
EC: Gibraltar customs searches by Spain broke no rules - Current News
EC: Gibraltar customs searches by Spain broke no rules
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published: 01 Feb 2014
EC: Gibraltar customs searches by Spain broke no rules - Current News
EC: Gibraltar customs searches by Spain broke no rules - Current News
EC: Gibraltar customs searches by Spain broke no rules Watch the latest video news you can watch from the web Spain did not break any rules when it began tougher customs searches at the border with Gibraltar, according to the European Commission. But both Spain and the UK need to do more to make sure that the crossing runs more smoothly. Simon McCoy spoke to the BBC's Europe Correspondent Matthew Price. Subscribe to - Current News:- published: 01 Feb 2014
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Spain moves to protect Juan Carlos from paternity suits | LATEST NEWS.
Spain moves to protect Juan Carlos from paternity suits
For more Latest and Breaking News...
published: 21 Jun 2014
Spain moves to protect Juan Carlos from paternity suits | LATEST NEWS.
Spain moves to protect Juan Carlos from paternity suits | LATEST NEWS.
Spain moves to protect Juan Carlos from paternity suits For more Latest and Breaking News Headlines SUBSCRIBE to https://www.youtube.com/user/BBCWORLDNEWS10 Spain's politicians admitted Friday that they are rushing to pass new legislation to shield former King Juan Carlos from two paternity suits. Juan Carlos, 76, lost his immunity from prosecution after handing power to his son, Felipe, following a 39-year reign. A senior politician said amendments would be added to a package of judicial reforms so that only Spain's Supreme Court can hear cases against him. Two separate paternity suits were filed against Juan Carlos in 2012. Alberto Sola Jimenez from Spain's Catalonia region and Ingrid Jeanne Satiau, a Belgian national, both claim to be the former king's children. His legal immunity meant that the suits were not processed at the time but the cases could now be brought again in ordinary courts. A law passed in April gave immunity to royal consorts and heirs to the throne and the ruling Popular Party (PP) plans to amend this law to include the abdicated monarch and his wife Sofia. Alfonso Alonso, spokesman for the PP, said the amendments would "settle a current and very important question... the judicial status of his majesty King Juan Carlos." Once the amendments have been signed into law, the Supreme Court will be the only one to hear civil and criminal actions brought against Juan Carlos and his wife, Mr Alonso added. The privilege is similar to that afforded to high-ranking civil servants, politicians and diplomats in Spain. Correspondents say the amendments are likely to be approved within weeks by parliament, where the PP has a majority. Juan Carlos announced that would step down on 2 June and his son was sworn in as King Felipe VI on Thursday. TAGS abc breaking news, bbc, bbc football, bbc iplayer, bbc news, bbc news america, bbc persian, bbc sport, bbc weather, bbc world news, breaking celebrity news, breaking election news, breaking late news, breaking local news, breaking music news, breaking news, breaking news alerts, breaking news canada, breaking news headlines, breaking news in atlanta, breaking news in nigeria, breaking news india, breaking news pensacola florida, breaking news plane crash, breaking news story, breaking sports news, business expensive news home media world, christian world news, cnn, cnn breaking news, cnn money, cnn news, cnn news breaking news, cnn news world, detroit breaking news, global news, headline, headline news, health care technology news, hot latest global news, internet technology news, las vegas breaking news, latest breaking news, latest celebrity news, latest information technology news, latest music news, latest news, latest news headlines, latest news update, latest sports news, live breaking news, local breaking news, local news today, msn breaking news, nbc breaking news, nbc world news, news of the world, news report us world, news today news, news updated daily, solar technology news, sports news today, technology news, the latest news, today news, us news and world, us news and world report, us news and world report magazine, us news and world report web site, us news world report, world news, world news daily, world news headlines- published: 21 Jun 2014
