
Muhammad Ali Of Egypt - Loyal Pasha Turns Enemy
Muhammad Ali Pasha al-Mas'ud ibn Agha (Ottoman Turkish: محمد علی پاشا المسعود بن آغا; Arab...
published: 13 Jan 2014
Muhammad Ali Of Egypt - Loyal Pasha Turns Enemy
Muhammad Ali Of Egypt - Loyal Pasha Turns Enemy
Muhammad Ali Pasha al-Mas'ud ibn Agha (Ottoman Turkish: محمد علی پاشا المسعود بن آغا; Arabic: محمد علي باشا / ALA-LC: Muḥammad 'Alī Bāshā; Albanian: Mehmet Ali Pasha; Turkish: Kavalalı Mehmet Ali Paşa; 4 March 1769 -- 2 August 1849) was a commander in the Ottoman army, who became Wāli, and self-declared Khedive of Egypt and Sudan with the Ottoman's temporary approval. Though not a modern nationalist, he is regarded as the founder of modern Egypt because of the dramatic reforms in the military, economic and cultural spheres that he instituted. He also ruled Levantine territories outside Egypt. The dynasty that he established would rule Egypt and Sudan until the Egyptian Revolution of 1952 led by Muhammad Naguib. The spelling of Muhammad Ali's first name in both Arabic, and Ottoman Turkish was consistent: محمد (Muhammad). This is the name by which he was known to his Egyptian subjects, and the name used uniformly in Egyptian, and Arab historical scholarship. However, given his original status as a commander in the Ottoman military, his first name is often rendered as Mehmed, which is the standard rendition of that name in Ottoman Turkish, or Mehmet (Modern Turkish). Current English-language historical scholarship is divided as to which is preferable, with the majority opinion favoring the former. Typically, historians accentuating the Egyptian character of his rule opt for 'Muhammad', whilst those accentuating the Ottoman character opt for 'Mehmed' or 'Mehmet'. This distinction is an issue for those writing in the Latin alphabet, but not in Arabic Muhammad Ali was born to Albanian parents in the city of Kavala, situated in today's Greek province of Macedonia, then a part of the Ottoman Rumelia Eyalet. According to the many French, English and other western journalists who interviewed him, and according to people who knew him, the only language he knew fluently was Albanian although he was also competent in Turkish. The son of a tobacco and shipping merchant named Ibrahim Agha, his mother Zainab was his uncle Husain Agha's daughter. Muhammad Ali was the nephew of the "Ayan of Kavalla" (Çorbaci) Husain Agha. When his father died at a young age, Muhammad was taken and raised by his uncle with his cousins. As a reward for Muhammad Ali's hard work, his uncle Çorbaci gave him the rank of "Bolukbashi" for the collection of taxes in the town of Kavala. After Mehmet's promising success in collecting taxes, he gained Second Commander rank under his cousin Sarechesme Halil Agha in the Kavala Volunteer Contingent that was sent to re-occupy Egypt following General Napoleon Bonaparte's withdrawal. He later married Ali Agha's daughter, Emine Nosratli, a wealthy widow of Ali Bey. In 1801, his unit was sent, as part of a much larger Ottoman force, to re-occupy Egypt following a brief French occupation that threatened the way of life in Egypt. The expedition landed at Aboukir in the spring of 1801. The French withdrawal left a power vacuum in Egypt. Mamluk power had been weakened, but not destroyed, and Ottoman forces clashed with the Mamluks for power. During this period of anarchy Muhammad Ali used his loyal Albanian troops to work with both sides, gaining power and prestige for himself. As the conflict drew on, the local populace grew weary of the power struggle. In 1801, he allied with Egyptian Arab leader Umar Makram and the Sheikh of Al-Azhar University. During the infighting between the Ottomans and Mamluks between 1801 and 1805, Muhammad Ali carefully acted to gain the support of the general public. In 1805, a group of prominent Egyptians led by the ulema demanded the replacement of Wāli (governor) Ahmad Khurshid Pasha by Muhammad Ali, and the Ottomans yielded. In 1809, though, Ali exiled Makram to Damietta. According to Abd al-Rahman al-Jabarti, Makram had discovered Muhammad Ali's intentions to seize power for himself. Sultan Selim III could not oppose Muhammad Ali's ascension. By appearing as the champion of the people Muhammad Ali was able to forestall popular opposition until he had consolidated his power.- published: 13 Jan 2014
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How The Ottoman Empire Lost Egypt
The Khedivate of Egypt (Arabic: خديوية مصر, Egyptian Arabic pronunciation: [xedeˈwejjet ˈ...
published: 28 Dec 2013
How The Ottoman Empire Lost Egypt
How The Ottoman Empire Lost Egypt
