
Sardinia Cagliari - Italy
Ferries to Sardinia: http://ferriessardinia.in/ Sardinia is the second-largest island in t...
published: 15 Jun 2010
Sardinia Cagliari - Italy
Sardinia Cagliari - Italy
Ferries to Sardinia: http://ferriessardinia.in/ Sardinia is the second-largest island in the Mediterranean Sea (after Sicily). It is an autonomous region of ...- published: 15 Jun 2010
- views: 26200

Cagliari - Sardinia
Cagliari really is a city with soul. Incredible panoramas overlooking the sea and narrow l...
published: 26 May 2012
author: Fran Bay
Cagliari - Sardinia
Cagliari - Sardinia
Cagliari really is a city with soul. Incredible panoramas overlooking the sea and narrow little streets at the districts Castello, Villanova and Marina. This...- published: 26 May 2012
- views: 1702
- author: Fran Bay

Cagliari centro nel 1963
Il centro di Cagliari nel 1963....
published: 22 Sep 2012
author: PMRec Sardinia
Cagliari centro nel 1963
Cagliari centro nel 1963
Il centro di Cagliari nel 1963.- published: 22 Sep 2012
- views: 964
- author: PMRec Sardinia

Cagliari Intervista Tossicodipendente Via Cornalias Cagliari (2° Parte)
A tu per tu con uno "schiavo della Droga": a San Michele, esattamente tra via Quirra e via...
published: 26 Oct 2013
Cagliari Intervista Tossicodipendente Via Cornalias Cagliari (2° Parte)
Cagliari Intervista Tossicodipendente Via Cornalias Cagliari (2° Parte)
A tu per tu con uno "schiavo della Droga": a San Michele, esattamente tra via Quirra e via Cornalias, è un crocevia per chi si buca. Abbiamo fatto quattro chiacchiere con uno di loro, da dieci anni si droga e non riesce ad uscirne. (Alessandro Congia - Foto/Cronaca L'Unione Sarda) Si ringrazia per la preziosa collaborazione, il fotografo Daniele Ugoni.- published: 26 Oct 2013
- views: 2224

Pharrell Williams - Happy (We Are From CAGLIARI)
Cagliari (Sardegna, Italy)
"Appartiene a nessun luogo, non essendo mai appartenuta a nessu...
published: 04 Mar 2014
Pharrell Williams - Happy (We Are From CAGLIARI)
Pharrell Williams - Happy (We Are From CAGLIARI)
Cagliari (Sardegna, Italy) "Appartiene a nessun luogo, non essendo mai appartenuta a nessun luogo. Alla Spagna e agli Arabi e ai Fenici, più di tutto. Ma come se non avesse mai veramente avuto un destino. Nessun fato. Lasciata fuori dal tempo e dalla storia." (David Herbert Lawrence, Mare e Sardegna, 1921) Grazie a tutti quelli che hanno partecipato. Special thanks to Pharrell Williams. Music Credits: Written and Produced by Pharrell Williams Background Vocals performed by Rhea Dummett, Trevon Henderson, Ashley L. Lee, Shamika Hightower, Jasmine Murray and Terrence Rolle EMI April Music, Inc. obo Itself and More Water From Nazareth (ASCAP), Universal Pictures Music (ASCAP) Recorded by Mike Larson for i am OTHER entertainment Assisted by Matthew Desrameaux Digital Editing and Arrangement by Andrew Coleman and Mike Larson for i am OTHER entertainment Recorded at Circle House Studios, Miami, FL. Mixed by Leslie Brathwaite at Music Box Studios, Atlanta, GA © 2013 Universal Studios- published: 04 Mar 2014
- views: 17447

