischen Krieg Zuflucht bei der Braut des Feindes. Aber wie soll er die süße Raina (Liselotte Pulver) davon überzeugen, dass auch ein Feigling ein Held sein kann? filme auf deutsch anschauen in voller länge ganzer film ganze filme auf deutsch anschauen in voller länge deutsche filme in voller länge action thriller horror liebesfilme komödie fantasy filme komplett auf deutsch filme deutsch komplett kompletter film deutsch- published: 21 Dec 2013
- views: 485

The Five Worst Songs of 1958
The Buckley family has a long history in radio. Here, in this thought-to-be-lost audio cli...
published: 03 Sep 2012
author: ADoseofBuckley
The Five Worst Songs of 1958
The Five Worst Songs of 1958
The Buckley family has a long history in radio. Here, in this thought-to-be-lost audio clip, grandfather Arthur Buckley takes apart the five worst songs of 1...- published: 03 Sep 2012
- views: 223161
- author: ADoseofBuckley

The Original Stroll - February 1958
On a local television dance show in Idaho in February 1958, local teens dance to one of th...
published: 05 Feb 2011
author: MrMemories
The Original Stroll - February 1958
The Original Stroll - February 1958
On a local television dance show in Idaho in February 1958, local teens dance to one of the biggest dance crazes out of the late-1950's called The Stroll, wh...- published: 05 Feb 2011
- views: 2257761
- author: MrMemories

The Snob (1958)
I find myself drawn to this film again and again. Its theme seems timeless, yet I can't he...
published: 06 Aug 2010
author: shaggylocks
The Snob (1958)
The Snob (1958)
I find myself drawn to this film again and again. Its theme seems timeless, yet I can't help but wonder if indeed times have not changed for girls like Sara....- published: 06 Aug 2010
- views: 57660
- author: shaggylocks

Driving Tips Series 1 - 1958 Driving Safety / Social Guidance / Educational Documentary " - Val73TV"
Driving safety instructional film from the late 1950's. Discusses basic driving techniques...
published: 08 Dec 2012
author: Val73TV4
Driving Tips Series 1 - 1958 Driving Safety / Social Guidance / Educational Documentary " - Val73TV"
Driving Tips Series 1 - 1958 Driving Safety / Social Guidance / Educational Documentary " - Val73TV"
Driving safety instructional film from the late 1950's. Discusses basic driving techniques, traffic signs, going around curves, left turns, and the dangers o...- published: 08 Dec 2012
- views: 795
- author: Val73TV4

Magic Highway, U.S.A. (1958)
No copyright infringement is intended with this, or any other video I upload. The purpose ...
published: 26 Dec 2012
author: cjs83172
Magic Highway, U.S.A. (1958)
Magic Highway, U.S.A. (1958)
No copyright infringement is intended with this, or any other video I upload. The purpose of uploading this video is for the viewing pleasure for those that ...- published: 26 Dec 2012
- views: 1602
- author: cjs83172

What's Wrong with the World? (1958) by Dr.Billy Graham
"And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all ...
published: 28 Jun 2011
author: yourlivingmanna
What's Wrong with the World? (1958) by Dr.Billy Graham
What's Wrong with the World? (1958) by Dr.Billy Graham
"And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come" Mathew 24:14.GOD LOVES YOU.JE...- published: 28 Jun 2011
- views: 54860
- author: yourlivingmanna

Copa do Mundo de Futebol 1958 - Jogo Final - Brasil x Suécia
Colocado no Youtube por mim por solicitação da Revista "sãopaulo", da Folha de São Paulo e...
published: 16 May 2014
Copa do Mundo de Futebol 1958 - Jogo Final - Brasil x Suécia
Copa do Mundo de Futebol 1958 - Jogo Final - Brasil x Suécia
Colocado no Youtube por mim por solicitação da Revista "sãopaulo", da Folha de São Paulo e da jornalista Vanessa Correa. Jogo completo com narração das Rádios Bandeirantes e Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. Narradores: Jorge Curi e Oswaldo Moreira (Nacional), Pedro Luiz e Edson Leite (Bandeirantes). Apenas um trecho de alguns minutos não foi possível recuperar a narração original, mas o som do estádio está perfeito. Como curiosidade os narradores cariocas narravam cada um em uma metade do campo, quando a bola atravessava o meio campo o outro assumia o microfone. Os narradores paulistas fizeram diferente: Pedro Luiz narrou o primeiro tempo e Edson Leite o segundo. Existe uma lacuna de áudio entre os 15 e 30 minutos do primeiro tempo porque os originais da Radio Nacional foram perdidos e o disco lançado na época pela Radio Bandeirantes não tem a narração completa. www.telecinagem.com.br- published: 16 May 2014
- views: 10292

