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Cedar Lounge
For lefties too stubborn to quit

offsite link SF in government across the island soon ? or not? 12:11 Tue Jul 01, 2014 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link The Labour leadership contest: And all shall have prizes? 08:37 Tue Jul 01, 2014 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link Fianna Fáil and after? 06:06 Tue Jul 01, 2014 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link Sovereignty 12:55 Mon Jun 30, 2014 | WorldbyStorm

offsite link Irish Left Archive? some additional features 12:14 Mon Jun 30, 2014 | irishonlineleftarchive

Cedar Lounge >>

Irish Left Review
Joined up thinking for the Irish Left

offsite link From Alpha to Omega Podcast #050: The Matrix Mon Jun 30, 2014 14:49 | Tom O'Brien

offsite link In Depth: What?s Really Happening In Venezuela Thu Jun 26, 2014 15:30 | Irish Left Review

offsite link Closer to the Bottom than to the Top Thu Jun 26, 2014 12:02 | Michael Taft

offsite link Here We Go Again ? Blaming Workers Again Mon Jun 23, 2014 13:09 | Michael Taft

offsite link Scapegoating During a Time of Crisis Wed Jun 18, 2014 10:19 | Micheal Flynn

Irish Left Review >>

Human Rights in Ireland

offsite link Isis, the Caliphate and new states Mon Jun 30, 2014 17:15 | Aoife O'Donoghue

offsite link Human Rights and Transnational corporations: A Step Forward? Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:57 | GuestPost

offsite link International Day in Support of Victims of Torture: Forced Psychiatric Treatment Thu Jun 26, 2014 00:38 | Charles O'Mahony

offsite link The Rights of Others: Asylum Seekers and Direct Provision in Ireland Tue Jun 24, 2014 14:00 | Liam Thornton

offsite link Garda Reform Seminar Fri Jun 20, 2014 17:09 | Vicky Conway

Human Rights in Ireland >>

NAMA Wine Lake

offsite link Farewell from NWL Sun May 19, 2013 14:00 | namawinelake

offsite link Happy 70th Birthday, Michael Sun May 19, 2013 14:00 | namawinelake

offsite link Of the Week? Sat May 18, 2013 00:02 | namawinelake

offsite link Noonan denies IBRC legal fees loan approval to Paddy McKillen was in breach of E... Fri May 17, 2013 14:23 | namawinelake

offsite link Gayle Killilea Dunne asks to be added as notice party in Sean Dunne?s bankruptcy Fri May 17, 2013 12:30 | namawinelake

NAMA Wine Lake >>

Corrib campaigners protest as Shell announce €19.6 billion profit

category mayo | environment | news report author Saturday February 02, 2013 19:51author by S2S Report this post to the editors

Today, Shell to Sea held a morning protest outside Bellanaboy refinery to highlight Shell's announcement of profits of €19.6 billion for 2012.

Brandishing signs including “Shell Destroys Communities & Environment” and “Harmful to Local Community”, members of the community blocked trucks drawing material to Shell tunneling compound at Aughoose.


Speaking at the protest Shell to Sea spokesperson Terence Conway stated “These obscene profits announced by Shell this week come at the expense of communities and the environment where Shell operate”.

Mr Conway continued “Corrib clearly shows how far the government will go to serve corporate interests, they continue to put Shell interests before the interests of this community or indeed the whole country. This week, 95 rural Garda stations were closed down and yet this morning again you have Gardaí ready to jump to Shell's beck and call”.

Shell to Sea spokesperson Maura Harrington commented “The Government are still willing to force suffering on the people of Ireland through severe cutbacks, yet at the same time give our oil and gas away to multinational companies such as Shell, with no benefit to country. It is time for people to demand that this situation is changed”.

Shell trucks traveling to Glengad were disrupted a considerable bit in the last week, ranging in time from 2 hour blockages to a few minutes.

Related Link: http://www.shelltosea.com




Remembering Niall Harnett outside Bellanaboy
Remembering Niall Harnett outside Bellanaboy

author by S2Spublication date Sat Feb 02, 2013 19:53Report this post to the editors

2 more photos.



author by W. Finnertypublication date Sun Feb 03, 2013 07:24Report this post to the editors

'Shell to Sea spokesperson Maura Harrington commented “The Government are still willing to force suffering on the people of Ireland through severe cutbacks, yet at the same time give our oil and gas away to multinational companies such as Shell, with no benefit to country. It is time for people to demand that this situation is changed”.'

The above excerpt is from the Saturday February 02, 2013 19:51 text on this page Indymedia page.


The excerpt just below is from a recent e-mail (dated February 1st 2013) to the United Nations Secretary General (and several others) which can be viewed at:

'Please note that I'm not saying this was the first piece of really hard-core "unconstitutional legislation" (as I see it) to appear in the Republic of Ireland. It was the first that I personally became aware of though, and I suspect there may have been lots more before that in connection with the "Great Oil and Gas Giveaway" (for example). I say "I suspect", because I never really seriously looked into how the "Great Oil and Gas Giveaway" business came about. However, allowing for Article 10.1 of the Republic of Ireland's Constitution (the SUPREME LAW of the Republic of Ireland), which states that all such resources "belong to the State", "common sense" alone would suggest that the alleged "Great Giveaway" in all probably must have involved large doses of unconstitutional activities of one or more kinds: especially if reports of the overall oil and gas resources in question being worth 5.4 trillion Euros are reasonably accurate. For more information relating to this point please see see at http://tinyurl.com/b7oqpom'


Related Link:
"Great Oil and Gas Giveaway, Unconstitutional Legislation, Human Rights Ireland, William Finnerty":

author by Eamonn O'Coilea'in - Republic of Irelandpublication date Sun Feb 03, 2013 12:55Report this post to the editors

Why do they wastes so much money on a project that will never produce any gas to the $hell share holders, yes that's correct $hells share holders, not the Irish people that have suffered for the last decade with cuts to everything from Health to Education and everything that we as Irish people have endured. It's nothing more than Robbery of the Irish peoples future never mind their health and well being. When will the present Irish Government stand firm with the Irish people instead of raising taxes and more cuts WHY! All Irish people have to do is look at Indymedia and read the facts of the past to sea that the Irish people are being denied the right to own their Natural Resources or at the very least have a share in them instead of Ray Burke and Bertie given them away for FREE. Such a sad State of AFFAIRS to which the Irish people lost out. Instead of begging EU for Euros, we lost our IRISH RIGHT, Our countries future to the likes of $HELL SHAREHOLDERS. There should be every Irish man, women and child marching to the Dail demanding our rights to our future and the future of generations to come, instead of GREED and POLLUTION .. Where are the Irish Peoples rights. It's not to late to stand up to these Bullies, Really Think about it and do something for your futures, not $hells shareholders to get away with Irish Natural Resources when they belong to the Irish people...Other Countries have booted out corrupt Governments and demanded their Natural Resources back, One country even received back 80 % that's right 80 % and the oil an gas companies settled for 20 % so lets get MARCHING:::::

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