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Cedar Lounge
For lefties too stubborn to quit

offsite link Opportunities missed in 2011 15:24 Wed May 28, 2014 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link And the Seanad 12:21 Wed May 28, 2014 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link What you want to say ? 28th May 2014 00:35 Wed May 28, 2014 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link And as the European Election results draw to a close ? a thread for summing up on it? 00:34 Wed May 28, 2014 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link An overview of Independents and Others in the Local Elections 21:00 Tue May 27, 2014 | WorldbyStorm

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Irish Left Review
Joined up thinking for the Irish Left

offsite link Left Surge in the Republic of Ireland?s 2014 Local and European Elections Wed May 28, 2014 15:05 | Henry Silke

offsite link European Elections 2014: 2020 Hindsight Tue May 27, 2014 11:20 | Tony Phillips

offsite link New LabourLeaks Website: Exposing Wrongdoing in the Workplace Tue May 27, 2014 10:48 | Irish Left Review

offsite link Ukrainian Marxists and Russian Imperialism 1918-1923: Prelude to the Present in ... Fri May 23, 2014 14:37 | Stephen Velychenko

offsite link Greek Elections Update: A Small Step for SYRIZA, a Medium Step for Golden Dawn Tue May 20, 2014 16:03 | Christos Kefalis

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Human Rights in Ireland

offsite link Travellers in the Irish Prison System: A Qualitative Study Wed May 28, 2014 13:41 | GuestPost

offsite link CCJHR Event June 05 2014: Waldron on Dignity and Respectful Coercion Tue May 27, 2014 15:01 | GuestPost

offsite link Sorry Day ? Australia?s Apology to the Stolen Generation Mon May 26, 2014 09:30 | GuestPost

offsite link Irish Refugee Council and University College Dublin Children?s Rights Summer Camp Mon May 26, 2014 09:12 | GuestPost

offsite link Direct Provision System Challenged in the High Court: Days 3-11 Fri May 16, 2014 08:15 | Liam Thornton

Human Rights in Ireland >>

mayo / environment Friday May 10, 2013 17:26 by Rossport Solidarity Camp
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Make this the week you come to visit Rossport

Call Out:
Come to the Rossport Solidarity Camp, Pullathomas, Co. Mayo for a week of action in June against Shell’s Corrib Gas Project. This week has been called to coincide with one of Shell’s busiest work times. Come to act in solidarity with the 13 year old campaign in Mayo against Shell’s Corrib Gas Project. The week will be jam packed with a wide variety of actions! There will be something useful for everyone to do, regardless of your experience and skills. The Rossport Solidarity Camp is being erected specifically for this week, and will be taken back down when the week is completed. So if you are planning on traveling to Mayo this summer – make it this week!

mayo / environment Sunday January 20, 2013 00:05 by Niall Harnett
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Art - a Composite of Van Gogh's 'Exercise Yard'
& Munch's 'Scream' by Prisoner Mick Connors.
An insight into prison life in Ireland, namely Castlerea Prison, Co Roscommon.

On 21st April 2010 I was convicted of assaulting a number of Gardaí in relation to Shell to Sea protests and sentenced to 6 months imprisonment. Remission for good behaviour means that prisoners will have their sentences reduced by a quarter, once you keep your nose clean. I was given credit for 2 weeks time served previously in 2009, before I was bailed out pending my appeal.

So I spent 4 months in jail from April to August in the summer of 2010.

image A few T-shirts for the Prisoners. 0.11 Mb
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mayo / environment Thursday December 15, 2011 00:50 by C
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Ex-Sgt James Gill

Barrister Leo Mulrooney to ex-Sgt James Gill: “Complete the now well-known phrase 'Give me your name and address or I'll...' “
Ex-Sgt James Gill : “I don't understand the question”
Barrister Leo Mulrooney:“Do you know what I'm referring to when I say those words”
Ex-Sgt James Gill: “No”
Leo Mulrooney: - “'Give me your name and address or ...' “
Judge Margaret Heneghan interrupts: “He said 'No', next question”

And so the lies of Corrib Gardaí continue in court !!!!

Last Friday saw retired Sgt James Gill awarded €33,000 plus legal costs by Judge Margaret Heneghan for a defamation case that he took against prominent Shell to Sea campaigner Pat O'Donnell. Mr Gill claimed that Mr O'Donnell accused him at a protest at Bellanaboy on November 3rd 2006, while other protesters and gardaí were in the area, of stealing diesel and smuggling tyres across the border. Mr O'Donnell denied saying those comments to Gill but the Judge believe the word of Gill and made the award.