Aldous Huxley interview-1958 (FULL)
A rare 1958 interview from the author of "Brave New World" Thank you for watching....
published: 24 May 2011
author: TruthTube1111
Aldous Huxley interview-1958 (FULL)
Aldous Huxley interview-1958 (FULL)
A rare 1958 interview from the author of "Brave New World" Thank you for watching.- published: 24 May 2011
- views: 232929
- author: TruthTube1111

One of the Strangest Shows Ever to Air on TV (1958)
Television game shows descended from similar programs on radio. The very first television ...
published: 02 Apr 2013
author: Way Back
One of the Strangest Shows Ever to Air on TV (1958)
One of the Strangest Shows Ever to Air on TV (1958)
Television game shows descended from similar programs on radio. The very first television game show, Spelling Bee, was broadcast in 1938. Truth or Consequenc...- published: 02 Apr 2013
- views: 1687
- author: Way Back
Vimeo results:

SKALPEL -1958 official video
dir D. Szermanowicz
SKALPEL -1958 official video...
published: 04 Sep 2010
author: Dariusz Szermanowicz
SKALPEL -1958 official video
dir D. Szermanowicz
SKALPEL -1958 official video

Glas - Bert Haanstra (1958)
"Glass (Dutch: Glas) is a Dutch short documentary film by director and producer Bert Haans...
published: 04 Jul 2013
author: Icosahedron
Glas - Bert Haanstra (1958)
"Glass (Dutch: Glas) is a Dutch short documentary film by director and producer Bert Haanstra. The film won the Academy Award for Documentary Short Subject in 1959. The entire film is about the glass bottle industry"

oregon bike trails :: high school lover
song: high school lover
band: oregon bike trails
footage: ingenuity in action (1958)
published: 10 Feb 2011
author: Dino Rossi
oregon bike trails :: high school lover
song: high school lover
band: oregon bike trails
footage: ingenuity in action (1958)
more oregon bike trails...

DECONSTRUCTING MOTION GRAPHICS (Touch of Evil, 1958) lesson #01
I was lucky enough to watch this analysis at a Promax conference many, many years ago. Jef...
published: 15 Oct 2012
author: totuma
DECONSTRUCTING MOTION GRAPHICS (Touch of Evil, 1958) lesson #01
I was lucky enough to watch this analysis at a Promax conference many, many years ago. Jeff Boortz, creative director at 3 ring circus at the time, explained how "everything in the frame has meaning" making a systematic analysis of Orson Wells "Touch of Evil" (1952) initial sequence. Boortz explained the parallelism between a film director and a motion graphic artist: The director must tell the actors and camera what to do, the motion graphic artist must do the same, it just that there are no actors, just graphic elements, but the narrative challenges are the same. Each element, frame and camera movement "everything in the frame" must work in harmony to reinforce the cinematographic narrative, and be able to successfully tell the story.
This is our take on that analysis.
The best way to understand this, is to watch first the original movie sequence here:
And then watch the analysis. Otherwise can be overwhelming and confusing.
One of the best motion graphic classes that we have ever received. Thank you Mr. Boortz.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Tuve la suerte de ver este análisis durante una conferencia en Promax / BDA hace bastante años. Jeff Boortz, en aquel momento director creativo de 3 Ring Circus, explicaba como "Everything in the frame has meaning", "todo en el cuadro cinematográfico tiene significado" haciendo un análisis de la secuencia inicial de la película "Touch of Evil" (1952) de Orson Wells. Boortz explicaba el paralelismo entre el rol del director de una película y los que hacemos motion graphics: Un director debe decirle a los actores y la cámara cómo deben moverse. El diseñador / animador debe hacer lo mismo, pero con los elementos gráficos. En ese sentido, cada elemento, cada actor, cada encuadre y movimiento de cámara "todo en el cuadro cinematográfico" debe trabajar en perfecta armonía apoyando la narrativa cinematográfica y en función de la historia que se quiere contar.
Este es nuestro intento de recrear aquel análisis.
La dinámica, en la charla original, fue primero ver la escena de manera “normal”, dejándonos llevar por la historia:
Después la volvimos a ver, ya con el análisis, para apreciar todas las decisiones del director ( hacerlo de manera invertida puede resultar confuso)
Una de las mejores lecciones de motion graphics que he recibido. Gracias Sr. Boortz.
Youtube results:

