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Leading light resigns from the Cancer Society of New Zealand

Budget news good news for cancer

Australian experts bring expertise to the Health Select Committee

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Welcome, Nau mai

The Cancer Society of New Zealand is a not for profit organisation funded by caring New Zealanders.   

He whakahaere kore mahi moni te Kāhui Matepukupuku o Aotearoa e whai tahua ana mai i te hunga atawhai o Aotearoa.

Cango Election Manifesto 2014

As part of its Election Manifesto 2014 CANGO calls on the next New Zealand government to take action to reduce the incidence and impact of cancer in New Zealand and to address inequalities relating to cancer diagnosis and treatment.

2014 Lung Cancer Health Report

A recently released report reveals New Zealanders know very little about the symptoms of lung cancer, or just how common lung cancer is. This is despite the fact that lung cancer is the most common cause of death from cancer in New Zealand for both men and women.

 Coming Events



Past Events

Oceania Conference
Forum on Carcinogens in the Workplace