
Capitalism: A Love Story - Documentary
Capitalism: A Love Story is a 2009 American documentary film directed, written by and star...
published: 23 Feb 2014
Capitalism: A Love Story - Documentary
Capitalism: A Love Story - Documentary
Capitalism: A Love Story is a 2009 American documentary film directed, written by and starring Michael Moore. The film centers on the late-2000s financial crisis and the recovery stimulus, while putting forward an indictment of the current economic order in the United States and capitalism in general. Topics covered include Wall Street's "casino mentality", for-profit prisons, Goldman Sachs' influence in Washington, D.C., the poverty-level wages of many workers, the large wave of home foreclosures, corporate-owned life insurance, and the consequences of "runaway greed". The film also features a religious component where Moore examines whether or not capitalism is a sin and if Jesus would be a capitalist, in order to shine light on the ideological contradictions among evangelical conservatives who support free market ideals. Directed by Michael Moore Produced by Anne Moore Michael Moore Written by Michael Moore Music by Jeff Gibbs Cinematography - Daniel Marracino Jayme Roy Editing by Jessica Brunetto Alex Meiller Tanya Meiller Conor O'Neill Pablo Proenza T. Woody Richman John Walter Studio - The Weinstein Company Dog Eat Dog Films Distributed by Overture Films (US) Paramount Vantage (international) Release dates: September 6, 2009 (VIFF) October 2, 2009 (United States) Budget: $20 million Box office: $17,436,509- published: 23 Feb 2014
- views: 106

Capitalism and Socialism: Crash Course World History #33
In which John Green teaches you about capitalism and socialism in a way that is sure to pl...
published: 06 Sep 2012
author: crashcourse
Capitalism and Socialism: Crash Course World History #33
Capitalism and Socialism: Crash Course World History #33
In which John Green teaches you about capitalism and socialism in a way that is sure to please commenters from both sides of the debate. Learn how capitalism...- published: 06 Sep 2012
- views: 694150
- author: crashcourse

The Success and Price of Capitalism - Documentary
Not Business As Usual is a provocative look at capitalism and its unintended price of succ...
published: 01 Feb 2014
The Success and Price of Capitalism - Documentary
The Success and Price of Capitalism - Documentary
Not Business As Usual is a provocative look at capitalism and its unintended price of success. The film tracks the changing landscape of business with the rising tide of conscious capitalism through the stories of local entrepreneurs who have found innovative ways to bring humanity back into business. Executive Producer - Institute B Director & Editor - Lawrence Le Lam Writer - Rik Klingle Watt Producer & Art Director - Any Horgas Narrator - Kahlil Ashanti Recording Engineer - Patrick Wilson Camera Operators - Lawrence Le Lam, Lamy Nagata & Brendan Schell Music by Chris Zabriskie (chriszabriskie.com/) Jahzzer (betterwithmusic.com/) Johnny Ripper (johnnyripper.bandcamp.com/) Lee Rosevere (leerosevere.bandcamp.com/) Max Brodie Mike Else (professorkliq.com/) Monroeville Music Centre (monroevillemusiccenter.bandcamp.com/) Natasha 'Dot' Musevic (soundcloud.com/dottt) Pink Zebra Podington Bear (podingtonbear.com/) The Custodian of Records (thecustodianofrecords.bandcamp.com/)- published: 01 Feb 2014
- views: 5

Why Capitalism Works
Cultural depictions of capitalism are almost all negative. There's the Monopoly guy with t...
published: 10 Mar 2014
Why Capitalism Works
Why Capitalism Works
Cultural depictions of capitalism are almost all negative. There's the Monopoly guy with the top hat and cigar. There's Gordon Gekko saying, "Greed is good." And, most recently, there's the hedonism of the "Wolf of Wall Street". The message is clear: capitalism is selfish. Socialism, or something like it, is selfless. In fact, the opposite is true. Renown social critic George Gilder offers this startling insight: capitalism, at it's core, is first an expression of altruism; that is, of giving. An entrepreneur can only succeed by satisfying a customer's need. This is why capitalism, and only capitalism, can create the prosperity that all societies crave and why all other economic prescriptions are doomed to failure. You can support Prager University by clicking https://www.prageruniversity.com/donate_login.php Free videos are great, but to continue producing high-quality content, even small contributions are greater. Visit us directly! http://www.prageruniversity.com/ LIKE us! https://www.facebook.com/prageru Follow us! https://twitter.com/prageru If you are an educator and are interested in using material like this in your classroom, click http://www.prageruniversity.com/educator-program.php.- published: 10 Mar 2014
- views: 4377

David Harvey "The End of Capitalism"
David Harvey, Professor of Geography and Anthropology
Graduate Center, City University of ...
published: 09 Nov 2013
David Harvey "The End of Capitalism"
David Harvey "The End of Capitalism"
David Harvey, Professor of Geography and Anthropology Graduate Center, City University of New York. Three years after the near collapse of global financial markets, America is still struggling with unemployment, debt, and foreclosure, European governments are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy—and the world's billionaires are getting richer faster than ever before. The current situation is not sustainable. But what changes need to be made to overcome this mounting crisis of our world economic system? How radical an adaptation will be required? David Harvey, the brilliant theorist and scathing critic of postmodern society, looks at what the future holds for global capitalism. http://davidharvey.org/- published: 09 Nov 2013
- views: 51

