National Geographic Megafactories IKEA 720p ENG HDTV
Each year, almost 600 million customers visit IKEA. Discover how over 54
countries provide...
published: 23 Aug 2013
National Geographic Megafactories IKEA 720p ENG HDTV
National Geographic Megafactories IKEA 720p ENG HDTV
Each year, almost 600 million customers visit IKEA. Discover how over 54 countries provide supplies for their colossal production line.- published: 23 Aug 2013
- views: 1840
Bedroom Makeover - IKEA Home Tour (Episode 103)
In the third episode of IKEA Home Tour, the Home Tour Squad travels to the Bronx to give D...
published: 14 Apr 2014
Bedroom Makeover - IKEA Home Tour (Episode 103)
Bedroom Makeover - IKEA Home Tour (Episode 103)
In the third episode of IKEA Home Tour, the Home Tour Squad travels to the Bronx to give Delvon and Will the bedroom ideas they need to organize their space. The goal of this studio makeover is to create a room that helps the couple stay organized and focused as they plan their wedding! Watch more from the IKEA Home Tour here: http://www.IKEA-USA.com/hometour What's IKEA Home Tour? We'll tell you! We're sending a team of IKEA experts on the road to help America solve real home furnishing challenges, big and small, and transform their living spaces. The Home Tour Squad is hitting the road to assist those who need help with home projects -- from closet organization to living room style upgrades to bedroom makeovers -- and to illustrate genuine solutions that make everyday life at home better. The Home Tour Squad will come up with a plan and go shopping for the furnishings and accessories needed at the local IKEA store. The homeowners and the Squad members will then accomplish the transformation together! Plus, the Squad will film their journey along the way. The IKEA Home Tour Squad is a team of hand-selected IKEA experts from across the country. They specialize in everything from home design to organization to sustainability at home. Each Squad member comes from a different background and contributes their unique expertise to help homeowners on the tour. Their journey will be chronicled through before/after makeover videos, tour footage, and video shorts featuring design tips and interviews with homeowners. Squad members will also be sharing live updates from the tour via Twitter (@DesignbyIKEA) and Instagram (@IKEAUSA) with the hashtag #IKEAHomeTour. For more inspirational ideas for your home, check out IKEA USA on: Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/IKEAUSA Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/DesignByIKEA Pinterest - http://www.pinterest.com/IKEAUSA Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/IKEAUSA Google+ - https://plus.google.com/+IKEAUSA- published: 14 Apr 2014
- views: 2243
IKEA Small Spaces - Small ideas
Small ideas are about finding and using hidden spaces and choosing furniture that does mor...
published: 27 Jun 2011
author: IKEASmallSpaces
IKEA Small Spaces - Small ideas
IKEA Small Spaces - Small ideas
Small ideas are about finding and using hidden spaces and choosing furniture that does more than one thing. It's about being creative, a little rebellious an...- published: 27 Jun 2011
- views: 4660772
- author: IKEASmallSpaces
Place IKEA furniture in your home with augmented reality
The 2014 IKEA catalogue gives you the ability to place virtual furniture in your own home ...
published: 26 Jul 2013
Place IKEA furniture in your home with augmented reality
Place IKEA furniture in your home with augmented reality
The 2014 IKEA catalogue gives you the ability to place virtual furniture in your own home with the help of augmented reality. Unlock the feature by scanning selected pages in the 2014 printed IKEA catalogue with the IKEA catalogue application (available for iOS and Android) or by browsing the pages in the digital 2014 IKEA catalogue on your smartphone or tablet. Then simply place the printed IKEA catalogue where you want to put the furniture in your room, choose a product from a selection of the IKEA range and see how it will look in your home!- published: 26 Jul 2013
- views: 561499
IKEA 給夢想實現的空間 檳榔攤改造廣告影片完整版
IKEA 網站http://www.IKEA.com.tw
IKEA Taiwan 宜家家居粉絲團https://www.facebook.com/IKEA.Taiwan
published: 15 May 2014
IKEA 給夢想實現的空間 檳榔攤改造廣告影片完整版
IKEA 給夢想實現的空間 檳榔攤改造廣告影片完整版
IKEA 網站http://www.IKEA.com.tw IKEA Taiwan 宜家家居粉絲團https://www.facebook.com/IKEA.Taiwan 張阿姨的檳榔攤,20年來養大了4個小孩與2個孫子,小小的空間也能擁有大夢想。 這是一個實際的空間改造案例,聽聽他們的夢想故事,一起發現更多善用空間、讓生活更美好的可能性。 IKEA 給每個夢想 實現的空間。- published: 15 May 2014
- views: 6848
IKEA Presents, Jess's Trainers. Make Room for Your Life
Look at how we helped Jess organise her passion for more than 300 trainers and make room f...
