Online registration opens for relationship counselling vouchers

Social Services Minister Kevin Andrews is encouraging Australian lovers to be quick if they want some government-sponsored relationship counselling.

On Tuesday, couples will be able to register online for a $200 voucher for relationship education and counselling. But with a limit of 100,000 vouchers, a spokesman for Mr Andrews has told couples to sign up ''as soon as possible''.

The pet policy of Mr Andrews, a fan of regular marriage counselling himself, will cost $20 million as part of a one-year trial.

The vouchers are open to all ''committed'' couples over 18 and can be used for sessions on key issues such as parenting, conflict resolution and financial management.

From Tuesday, couples can register online at the Department of Social Services website, choose from a list of approved providers and make an appointment.

Mr Andrews has argued his policy will ultimately save the government money by preventing costly divorces. The $20 million has been found from savings within his portfolio.

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