The Khedivate of Egypt (Arabic: خديوية مصر, Egyptian Arabic pronunciation: [xedeˈwejjet ˈmɑsˤɾ]; Ottoman Turkish: خدیویت مصر Hıdiviyet-i Mısır) was an autonomous tributary state of the Ottoman Empire, established and ruled by the Muhammad Ali Dynasty following the defeat and expulsion of Napoleon Bonaparte's forces which brought an end to the short-lived French occupation of Lower Egypt. Upon the conquest of the Sultanate of Egypt by the Ottoman Empire in 1517, the country was governed as an Ottoman eyalet (province). The Porte was content to permit local rule to remain in the hands of the Mamluks, the Egyptian military caste of Circassian, and Turkic origin who had held power in Egypt since the 13th century. Save for military expeditions to crush Mamluk Egyptian uprisings seeking to re-establish the independent Egyptian sultanate, the Ottomans largely ignored Egyptian affairs until the France invasion of Egypt in 1798. Between 1799 and 1801, the Ottoman Porte (government), working at times with France's main enemy, the United Kingdom, undertook various campaigns to restore Ottoman rule in Egypt. By August, 1801, the remaining French forces of General Jacques-François Menou withdrew from Egypt. The period between 1801 and 1805 was, effectively, a three way civil war in Egypt between the Egyptian Mamluks, the Ottoman Turks, and troops the Ottoman Porte dispatched from Rumelia (the Empire's European province), under the command of Muhammad Ali Pasha, to restore the Empire's authority. Following the defeat of the French, the Porte assigned Husrev Pasha as the new Wāli (governor) of Egypt, tasking him to kill or imprison the surviving Egyptian Mamluk beys. Many of these were freed by or fled with the British, while others held Minia between Upper and Lower Egypt. Amid these disturbances, Husrev Pasha attempted to disband his Albanian bashi-bazouks (soldiers) without pay. This led to rioting that drove Husrev Pasha from Cairo. During the ensuing turmoil, the Porte sent Muhammad Ali Pasha to Egypt. However, Muhammad Ali seized control of Egypt, declaring himself ruler of Egypt and quickly consolidating an independent local powerbase. After repeated failed attempts to remove and kill him, in 1805, the Porte officially recognised Muhammad Ali as Wāli of Egypt. Demonstrating his grander ambitions, Muhammad Ali Pasha claimed for himself the higher title of Khedive (Viceroy), ruling the self-proclaimed (but not recognised) Khedivate of Egypt. He murdered the remaining Mamluk beys in 1811, solidifying his own control of Egypt. He is regarded as the founder of modern Egypt because of the dramatic reforms he instituted in the military, agricultural, economic and cultural spheres. Reforms During Muhammad Ali's absence in Arabia his representative at Cairo had completed the confiscation, begun in 1808, of almost all the lands belonging to private individuals, who were forced to accept instead inadequate pensions. By this revolutionary method of land nationalization Muhammad Ali became proprietor of nearly all the soil of Egypt, an iniquitous measure against which the Egyptians had no remedy. The pasha also attempted to reorganize his troops on European lines, but this led to a formidable mutiny in Cairo. Muhammad Ali's life was endangered, and he sought refuge by night in the citadel, while the soldiery committed many acts of plunder. The revolt was reduced by presents to the chiefs of the insurgents, and Muhammad Ali ordered that the sufferers by the disturbances should receive compensation from the treasury. The project of the Nizam Gedid (New System) was, in consequence of this mutiny, abandoned for a time. While Ibrahim was engaged in the second Arabian campaign the pasha turned his attention to strengthening the Egyptian economy. He created state monopolies over the chief products of the country. He set up a number of factories and began digging in 1819 a new canal to Alexandria, called the Mahmudiya (after the reigning sultan of Turkey). The old canal had long fallen into decay, and the necessity of a safe channel between Alexandria and the Nile was much felt. The conclusion in 1838 of a commercial treaty with Turkey, negotiated by Sir Henry Bulwer (Lord Darling), struck a deathblow to the system of monopolies, though the application of the treaty to Egypt was delayed for some years. Another notable fact in the economic progress of the country was the development of the cultivation of cotton in the Delta in 1822 and onwards. The cotton grown had been brought from the Sudan by Maho Bey, and the organization of the new industry from which in a few years Muhammad Ali was enabled to extract considerable revenues.- published: 28 Dec 2013
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The Golden Pin-up of Paris caught live
Official Descript =The Luxor Obelisk is a 23 metres high Egyptian obelisk standing at the ...
published: 02 Jun 2012
author: icandigitbabe
The Golden Pin-up of Paris caught live
The Golden Pin-up of Paris caught live
Official Descript =The Luxor Obelisk is a 23 metres high Egyptian obelisk standing at the center of the Place de la Concorde in Paris, France. It was origina...- published: 02 Jun 2012
- views: 140
- author: icandigitbabe

