Augustus - Totengräber oder Friedensfürst [Doku deutsch]
Er schlief gern lang, hasste grelles Sonnenlicht und war abergläubisch. Er litt unter der ...
published: 02 Jul 2013
author: DokuKanalDeutsch
Augustus - Totengräber oder Friedensfürst [Doku deutsch]
Augustus - Totengräber oder Friedensfürst [Doku deutsch]
Er schlief gern lang, hasste grelles Sonnenlicht und war abergläubisch. Er litt unter der ständigen Angst vor Attentaten und trug daher bei öffentlichen Auft...- published: 02 Jul 2013
- views: 40
- author: DokuKanalDeutsch
Augustus the First Emperor of Rome
Augustus (Latin: Imperator Caesar Divi F. Augustus,[note 1] 23 September 63 BC -- 19 Augus...
published: 05 Nov 2013
Augustus the First Emperor of Rome
Augustus the First Emperor of Rome
Augustus (Latin: Imperator Caesar Divi F. Augustus,[note 1] 23 September 63 BC -- 19 August 14 AD) was the founder of the Roman Empire and its first Emperor, ruling from 27 BC until his death in 14 AD.[note 2] Born into an old, wealthy equestrian branch of the plebeian Octavii family, in 44 BC Augustus was adopted posthumously by his maternal great-uncle Gaius Julius Caesar following Caesar's assassination. Together with Mark Antony and Marcus Lepidus, he formed the Second Triumvirate to defeat the assassins of Caesar. Following their victory at Phillipi, the Triumvirate divided the Roman Republic among themselves and ruled as military dictators.[note 3] The Triumvirate was eventually torn apart under the competing ambitions of its members: Lepidus was driven into exile and stripped of his position, and Antony committed suicide following his defeat at the Battle of Actium by Augustus in 31 BC. After the demise of the Second Triumvirate, Augustus restored the outward facade of the free Republic, with governmental power vested in the Roman Senate, the executive magistrates, and the legislative assemblies. In reality, however, he retained his autocratic power over the Republic as a military dictator. By law, Augustus held a collection of powers granted to him for life by the Senate, including supreme military command, and those of tribune and censor. It took several years for Augustus to develop the framework within which a formally republican state could be led under his sole rule. He rejected monarchical titles, and instead called himself Princeps Civitatis ("First Citizen"). The resulting constitutional framework became known as the Principate, the first phase of the Roman Empire. The reign of Augustus initiated an era of relative peace known as the Pax Romana (The Roman Peace). Despite continuous wars or imperial expansion on the Empire's frontiers and one year-long civil war over the imperial succession, the Mediterranean world remained at peace for more than two centuries. Augustus dramatically enlarged the Empire, annexing Egypt, Dalmatia, Pannonia, Noricum, and Raetia, expanded possessions in Africa, expanded into Germania, and completed the conquest of Hispania. Beyond the frontiers, he secured the Empire with a buffer region of client states, and made peace with the Parthian Empire through diplomacy. He reformed the Roman system of taxation, developed networks of roads with an official courier system, established a standing army, established the Praetorian Guard, created official police and fire-fighting services for Rome, and rebuilt much of the city during his reign. Augustus died in 14 AD at the age of 75. He may have died from natural causes, although there were unconfirmed rumors that his wife Livia poisoned him. He was succeeded as Emperor by his adopted son (also stepson and former son-in-law), Tiberius.- published: 05 Nov 2013
- views: 16614
For more Battles of the Roman Empire visit:
published: 28 Oct 2013
For more Battles of the Roman Empire visit: http://www.greatmilitarybattles.com/html/the_roman_empire.html- published: 28 Oct 2013
- views: 1540
Order from Chaos
http://www.pbs.org/empires/ - Rome rises under Caesar Augustus' compassion and violence....
published: 30 Mar 2009
author: PBS
Order from Chaos
Order from Chaos
http://www.pbs.org/empires/ - Rome rises under Caesar Augustus' compassion and violence.- published: 30 Mar 2009
- views: 334094
- author: PBS
The first emperor Augustus (27 B.C.-14 A.D.) was the most honored and adored man in roman ...
published: 19 Sep 2008
author: Princepsmaximus
The first emperor Augustus (27 B.C.-14 A.D.) was the most honored and adored man in roman history. The film shows why he came to that power and what he did w...- published: 19 Sep 2008
- views: 113272
- author: Princepsmaximus
A Queda do Homem - Augustus Nicodemus
Website IPSA: http://www.ipsantoamaro.com.br
Download MP3: http://www.ipsantoamaro.com.br/...
