Accused killer's shaving cuts

Accused killer Gerard Baden-Clay has demonstrated how he cut himself shaving on the morning he reported his wife Allison missing two years ago, before a packed courtroom.

Using a pink highlighter pen, Mr Baden-Clay showed the jury how he came to have two cuts on his face on the morning of April 20, 2012.

''I'd actually woken up a bit late because it was after 6 … so I felt like I was under the pump a little bit and I was rushing that morning,'' Mr Baden-Clay said.

The 43-year-old said he would usually shower and then shave in the morning.

''That morning I didn't. I actually shaved first, and then showered,'' he said. ''I was really rushing then and that's when I cut myself …

''On that occasion I was using obviously my normal razor, which was quite old and blunt. Because it was blunt, I was pushing down quite firmly on my skin, like that, and I pulled down and I then flicked up like that and that's when I cut myself,'' he said, holding the highlighter pen like a razor in his right hand. ''I always shave my right side first and that's when I cut myself for the first time closer to me mouth.

''The reason I think it happened the second time was because - and that hurt a lot - when I was coming down again, for the second time, I released before the previous cut to be sure that I didn't cut myself there, get involved in that first cut.

''I then continued to shave and had a bit of an issue shaving around those cuts obviously and cut myself again.''

Mr Baden-Clay's defence counsel Michael Byrne QC said: ''Indicating pushing down and then releasing up.''

''Yeah, like that,'' Mr Baden-Clay replied.

Mr Byrne asked: ''Can you describe what those injuries appeared to be?''

''There were two fairly long slices off my face,'' Mr Baden-Clay replied.

The court has previously heard from forensic experts who have said the injuries on Mr Baden-Clay's face were more consistent with fingernail scratches, than cuts from a modern razor.

The former real estate agent is accused of murdering his wife Allison at their Brookfield home on April 19, 2012 and then dumping her body in nearby Kholo Creek. He has pleaded not guilty to murder.

A large crowd gathered outside Brisbane's Supreme Court to hear Mr Baden-Clay testify for the second day during his murder trial.

The queue to the building extended 100 metres from the courthouse doors by 7.45am.

Mr Baden-Clay said he became concerned that his wife had not yet returned from her usual morning walk after their second daughter woke. ''I started getting the children ready for school and I think I texted Al,'' he said.

''Actually, I think I texted her before I had all the children up. And I tried calling more than I texted.''

Earlier, the court heard Mr Baden-Clay was embroiled in an affair with his former employee Toni McHugh at the time his wife disappeared.

He told the court he wanted his family to ''stay together forever'', but strayed from his marriage because he ''just wanted sex''.

''I wanted us to be together as a family forever, to be able to give our children the best opportunities we could and for us to be able to really enjoy each other's company again and Allison wanted that too,'' he said.

The trial before Justice John Byrne continues.

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