Pirate Television: The Myth of Capitalism with Michael Parenti
Michael Parenti is an activist, political writer, historian, and culture critic....
published: 17 May 2013
author: freespeechtv
Pirate Television: The Myth of Capitalism with Michael Parenti
Pirate Television: The Myth of Capitalism with Michael Parenti
Michael Parenti is an activist, political writer, historian, and culture critic.- published: 17 May 2013
- views: 2784
- author: freespeechtv

Global Capitalism March 2014 Monthy Update
Professor Wolff's Website: www.rdwolff.com
Professor Wolff's Podcast: http://www...
published: 12 Mar 2014
Global Capitalism March 2014 Monthy Update
Global Capitalism March 2014 Monthy Update
....... Professor Wolff's Website: www.rdwolff.com Professor Wolff's Podcast: http://www.truth-out.org/economic-update-your-weekly-dose-revolutionary-economics/1310498361 Permission to reprint Professor Wolff's writing and videos is granted on an individual basis. Please contact profwolff@rdwolff.com to request permission. We reserve the right to refuse or rescind permission at any time.- published: 12 Mar 2014
- views: 153

RSA Animate - Crises of Capitalism
In this RSA Animate, celebrated academic David Harvey looks beyond capitalism towards a ne...
published: 28 Jun 2010
author: The RSA
RSA Animate - Crises of Capitalism
RSA Animate - Crises of Capitalism
In this RSA Animate, celebrated academic David Harvey looks beyond capitalism towards a new social order. Can we find a more responsible, just, and humane ec...- published: 28 Jun 2010
- views: 2249152
- author: The RSA

The Contradictions of Capitalism
For more information about the event and to listen to the podcast go to the RSA event page...
published: 30 Apr 2014
The Contradictions of Capitalism
The Contradictions of Capitalism
For more information about the event and to listen to the podcast go to the RSA event page: http://bit.ly/1ksPP0R One of the world's most respected public thinkers visits the RSA to explore the hidden workings of capital. David Harvey, Distinguished Professor of Anthropology at the City University of New York Graduate School, unravels the paradoxes at the heart of capitalism and offers a manifesto for a new way forward. Follow the RSA on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/thersaorg Like the RSA on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thersaorg Our events are made possible with the support of our Fellowship. Support us by donating or applying to become a Fellow. Donate: http://www.thersa.org/support-the-rsa Become a Fellow: http://www.thersa.org/fellowship/apply- published: 30 Apr 2014
- views: 2477

Treason Part 1: Casino Capitalism
Adam Smith branded those who pocketed the nation's rents as "The Public Enemy". But today,...
published: 27 Jul 2013
author: geophilos
Treason Part 1: Casino Capitalism
Treason Part 1: Casino Capitalism
Adam Smith branded those who pocketed the nation's rents as "The Public Enemy". But today, governments celebrate the privatisation of the income that we all ...- published: 27 Jul 2013
- views: 667
- author: geophilos

Head to Head - Has capitalism failed the world?
At the famous Oxford Union, Mehdi Hasan challenges former top financial regulator Lord Ada...
published: 29 Jun 2013
author: AlJazeeraEnglish
Head to Head - Has capitalism failed the world?
Head to Head - Has capitalism failed the world?
At the famous Oxford Union, Mehdi Hasan challenges former top financial regulator Lord Adair Turner on the role of the banks, the politics behind austerity a...- published: 29 Jun 2013
- views: 13893
- author: AlJazeeraEnglish

Capitalism by Stiglitz
Joseph Stiglitz the Nobel prize winning economist explores the origins and the continuing ...
published: 18 Feb 2013
author: Malcolm Clark
Capitalism by Stiglitz
Capitalism by Stiglitz
Joseph Stiglitz the Nobel prize winning economist explores the origins and the continuing impact of one of the greatest ideas in history- capitalism. As with...- published: 18 Feb 2013
- views: 3201
- author: Malcolm Clark

Capitalism Is The Crisis (Full Movie)
www.capitalismisthecrisis.net Capitalism Is The Crisis: Radical Politics in the Age of Aus...
published: 10 Aug 2011
author: CapitalismCrisis
Capitalism Is The Crisis (Full Movie)
Capitalism Is The Crisis (Full Movie)
www.capitalismisthecrisis.net Capitalism Is The Crisis: Radical Politics in the Age of Austerity examines the ideological roots of the "austerity" agenda and...- published: 10 Aug 2011
- views: 276678
- author: CapitalismCrisis
Youtube results:

The People's Republic of Capitalism Part 1
This video is not meant to offend the ordinary Chinese people, it shows what life is like ...
published: 03 Aug 2012
author: MegaTechnology2012
The People's Republic of Capitalism Part 1
The People's Republic of Capitalism Part 1
This video is not meant to offend the ordinary Chinese people, it shows what life is like for millions, the haves and the have not's. the poor and the greedy...- published: 03 Aug 2012
- views: 13186
- author: MegaTechnology2012

Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
The idea that capitalism exploits workers stems from Karl Marx's work in the late 1800s. A...
published: 19 Jul 2012
author: Learn Liberty
Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
Does Capitalism Exploit Workers?
The idea that capitalism exploits workers stems from Karl Marx's work in the late 1800s. Although the definition of "exploitation" has changed since then, ma...- published: 19 Jul 2012
- views: 85908
- author: Learn Liberty

Jeremy Rifkin on the Fall of Capitalism and the Internet of Things
Don't miss new Big Think videos! Subscribe by clicking here: http://goo.gl/CPTsV5
published: 22 Apr 2014
Jeremy Rifkin on the Fall of Capitalism and the Internet of Things
Jeremy Rifkin on the Fall of Capitalism and the Internet of Things
Don't miss new Big Think videos! Subscribe by clicking here: http://goo.gl/CPTsV5 Economic theorist and author Jeremy Rifkin explains his concept of The Internet of Things. Rifkin's latest book is The Zero Marginal Cost Society: The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism (http://goo.gl/4estV2). Transcript -- We are just beginning to glimpse the bare outlines of an emerging new economic system, the collaborative commons. This is the first new economic paradigm to emerge on the world scene since the advent of capitalism and socialism in the early 19th century. So it's a remarkable historical event. It has long-term implications for society. But what's really interesting is the trigger that's giving birth to this new economic system. The trigger is something called zero marginal cost. Now, marginal costs are the costs of producing an additional unit of a good and service after your fixed costs are covered. Business people are all aware of marginal costs, most of the public isn't. But this idea of zero marginal cost is going to dramatically intimately affect every single person in the world in the coming years in every aspect of their life. There's a paradox deeply embedded in the very heart of the capitalist market system previously really undisclosed. This paradox has been responsible for the tremendous success of capitalism over the last two centuries. But here's the irony, the very success of this paradox is now leading to an end game and a new paradigm emerging out of capitalism is collaborative commons. Let me explain. In a traditional market, sellers are always constantly probing for new technologies that can increase their productivity, reduce their marginal costs so they can put out cheaper products and win over consumers and market share and beat out their competitors and bring some profit back to investors. So business people are always looking for ways to increase productivity and reduce their marginal cost, they simply never expected in their wildest dreams that there would be a technology revolution so powerful in it's productivity that it might reduce those margins of cost to near zero making goods and services essentially free, priceless and beyond the market exchange economy. That's now beginning to happen in the real world. The first inklings of this zero margin cost phenomenon was with the inception of the World Wide Web from 1990 until 2014. We saw this zero marginal cost phenomenon invade the newspaper industry, the magazine industry and book publishing. With the coming of the World Wide Web and the Internet all of a sudden millions of people, then hundreds of millions of people, and now 40 percent of the human race with very cheap cell phones and computers they're sending audio, video and texting each other at near zero marginal cost. So what's happened is millions of consumers became prosumers with the advent of the Internet. And so they're producing and sharing their own videos, their own news blogs, their own entertainment, their own knowledge with each other in these lateral networks at near zero marginal costs and essentially for free bypassing the capitalist market, in many instances altogether. This zero marginal cost phenomena, as it invaded the information industries, wreaked havoc on big, big industries. Newspapers went out of business; they couldn't compete with near zero marginal costs. Magazines went out of business. And my own industry publishing has been just wracked by free e-books and free knowledge and information. But, you know, the strange thing about it is at first a lot of industry watchers said this is a good thing because if we give out more and more information goods free and people are producing and sharing it free, these freemiums will stimulate people's appetite to want premiums and then upgrade this free goods and information by getting more customized information. I'll give you an example. Musicians give away their music free when they started to see this happen hoping that they would get a big loyal fan repertoire and then their fans would be enticed to go to their concerts and pay premium in order to be there in person. And then, of course, we saw this with newspapers. The New York Times will give you ten free articles a month, freemiums, hoping that you'll then upload upgrade to premiums and by their subscription service. It didn't happen on any large scale. This was very naïve by industry watchers. Sure, some people have moved from freemiums to premiums but when more and more information goods are out there nearly free shared with each other, music, film, arts, information and knowledge, attention span is not there to then want to go to the premiums when you have so much available already in the freemiums. Directed / Produced by Jonathan Fowler and Dillon Fitton- published: 22 Apr 2014
- views: 8754

Michael Moore Confronted By Hannity About "Capitalism"
Michael Moore is asked by Sean Hannity on his show why he's so against capitalism when it ...
published: 07 Oct 2009
author: PoliticsNewsPolitics
Michael Moore Confronted By Hannity About "Capitalism"
Michael Moore Confronted By Hannity About "Capitalism"
Michael Moore is asked by Sean Hannity on his show why he's so against capitalism when it was capitalism that made it possible for "Capitalism: A Love Story"...- published: 07 Oct 2009
- views: 230019
- author: PoliticsNewsPolitics