Latest Podcasts

Radical San Fran Tour, with Dave Giesen ( takes us on a walking tour of social movements in this vibrant city. Along the way we will be challenged with the need for more than words but the most primal of realities.

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We chat with the very entertaining Sean Willmore, President of the International Ranger Federation and founding Director of The Thin Green Line. The Thin Green Line is an Australian NFP that ‘Protects Nature’s Protectors’; the rangers on the frontline of conservation across the globe. Over 1000 rangers have been killed in action over the past 10 years. We’ll also play tunes from the World Ranger Day fundraiser gig; Tinpan Orange, Tex Perkins and Makana. Should be a good show!

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Presenters and guests are Pam Vardy, AB, and Karen Sutherland – Edible Eden Design.

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A week after the win against the Muckaty Nuclear Waste Dump, hear from activists in Melbourne about their reflections on the 7 year campaign. With Michaela Stubbs, Jessie Boylan, Hannah Walters and Gem Romuld this show explores connections between city activists and Traditional Owners standing up for their country in the desert. We consider what we mean by acting in solidarity, and how the win at Muckaty strengthens the broader fight for a nuclear free world.

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Labour news from the Asia Pacific region. Interview with Reden Alcantara, president of the NXP Semiconductors Company Workers Union in the Philippines, about the firing of union leaders. Asia Pacific Currents is produced by Australia Asia Worker Links.

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Aboredena hamdi Ramadan. We wish all Saay Xaba listener a Happy and prosperous Ramadan. Today’s program consists of Din Mihrira, Somen Aboredena Hamdi, Zi daay Hera. For your comments and feed back please email us on:

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Brazil Terror World Cup. Billions of dollars ripped from public funds, tens of thousands evicted from their homes and street kids among those murdered by military forces sent to “clean up” neighbourhoods—it all part of the World Cup in Brazil, and today we examine these issues.

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Australia Chin Community thawng, Chinland Thawng, Ramdang thawng le Lai Zuun hla dawh hna an si.

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Valerie interviewed Circus Oz artistic associate, Antonella Casella about the exciting new circus spectacular

‘But Wait.. There’s More’ at Birrarung Marr until 13 July. She was joined by new co-host Trish Posterino.

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Lost in Science joins the resistance to find out all about teflon in Molecule in a Minute, listens in to find out why women don’t stick around in research roles, and gets distracted by shiny things In Our Element where we look at gold.

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Clare Strahan’s debut novel, ‘Cracked’, explores the adolescent frustration associated with school, parents and relationships.
David killed his wife. The why in ‘What Came Before’ makes Anna George’s debut novel a stunning read.

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Mark & Ben speak with Fergus about his experiences with mental ill health and recovery strategies.

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The latest from Dr Joe Toscano from the Anarchist Media Institute. Contact via and

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His week that was with Kevin Healy. The beginning of WW1 – Brian McKinlay, author and historian. Politics Malaysia style – Arul, Malaysian Socialist party. Kidnapping and terror in Palestine – Vivienne Porzolt, Jews against the occupation and Australians for BDS. History and present of Brazil – Dr Ralph Newmark from the Institute of Latin American Studies at Latrobe University.

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Leading international human rights activist, Hina Jilani, delivered this year’s keynote address at the annual Human Rights Dinner hosted by the Human Rights Law Centre and Justice Connect.

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On this weeks program Chris discusses an update about Rushall Station bypass, the weekends events and of course, blustery Melbourne weather. This weeks interview is with Cait Jones from Public Transport Not Traffic and Andrew Kelly from Tunnel Picket about #Rally4PT on 1pm, Saturday 28 June a State Library, CBD and issues facing Melbourne sustainable transport options due to possible impacts from East West Link.

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3CR Resident Historian Glen Davis joins Susanna for a closer look at our little-known Australian history, while the Bagman gives his take on current affairs. News Views and What-Have-Youse.

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Helen War of the Leard Forest Alliance, Paddy Gibson of the Jumbunna Indigenous Learning Centre and Felicity Millner of Environmental Justice Australia all look at the ways environmental decisions get made. Who gets a say and who doesn’t? Two surprise wins show the power of community organising.

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Ashley Van Den Akker re: her own journey and increased connectedness for trans, gender diverse and allied in rural & regional Victoria. See Transgender Discussion and Support Group on Facebook.

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Today we talk to Tamil Refugee Council convenor Aran Mylvaganam about the battle he had to try to get the family of asylum-seeker Leo Seemanpillai to his funeral, without success.

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The Australian Council for the Defence of Government Schools (DOGS) looks at public education and separation of church and state.

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Bill, Annie and Emm farewell Ms Corey with an interview with Brisbane G20 organiser and Noah has his say on ISIS and the battle for the Middle East. Kevin Healey drops by with another ‘that is the week that was’.

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Beyond Zero Emissions talks to Simon Sheikh about the Clean Energy Finance Corporation and Australia’s first renewable energy focused retail superannuation firm.

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The 2014 budget has cut hard and deep in the name of reducing the national deficit. So on this week’s episode we’re exploring the impact of the budget cuts and policy changes with
Lyn Harrison, CEO of Rosemount Good Shepherd Youth and Family Services, health policy analyst Summer Finlay and
Rebecca Gallegos, Editor of the Indigenous Law Bulletin.