published: 04 Feb 2013
author: ikeauk
IKEA Presents, Jess's Trainers. Make Room for Your Life
IKEA Presents, Jess's Trainers. Make Room for Your Life
Look at how we helped Jess organise her passion for more than 300 trainers and make room for her life. If you could do with some help storing your things, ma...- published: 04 Feb 2013
- views: 197935
- author: ikeauk
IKEA 給夢想實現的空間 改衣店改造影片完整版
published: 16 May 2014
IKEA 給夢想實現的空間 改衣店改造影片完整版
IKEA 給夢想實現的空間 改衣店改造影片完整版
來到邱大姐的改衣店,不只衣服改得漂亮,連心情都會改得美麗。這裡只有兩坪,卻可能是全世界唯一一個兼修內外的心靈諮商室。小小的空間,承載了邱大姐的夢想和客人的希望,而改造,是為了給每個夢想,實現的空間 IKEA 官方網站http://www.IKEA.com.tw IKEA Taiwan 宜家家居粉絲團https://www.facebook.com/IKEA.Taiwan 1. 平面圖 導演:請問妳的工作? 邱阿姨:我的工作是修改衣服 導演:嗯~請問妳工作的空間是不是就是現在地上畫的這個樣子? 邱阿姨:我的工作地方是現在畫的樣子 導演:那你跟我們介紹一下妳工作的空間 邱阿姨:這邊是一台...那個拷客機,然後這邊是一台平車,然後這裡也是一台平車,那這裡這個地方是我的燙斗台,這個地方上面是堆一些我修改完的衣服,然後再過來這邊也是,然後這邊上面也是,然後這裡是一個小小的簡陋的那個換衣間 導演:妳知道妳這一個工作室比一台車還要小嗎? 2. 方框裡的人 導演:妳每天花多少時間在這裡? 邱阿姨:每天我大概從早上九點半來這邊到晚上七點收工,我在這個地方已經工作九年了 邱阿姨:我喜歡我的工作,然後可以認識很多不同的人 那當然也有一些客人,他們有遭遇到他們的不好啊、他們心理的創傷啊,我會用我的方法勸解給她聽,那因為我只有一個人,我要面對客人還要去工作,所以我就變成沒有很多的時間,沒有很多的時間可以去歸納的很好,所以我就會變成今天這樣很亂,只要有人動過我就找不到。 邱阿姨:妳要拿衣服?這一個? 客人:後面 邱阿姨:這一個? 客人:謝謝 邱阿姨:不會,妳是李小姐嘛?好,對,謝謝,掰掰! 邱阿姨:我是像這樣子讓客人自己指認,是那一包是她的這樣子 最不方便的事情,就是有時候客人她要來換衣服會比較麻煩 所以能夠改善這一方面是最好 3. 框線上的夢 4. 新生活 邱阿姨:我的感想它有變大了啊,然後變得很漂亮 基本上,我比較常用的線我都會放在這裡,然後就可以一目了然,下面他給我很多格很方便就是,對我來講加分很多,然後這裡有個試衣間,看不到了喔 而且超漂亮的喔! 相當不錯的是,這裡還有一張這種椅子,然後它可以讓我這樣爬上來把它打開,然後可以把我收納得很乾淨 邱阿姨:我喜歡我的工作,然後可以認識很多不同的人,然後也可以看到不同的人,這是我覺得蠻開心的。 友人A: 我常去他的店裡聊天,是因為在家裡喔,有一些比較煩比較悶的事啊,可是你講話的時侯也要找對人講啊,有時候心情情緒的問題,我就會跟他聊一下家裡的事情這樣子,有時候比較煩悶的時候就跟他聊一聊,阿聊一聊就好了 友人B:比如我的孫子,老公阿,我的兒子阿,比如家裡的有些事啊,就會在那邊聊一聊阿 5. 心理諮商師 導演:我覺得妳蠻像一個心理諮商師耶,妳有覺得妳修得不只是衣服嗎? 邱阿姨:心理諮商師還不敢這樣講啦。我的範圍內我都會儘量的幫助他們,然後就是讓他們心情可以放鬆下來,這是我覺得蠻開心的 導演:你的工作室是整個地球面積的七兆分之一,你有甚麼感想? 邱阿姨:我覺得...不算大啦,可以接受- published: 16 May 2014
- views: 1193
IKEA Small Spaces - Transforming a small living room into a room for everyone
Is this a small living room, a playroom, or a bedroom? How about all three? Rooms in small...