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Spain king: Juan Carlos signs his abdication | LATEST NEWS.
Spain king: Juan Carlos signs his abdication
For more Latest and Breaking News Headlines ...
published: 18 Jun 2014
Spain king: Juan Carlos signs his abdication | LATEST NEWS.
Spain king: Juan Carlos signs his abdication | LATEST NEWS.
Spain king: Juan Carlos signs his abdication For more Latest and Breaking News Headlines SUBSCRIBE to https://www.youtube.com/user/BBCWORLDNEWS10 The reign of King Juan Carlos of Spain is in its final hours after he signed the bill formally abdicating in favour of his son, Prince Felipe. Juan Carlos, 76, signed the bill at a ceremony in the Royal Palace in Madrid, which was attended by only 160 guests. At midnight local time (22:00 GMT), Felipe, 46, will become king although the event will not be marked in public until Thursday morning. The succession was endorsed by both of Spain's main political parties. Before the signing, Juan Carlos sat with Queen Sofia to his right and Prince Felipe and Princess Letizia to his left as the content of the law was read out. After Juan Carlos had signed the document that will end his rule, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy also signed the law. Moments later, the assembled guests applauded, the prince's two daughters joined the royal group and the national anthem was played. Felipe will head to the lower house of the Spanish parliament on Thursday for the first royal transition the country has seen since democracy was restored after the death of Gen Francisco Franco in 1975. The ceremony will take the form of a proclamation rather than a coronation, in part because of the economic hardship that many Spaniards have experienced in recent years. The new king will face the dual challenge of trying to rehabilitate a monarchy that has been damaged by recent scandals and trying to unify a country in which a vocal minority favour republicanism, BBC correspondent Chris Morris reports from Madrid. TAGS abc breaking news, bbc, bbc football, bbc iplayer, bbc news, bbc news america, bbc persian, bbc sport, bbc weather, bbc world news, breaking celebrity news, breaking election news, breaking late news, breaking local news, breaking music news, breaking news, breaking news alerts, breaking news canada, breaking news headlines, breaking news in atlanta, breaking news in nigeria, breaking news india, breaking news pensacola florida, breaking news plane crash, breaking news story, breaking sports news, business expensive news home media world, christian world news, cnn, cnn breaking news, cnn money, cnn news, cnn news breaking news, cnn news world, detroit breaking news, global news, headline, headline news, health care technology news, hot latest global news, internet technology news, las vegas breaking news, latest breaking news, latest celebrity news, latest information technology news, latest music news, latest news, latest news headlines, latest news update, latest sports news, live breaking news, local breaking news, local news today, msn breaking news, nbc breaking news, nbc world news, news of the world, news report us world, news today news, news updated daily, solar technology news, sports news today, technology news, the latest news, today news, us news and world, us news and world report, us news and world report magazine, us news and world report web site, us news world report, world news, world news daily, world news headlines- published: 18 Jun 2014
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http://www.abs-cbnnews.com/tvpatrol/chavacano ABS-CBN ZAMBOANGA, TV-PATROL CHAVACANO ABS-C...
published: 18 Dec 2012
author: Eric Qo.
- views: 26321
- author: Eric Qo.