published: 14 Jan 2014
A Queda do Homem - Augustus Nicodemus
A Queda do Homem - Augustus Nicodemus
Website IPSA: http://www.ipsantoamaro.com.br Download MP3: http://www.ipsantoamaro.com.br/download/audio/706.html Passagem Bíblica: Gênesis 3 Data: 12/01/14- published: 14 Jan 2014
- views: 91
Augustus - Totengräber und Friedensfürst (Doku)
Er schlief gern lang, hasste grelles Sonnenlicht und war abergläubisch. Er litt unter der ...
published: 29 Mar 2014
Augustus - Totengräber und Friedensfürst (Doku)
Augustus - Totengräber und Friedensfürst (Doku)
Er schlief gern lang, hasste grelles Sonnenlicht und war abergläubisch. Er litt unter der ständigen Angst vor Attentaten und trug daher bei öffentlichen Auftritten unter seiner Toga einen Brustpanzer. Nach seinem Tod wurde Augustus per Senatsbeschluss zum Gott erhoben. Der Film liefert ein ebenso einfühlsames wie kritisches Porträt des einst mächtigsten Mannes in Rom. Wer war Augustus? Ein Willkürherrscher? Ein Friedensfürst? Ein Neugestalter von Staat, Heer und Gesellschaft? Wissenschaftler aus Deutschland und Italien geben Auskunft.- published: 29 Mar 2014
- views: 10
Octavius-t, a beteges vidéki fiút harcban mutatott bátorsága miatt Julius Caesar azzal tűn...
published: 14 Sep 2011
author: AffectionProject
Octavius-t, a beteges vidéki fiút harcban mutatott bátorsága miatt Julius Caesar azzal tűnteti ki, hogy fiává és örökösévé fogadja őt. Caesar halála után Oct...- published: 14 Sep 2011
- views: 92455
- author: AffectionProject
Rom - Augustus
Augustus (* 23. September 63 v. Chr. als Gaius Octavius in Rom; † 19. August 14 n. Chr. in...
published: 06 Nov 2013
Rom - Augustus
Rom - Augustus
Augustus (* 23. September 63 v. Chr. als Gaius Octavius in Rom; † 19. August 14 n. Chr. in Nola bei Neapel) gilt als erster römischer Kaiser. Der Großneffe und Haupterbe Gaius Iulius Caesars gewann die Machtkämpfe, die auf dessen Ermordung im Jahr 44 v. Chr. folgten, und war von 30 v. Chr. bis 14 n. Chr. Alleinherrscher des Römischen Reiches. Er setzte dem Jahrhundert der Römischen Bürgerkriege ein Ende und begründete die julisch-claudische Kaiserdynastie. Unter der Devise der Wiederherstellung der Republik (restitutio rei publicae) betrieb er in Wirklichkeit deren dauerhafte Umwandlung in eine Monarchie in Form des Prinzipats. Seine Herrschaft, nach außen durch zahlreiche Expansionskriege geprägt, mündete im Inneren in eine lang anhaltende Friedensphase, die als Pax Augusta verklärt wurde.- published: 06 Nov 2013
- views: 17
Rev. Augustus Nicodemus - Romanos 1 - PVCALDAS 2012
Exposição de Romanos 1 - Rev. Augustus Nicodemus - PVCALDAS Verão 2012 Exposição do capítu...
published: 29 Jan 2012
author: husnilobo
Rev. Augustus Nicodemus - Romanos 1 - PVCALDAS 2012
Rev. Augustus Nicodemus - Romanos 1 - PVCALDAS 2012
Exposição de Romanos 1 - Rev. Augustus Nicodemus - PVCALDAS Verão 2012 Exposição do capítulo 11: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PMfRA2jvT-Y Para a continuaçã...- published: 29 Jan 2012
- views: 35084
- author: husnilobo
Imperium: Augustus (2003)- Part 1/12 [HD]
Imperium: Augustus is a 2003 joint British-Italian production, and part of the Imperium se...
published: 07 Oct 2011
author: RomanLegioXx
Imperium: Augustus (2003)- Part 1/12 [HD]
Imperium: Augustus (2003)- Part 1/12 [HD]
Imperium: Augustus is a 2003 joint British-Italian production, and part of the Imperium series. It tells of the life story of Octavian and how he became Augu...- published: 07 Oct 2011
- views: 21121
- author: RomanLegioXx
Emanuel Augustus Highlight - The Drunken Master
Augustus clowning everybody. Augustus obviously didn't ALWAYS box this way. This video is ...
published: 13 Nov 2011
author: mrgor24
Emanuel Augustus Highlight - The Drunken Master
Emanuel Augustus Highlight - The Drunken Master
Augustus clowning everybody. Augustus obviously didn't ALWAYS box this way. This video is purely showing him at his clowning best. And no, you won't find a ...- published: 13 Nov 2011
- views: 354342
- author: mrgor24
Caio Fábio fala de Augustus Nicodemus, teologia e Leonardo Boff
Para mais informações sobre o assunto deste vídeo, clique: http://bit.ly/1gErYsf...