published: 27 Jun 2011
author: IKEASmallSpaces
IKEA Small Spaces - Transforming a small living room into a room for everyone
IKEA Small Spaces - Transforming a small living room into a room for everyone
Is this a small living room, a playroom, or a bedroom? How about all three? Rooms in small homes are expected to do a lot, which makes them difficult to defi...- published: 27 Jun 2011
- views: 618115
- author: IKEASmallSpaces
Ikea Hack - Billy Bookshelf
Ikea Billy Bookshelf Hack. Aim to make a bookshelf from 2 large & 3 small Billy's to produ...
published: 27 Oct 2013
Ikea Hack - Billy Bookshelf
Ikea Hack - Billy Bookshelf
Ikea Billy Bookshelf Hack. Aim to make a bookshelf from 2 large & 3 small Billy's to produce a built-in-like wardrobe.- published: 27 Oct 2013
- views: 67
IKEA Taiwan x Jimi居家改造 舊宅空間改造
台灣知名創意人Jimi的居家改造實錄。. 創意人Jimi分享挑選家具、儲存居家佈置靈感的方法,空間中,除了IKEA家具家飾,更搭配上自我的創作,讓居家彰顯個人特色。一起來看看Jim...
published: 17 May 2013
author: IKEA Taiwan 宜家家居
IKEA Taiwan x Jimi居家改造 舊宅空間改造
IKEA Taiwan x Jimi居家改造 舊宅空間改造
台灣知名創意人Jimi的居家改造實錄。. 創意人Jimi分享挑選家具、儲存居家佈置靈感的方法,空間中,除了IKEA家具家飾,更搭配上自我的創作,讓居家彰顯個人特色。一起來看看Jimi怎麼讓舊宅的每個角落都充滿新意吧! IKEA官網http://www.IKEA.com.tw IKEA Taiwan 宜家家居粉絲...- published: 17 May 2013
- views: 1536
- author: IKEA Taiwan 宜家家居
IKEA Presents, Harry Love's Records. Make Room for Your Life
Look at how we helped Harry organise his passion for more than 4500 records and make room ...
published: 04 Feb 2013
author: ikeauk
IKEA Presents, Harry Love's Records. Make Room for Your Life
IKEA Presents, Harry Love's Records. Make Room for Your Life
Look at how we helped Harry organise his passion for more than 4500 records and make room for his family life. If you could do with some help storing your th...- published: 04 Feb 2013
- views: 330080
- author: ikeauk
Youtube results:
SRSLY What Does IKEA Say About The Human Condition? | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios
You may have seen our April Fools video... sorry for disappointing you back then when we d...