Spain arrests suspected al Qaeda linked Syria network
news today,world news,the latest news,Watch news,news,local news,news headlines,current ne...
published: 23 Jun 2013
author: FIFAConfedratins2013
Spain arrests suspected al Qaeda linked Syria network
Spain arrests suspected al Qaeda linked Syria network
news today,world news,the latest news,Watch news,news,local news,news headlines,current news,latest news,the news,recent news,breaking news,news live,top news.- published: 23 Jun 2013
- author: FIFAConfedratins2013

Dramatic arrest: British 'most wanted' fugitive caught sunbathing in Spain
One of Britain's most wanted criminals has been arrested while sunbathing by the pool in a...
published: 13 May 2013
author: ITN
Dramatic arrest: British 'most wanted' fugitive caught sunbathing in Spain
Dramatic arrest: British 'most wanted' fugitive caught sunbathing in Spain
One of Britain's most wanted criminals has been arrested while sunbathing by the pool in a luxury villa in Spain. Andrew Moran, 31, was caught in a joint ope...- published: 13 May 2013
- views: 38060
- author: ITN

Zombie Apocalypse Spain Current Events
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Bolshevism, Gaza, Genocide, Iran, I...
published: 25 Oct 2013
Zombie Apocalypse Spain Current Events
Zombie Apocalypse Spain Current Events
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Recession Hits Spain's Bullfighting Industry
"watch the news" "watch the world news" "latest news" "current news" "current world news" ...
published: 21 May 2013
author: WorldNewslastMinute
Recession Hits Spain's Bullfighting Industry
Recession Hits Spain's Bullfighting Industry
"watch the news" "watch the world news" "latest news" "current news" "current world news" "europe news" "asian news" You can subscribe to be able to follow W...- published: 21 May 2013
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- author: WorldNewslastMinute

CEO Council Spain's Aznar on the Future of Europe
"watch the news" "watch the world news" "latest news" "current news" "current world news" ...
published: 21 May 2013
author: WorldNewslastMinute
CEO Council Spain's Aznar on the Future of Europe
CEO Council Spain's Aznar on the Future of Europe
"watch the news" "watch the world news" "latest news" "current news" "current world news" "europe news" "asian news" You can subscribe to be able to follow W...- published: 21 May 2013
- views: 10
- author: WorldNewslastMinute

Samsung Offers 'Pay By Finger' With Galaxy S5 Current News
The Galaxy S5, unveiled at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, features a finge...
published: 03 Mar 2014
Samsung Offers 'Pay By Finger' With Galaxy S5 Current News
Samsung Offers 'Pay By Finger' With Galaxy S5 Current News
The Galaxy S5, unveiled at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, features a fingerprint scanner among a number of new features. Much like with the A Current News- published: 03 Mar 2014
- views: 2

