Tag Archives: ep

Rogue – Perfect Views [Earth EP]

Britain’s finest leaves me with no words. BTTB gives you Perfect Views from Rogue’s Earth EP. Yinz enjoy.

Rogue – Perfect Views [Earth EP]

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Darius – Hot Hands

I don’t care what you’re doing right now, drop it immediately and listen to this. The impossibly sexy vocals by Darianna Everett are perfectly accentuated with the French prodigy, Darius, behind the wheel.

Darius – Hot Hands

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SevnthWonder – Big Bang Theories EP

SevnthWonder is probably one of the hardest working producers out there today. He is constantly putting out new music and all of it is good, which is rare for someone with a rapidly expanding catalogue. Perhaps one of Sevnth’s biggest talents is sample selection, fusing everything from upbeat rap vocals to sultry, soulful guitar riffs. And the drums are always on point. This EP, titled “Big Bang Theories”, dropped today and upon first listen I can confidently say that everyone should listen to this. The download is offered free through facebook and this is Sevnth’s first EP project. I am excited for any future projects he may have.

SevnthWonder – Big Bang Theories EP

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Sambran – Centuries [EP]

We present to you our first Bang to the Beat (BTTB) sponsored release!

We were approached a few weeks back by downtempo beat producer Sambran with some tracks he planned on releasing in an EP. We really liked his experimental vibes, and definitely see a lot of potential in him. His tracks feature quick-hitting hats with repeated vocal samples (some of my favorites) as well as adequate space that really allow the tracks to breathe and express true emotion.

We’ve endorsed his release, and urge you to check out the EP in full here (free download)

Our favorites from the EP are below:

Sambran – Sad Days Feat. Genevab

Sambran – Centuries Ago

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