published: 04 Jun 2014
SRSLY What Does IKEA Say About The Human Condition? | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios
SRSLY What Does IKEA Say About The Human Condition? | Idea Channel | PBS Digital Studios
You may have seen our April Fools video... sorry for disappointing you back then when we didn't have an actual discussion about IKEA and the human condition. But now we're doing it for real!!!! While a huge corporate entity may not be the most likely place to find discussion points for the human condition, we're going for it anyway. For example, what is "The IKEA Effect"? What is it about building your own furniture that is so satisfying (or frustrating)? And those stores... oh, we can undoubtedly find some metaphors in their labyrinthine layouts. So what DOES Ikea say about the human condition? Watch the episode and find out! Phoenix Comicon! Meetup (no Comicon Pass needed!) - http://www.azpbs.org/nerd/events.php Panel (pass needed!) - http://www.phoenixcomicon.com/programming/panel/2012 1:45 http://dash.harvard.edu/bitstream/handle/1/11320608/mochon,norton,ariely_bolstering.pdf?sequence=1 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSETS 0:15 What Does IKEA Say About the Human Condition? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00vL3QYVyLY 0:52 http://www.shedrawsstuff.com/?p=194 1:02 http://fanartfriday.tumblr.com/post/13836490225/drew-this-earlier-this-year-but-this-thing-will 1:16 How to Pronounce IKEA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBhkD4Lb4yE 1:19 Angry Swedish Grandpa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tcwFSyVIoFg 1:27 http://happinessisat.blogspot.com/2012/03/blog-all-things.html 1:58 -MAX KOCH assembles a dresser from IKEA- (NSFW) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XkFAn0D3x9U 2:08 Fenabel | How our chairs are made_ Wood https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5hmgpuS3AE 5:09 IKEA - Masters in France https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPbDW_Y72Aw 5:22 http://www.pleated-jeans.com/2012/03/07/map-of-ikea/ 5:35 http://meganherbert.com/ --------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMENTS Tom Obidowicz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAWKD6OXGnA&google;_comment_id=z131y3oaowz1yphfu23xsbkqstazjzeum lyadmilo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAWKD6OXGnA&google;_comment_id=z12ohb5r2mrjuhqpm04ch1y4btufgf2aor00k lesliefoundhergrail https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAWKD6OXGnA&google;_comment_id=z130dl4j5xrbwfywy04chlorjwzlzdaalvk0k Blergenmeblorger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAWKD6OXGnA&google;_comment_id=z13nznqabxfvsrkuw23scj5x3oqyjpgga04 JPeel459 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAWKD6OXGnA&google;_comment_id=z124tx2ibn3lddcd122tjvewpuqnvjscz bengr71 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAWKD6OXGnA&google;_comment_id=z12qyz1j5ka4xhkpc04ccpk45rraspeq2zg0k Johan Malmgren https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAWKD6OXGnA&google;_comment_id=z13hs3wrqpn3vd0ze04ccprrimqyv5twshs John Hanks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAWKD6OXGnA&google;_comment_id=z13ld1laap3ddzx2122curcphwqzcnlne Hannah Neukirch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAWKD6OXGnA&google;_comment_id=z135cd4juujgihvae04cctxpatrftbuww1s Tia Shelley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAWKD6OXGnA&google;_comment_id=z13sydfj2zu1upixw04ccxlykk34udzw3wc0k Kurzgesagt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAWKD6OXGnA&google;_comment_id=z12dypirtxfzx3gkz22mtbwpmurshzyhm04 --------------------------------------------------------------------- TWEETS OF THE WEEK https://twitter.com/I_Heart_Museums/status/470420584799547392 https://twitter.com/librarianfm/status/469833330297667584 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Come hang out in the Idea Channel IRC! http://bit.ly/138EHBh Check out the Idea Channel SubReddit! http://bit.ly/GNklUq And the Idea Channel Facebook page! http://on.fb.me/1eVl4vP TRANSLATE THINGS @ http://ideachannel.subtitl.us Let us know what sorts of crazy ideas you have, about this episode and otherwise: Tweet at us! @pbsideachannel (yes, the longest twitter username ever) Email us! pbsideachannel [at] gmail [dot] com Idea Channel Facebook! http://Facebook.com/pbsideachannel Hosted by Mike Rugnetta (@mikerugnetta) Made by Kornhaber Brown (http://www.kornhaberbrown.com) _______________________________ Want some more Idea Channel? 100th-ish Episode Special http://youtu.be/aAWKD6OXGnA How Is Orphan Black An Illustration of the Simulacrum? http://youtu.be/Eg7Z_28Uk6g The Future of Fandoms http://youtu.be/eJ3EBR1hlbI- published: 04 Jun 2014
- views: 18471
Flash Mob Marriage Proposal at IKEA Sunrise
30 year old Paramedic living in Miami FL proposes to his girlfriend of two years at IKEA S...