published: 14 Jan 2014
Caio Fábio fala de Augustus Nicodemus, teologia e Leonardo Boff
Caio Fábio fala de Augustus Nicodemus, teologia e Leonardo Boff
Para mais informações sobre o assunto deste vídeo, clique: http://bit.ly/1gErYsf- published: 14 Jan 2014
- views: 1626
Os Desigrejados - Caio Fábio/Ricardo Gondim/Rubens Sodré (Verdade Oculta) - Augustus Nicodemus
Um conselho do Rev. Augustus Nicodemus aos que tem deixado a comunhão regular com uma igre...
published: 19 Aug 2013
Os Desigrejados - Caio Fábio/Ricardo Gondim/Rubens Sodré (Verdade Oculta) - Augustus Nicodemus
Os Desigrejados - Caio Fábio/Ricardo Gondim/Rubens Sodré (Verdade Oculta) - Augustus Nicodemus
Um conselho do Rev. Augustus Nicodemus aos que tem deixado a comunhão regular com uma igreja local e os prejuízos que isso causa. http://tempora-mores.blogspot.com.br/2010/04/os-desigrejados.html No Brasil existem 3 famosos desigrejados que reúnem outros desigrejados em torno de si: 1. Caio Fábio * Ex-pastor presbiteriano * Defensor da teologia liberal * Defende o fim da igreja institucional * Fundou um movimento de desigrejados chamado "Caminho da Graça" 2. Ricardo Gondim * Ex-presbiteriano e ex-assembleiano * Defensor do teísmo aberto * Defende a filosofia do "aqui e agora" * Fundou uma "igreja" para desigrejados chamada Igreja Evangélica Assembléia de Deus Betesda 3. Rubens Sodré ou "Irmão Rubens" * Radialista e ex-repórter em Belford Roxo/RJ * Defensor de teorias conspiratórias * Defende o fim da igreja institucional * Fundou na internet o canal "Verdade Oculta" onde atrái e reúne milhares de desigrejados "Aquele que começa buscar a Deus dentro de si mesmo pode acabar confundindo seu coração com Deus". (Benjamin B. Warfield) Busque a Deus EM SUA PALAVRA!!! "Não deixemos de congregar-nos, como é costume de alguns; antes, façamos admoestações e tanto mais quanto vedes que o Dia se aproxima". (Hebreus 10:25) "Eles saíram de nosso meio; entretanto, não eram dos nossos; porque, se tivessem sido dos nossos, teriam permanecido conosco; todavia, eles se foram para que ficasse manifesto que nenhum deles é dos nossos". (1 João 2:19)- published: 19 Aug 2013
- views: 333
Youtube results:
Apostolado no Brasil - Augustus Nicodemus
Mais um evento cristão de qualidade da Galeria Cultura Bíblica. Fique por dentro de outro...
published: 19 Mar 2014
Apostolado no Brasil - Augustus Nicodemus
Apostolado no Brasil - Augustus Nicodemus
Mais um evento cristão de qualidade da Galeria Cultura Bíblica. Fique por dentro de outros eventos / vídeos gratuitos: http://www.culturabiblica.com.br/home A palestra do Dr. Augustus Nicodemos versou sobre o movimento apostólico evangélico brasileiro e teve por base a pesquisa para um livro que o autor lança ainda este ano sobre o tema. Dr. Nicodemus versa sobre o uso do termo "apóstolo" desde a sua origem e os diferentes entendimentos dados ao conceito ao longo da história e os movimentos heréticos que algumas destas falácias iniciaram. A palestra culmina com a análise do presente fenômeno apostólico evangélico brasileiro. Entre os pontos da palestra destacamos: "Verdadeiros Apóstolos", "A nova reforma apostólica", "Falsos apóstolos nos tempos da igreja primitiva", "Apóstolo não é um Dom", "Dominionismo", entre outros.- published: 19 Mar 2014
- views: 14439
Jack Overdose - Octavius Augustus (Zany Remix)
Jack Overdose - Octavius Augustus (Zany Remix) http://www.facebook.com/zanydj http://www.t...
published: 18 Mar 2013
author: fusionofsoundnl
Jack Overdose - Octavius Augustus (Zany Remix)
Jack Overdose - Octavius Augustus (Zany Remix)
Jack Overdose - Octavius Augustus (Zany Remix) http://www.facebook.com/zanydj http://www.twitter.com/djzany.- published: 18 Mar 2013
- views: 57600
- author: fusionofsoundnl
Hazel & Augustus {The fault in our stars} ♥ Say Something
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published: 24 Mar 2014
Hazel & Augustus {The fault in our stars} ♥ Say Something
Hazel & Augustus {The fault in our stars} ♥ Say Something
THANKS FOR WATCHING! ^^ Like, comment and subscribe for more videos :)- published: 24 Mar 2014
- views: 4771