Prince Harry to get $18 million 30th birthday present

Prince Harry is set to get a very large birthday present when he turns 30.

The prince will receive a £10 million inheritance - or $18 million - on his birthday on September 15, thanks to his mother.

But the fourth in line to the British throne will have to give more than 40 per cent of it straight to the tax man thanks to inheritance tax.

Harry’s brother, the Duke of Cambridge, had to pay £4 million in inheritance tax when he received his share of his mother’s estate two years ago.

Tax experts told The Mirror the prince could limit his tax to £3.6 million – or $6.5 million – if he donates some of the cash to charities.

“There is no way Harry would dodge the tax,” a source told the paper.

“There are few similarities between the average person and Harry and William, but when it comes to tax, they also have to pay their way.

“William got hit with a hefty bill when he turned 30 and so will Harry. His aides have to work out the most tax-efficient way for him to handle the money.”

Tax aside, it’s still a lot of extra money for the newly-single prince to play with, considering he currently earns around $70,000 a year as an army captain.

Princess Diana left her estate to her two sons, who were aged 15 and 12 at the time of her death.

The estate had a net worth close to £13 million after tax, at the time of her death in 1997.

The Mirror reports wise investing by royal advisors meant the trust fund almost doubled by the time Prince William was able to claim his share.

Diana stipulated in her will, made in 1993, that her estate would be shared equally between her sons.

This is despite the fact that William will inherit more income from his father’s Duchy of Cornwall when he becomes the crown prince.

Diana originally wished her sons would be able to receive their entire inheritance on their 25th birthday, but this was changed to 30, thanks to a High Court order after her death.

Harry was just 12 when his mother died, leaving behind the trust fund made up by shares, jewellery, money from her divorce settlement to Prince Charles and other personal belongings.

The prince is currently in Chile on a royal tour, after travelling to Brazil to support England's failed FIFA World Cup effort.

On his third day of the tour in Chile, Prince Harry visited the Fundacion Amigos de Jesus centre in Santiago, which looks after children and teenagers with disabilities.

The prince also watched a dirt bike display on his last day of the tour.

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