Cagliari, la naturaleza en la ciudad (ES) - Cerdeña - Italia.it
Cagliari sorprende al visitante por su perfecta conjunción de historia, arte y naturaleza....
published: 04 Feb 2014
Cagliari, la naturaleza en la ciudad (ES) - Cerdeña - Italia.it
Cagliari, la naturaleza en la ciudad (ES) - Cerdeña - Italia.it
Cagliari sorprende al visitante por su perfecta conjunción de historia, arte y naturaleza. El barrio Castello, fundado por los pisanos en el siglo XIII y delimitado por cuatro bellas torres militares, encierra tesoros arquitectónicos de gran valor, como la Catedral de Santa María o el Bastión Saint Remy. Cagliari tiene mucho que ofrecer a los mantes de la naturaleza y del mar: la playa de Poetto, una de las playas en la ciudad más bellas del Mediterráneo, además de los maravillosos paisajes naturales que, desde las concocidas playas de Chia, se extienden hasta Capo Spartivento, uno de los tramos más bellos de la costa sarda.- published: 04 Feb 2014
- views: 6

Juventus vs Cagliari 3-0 All Goals and Highlihts HD 2014
Juventus vs Cagliari 2014,Juventus vs Cagliari 2014,Juventus vs Cagliari 2014,Juventus vs ...
published: 18 May 2014
Juventus vs Cagliari 3-0 All Goals and Highlihts HD 2014
Juventus vs Cagliari 3-0 All Goals and Highlihts HD 2014
Juventus vs Cagliari 2014,Juventus vs Cagliari 2014,Juventus vs Cagliari 2014,Juventus vs Cagliari 2014,Juventus vs Cagliari 2014,Juventus vs Cagliari 2014,Juventus vs Cagliari 2014,Juventus vs Cagliari 2014,Juventus vs Cagliari 2014,Juventus vs Cagliari 2014,full,but,резюме,总结,riassunto,summary,resumen,match,objetivo,resume,περίληψη,full match,todos,full highlights,uefa,alle,γκολ,fiammifero,resumo,fósforo,tor,tore,ziel,live match Juventus vs Cagliari 3-0 All Goals and Highlihts HD 2014- published: 18 May 2014
- views: 10449

Rissa Cagliari - CTM linea 6 (Cinese VS Ubriaco)
published: 27 Mar 2013
author: videocagliari
Rissa Cagliari - CTM linea 6 (Cinese VS Ubriaco)
Rissa Cagliari - CTM linea 6 (Cinese VS Ubriaco)
- published: 27 Mar 2013
- views: 33625
- author: videocagliari

Juventus-Cagliari 3-0 18/05/2014 The Highlights
I bianconeri battono anche i sardi nell'ultima giornata di campionato con i gol di Pirlo, ...
published: 22 May 2014
Juventus-Cagliari 3-0 18/05/2014 The Highlights
Juventus-Cagliari 3-0 18/05/2014 The Highlights
I bianconeri battono anche i sardi nell'ultima giornata di campionato con i gol di Pirlo, Llorente e Marchisio e arrivano a 102 punti. Una quota stratosferica, record di sempre nei maggiori campionati europei - The Bianconeri beat Cagliari too on the last day of the season, with Pirlo, Llorente and Marchisio guiding them to a record points haul of 102. A stratospheric tally that's an all-time record in Europe's five major leagues - Los 'bianconeri' también vencen a los sardos en la última jornada del campeonato con los goles de Pirlo, Llorente y Marchisio y llegan a 102 puntos. Una marca estratosférica, récord histórico en los grandes campeonatos europeos. Guarda qui tutti gli highlights della stagione - Watch all the highlights from this season here - Recuerda aquí los mejores momentos de la temporada: http://bit.ly/17RiTJY Seguici su - Follow us on - Síguenos en: http://facebook.com/juventus http://twitter.com/juventusfc http://twitter.com/juventusfcen http://twitter.com/juventusfces http://instagram.com/juventus http://plus.google.com/+juventus- published: 22 May 2014
- views: 2870