James Gill is the Garda Sergeant that made the infamous comment “Give me your name and address or I'll rape you” which was recorded last March 31st (https://www.indymedia.ie/article/99445)

However James Gill is also the Garda with probably the longest and most involved history of any of the Gardaí that have policed the Corrib Gas Project. He sat on the Shell's Project Monitoring Committee for 5 years, his brother's scaffolding firm AGS was employed by Shell and I have personally witnessed him viciously assault campaigners on a number of occasions. I wish that I didn't feel the need to write this negative article about a Garda who doesn't police for Shell anymore, but that thisman's good name was valued at €33,000 is an absolute disgrace.

What happened in Court

Last Wednesday saw the hearing of the case. In the case Mr Gill claimed that Mr O'Donnell had accused him of being a thief but this was denied by Mr O'Donnell. Mr O'Donnell said that on the morning in question he had engaged in banter with other protesters and had referenced diesel which had been stolen from him previously in 97 or 98. Mr O'Donnell claimed that he had said that it's easier for people to steal diesel because all the Gardaí were up protecting Shell. He also said that he had said that the Gardaí uphold the law one day and break it the next, referring to the fact that the Gardaí were being well-behaved that day as there was politicians present but that other days they would beat up the protestors. Mr O'Donnell denied that any of this was directed at Mr Gill specifically.

In evidence Mr Gill stated that after Mr O'Donnell had made the comments that other protesters began making similar comments and that this has caused him a lot of stress. He felt that his credibility had been undermined, and that the comments would “sully his reputation” and felt it would hurt his children,“if their father was named a thief”. He stated that a gastric ulcer which he had had previously had been exasperated as a result of the comments and that he ended up with symptoms of Post traumatic stress disorder.

Under cross-examination from Mr O'Donnell barrister Leo Mulrooney, Mr Gill stated that this defamation case was not about money, that it was about his reputation. Twice in his cross-examination Mr Mulrooney attempted to introduce element of the infamous 'rape-tape', of which Mr Gill was the main player. First of all Mr Mulrooney attempted to ask Mr Gillif he had ever had discussions with other Gardaí on how to present evidence in court. This was a rather obscure reference to the 'rape-tape', which only someone who had listened to the 'rape-tape' would have seen where it was going. However obviously Judge Heneghan had done her homework, immediately shutting down that line of questioning saying that only relevant matters were to be discussed.

For his second attempt later on, Mr Mulrooney tried a more direct approach asking Mr Gill to complete the well-known phrase 'Give me your name and address or I'll...' “. However Mr Gill feigned ignorance and in a most blatant lie stated that he didn't know what Mr Mulrooney was talking about. Mr Mulrooney then asked if Mr Gill was serious that he didn't know what was being spoken about seeing as it had been front page news for a week and had been raised in the Dáil a number of times. At this Mr Gill's barrister Seamus Ruane jumped to his feet objecting, stating that if Mr Mulrooney was referring to the events of the 31stof March then they had no relevance to the case that was being tried. Mr Mulrooney argued that the subject being spoken about was of absolute relevance in ascertaining Mr Gill's good reputation.

image Gill outside Bellanaboy 0.44 Mb
image Gill tangling with protester in June 2009 0.23 Mb
image These injuries were caused when James Gill kicked this protestor causing him to fall against barbed wire 0.16 Mb
image Garda SL286 John Sweeney who Pat O'Donnell accused of being involved in the breaking 3 of his ribs 0.38 Mb

mayo / environment Tuesday November 29, 2011 12:16 by j debender
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Standing on the Peat truck outside the refinery

Friday 25th November saw over 5 hours of Shell's peat and stone haulage completely blocked by campaigners, and no arrests were made. First thing in the morning four campaigners had trucks blocked for over an hour and a half, and later on one person climbed on top of a peat truck outside Shell's Bellanaboy refinery, remaining there for 3 and a half hours stopping all haulage.

image Early morning truck blockade 0.13 Mb
image Quarry trucks all blocked up 0.08 Mb
image Afternoon truck-sit 0.34 Mb

mayo / environment Sunday July 24, 2011 16:38 by j debender
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IRMS illegal use of force, they have no jurisdiction on the public road

Friday 22nd July Shell brought a digger and a port-a-cabin into the existing temporary compound in Aughoose. This is in preparation to start building a permanent compound in Aughoose from which they hope to start digging the tunnel for the pipeline which will connect Ballinaboy refinery to the 70 kms of offshore pipeline. They will come in full force on Monday 25th July, please come up to Mayo and show your support! A mass day of action is planned for Friday 29th July, but come up any time.

image IRMS blocking public road 0.16 Mb
image IRMS blocking road 0.11 Mb
image IRMS blocking road 0.65 Mb
image injury from IRMS 0.18 Mb

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Wed 28 May, 16:58

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textRossport Solidarity Camp - Notice of General Meeting 10:30 Fri 02 May by Rossport Solidarity Camp 0 comments

To: Former participants/members of the Rossport Solidarity Camp, potential future volunteers, all who wish to work in solidarity for social, environmental and economic justice in the struggle against the Shell Corrib Gas Project.

