The world’s blackest teen comedy is 25 years old !
Why opting out of the Internet isn’t an option
Why is Godzilla here to save the planet - but not you, or me ?


Into The Mainstream

The Green Party moves to the political centre… and vice versa

by Gordon Campbell

Secret Histories Of The Pacific

David Robie’s lifelong commitment to media coverage of the Asia Pacific region

by Alison McCulloch

Internet Culture & The Links That Bind

Why Opting Out Isn’t An Option

by Anne Russell

Watch The Seas

Gareth Edwards reboots Godzilla – the monster that’s all metaphor.

by Philip Matthews

Muslim Female Superhero Fights Misogyny!

A conversation with Deena Mohamed, author of the Qahera superhero comic strip

by Gordon Campbell

Tech Booms, War and The Minimum Wage

A tale of two eras, three cities and minimum-wage jobs

by Rosalea Barker

Heathers, At 25

Teen moviedom’s greatest black comedy, a quarter of a century later

by Gordon Campbell

From the Hood : Finding A Happy Media

Ask A Prime Minister

by Lyndon Hood

And I Am The Queen of Romania

To Bucharest And Beyond, Via Trains And Plains…

by Rosalea Barker

The Complicatist : Three Feet High & Rising

Celebrating 25 years of hip hop’s best-loved album

by Gordon Campbell

* * * * * WEREWOLF ISSUE 47, April 2014 * * * * *

The April 2014 Edition of Werewolf

by Werewolf

Lest We Remember

As millions of dollars are spent on World War I and the Anzacs, the 150th anniversary of the wars at home are getting short shrift

by Alison McCulloch

Anzac Day : Identity Politics, With Guns

There’s a void in our sense of nationalism, and Anzac Day is how we choose to fill it

by Anne Russell

Trading In Stereotypes

In the Christchurch rebuild, will women miss out on most of the high-paying jobs?

by Gordon Campbell

Out Of The Past

In films like A Separation and The Past, Asghar Farhadi has become Iran’s most celebrated cultural export. There’s a price.

by Gordon Campbell

Scotland On The Brink

Are the wheels falling off the Better Together campaign against Scottish independence?

by Gerry Hassan

Sympathy For The One Per Cent

The uber-rich have problems, too

by Gordon Campbell

Berkeley : Surviving the 21st Century

A personal view of Frederick Wiseman’s documentary At Berkeley

by Rosalea Barker

From The Hood : Fol-De-Royal

Werewolf wasn’t paying close attention to the royal tour but we thought we’d have a go at the whole coverage thing anyway.

by Lyndon Hood

Aspirational Television

West Wing And The Lost Political Dream

by Benjamin Neikrie

Travelling Light : In the Borderlands of Putin’s Empire

Where In The World Is Chisinau, Moldova?

by Rosalea Barker

The Complicatist : Jackson C. Frank, Mark Kozelek

The love songs of the middle-aged mope

by Gordon Campbell
old cover

* * * * * WEREWOLF ISSUE 46, March 2014 * * * * *

The March 2014 Edition of Werewolf

by Werewolf

Labour Pains

An interview with Labour Party leader David Cunliffe

by Gordon Campbell

Airbrushing the News

How the media is peddling an agenda, via stock photos

by Alison McCulloch

Te Papa : Treating Staff Like Children

Te Papa management revels in management-speak

by Gordon Campbell

Divergent Hits The Big Screen

Tris & Katniss : the Rise of the Female Action Hero

by Gordon Campbell

Israel, Palestine and Syria

Visiting Israeli analyst Ehud Ya’ari on the emerging “Southern Front” in the Syrian civil war

by Gordon Campbell

Lonely, In Love

Why Spike Jonze’s Her could be the most romantic film of the year.

by Philip Matthews

The Crime Bosses of Crimea

The links between crime and politics in Russia’s annexed enclave in the Ukraine

by Taras Kuzio