
Closer Together Whakatata Mai

A programme of NZCCSS that focuses on the impacts of income inequality in Aotearoa NZ and calls for action to reduce the gap between rich and poor....Read more »

Services for Older People Conference 2014

The 2014 Services for Older People Conference "The Next Stretch" took place in Dunedin on 8-9 May. Presentations and papers are online now. Find out more... ...Read more »

NZCCSS Future Wellbeing Conference

The New Zealand Council for Christian Social Services (NZCCSS) Future Wellbeing Conference 2012 took place at the University of Auckland on 18 - 20 April 2012. Read reports, papers and presentations......Read more »

Working Towards a Just and Compassionate Society

Every day of the week the members of NZCCSS - the Anglican Care Network, Baptist Churches of Aotearoa New Zealand, Catholic Social Services, Presbyterian Support NZ, the Methodist Church and the Salvation Army - provide essential services through collectively serving and working in communities throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. In it's work NZCCSS is supported by member churches and their leaders.

NZCCSS recognizes its obligations as partners to Te Tiriti o Waitangi.  Through its collective activity NZCCSS does its best to put justice and compassion into action.

A small team of policy advisors and researchers make up the Secretariat of NZCCSS, and the Secretariat supports the Council in working for justice and compassion at policy, parish and social service levels in Aotearoa New Zealand.  Work for justice and compassion is based on real work that is carried out by member agencies. Knowledge and understanding for this work is drawn from on-the-ground experiences in communities and services of members to inform  policy change and development at government and government department levels.

To provide you with information about social justice issues in Aotearoa New Zealand Council publishes Policy Watch, The Vulnerability Report and Kete Kupu. These and other materials can be accessed through the Publications Library of this website.



Latest Publication

Vulnerability Report Nr 18, April 2014. The theme of this report is barriers to a fairer New Zealand. It uses government data and community information to illustrate how the materially poor in our communities have been faring in the year to December....Read more »

Regular Publications

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Publications Library

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The Canterbury Report

Published December 2012...Read more »

Auckland Vulnerabiltiy Report

Description...Read more »