
People will live on Mars and never come back Full Documentary
More than 100,000 people are eager to make themselves at home on another planet. They've a...
published: 27 Oct 2013
People will live on Mars and never come back Full Documentary
People will live on Mars and never come back Full Documentary
More than 100,000 people are eager to make themselves at home on another planet. They've applied for a one-way trip to Mars, hoping to be chosen to spend the rest of their lives on uncharted territory, according to an organization planning the manned missions. The Mars One project wants to colonize the red planet, beginning in 2022. There are financial and practical questions about this venture that haven't been clarified. Will there be enough money? Will people really be able to survive on Mars? But these haven't stopped some 30,000 Americans from signing up. You can see some of the candidates on the project's website, but they're not the only ones who have applied, said Bas Lansdorp, Mars One CEO and co-founder. "There is also a very large number of people who are still working on their profile, so either they have decided not to pay the application fee, or they are still making their video or they're still filling out the questionnaire or their resume. So the people that you can see online are only the ones that have finished and who have set their profiles as public," Lansdorp said. The entrepreneur did not specify how many have paid the fees, completed their profiles and configured them as private. Mars one project. Mars colonization. voyage to mars National geographic, history channel- published: 27 Oct 2013
- views: 86

Mars The Red Planet Documentary 1080p Discovery & Documentary HD
We share information only for educational purposes
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published: 21 May 2014
Mars The Red Planet Documentary 1080p Discovery & Documentary HD
Mars The Red Planet Documentary 1080p Discovery & Documentary HD
We share information only for educational purposes Subscribe & Join us : http://www.youtube.com/user/DocuDiscovery?sub_confirmation=1 Don't Forget To LIKE this video!- published: 21 May 2014
- views: 902

10 Amazing Facts About The Planet Mars
10 Amazing Facts About the Planet Mars
We're getting closer and closer to settling on it ...
published: 28 Aug 2013
10 Amazing Facts About The Planet Mars
10 Amazing Facts About The Planet Mars
10 Amazing Facts About the Planet Mars We're getting closer and closer to settling on it that it only seems right to learn a little more in 10 amazing facts about the planet Mars. Music = Epic Event by Terry Devine-King Click to Subscribe.. http://bit.ly/WTVC4x Where else to find All Time 10s... Facebook: http://ow.ly/3FNFR Twitter: http://ow.ly/3FNMk Minds: http://www.minds.com/Alltime10s Here are our 10 favorite videos from 2012.. Hope you have enjoyed them! :D - http://bit.ly/YfHEa4- published: 28 Aug 2013
- views: 65412

The haunted planet: Mars 2013
of rocks and snails with sandwhale scales....of funny stones that look like bones....of sh...
published: 17 Apr 2013
author: Paul John McLeod
The haunted planet: Mars 2013
The haunted planet: Mars 2013
of rocks and snails with sandwhale scales....of funny stones that look like bones....of shattered walls and upturned floors....and things we see in cloud...- published: 17 Apr 2013
- views: 42442
- author: Paul John McLeod

Humanoid's Galore on the Planet Mars?
This video is presented as a "working hypothesis" based on multiple images from various NA...
published: 30 Mar 2014
Humanoid's Galore on the Planet Mars?
Humanoid's Galore on the Planet Mars?
This video is presented as a "working hypothesis" based on multiple images from various NASA databases.- published: 30 Mar 2014
- views: 1913

Discovery Channel Mars Rising Journey to the Red Planet YouTube2
For the future, a mission to mars, the best idea yet, facing difficult since Obama cancell...
published: 24 Sep 2012
Discovery Channel Mars Rising Journey to the Red Planet YouTube2
Discovery Channel Mars Rising Journey to the Red Planet YouTube2
For the future, a mission to mars, the best idea yet, facing difficult since Obama cancelled the constellation programme, there is a new plan by a young man, which could take man back to the moon, to an asteroid, a new I.S.S, and commercial space, and a mission to mars, will Obama agree to a plan that includes all he suggested and the moon, closer and cheaper to go to, and worth trillions of dollars, a new moon base on the moon by 2025 costing 5 lunar mission, two manned, one cargo, 2 habitats, every year up to 2025 when the base is completed and reusable lander's will be sent up to the moon, this idea was made this year, while this video was made 5 years ago, and this new space idea by the young man was made after this programme, and made this year 2012, lets hope politicians are not ignorant and will take up this young mans idea.- published: 24 Sep 2012
- views: 27502

Mars - The Red Planet (Documentary)
If you like PC Games visit: http://www.freemmorpgtoplay.com/ Mars is the fourth planet fro...
published: 10 Jan 2013
author: Dietrolafacciata
Mars - The Red Planet (Documentary)
Mars - The Red Planet (Documentary)
If you like PC Games visit: http://www.freemmorpgtoplay.com/ Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and the second smallest planet in the Solar System. Named...- published: 10 Jan 2013
- views: 33683
- author: Dietrolafacciata