World Cup Team Profile: SPAIN
Featuring interviews with Xavi, Sergio Ramos and coach Vicente del Bosque, this is an in-d...
published: 07 Jun 2014
World Cup Team Profile: SPAIN
World Cup Team Profile: SPAIN
Featuring interviews with Xavi, Sergio Ramos and coach Vicente del Bosque, this is an in-depth look at Spain's World Cup history, how they qualified and their current squad (6:35) going into Group B against Netherlands, Chile and Australia. More 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™ team previews: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCGIzmTE4d0gFI4T56s-40XbXXQw9rAhM More videos on Brazil 2014: http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC6A454DD385AAB9F News about the Spanish national team: http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/teams/team=43969/index.html Top 10 goals from the 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLrQJKU6e-g Subscribe to FIFA on YouTube to stay updated on daily releases: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=fifatv More videos from FIFA on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/fifa- published: 07 Jun 2014
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Elderly in Spain Getting Health Monitoring Through Video Game Technology
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dagens nyheter
published: 26 Dec 2013
Elderly in Spain Getting Health Monitoring Through Video Game Technology
Elderly in Spain Getting Health Monitoring Through Video Game Technology
dernières nouvelles aktuelle News noticias de actualidad current news dagens nyheter 当前新闻 الأخبار الحالية- published: 26 Dec 2013
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THE LATEST NEWS : Spain's indignant voices
LATEST NEWS : Spain's indignant voices - YouTube ▻ 2:24▻ 2:24 www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-ks...
published: 18 Feb 2013
author: WTLNews
THE LATEST NEWS : Spain's indignant voices
THE LATEST NEWS : Spain's indignant voices
LATEST NEWS : Spain's indignant voices - YouTube ▻ 2:24▻ 2:24 www.youtube.com/watch?v=d-ksWb1mzQ4 2 horas atrás - Vídeo enviado por TodayNewsWorld Spain's in...- published: 18 Feb 2013
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- author: WTLNews
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Current Economic Collapse News Brief Episode 357
Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 5.03.2014...
published: 09 Jun 2014
Current Economic Collapse News Brief Episode 357
Current Economic Collapse News Brief Episode 357
Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 5.03.2014 ***** Correction on. Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 357.mp4. Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 4.19.2014 In this news brief . Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 4.29.2014 Spain's unemploymen. Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 4.23.2014 Spanish, Italian an. Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 4.25.2014 Greece still needs . Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 4.22.2014 youtube_ukrainian_t. Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 4.10.2014 Catalonia is contin. Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 4.28.2014 Spain's housing mar. Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 5.01.2014 The unemployment ra. Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 5.02.2014 The people of Italy. Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date:5.05.2014 Job creating in Amer. Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 4.24.2014 Caterpillar sales c. Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 4.03.2014 Jobless claims have. Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 4.08.2014 Spain lawmakers dis. Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 5.08.2014 Greece's unemployme. Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news Brazil is raising revenue by increasing taxes on. Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 5.06.2014 youtube_ukraine_dir. Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news DHS with the help of local police raided a repor. Find More TRUTH EXPOSED and SCANDALS UNCOVERED: ******************************************************************** The Money G. stock,market,the financial collapse,crisis,economic crisis,the economic crisis,us economic crisis,global economic crisis,european economic crisis,trade,econo. Economic collapse imminent The Economy is Not in Recovery but Financial War videos.. Please click here to subscribe to my channel.. Economic collapse and fi. Economist Harry Dent details the essential ways one must be prepared financially for the coming crash. Follow Alex on TWITTER Planned Economic Collapse 2014 Prepare! videos.. Please click here to subscribe to my channel.. Economic collapse and financial crisis is rising any moment.. NOW OVER 30 AND COUNTING 2014 - Economic Collapse Coming Soon - By LieKillers ✡ Jesus is God. We communicate with Him. Really. Visit- published: 09 Jun 2014
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News Spanish
This is a professional Television News Anchor demo reel that contains news cast in spanish...
published: 23 Sep 2009
author: yazmin melero
News Spanish
News Spanish
This is a professional Television News Anchor demo reel that contains news cast in spanish.- published: 23 Sep 2009
- views: 68510
- author: yazmin melero

Raw: Deadly Train Crash In Spain | Archives | NBC News
CCTV video captured the horrifying moment that a train derailed in Spain traveling at 190k...
published: 02 Jun 2014
Raw: Deadly Train Crash In Spain | Archives | NBC News
Raw: Deadly Train Crash In Spain | Archives | NBC News
CCTV video captured the horrifying moment that a train derailed in Spain traveling at 190km/h (118 mph) instead of 80km/h. Dozens of people were killed and scores more were injured. » Subscribe to NBC News: http://nbcnews.to/SubscribeToNBC » Watch more Archives: http://bit.ly/NBCArchives About: NBC News is a leading source of global news and information. Here you will find clips from NBC Nightly News, Meet The Press, and our original series Debunker, Flashback, Nerdwatch, and Show Me. Subscribe to our channel for news stories, technology, politics, health, entertainment, science, business, and exclusive NBC investigations. Connect with NBC News Online! Visit NBCNews.Com: http://nbcnews.to/ReadNBC Find NBC News on Facebook: http://nbcnews.to/LikeNBC Follow NBC News on Twitter: http://nbcnews.to/FollowNBC Follow NBC News on Google+: http://nbcnews.to/PlusNBC Follow NBC News on Instagram: http://nbcnews.to/InstaNBC Follow NBC News on Pinterest: http://nbcnews.to/PinNBC Raw: Deadly Train Crash In Spain | Archives | NBC News- published: 02 Jun 2014
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Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 351
Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 5.10....
published: 25 Jun 2014
Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 351
Current Economic Collapse News Brief -- Episode 351
Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 5.10.2014 In this news brief ... Get economic collapse news throughout the day visit More news visit Report date: 4.29.2014 Spain- published: 25 Jun 2014
- views: 2