The look of the Andronovo culture and people
Facial reconstructions and examples of the material culture of the Andronovo, Sintashta an...
published: 27 Jun 2013
author: RealSarmatian
The look of the Andronovo culture and people
The look of the Andronovo culture and people
Facial reconstructions and examples of the material culture of the Andronovo, Sintashta and Arkaim cultural complex (2300-1000 BC). The 3 color photographs s...- published: 27 Jun 2013
- views: 136
- author: RealSarmatian
The Andronovo Culture
Turkics mentioned with Andronovo....
published: 01 Aug 2009
author: TuranianDominator
The Andronovo Culture
The Andronovo Culture
Turkics mentioned with Andronovo.- published: 01 Aug 2009
- views: 912
- author: TuranianDominator
Andronovo culture and Arkaim - The first Indo-Iranians
A visual introduction to the first Indo-Iranians, the Andronovo culture, with anthropologi...
published: 03 Dec 2010
author: RealSarmatians
Andronovo culture and Arkaim - The first Indo-Iranians
Andronovo culture and Arkaim - The first Indo-Iranians
A visual introduction to the first Indo-Iranians, the Andronovo culture, with anthropological reconstructions of Andronovo faces. Their facial type was found...- published: 03 Dec 2010
- views: 14724
- author: RealSarmatians
Andronovo kültüründe Türk-Altay ve Hint-Avrupalılar arasında temaslar (Prof. Dr. Celâl Şengör)
Tarihçiler, etnologlar, sanat ve kültür tarihçileri ile dil araştırmacılarının Türklerin a...
published: 07 Jan 2014
Andronovo kültüründe Türk-Altay ve Hint-Avrupalılar arasında temaslar (Prof. Dr. Celâl Şengör)
Andronovo kültüründe Türk-Altay ve Hint-Avrupalılar arasında temaslar (Prof. Dr. Celâl Şengör)
Tarihçiler, etnologlar, sanat ve kültür tarihçileri ile dil araştırmacılarının Türklerin anayurdu olarak kabul ettikleri Altay bölgesinde yapılan arkeolojik araştırmalar, Afanasyevo (M.Ö. 2700-1700) ve Andronovo (M.Ö. 1700-1200) kültürlerinin bilhassa ikincisinin temsilcisi olan ırk brakisefal savaşçı Türk ırkının prototipi olduğunu göstermiştir. Avar imparatorluğu nüfuz sahasına giren bölgelerde (Macaristan, Arnavutluk, Hırvatistan, Çekoslovakya, Avusturya, güney Almanya), 1970′lere kadar yapılan, Avar çağı ile ilgili arkeolojik kazılarda çıkarılan insan iskeletlerinde Germen, İslav, İranlı, Fin-Ugor gibi türlü tipler arasında Türk tipinin de (braki-sefal) dikkati çekecek ölçüde olduğu, hatta bazı buluntu yerlerinde, aslî Türk soy'unu temsil eden "Andronovo tipi"ne bile % 10-15 gibi, oldukça yüksek bir nispette rastlandığı tespit edilmiştir. "Andronovalıların fiziki açıdan Avrupalı olduğu düşünülmekle birlikte, Başkurtlar, Kırgızlar, Tatarları, Altaylılar, Karakalpaklar, Kazaklar, bazi Özbekler ve farslaşmış Tacikler, ve benzeri gibi Türk halkları onların özelliklerini taşımaktadır." (A.S. Amanjolov, History of Ancient Türkic Script: Chapter 10: Genesis of Türkic Runic Alpabet, Almaty, Mektep 2003, s.292) "The first homeland of the Turks was the general region to the north of China. To be more specific, this is the so-called Andronovo cultural area that lies between the Altay mountains and the southwestern flatlands of the of the Sayan mountains." (Sina Akşin, Essays in Ottoman-Turkish political history, Isis Press, 2000, p.137) "Turks possess one of the oldest cultures and civilizations in the world. It is hard to precisely specify the beginning of Turkish history. There is a high probability that the oldest culture of Central Asia, the so-called Anav Culture, which was unearthed at the end of toilsome archaeological and anthropological research and has a history that goes back to 4000 B.C., has ties to proto-Turks. As we move forward into the more recent millennia of history, we more clearly see the linkage between the cultures of Kelteminar and Afenesavo (3000 B.C.), Andronova (1700 B.C.), Karasuk (1200 B.C.), Tagar and Tashtyk (700 B.C.) and proto-Turks. There is plenty of scientific evidence proving this linkage, most notably among archaeological findings obtained from the Pazyryk and Issyk mounds. [...]