Does the planet Mars have intelligence residing on it. You could be shocked to learn that ...
published: 27 Apr 2010
author: Ufoevidence101
Does the planet Mars have intelligence residing on it. You could be shocked to learn that it does. Take a flyby approach across the red planet and see what a...- published: 27 Apr 2010
- views: 229404
- author: Ufoevidence101

Large Object Found on Mars! NASA releases images of Planet Mars! Mars Rover Curiosity!
NASA Released Images of Object on Mars! Mars Rover Curiosity Imagery -- SUBSCRIBE NOW! - D...
published: 13 Feb 2013
author: Otherstuffman
Large Object Found on Mars! NASA releases images of Planet Mars! Mars Rover Curiosity!
Large Object Found on Mars! NASA releases images of Planet Mars! Mars Rover Curiosity!
NASA Released Images of Object on Mars! Mars Rover Curiosity Imagery -- SUBSCRIBE NOW! - Daily Space & Global News and Events!- published: 13 Feb 2013
- views: 28408
- author: Otherstuffman

Why Mars Died, and Earth Lived
This video explores the most basic question of all: why we explore space? Be sure to exper...
published: 13 Oct 2012
author: SpaceRip
Why Mars Died, and Earth Lived
Why Mars Died, and Earth Lived
This video explores the most basic question of all: why we explore space? Be sure to experience the visual spectacle in full HD, 1080P. The Mars rover, Curio...- published: 13 Oct 2012
- views: 780532
- author: SpaceRip

mars rover to mars holst the planets
the popular digital animation of the mars rover to "Mars" by Holst from "The Planets"...
published: 30 Apr 2007
author: thesayerofing
mars rover to mars holst the planets
mars rover to mars holst the planets
the popular digital animation of the mars rover to "Mars" by Holst from "The Planets"- published: 30 Apr 2007
- views: 755586
- author: thesayerofing

Wanted: People Willing to Die on Mars, Proposed One-Way Trip to the Red Planet
03/16/2013 Ever wonder what life is like on Mars? How about death on Mars? By 2023, some s...
published: 19 Mar 2013
author: LeakSourceNews
Wanted: People Willing to Die on Mars, Proposed One-Way Trip to the Red Planet
Wanted: People Willing to Die on Mars, Proposed One-Way Trip to the Red Planet
03/16/2013 Ever wonder what life is like on Mars? How about death on Mars? By 2023, some space travelers may know both. A private company called Mars One is ...- published: 19 Mar 2013
- views: 79270
- author: LeakSourceNews

Life on Mars: NASA. Evidence of Past Life on the Red Planet. Origins of Life part 3
http://Cosmology.com This video details the scientific evidence proving that microbial lif...
published: 26 May 2008
author: Sarastarlight
Life on Mars: NASA. Evidence of Past Life on the Red Planet. Origins of Life part 3
Life on Mars: NASA. Evidence of Past Life on the Red Planet. Origins of Life part 3
http://Cosmology.com This video details the scientific evidence proving that microbial life lived on Mars from 4 billion to at least 1 million years ago. A d...- published: 26 May 2008
- views: 1416666
- author: Sarastarlight
Youtube results:

On The Spot TERBARU 24 Januari 2014 - Penemuan Misterius Di Planet Mars
On The Spot TERBARU 24 Januari 2014 - Penemuan Misterius Di Planet Mars
Jangan lupa like,...
published: 24 Jan 2014
On The Spot TERBARU 24 Januari 2014 - Penemuan Misterius Di Planet Mars
On The Spot TERBARU 24 Januari 2014 - Penemuan Misterius Di Planet Mars
On The Spot TERBARU 24 Januari 2014 - Penemuan Misterius Di Planet Mars Jangan lupa like, komentar dan subsribe Bantal Guling Channel yah. :-) Tonton juga video-video seru lainnya dengan mengklik link Playlist di bawah ini: Hitam Putih FULL SEGMENT TERBARU : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwvdeuuKrA5SUoq0jfUsAw8RB30M5N5Do Opera Van Java FULL SEGMENT TERBARU : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwvdeuuKrA5TqaPFZdwgbJ7Wq5UuIcaJK Dua Dunia FULL SEGMENT TERBARU : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwvdeuuKrA5Qr7-8yS5216j57P8HoPvlA Bukan Empat Mata FULL SEGMENT TERBARU : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwvdeuuKrA5TcGY9dAM7EvQr7hkKrm-2X Pas Mantab FULL SEGMENT TERBARU : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwvdeuuKrA5RHoGt2GmtHPWDPdtiJRptA Masih Dunia Lain FULL SEGMENT TERBARU : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwvdeuuKrA5RTLCXhtSl-ckGqy7Zx3LRe Fatin Shidqia Lubis TERBARU : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwvdeuuKrA5SygP0AfkilQHG-ngz8uDnb Indonesia Lawak Klub TERBARU : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwvdeuuKrA5TrHh_E6pYcKrYo12IWDFI8 On The Spot FULL SEGMENT TERBARU : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwvdeuuKrA5QLJfETjEyME07Lxea2dD2G Musik Asik : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwvdeuuKrA5Rk5uBY6FPZyOqmJ0B5_oi7 I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (http://www.youtube.com/editor) by Bantal Guling Channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZtVeY51-2Diz3eDCfD0MCg- published: 24 Jan 2014
- views: 876