سليمان باشا الباروني
Hmana Production (Libya). Report on Sulaiman Basha Al Barouni (1872-1940) (Arabic: سليمان ...
published: 24 Dec 2010
author: ImazighenLibya
سليمان باشا الباروني
سليمان باشا الباروني
Hmana Production (Libya). Report on Sulaiman Basha Al Barouni (1872-1940) (Arabic: سليمان باشا الباروني, Sulīmān Bāsā al-Bārūnī) prominent Libyan Berber fig...- published: 24 Dec 2010
- views: 1566
- author: ImazighenLibya

Martyr's Day.May 6, 1916 by Jamal Pasha,
Martyrs' Day (Arabic: عيد الشهداء) is a Syrian and Lebanese national holiday commemoratin...
published: 06 May 2011
author: Markar Toumayan
Martyr's Day.May 6, 1916 by Jamal Pasha,
Martyr's Day.May 6, 1916 by Jamal Pasha,
Martyrs' Day (Arabic: عيد الشهداء) is a Syrian and Lebanese national holiday commemorating the Syrian and Lebanese nationalists executed in Damascus and Bei...- published: 06 May 2011
- views: 241
- author: Markar Toumayan

Martyrs' Day
Martyrs' Day is a Syrian and Lebanese national holiday commemorating the Syrian and Lebane...
published: 07 May 2010
author: Markar Toumayan
Martyrs' Day
Martyrs' Day
Martyrs' Day is a Syrian and Lebanese national holiday commemorating the Syrian and Lebanese nationalists executed in Damascus and Beirut on May 6, 1916 by J...- published: 07 May 2010
- views: 224
- author: Markar Toumayan