. It is reckoned that the culture of Andronovo was created by the ancestors of the Turks, who were white, horse-riders and warriors having spherical heads. 12 Pots, whose mouths were wide, whose bottoms were flat, and which did not have handles; stone spoons; arrow tips and needles made of bones; daggers; axes with handles and ornaments such as earls and earrings were the most important materials of this culture." (Murat Ocak, The Turks: Early ages, Yeni Türkiye, 2002, Introduction page) The Andronovo culture is a kind of an ancient document, the very proof that puts Turkic People into the role of ancient Aryans, who were mythologized by Nazis in WW2 and by eurocentric racists in the 19th century. The concept about Andronov cultures belonging to the carriers of the Türkic-lingual ethnos were also postulated earlier (Tchernikov, 1957; Amanjolov, 1971, pp. 64-66; Amanjolov, 1975; Amanjolov, 1980). Now the numbers of scholars expressing this position gradually grows (Askarov, 1996, p. 71; Askarov, 2001, pp. 69-72; Askarov, 2002, p. 55; Askarov, 2004, p. 4-6; Hodjaev, 2003, pp. 176-184; Iskhakov, 2003, 7-12). http://s155239215.onlinehome.us/turkic/btn_Archeology/MiddleAsianEthnogenesisEn.htm- published: 07 Jan 2014
- views: 54
The material culture of the Kurgan cultures
An overview of the material remnants of the cultures associated with the earliest Indo-Eur...
published: 28 Sep 2011
author: RealSarmatians
The material culture of the Kurgan cultures
The material culture of the Kurgan cultures
An overview of the material remnants of the cultures associated with the earliest Indo-Europeans - Samara, Yamna, Corded Ware, Boat Axe, Fatyanovo, Balanovo,...- published: 28 Sep 2011
- views: 6664
- author: RealSarmatians
The ancestors of the Turks (Proto-Turks)
Предки тюрков (Прототюрки)
The Proto-Turkic Urheimat & Early Migrations of Turkic Peoples...
published: 30 Oct 2013
The ancestors of the Turks (Proto-Turks)
The ancestors of the Turks (Proto-Turks)
Предки тюрков (Прототюрки) The Proto-Turkic Urheimat & Early Migrations of Turkic Peoples: http://turkic-languages.scienceontheweb.net/Proto_Turkic_Urheimat.html#21 http://turkic-languages.scienceontheweb.net/Proto_Turkic_Urheimat.html#22 http://turkic-languages.scienceontheweb.net/Proto_Bulgaro_Turkic_homeland_3.jpg Presently, after the intricate analysis performed between the 1950's and 1990's by many archaeologists, particularly Salnikov (1967), Zdanovich, Matveyev, Kuzmina (1977), Potemkina (1985), etc, "Andronovo" cannot be regarded as a single unity, but rather as a conglomeration of several West Siberian cultures of the 2nd millennium BCE with quite indefinite temporal and geographical limits. Studying an alternative possibility of a more eastern location of the Proto-Bulgaro-Turkic Urheimat outside of the typical Andronovo horizon, we come across the Krotovo, the Samus, the Irmen and the Karasuk cultures. ... The Krotovo culture is basically similar to the core features of Andronovo with some differences characteristic of a more forested ecozone and fewer technological innovations. ... The identification of Proto-Bulgaro-Turkic with the Samus culture is much less likely due to its location in the southern taiga ecozone. ... The common view in the archaeology of West Siberia is that Krotovo-Samus were not connected with Andronovo. We may suppose that they were Samoyedic, which may be better substantiated in the case of Samus. [The Irmen culture] is dated too late for Proto-Bulgaro-Turkic, and by the time of its existence, PBT is supposed to have already split up. On the other hand, it would be much more tempting to associate it with the eastern movement of the early Turkic Proper tribes migrating towards the Altai Mountains and Yenisei. Conclusions: The reconstructed Proto-Bulgaro-Turkic