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Bill and Chris are focussed on Radiothon requests and are extremely grateful to the generous supporters of the programme. Oh and a few comments on the political events of the day.

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The Plumbers Union weekly radio show. Presented by The Plumbing Trades Employment Union (PTEU).

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Thanh Hằng and Lia Incognita continue their discussion about fashion, labour, aesthetics and beauty. We were joined by Kate Millett from Curvy Couture Roadshow, fashion blogger Hung Tran from Antwerpsex and TCFU National Secretary Michele O’Neil.

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Is there a wave of action on environmental matters happening all over the place, or is it just the hopeful imaginings of Dirt Radio? This week we start with an up-date, locally and globally. Then we move to Seaspray, a coastal town in eastern Victoria, where the community have launched a massive campaign against coal seam gas extraction. Find out the implications for the state election coming up in November.

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This month we looked at how the budget will affect people and students with disabilities. We spoke with Craig Wallace, People With Disabilities Australia (PWDA) President and Chris Watt, Federal Secretary of Independant Education of Australia. Check out PWDA facebook page for Petition on Saving ABC campaign to keep the Disability Commissioner role at Aust Human Rights Commission.

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Part two of the Joan Golding story. 20th anniversary of the CBAA National Award winning program. Joan tells the story of caring for her son Martin, an Australian diplomat in The Hague who came home and died of AIDS. Produced by Peter Davis.

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Norrie, Tim and Maria speak with Kairsty Wilson from AED Legal Centre (Association of Employees with Disability) about wages for workers in Disability Enterprises. In December 2012, the Full Federal Court ruled that the Business Services Wage Assessment Tool (BSWAT) used to set wages for employees with intellectual disability in ADEs was unlawful under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA). In November 2013, the United Nations recommended Australia immediately stop using BSWAT. The fight for wage justice continues.

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Beyond Zero Community broadcasts The Inevitable Rise and Rise of Solar Power in Australia.

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Programa dedicado a conmemorar el día de la madre, cariñosamente un saludo gigante para todas ustedes. comentarios, noticias. Cuídense felicidades!

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Food Not Bombs Edition. The government pours money into war memorial celebrations and new tasers for police – what does this mean? Today we will be talking generally about Militarisation, Anzac day, Cops, PSO’s and other great stuff the world throws at us…dig in!

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This week on Melbourne Chautari Rupesh interviews one of Nepal’s great national cricket players, Shakti Gauchan, about his performance in the 20 – 20 World Cup.

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April Bragg and Marc Westley discuss current housing issues for over 55 people and the challenges ahead for older people in trying to secure safe affordable and appropriate housing.

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Girt by Sea is a program that covers political issues in the South East Asian region; In this week’s program we discuss the plight of the people who were affected by Haiyan in the Philippines and later we cover the ongoing issue of the Trans Pacific Partnership.

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SmallTalk Decemeber 2013 show. Interview with Blake Johnston – Dwarf Entertainer, Carole Lander – Author of Litttle People Big Lives and mum, Leisa Prowd on Dwarf Entertainment.

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Fair Work Australia rules that it was legal for Filipino migrant workers to be paid $2.68 an hour on a Maersk drilling rig off WA coast. RACV call centre workers stop work for the 7th time in support of their EBA campaign. Interviews with Christy Cain, MUA, and David Leydon, ASU.

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Un programa con noticias información y comentarios, esperamos lo disfruten, hasta la próxima semana, muchas gracias, felicidades!

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Sumaia and Janielle chat with journalism student Alcyone Alphonse about the lack of representation of women of colour in the mainstream media!

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On tonight’s show Jonathan discusses glyphosate increase, Monsanto investment worries and what the coalition could do to our rights to protest.

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I speak with Sarah Williams from Multicultural Arts Victoria about the Rights at the Round Table forums!

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Special guest presenter, writer and human rights activist, Samah Sabawi presents Part 2 of a 2 part series commemorating the Palestinian Nakbah which saw the establishment of the state of Israel & the beginning of the ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
In this episode – part 2 – Samah will be discussing the ethnic cleansing of Palestine past and present.

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The 6th and final part in a series of conversations with Pauline Mitchell discussing her life and times, conducted by Tuesday Hometime presenter Jan Bartlett.

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This month we hear highlights from Melbourne’s May Day rally, chat to the guys at Ceva in Melbourne’s north and hit the road for Victoria’s regional delegates training.

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Valerie interviewed former Attorney General Rob Hulls about his new job as Adjunct Professor at RMIT. Sue interviewed Hans Hols Associate Professor at Sydney University about concerns around the new DSM5 and Sharon Malcolms, a podiatrist from NYCH, on the foot problems resulting from stilletto heels. Finally Valerie Farfalla and Sue Leigh said goodbye to Wednesday Hometime but can now be heard on Monday Breakfast at 7am.

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To mark 20 years since the High Court’s decision to grant native title to Eddie Mabo and the people of the Murray Islands, we speak with Dr Bryan Keon-Cohen QC. Dr Keon-Cohen appeared in the High Court for Mabo, as well as being counsel in the Wik case. He reflects on 20 years of native title, and speaks about the significance and preparation for the famous case.

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