99 Names of Allah -Nasheed (Arabic, English Translation, Transliteration) -no music
old 1 99 Names of Allah -Nasheed (Arabic, English Translation, Transliteration) -no music
published: 05 Oct 2013
99 Names of Allah -Nasheed (Arabic, English Translation, Transliteration) -no music
99 Names of Allah -Nasheed (Arabic, English Translation, Transliteration) -no music
old 1 99 Names of Allah -Nasheed (Arabic, English Translation, Transliteration) -no music THE LIST OF 99 NAMES OF ALLAH # Transliteration Translation 1 Ar-Rahmān The All Beneficent 2 Ar-Rahīm The Most Merciful 3 Al-Malik The Ultimate King 4 Al-Quddūs The Most Holy, The Most Pure 5 As-Salām The Peace and Blessing 6 Al-Mu'min The Granter of Security 7 Al-Muhaymin The Guardian 8 Al-Azīz The Almighty 9 Al-Jabbār The Compeller 10 Al-Mutakabbir The Tremendous 11 Al-Khāliq The Creator 12 Al-Bāri' The Rightful 13 Al-Musawwir The Fashioner of Forms 14 Al-Ghaffār The Ever Forgiving 15 Al-Qahhār The All Compelling Subduer 16 Al-Wahhāb The Bestower 17 Ar-Razzāq The Ever Providing 18 Al-Fattāh The Opener 19 Al-'Alīm The All Knowing 20 Al-Qābid The Restrainer 21 Al-Bāsit The Expander 22 Al-Khāfid The Abaser 23 Ar-Rāfi' The Exalter 24 Al-Mu'izz The Giver of Honour 25 Al-Mu'dhell The Giver of Dishonour 26 As-Samī The All Hearing 27 Al-Basīr The All Seeing 28 Al-Hakam The Judge 29 Al-`Adl The Utterly Just 30 Al-Latīf The Gentle 31 Al-Khabīr The All Aware 32 Al-Halīm The Forbearing 33 Al-'Azīm The Magnificent 34 Al-Ghafūr The All Forgiving 35 Ash-Shakūr The Grateful 36 Al-'Aliyy The Sublimely Exalted 37 Al-Kabīr The Great 38 Al-Hafīz The Preserver 39 Al-Muqīt The Nourisher 40 Al-Hasīb The Bringer of Judgment 41 Al-Jalīl The Majestic 42 Al-Karīm The Bountiful 43 Ar-Raqīb The Watchful 44 Al-Mujīb The Answerer 45 Al-Wāsi' The Vast 46 Al-Hakīm The Wise 47 Al-Wadūd The One who Loves 48 Al-Majīd The All Glorious 49 Al-Bā'ith The Raiser of The Dead 50 Ash-Shahīd The Witness 51 Al-Haqq The Truth 52 Al-Wakīl The Trustee 53 Al-Qawwiyy The Strong 54 Al-Matīn The Firm 55 Al-Waliyy The Protecting Friend 56 Al-Hamid The All Praiseworthy 57 Al-Muhsi The Accounter 58 Al-Mubdi' The Producer 59 Al-Mu'īd The Restorer 60 Al-Muhyi The Giver of Life 61 Al-Mumīt The Bringer of Death 62 Al-Hayy The Ever Living 63 Al-Qayyūm The Self Subsisting Provider 64 Al-Wājid The Perceiver 65 Al-Mājid The Illustrious 66 Al-Wāhid The Unique 67 Al-'Ahad The One 68 As-Samad The Self Sufficient 69 Al-Qādir The All Able 70 Al-Muqtadir The Dominant 71 Al-Muqaddim The Expediter 72 Al-Mu'akhkhir The Delayer 73 Al-'Awwal The First (Alpha) 74 Al-'Akhir The Last (Omega) 75 Az-Zāhir The All Victorious 76 Al-Bātin The Hidden 77 Al-Wāli The Patron 78 Al-Mutā'ali The Self Exalted 79 Al-Barr The Most Kind and Righteous 80 At-Tawwāb The Ever Returning 81 Al-Muntaqim The Avenger 82 Al-Afuww The Pardoner 83 Ar-Ra'ūf The Compassionate 84 Mālik-ul-Mulk The Owner of All Sovereignty 85 Dhū-l-Jalāli-wa-l-'ikrām The Lord of Majesty and Generosity 86 Al-Muqsiţ The Equitable 87 Al-Jāmi The Gatherer 88 Al-Ghaniyy The All Rich 89 Al-Mughni The Enricher 90 Al-Māni' The Defender 91 Ad-Dārr The Afflictor 92 An-Nāfi The Benefactor 93 An-Nūr The One Who Creates the Light 94 Al-Hādi The Guide 95 Al-Badī The Incomparable 96 Al-Bāqi The Ever Enduring 97 Al-Wārith The Heir 98 Ar-Rashīd The Guide 99 As-Sabur The Patient- published: 05 Oct 2013
- views: 8

Allah-99 Namesᴴᴰ - أسماء الله الحسنى(Nasheed: Duff)
Allah Beautiful 99 Names-Asmaul Husna 01 الرحمن - Ar-Rahmān 02 الرحيم - Ar-Rahim 03 الملك ...
published: 11 May 2013
author: TN72HD
Allah-99 Namesᴴᴰ - أسماء الله الحسنى(Nasheed: Duff)
Allah-99 Namesᴴᴰ - أسماء الله الحسنى(Nasheed: Duff)
Allah Beautiful 99 Names-Asmaul Husna 01 الرحمن - Ar-Rahmān 02 الرحيم - Ar-Rahim 03 الملك - Al-Malik 04 القدوس - Al-Quddus 05 السلام - As-Salām 06 المؤمن - A...- published: 11 May 2013
- views: 41
- author: TN72HD