Beppe Grillo: "Con Renzi 'a menzogna non c'è più Stato" - Cagliari 05/05/14
Una piazza dei Centomila gremita per il comizio del leader del Movimento 5 Stelle, Beppe G...
published: 06 May 2014
Beppe Grillo: "Con Renzi 'a menzogna non c'è più Stato" - Cagliari 05/05/14
Beppe Grillo: "Con Renzi 'a menzogna non c'è più Stato" - Cagliari 05/05/14
Una piazza dei Centomila gremita per il comizio del leader del Movimento 5 Stelle, Beppe Grillo, con i candidati per le elezioni europee del 25 maggio.- published: 06 May 2014
- views: 1645

Cagliari-Napoli, Storia e Rivalità...
Come ogni anno, è giunta l'ora della partita più importante per i tifosi Cagliaritani, CAG...
published: 16 Dec 2013
Cagliari-Napoli, Storia e Rivalità...
Cagliari-Napoli, Storia e Rivalità...
Come ogni anno, è giunta l'ora della partita più importante per i tifosi Cagliaritani, CAGLIARI-NAPOLI, dalla rivalità del 1997, questa partita ha assunto un altro sapore, infatti, riuscire a vincere ha un grosso significato.- published: 16 Dec 2013
- views: 9

Le tappe della miracolosa risalita verso il paradiso della serie A. CAGLIARI - NAPOLI 2-1 ...
published: 13 May 2008
author: MakuPedriu
Le tappe della miracolosa risalita verso il paradiso della serie A. CAGLIARI - NAPOLI 2-1 JUVENTUS - CAGLIARI 1-1 CAGLIARI - PARMA 1-1 CAGLIARI - LAZIO 1-0 C...- published: 13 May 2008
- views: 53989
- author: MakuPedriu
Vimeo results:

I used to hate this island. I hated every single day of my youth spent over here. I escape...
published: 09 Feb 2014
I used to hate this island. I hated every single day of my youth spent over here. I escaped as much as I could, I had this feeling deep inside of me which pushed me miles away from where I was supposed to belong. I spent most of my youth traveling around looking for a piece of heaven, a place I could rely on, a city where I could perfectly fit. I thought that place, located in one of those common dreams inside my mind, was actually a lie, an old picture I could just discard any minute. I gave up soul searching so many times just to start again, and every time I looked, I never actually looked around me. I would just sit on a plane and fly away, I would just jump on a ferry and sail away.
One day, my friends and I reached the other side of the earth and visited one of the biggest islands on this whole world. Almost 30 days spent so far from home but so close at the same time. Everything looked really familiar out there, I couldn't believe it. The heat, the salty water, the sand, the sea, those views, those landscapes, the empty space, the wild, that feeling of being alone, scared and far all at once. That day, I finally realized that feeling wasn't my enemy anymore. It became true beauty and pure love. I went back to my hometown with my heart full of joy.
Now that youth has left me orphaned, I just need to reach the west coast of Sardinia, far away from city lights and monotony. To feel alive again and dream with my eyes open. To let my motherland put her arms around me and feel home, safe and sound.
Song: Mogwai "Relative Hysteria"
Shot on a Canon 550D/t2i
Lens: EF 50mm f/1.8 II, Tamron 17-50 VC
Technicolor's Cinestyle profile
Edited & Graded with FCPX.

Scatto Fisso Cagliari
a saturday afternoon in Cagliari with bicycles, pliers and blood....
published: 05 Dec 2011
author: the great circus
Scatto Fisso Cagliari
a saturday afternoon in Cagliari with bicycles, pliers and blood.