Космос Large Object Found on Mars! NASA releases images of Planet Mars! Mars Rover Curiosity Космосе
http://tinyurl.com/pgwjedt - канал о Космосе.
Став разумным (гомосапиенсом), человек подн...
published: 06 Feb 2014
Космос Large Object Found on Mars! NASA releases images of Planet Mars! Mars Rover Curiosity Космосе
Космос Large Object Found on Mars! NASA releases images of Planet Mars! Mars Rover Curiosity Космосе
http://tinyurl.com/pgwjedt - канал о Космосе. Став разумным (гомосапиенсом), человек поднимает глаза наверх и с любопытством разглядывает звездное небо. Извечно лучшие умы человечества создавали представление о космосе. Только в ХХ столетии человек по-настоящему ощутил грандиозность космического пространства, его необъятность, колоссальные энергетические возможности объектов космоса. Полеты аппаратов на небесные тела солнечной системы стали обыденным и регулярным делом. Проживание и эксперименты на международной космической станции не воспринимается как событие неординарное. Космос открывает перед человечеством потрясающие возможности.- published: 06 Feb 2014
- views: 12

Life On Mars - The Discovery Channel Documentary - The Red Planet
Please Join Me On: Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/NDFANS Twitter : http://twitter.com...
published: 09 May 2013
author: NawafDandachi
Life On Mars - The Discovery Channel Documentary - The Red Planet
Life On Mars - The Discovery Channel Documentary - The Red Planet
Please Join Me On: Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/NDFANS Twitter : http://twitter.com/NawafDandachi Official Website : http://www.nawafdandachi.webstart...- published: 09 May 2013
- views: 5032
- author: NawafDandachi

Penawaran Tinggal di Planet Mars hanya 100rb saja
Menjelajahi tempat yang belum pernah dijejaki manusia adalah sebuah tantangan. Namun, jika...
published: 16 Sep 2013
Penawaran Tinggal di Planet Mars hanya 100rb saja
Penawaran Tinggal di Planet Mars hanya 100rb saja
Menjelajahi tempat yang belum pernah dijejaki manusia adalah sebuah tantangan. Namun, jika dalam misi itu kita tak akan dapat kembali ke Bumi, tentunya tantangan itu perlu dipikirkan ulang. Meski demikian, sebuah lembaga riset di Belanda tidak goyah. Mereka menggelar pencarian sukarelawan untuk ikut ambil bagian dalam misi perjalanan ke Mars tanpa kembali ke Bumi. Mereka nantinya akan mendirikan sebuah permukiman manusia. Uniknya, meski belum diumumkan, misi sukarelawan itu telah menerima lebih dari 1.000 aplikasi. Kandidat yang lolos harus menjalani delapan tahun pelatihan sebelum berangkat ke Mars pada 2023. "Mereka harus menyadari, jika proyek ini berhasil, mereka tidak akan kembali," demikian diungkapkan The Mars One Institute, Rabu, 9 Januari 2013. "Lewatlah sudah hari-hari ketika keberanian dan jumlah jam terbang jet supersonik adalah kriteria utama untuk seleksi," ujar Direktur Medis Mars One, mantan peneliti NASA, Norbert Kraft. "Sekarang, kita lebih peduli dengan seberapa baik astronaut bekerja dan hidup dengan orang lain. Dan menghadapi tantangan seumur hidup di depan." Mars One bermaksud mengumpulkan uang untuk mendanai proyek itu melalui acara TV realitas, yang akan memilih 24 kandidat pertama dan mengikuti pelatihan mereka. Pemirsa akan memilih siapa yang harus berada di tim pertama dari empat tim yang akan meninggalkan Bumi dalam waktu sepuluh tahun. Pada 2033, koloni itu diperkirakan akan memiliki 20 pemukim. Perjalanan ke Mars, sekitar 40 juta mil, diperkirakan memakan waktu sekitar 200 hari. Para pemukim itu akan menghadapi lanskap tandus dan berkawah. Atmosfer Mars terdiri dari 95 persen karbon dioksida, dan suhunya berkisar dari 35C ke minus 135C.- published: 16 Sep 2013
- views: 15