published: 18 Jun 2013
author: IKEASunrise
Flash Mob Marriage Proposal at IKEA Sunrise
Flash Mob Marriage Proposal at IKEA Sunrise
30 year old Paramedic living in Miami FL proposes to his girlfriend of two years at IKEA Sunrise, the same place where they had their first date! It's a must...- published: 18 Jun 2013
- views: 167266
- author: IKEASunrise
Vor einigen Monaten habe ich mir bei Ikea einen PAX Kl...
published: 18 Sep 2012
NA WIE FINDET IHR MEINE LÖSUNG? :) Vor einigen Monaten habe ich mir bei Ikea einen PAX Kleiderschrank zugelegt und bin mit diesem auch sehr zufrieden, allerdings hatte ich damals keine Türen dazugekauft, weil sie mir zu teuer waren, außerdem sind die Löcher im Schrank bereits durch andere Bretter und Schubladen besetzt, so dass es für Türen jetzt eh zu spät ist. Ein offener Kleiderschrank ist zwar etwas ganz schönes, aber der Staub sammelt sich doch schon ganz schön, deshalb musste jetzt eine andere improvisierte Lösung her. :) Mein Facebook http://www.facebook.com/daaruum.official Mein Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/daaruum Sigma Pinsel: http://www.sigmabeauty.com/?Click=252551 Ich trage im Video.. Gesicht: MAC Studio Finish Concealer, Laura Mercie Tintet Moisturizer, Benefit Get Even Powder Augenbrauen: Kryolan Eyebrow Powder Augen: essence I love Extrem, essence Eyeliner Pen Wangen: MNY 301 Lippen: - Top: Paul Frank Cardigan: NewYorker Ohrringe: Geschenk Nagellack: Impress Casting Ohrringständer: http://amzn.to/y3q27q warum? daaruum!- published: 18 Sep 2012
- views: 125092
Craft Room Makeover - IKEA Home Tour (Episode 105)
In the fifth episode of IKEA Home Tour, the Home Tour Squad travels to Atlanta with craft ...
published: 14 May 2014
Craft Room Makeover - IKEA Home Tour (Episode 105)
Craft Room Makeover - IKEA Home Tour (Episode 105)
In the fifth episode of IKEA Home Tour, the Home Tour Squad travels to Atlanta with craft room ideas! Brenda Schmidt needs more craft room storage for organizing the supplies in her work space. Watch more from the IKEA Home Tour here: http://www.IKEA-USA.com/hometour What's IKEA Home Tour? We'll tell you! We're sending a team of IKEA experts on the road to help America solve real home furnishing challenges, big and small, and transform their living spaces. The Home Tour Squad is hitting the road to assist those who need help with home projects -- from closet organization to living room style upgrades to bedroom makeovers -- and to illustrate genuine solutions that make everyday life at home better. The Home Tour Squad will come up with a plan and go shopping for the furnishings and accessories needed at the local IKEA store. The homeowners and the Squad members will then accomplish the transformation together! Plus, the Squad will film their journey along the way. The IKEA Home Tour Squad is a team of hand-selected IKEA experts from across the country. They specialize in everything from home design to organization to sustainability at home. Each Squad member comes from a different background and contributes their unique expertise to help homeowners on the tour. Their journey will be chronicled through before/after makeover videos, tour footage, and video shorts featuring design tips and interviews with homeowners. Squad members will also be sharing live updates from the tour via Twitter (@DesignbyIKEA) and Instagram (@IKEAUSA) with the hashtag #IKEAHomeTour. For more inspirational ideas for your home, check out IKEA USA on: Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/IKEAUSA Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/DesignByIKEA Pinterest - http://www.pinterest.com/IKEAUSA Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/IKEAUSA Google+ - https://plus.google.com/+IKEAUSA- published: 14 May 2014
- views: 2400