Mundial Fifa - Suécia 1958
A Copa do Mundo FIFA de 1970 foi a nona edição da Copa do Mundo FIFA de Futebol, que ocorr...
published: 11 Dec 2013
Mundial Fifa - Suécia 1958
Mundial Fifa - Suécia 1958
A Copa do Mundo FIFA de 1970 foi a nona edição da Copa do Mundo FIFA de Futebol, que ocorreu de 31 de maio até 21 de junho. O evento foi sediado no México, tendo partidas realizadas nas cidades de Guadalajara, León, Cidade do México, Puebla, Toluca. Dezesseis seleções nacionais foram qualificadas para participar desta edição do campeonato, sendo 9 delas europeias (União Soviética, Bélgica, Itália, Suécia, Inglaterra, Romênia, Tchecoslováquia, Alemanha Ocidental e Bulgária), 5 americanas (México, El Salvador, Uruguai, Brasil e Peru), 1 asiática (Israel) e 1 africana (Marrocos). As seleções de El Salvador, Israel e Marrocos faziam sua primeira participação na competição. A edição teve uma grande goleada: México 4 x 0 El Salvador. A Copa contou com grandes jogadores, como Teofilo Cubillas do Peru, Mazurkiewicz do Uruguai, Sepp Maier, Gerd Müller, Uwe Seeler, Karl-Heinz Schnellinger, Franz Beckenbauer e Wolfgang Overath da Alemanha, Giacinto Facchetti, Roberto Rosato, Sandro Mazzola, Luigi Riva, Gianni Rivera e Roberto Boninsegna da Itália, Gordon Banks, Bobby Moore, Geoff Hurst, Martin Peters e Bobby Charlton da Inglaterra e Pelé, Jairzinho, Tostão, Rivellino, Gérson, Clodoaldo, Piazza e Carlos Alberto Torres do Brasil.- published: 11 Dec 2013
- views: 9

Brasil x Suécia - Final da Copa de 1958 - Completo
Jogo da final da copa do mundo de 1958 entre Brasil e Suécia. Montei e sincronizei o vídeo...
published: 22 Aug 2012
author: satolep
Brasil x Suécia - Final da Copa de 1958 - Completo
Brasil x Suécia - Final da Copa de 1958 - Completo
Jogo da final da copa do mundo de 1958 entre Brasil e Suécia. Montei e sincronizei o vídeo com trechos da narração da Rádio Nacional. Nos trechos que não enc...- published: 22 Aug 2012
- views: 42219
- author: satolep

Lonelyhearts (1958) Montgomery Clift Eng
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0053017/ I do not own. No copyright infringement intended....
published: 23 Oct 2012
author: onlymoviesandmovies
Lonelyhearts (1958) Montgomery Clift Eng
Lonelyhearts (1958) Montgomery Clift Eng
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0053017/ I do not own. No copyright infringement intended.- published: 23 Oct 2012
- views: 9009
- author: onlymoviesandmovies

Dion & The Belmonts I Wonder Why 1958
Dion & The Belmonts I Wonder Why 1958 Rare Full Footage....
published: 14 Aug 2009
author: DoowopRick
Dion & The Belmonts I Wonder Why 1958
Dion & The Belmonts I Wonder Why 1958
Dion & The Belmonts I Wonder Why 1958 Rare Full Footage.- published: 14 Aug 2009
- views: 1282934
- author: DoowopRick