CAGLIARI - 5D2 - Magic Lantern - RAW
Cagliari is an Italian municipality and the capital of the island of Sardinia, an autonomo...
published: 18 Sep 2013
author: Mathäus Jagielski
CAGLIARI - 5D2 - Magic Lantern - RAW
Cagliari is an Italian municipality and the capital of the island of Sardinia, an autonomous region of Italy. This was my second time visiting this beautiful city and it’s surrounding. Main reason for traveling there was to make a documentary about the greatest Jeep Tour Company a friend of mine started one year ago. While this video is still in the making I decided to finish up my next Magic Lantern Raw video that I shot between Jeep Tours and going to bed. My girlfriend joined me on this trip and we wrapped it up in approx. 45minutes. I hope you like it!
This time my plan was to film the footage a little bit darker and check what look I get - there were problems with one shot, some weird lines appeared after pushing the blacks a bit to much - yeah you can use a denoiser but having 1880x800 is not forgiving much when it comes to details. In the end I like it - natural light only and a wonderful location!
Camera: Canon 5d Mark II _ ML RAW
Lenses: 35mm 2.0 IS, 24 – 105mm 4L IS
Steadycam: Flycam 3000
Card: Transcend 32GB 1000x
Grading Tutorial: vimeo.com/70637970
LR5 Presets: I uploaded one preset I used for grading this video. The preset is NOT the final image, it is a general solid grade. I recommend to play around with the exposure at the beginning and update your lensprofile!
Have fun: https://copy.com/DKg21D0clnPBDNsp
The only thing I added in Premiere CS6 was a RGB curve some gamma and grain. gorillagrain.com
[make sure to check back later to download the ProRes File]
If you like my work it would be awesome if you could visit my website or facebookpage!
Music: Foals - Spanish Sahara
Thanks again to my beautiful girl Giulia!

Cagliari - Sardinia
Cagliari really is a city with soul.
Incredible panoramas overlooking the sea and narrow l...
published: 19 May 2012
author: Fran Bay
Cagliari - Sardinia
Cagliari really is a city with soul.
Incredible panoramas overlooking the sea and narrow little streets at the districts Castello, Villanova and Marina.
This is my personal view of the city i grew up in and where i recently moved back after long long time.
It's been nice wandering around at any day / hours and discovering details and spots unseen before.
Art, nature and landscapes, culture and traditions make Cagliari a true pearl in the mediterranean sea.
Come visit us and see it for yourself ;)
Shot entirely with my GOPRO HD HERO2 in April-May 2012
Music: Bonobo - Recurring
Youtube results:

Cagliari Calcio- Il meglio del girone di ritorno 2012/2013
Rivivi i momenti più belli del girone di ritorno del campionato appena concluso! Seguici s...
published: 22 May 2013
author: CagliariOfficial1920
Cagliari Calcio- Il meglio del girone di ritorno 2012/2013
Cagliari Calcio- Il meglio del girone di ritorno 2012/2013
Rivivi i momenti più belli del girone di ritorno del campionato appena concluso! Seguici su: www.cagliaricalcio.net www.facebook.com/cagliaricalcioofficialpa...- published: 22 May 2013
- views: 5376
- author: CagliariOfficial1920

National Geographic Adventure- CAGLIARI IL BAFFO AL CAVALLUCCIO
National Geographic Adventure in sardegna a cagliari....
published: 08 Nov 2012
author: TheNonsocosascrivere
National Geographic Adventure- CAGLIARI IL BAFFO AL CAVALLUCCIO
National Geographic Adventure- CAGLIARI IL BAFFO AL CAVALLUCCIO
National Geographic Adventure in sardegna a cagliari.- published: 08 Nov 2012
- views: 21012
- author: TheNonsocosascrivere

C'è chi legge la storia...
published: 18 May 2014
C'è chi legge la storia... http://www.crozzopizzo.it http://www.facebook.com/pages/Crozzopizzo/215934828421076 https://twitter.com/crozzopizzo- published: 18 May 2014
- views: 8452

Juventus Cagliari 3-0 Sky HD Highlights Ampia Sintesi All Goals
Juventus Cagliari 3-0 Sky HD Highlights Ampia Sintesi All Goals.
Juve-Cagliari 2014 Juvent...
published: 18 May 2014
Juventus Cagliari 3-0 Sky HD Highlights Ampia Sintesi All Goals
Juventus Cagliari 3-0 Sky HD Highlights Ampia Sintesi All Goals
Juventus Cagliari 3-0 Sky HD Highlights Ampia Sintesi All Goals. Juve-Cagliari 2014 Juventus-Cagliari 3-0 Juventus-Cagliari 3-0.- published: 18 May 2014
- views: 16192