We invite you to a meeting to review the current status of the solidarity movement and discuss how we can best continue our work into the future.

1.jpg imagevideoSummary of Belmullet December Court including the visit of Shell Santa 08:27 Tue 17 Dec by Court Reporter 5 comments

Recently appointed Judge Faughnan presided over this month's district court session at Belmullet. Two Shell to Sea related cases were finalised resulting in one campaigner avoiding conviction by receiving the benefit of the probation act and another - local Shell to Sea spokesperson Terence Conway - being convicted and fined E200.
When the Belmullet District court session opened on Wednesday morning there were seven campaigners due to appear in court on charges arising from the ongoing imposition of, and protest against, the Shell Corrib gas project in North West Mayo.
Shell Santa also made an appearance at court bearing gives of alcohol but the Gardaí didn't seem too happy for him to visit them in such a public setting.

forum1.jpg imageSummary of the Peoples' Forum - Who Polices the Police? 01:09 Thu 05 Dec by C 2 comments

Last Saturday week (23rd Nov) in Inver Community Hall, the 2013 Peoples' Forum was held entitled "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? - Who Polices the Police?.

The speakers at the event were Clare Daly TD and Mick Wallace TD, who spoke about the recent penalty points controversy and efforts to reform policing accountability. While Hilary D'Arcy who is doing a doctorate in policing focusing on Corrib spoke on policy accountability and politicisation of the police force and argued that increases in police accountability mainly arise from pressure from social movements. The days events were chaired by Sue Gogan

boozebrigadesmall.jpg imagevideoaudioReport of Corrib Cases at Belmullet District Court, November 13th, 2013 13:09 Fri 15 Nov by Rossport Solidarity Reporter 0 comments

Judge Denis McLoughlin presided over yesterdays monthly sitting of Belmullet district court. Amongst the defendants were 5 people up on charges because of their opposition to the Shell Corrib gas project. Of the Shell related cases only one was heard, resulting in John Monaghan being convicted and fined E350 and disqualified from driving for one year. Of particular note in this case was that some of the evidence that was used to convict Mr Monaghan, came from Sgt Dermot Butler, who was one of the named Gardaí that a former Shell subcontractor claimed helped to transfer the alcohol that he delivered to Belmullet Garda station on behalf of Shell. Also of particular note was that one IRMS security guard also confirmed that IRMS had a practice of profiling certain members of the local community and other campaigners.

New court banner imagevideoBelated Belmullet District Court Report Sept 11, 2013 15:47 Sat 21 Sep by Shelver 0 comments

Judge Gibbons presided over this months district court in Belmullet. The courtroom was packed with supporters of the 8 Corrib defendants, but none of their cases were heard on the day.

z1shellscourtboozecopssep112013146.jpg imageLoadsabooze for Shell's cops 02:41 Thu 12 Sep by Naoise 3 comments

Following recent articles in both The Observer and The Sunday Times newspapers about Shell's use of a sub-contractor to deliver van loads of booze to Belmullet police station, a further delivery awaited Shell's cops yesterday morning as they went into the monthly Belmullet District Court session.

gill1.jpg imageRape Tape Sergeant James Gill (retired) – To Sue or Not to Sue??? 08:42 Wed 04 Sep by ags 2 comments

To Sue:
Sgt James Gill (retired) is threatening Pat “The Chief” O'Donnell with bankruptcy over the defamation case, in which Gill's former classmate, Judge Margaret Heneghan awarded him €33,000 plus legal costs.

sinkhole_1.jpg imagevideoResidents raise sinkhole warning signs over Shell tunnel 01:11 Mon 15 Jul by Shell to Sea 1 comments

-- Local community forced to act after State agencies ignore danger --

Cops blocking the gate to the camp imageGardaí frustrated as protests in Mayo continue 16:03 Fri 28 Jun by j debender 1 comments

This week has seen large numbers of people continually walking down to Shell's tunneling compound, disrupting work and blocking Shell traffic, and many people from the camp have taken advantage of the sunny weather to spend the days helping locals with turf collecting- many hands make light work! Meanwhile the guards have spent their time patrolling around harassing people on the roads.

snapshot_1_24062013_1821.png imagevideoShell face unexpected pirate threat on shallow estuary 23:27 Mon 24 Jun by Rossport Solidarity Camp 1 comments

Today, Monday 24th of June, six people, two piloting kayaks, ventured out onto Sruth Fhada Conn estuary to disrupt the progress of a boat doing surveying work for the Shell Corrib gas project, in a continuation of Rossport Solidarity Camp's week of action.