99 Names of Allah
http://www.arthafez.com/wiki-99-Names-Allah-Muhammad-Islam-art.html THE LIST OF 99 NAMES O...
published: 10 Nov 2012
author: mssbbb
99 Names of Allah
99 Names of Allah
http://www.arthafez.com/wiki-99-Names-Allah-Muhammad-Islam-art.html THE LIST OF 99 NAMES OF ALLAH # Arabic Transliteration Translation 1 الرحمن Ar-Rahmān The...- published: 10 Nov 2012
- views: 282
- author: mssbbb

مهرجان "حقي برقبتي" HD ....... فيجو- يسرا - مي عزالدين
اصلك هرت خيش و اقش...اصلك هرت خيش و اقش و الى عندك يلا هاتيه . و الى عندك يلا هاتيه واذا م...
published: 17 Jun 2012
author: djsashavaladi
مهرجان "حقي برقبتي" HD ....... فيجو- يسرا - مي عزالدين
مهرجان "حقي برقبتي" HD ....... فيجو- يسرا - مي عزالدين
اصلك هرت خيش و اقش...اصلك هرت خيش و اقش و الى عندك يلا هاتيه . و الى عندك يلا هاتيه واذا مطلعش العيب يا شوشه من البيت الى تربيتى فيه واذا مطلعش العيب يا شوشه...- published: 17 Jun 2012
- views: 43677
- author: djsashavaladi

Hamada Helal - Asmaa Allah Al Hosna
The Most Beautiful Names of Allah: 1. Ar-Rahmān 2. Ar-Rahīm 3. Al-Malik 4. Al-Quddūs 5. As...
published: 20 Jun 2009
author: bazyliana
Hamada Helal - Asmaa Allah Al Hosna
Hamada Helal - Asmaa Allah Al Hosna
The Most Beautiful Names of Allah: 1. Ar-Rahmān 2. Ar-Rahīm 3. Al-Malik 4. Al-Quddūs 5. As-Salām 6. Al-Mu'min 7. Al-Muhaymin 8. Al-ʿAzīz 9. Al-Jabbār 10. Al-...- published: 20 Jun 2009
- views: 28457
- author: bazyliana

99 Names of Alla - Transliterations
01 الرحمن - Ar-Rahmān 02 الرحيم - Ar-Rahim 03 الملك - Al-Malik 04 القدوس - Al-Quddus 05 ال...
published: 20 Mar 2011
author: IQQIQQI
99 Names of Alla - Transliterations
99 Names of Alla - Transliterations
01 الرحمن - Ar-Rahmān 02 الرحيم - Ar-Rahim 03 الملك - Al-Malik 04 القدوس - Al-Quddus 05 السلام - As-Salām 06 المؤمن - Al-Mu'min 07 المهيمن - Al-Muhaymin 08 ا...- published: 20 Mar 2011
- views: 139
- author: IQQIQQI

ERMANUE (...)http://www.youtube.com/my_videos_edit?ns=1&video;_id=18iJ0YK7TKk&next;=my_video...
published: 02 Nov 2011
author: Mariana Cosereanu
ERMANUE (...)http://www.youtube.com/my_videos_edit?ns=1&video;_id=18iJ0YK7TKk&next;=my_videos#- published: 02 Nov 2011
- views: 117
- author: Mariana Cosereanu

