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Property Council blasts JAFA NIMBYs Property
01 Jul 14, 12:23pm
Greg Ninness 14
The Property Council blasts Auckland's NIMBYs, backs high rise development
Home improvement boom Property
01 Jul 14, 10:29am
Greg Ninness 10
Home alterations are booming in Auckland, the Waikato and Christchurch but slow in Wellington
Dispelling myths about regional economies Opinion
01 Jul 14, 11:11am
Benje Patterson 2
Let structural change in the provinces play out says Benje Patterson. This is the best way for the whole country to build flexible competitiveness he says. You agree?
ANZ resets its fixed mortgage rates News
30 Jun 14, 8:34pm
David Chaston
The country's largest bank drops one home loan special, adds a new one, and changes all its fixed rates; increases its term deposit rates at the same time
Stampede to fixed-term mortgages Personal Finance
01 Jul 14, 5:28am
Gareth Vaughan 11
Borrowers rushing to fix home loans in record numbers







USD weakens

NZD ascent stalls as confidence falls, terms of trade past their peak, focus moves to offshore inflences