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textIs Quashed License for Operation of Gas Terminal in Mayo a Shell Stunt? Oct 16 by Confused Local 1 comments

The controversial Shell Corrib gas pipeline project in Co Mayo has suffered a "major" setback after the Commercial Court today granted an order quashing the revised licence issued for the Shell gas terminal at Ballinaboy.

It appears to be a convenient coincidence for shell that this revised licence granted just as this years offshore work began, and was quashed just as the offshore work was complete!

textFire the U.S. Congress for Treason: How Many Blatant Favors for AIPAC? Jan 11 by ron russ 0 comments

How many times will U.S. elected Representatives of the U.S. House and Senate have to kiss Israel’s ass, and in how many ways, before “our” country will build a true national security team—that is one actually focused on U.S. security and not primarily on Israel’s? It is bad enough when Jewish-Americans politicians (with more substantive allegiance to Israel than the U.S.) like junior Senator Ben Cardin for Maryland, claiming his decision on whether Chuck Hagel will be a good Secretary of Defense resides on whether he is onboard with Israel’s/AIPAC’s agenda of having war with Israel’s enemy Iran (at least as backup force); or NY Senator Chuck Schumer equivocating about not “feeling” comfortable with voting for Hagel because of some of Hagel’s past attitudes; but even more so with suck-ups like Lindsey Graham giving about the best ass-kissing one could expect (to think some confederates once had some principle of pride and independence).

imageFriday the 13th Day of Solidarity Jul 13 by Rossport Solidarity Camp 0 comments

Shell's haulage was repeatedly stopped by protesters from Rossport Solidarity Camp during today’s day of solidarity with the community in Erris under siege from the imposition of the Corrib gas project. There were three actions at different locations along Shell's haulage route between Aughoose and Bangor Erris, which resulted in a significant disruption to the haulage. The actions were also in solidarity with the reclaim the Land action against open cast coal mining in Scotland planned for tomorrow. http://www.indymediascotland.org/node/27202

imageShell seismic survey in Mayo quake zone Jun 07 by Colin Johnston 3 comments

At the time of the magnitude 4 earthquake detected on the Mayo coast on Wednesday morning, "seismic survey" vessels contracted to Shell E&P; Ireland were scheduled to be in the process of using high-energy explosive pulses to probe the deep rock strata within 10-15km of the quake zone.

Word DocumentShell and the Children of Lir Dec 20 by Kevin 0 comments

The tunnel boring machine(TBM) planned to tunnel under Sruwadducon Bay has been named ‘Fionnuala’ after one of the children of Lir. In the story the 4 children of Lir are turned into swans for 900 years by their jealous step-mother. They spend their last 300 years in the seas off North Mayo. ‘Fionnuala the TBM’ is 140 m long and weighs almost 500 tonnes.  It is painted with the Mayo colours and is to be transported to Erris for early next summer. Shell plan to bore a 4.5 m diameter 4.9 km tunnel up Sruwadducon bay. This is Shell’s gift to Sruwadducon - ‘bod nimhneach an ghaill dhaill’  (the poisonous penis of the bitter and the blind ).

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imagevideoPress Release: Corrib campaigner on hunger strike in Castlerea prison Jun 20 7 comments

Press Release

For immediate release

Issued by Rossport Solidarity Camp


textAnimal Rights Activists to Protest Testing Labs in Mayo Mar 28 National Animal Rights Association 0 comments



WHEN: Saturday 30th March, from 1pm - 3pm, outside Charles River & Ovagen in Carrentrila, Ballina.

Contact N.A.R.A. spokesperson: Laura Broxson - 086 8729 444 - www.naracampaigns.org

imageLocal woman stops Shell's work with concrete blockade Jul 27 Mayo Shell to Sea 1 comments

This morning, Wednesday 27th July, at 7am, campaigners placed an enormous cement filled barrel or 'lock-on' in the middle of the road between Shell's Ballinaboy refinery and tunnelling compound at Aughoose. Two people are locked on to the barrel and it is expected that it will take the best part of a day before it can be moved. It is now stopping all truck deliveries between the two sites, seriously delaying Shell's work for the third day this week.

imageCome celebrate a decade of resistance to Shell May 24 0 comments

Come join us for the June Bank Holiday weekend & celebrate a decade of resistance to Shell’s Corrib gas project…it’s going to be a good family friendly party! You’ve seen The Pipe now come & see this incredible place for yourself. If this is your first time down to Mayo, we warmly welcome you. This event is open to all supporters of the Shell to Sea campaign.

Bands, music, circus, dance, comedy, performance, crafts, kid’s activities. Free camping.

imageCome help get ready for Party against the Pipe! May 17 0 comments

We are calling out for folks to come & help prepare the camp for Party against the Pipe.
No experience or skills needed, just come along and get stuck in, there's loads to do!

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