غلق مفرغة اولاد فايت و تحويل نفاياتها إلى مركز بحميسي للفرز و الردم بأعلى التقنيات
غلق مفرغة اولاد فايت و تحويل نفاياتها إلى مركز بحميسي في زرالدة للفرز و الردم التقني بأعلى...
published: 02 Jan 2014
غلق مفرغة اولاد فايت و تحويل نفاياتها إلى مركز بحميسي للفرز و الردم بأعلى التقنيات
غلق مفرغة اولاد فايت و تحويل نفاياتها إلى مركز بحميسي للفرز و الردم بأعلى التقنيات
غلق مفرغة اولاد فايت و تحويل نفاياتها إلى مركز بحميسي في زرالدة للفرز و الردم التقني بأعلى التقنيات وزيرة تهيئة الاقليم والبيئة دليلة بوجمعة و والي الجزائر العاصمة عبد القادر زوخ نشرة الأخبار ليوم 31-12-2013 La décharge publique d'Ouled Fayet fermée définitivement pour être transformée en des espaces verts et des parcs de loisir au profit des habitants d'alentour Le premier centre de tri et d'enfouissement technique (Ctet) de H'missi, (Zéralda, ouest d'Alger). Ministre de l'Aménagement du territoire et de l'environnement Dalila Boudjemaa et Wali d'Alger Abdelkader Zoukh Journal Télévisé le 31-12-2013- published: 02 Jan 2014
- views: 73
Youtube results:

والي الجزائر العاصمة عبد القادر زوخ توزيع السَكن الاجتماعي بالجزائر يتم بعد استلام المرافق الجماعية
والي الجزائر العاصمة توزيع السَكن الاجتماعي بالجزائر يتم بعد استلام المرافق الجماعية
published: 15 Dec 2013
والي الجزائر العاصمة عبد القادر زوخ توزيع السَكن الاجتماعي بالجزائر يتم بعد استلام المرافق الجماعية
والي الجزائر العاصمة عبد القادر زوخ توزيع السَكن الاجتماعي بالجزائر يتم بعد استلام المرافق الجماعية
والي الجزائر العاصمة توزيع السَكن الاجتماعي بالجزائر يتم بعد استلام المرافق الجماعية يزور بلديات بئر توتة، تسالة المرجة واولاد شبل نشرة الأخبار ليوم 14-12-2013 Wali d'Alger Abdelkader Zoukh La distribution de logements sociaux à Alger se fera après la réception des équipements collectifs visite les Communes Birtouta, Tessala El Merdja, Ouled Chebel Journal Télévisé le 14-12-2013- published: 15 Dec 2013
- views: 12

والي الجزائر العاصمة عبد القادر زوخ يستمع الى انشغالات رؤساء البلديات والمواطنين
والي الجزائر العاصمة عبد القادر زوخ يستمع الى انشغالات رؤساء البلديات والمواطنين
نشرة الأخ...
published: 29 Nov 2013
والي الجزائر العاصمة عبد القادر زوخ يستمع الى انشغالات رؤساء البلديات والمواطنين
والي الجزائر العاصمة عبد القادر زوخ يستمع الى انشغالات رؤساء البلديات والمواطنين
والي الجزائر العاصمة عبد القادر زوخ يستمع الى انشغالات رؤساء البلديات والمواطنين نشرة الأخبار ليوم 21-11-2013 Wali d'Alger Abdelkader Zoukh à l'écoute des préoccupations des maires et des citoyens Journal Télévisé le 21-11-2013- published: 29 Nov 2013
- views: 397

والي الجزائر العاصمة عبد القادر زوخ يتفقد مشاريع متعلقة بالواجهة البحرية
والي الجزائر العاصمة عبد القادر زوخ يتفقد مشاريع متعلقة بالواجهة البحرية
نشرة الأخبار ليوم...
published: 30 Nov 2013
والي الجزائر العاصمة عبد القادر زوخ يتفقد مشاريع متعلقة بالواجهة البحرية
والي الجزائر العاصمة عبد القادر زوخ يتفقد مشاريع متعلقة بالواجهة البحرية
والي الجزائر العاصمة عبد القادر زوخ يتفقد مشاريع متعلقة بالواجهة البحرية نشرة الأخبار ليوم 23-11-2013 Wali d'Alger Abdelkader Zoukh Inspecte les projets sur le front de mer Journal Télévisé le 23-11-2013- published: 30 Nov 2013
- views: 159

Algérie : La Colère du Wali de Ouargla
Algérie : La Colère du Wali de Ouargla....
published: 30 Jun 2013
author: algerien desouche
Algérie : La Colère du Wali de Ouargla
Algérie : La Colère du Wali de Ouargla
Algérie : La Colère du Wali de Ouargla.- published: 30 Jun 2013
- views: 191
- author: algerien desouche