environment seems to be well within the limits set by the archaeological reconstruction of Andronovo. The main core of Andronovo corresponds to the Alakul culture in northern Kazakhstan, ...The location of the Alakul culture overlaps the calculated Proto-Bulgaro-Turkic area situated in the Tobol-Ishim-Irtysh demoregion by more than a half. The period of the Alakul culture (c. 1700-1200 BCE) matches the prediction for Proto-Bulgaro-Turkic Urheimat circa 1800-1000 BCE. ... The spatial and temporal location of the Proto-Bulgaro-Turkic (PBT) area matches the Alakul and, to some extent, the Fedorovo cultures within the Andronovo archaeological horizon. But were they not Indo-Iranians? It has, of course, become commonplace in modern Russia's historiography to associate Andronovians with some sort of "Aryans", usually meaning an extinct branch of Indo-Iranians, see for instance [Otkuda prishli indoarii? Materialnaja kultura andronovskoj obschnosti i proiskhozhdenije indoirantsev.(Where do Indo-Aryans come from? The material culture of the Andronovo horizon and the origins of the Indo-Iranians.), Kuzmina, E.E.; Moscow (1994)], [Yuznyje sosedi finno-ugrov: irantsy ili ischeznuvshaya vetv' arijev ("arii-andronovtsy") (Who were the southern neighbors of Finno-Ugrians: Iranians or an extinct branch or Aryans ("Aryan Andronovians")?), Helimskiy, E.A. // Polytropon, Moscow (1998)]. The word "Aryan" is full of romantic mysticism ... But is this opinion well-grounded? ...the idea of the identification of Andronovo with Indo-Iranians ... was in fact expounded in much detail by Kuzmina in 1994 and in some of her later works. ... if the Andronovians were part of the Iranian culture that practiced progressive forms of agriculture and husbandry, used bronze weapons, and then developed into several technologically and demographically strong cultures, such as Sarmatians or Siberian Scythians that supposedly occupied the whole West Siberia, why did they suddenly become completely extinct? What happened to them? Why don't we find absolutely no linguistic traces of these cultures at the present time (except, of course, for the purported borrowings into Finno-Ugric)? Where are those Siberian Scythians gone? Why couldn't they be preserved, say, in small refugium areas until the historical period when their language could be attested directly? Apparently, there are no easy answers to these questions. Conclusions: The theory of Indo-Iranian origins of Andronovians is poorly founded, and the arguments provided for it raise too many doubts. However, it may still hold a couple of appealing points, with some uncertainty still remaining. In any case, there is no reason to believe the Indo-Iranian hypothesis is in any way more appealing than the current proposal of the Bulgaro-Turkic identification. ... the most western and most ancient parts of the early Andronovo, such as Sintashta-Petrovka, could still belong to the Indo-European stock, whereas the more eastern areas, such as Alakul, Fedorovo and possibly other settlements near the Irtysh could most likely be Bulgaro-Turkic in origin.- published: 30 Oct 2013
- views: 52
Ancient Aryan Discovery in Russia
Spiral cities built on remote Russian plains by swastika-painting Aryans Russian archaeolo...
published: 10 Oct 2010
author: anunnaki101
Ancient Aryan Discovery in Russia
Ancient Aryan Discovery in Russia
Spiral cities built on remote Russian plains by swastika-painting Aryans Russian archaeologists have unearthed some ancient and virtually unknown settlements...- published: 10 Oct 2010
- views: 12412
- author: anunnaki101
The fusion of the Scythian people - Subartu, Scythia, Hunnia
The fusion of the Scythian people: + Turkic Scythia (ancient central asian Andronovo cultu...
published: 16 Jul 2013
author: IdelUralState
The fusion of the Scythian people - Subartu, Scythia, Hunnia
The fusion of the Scythian people - Subartu, Scythia, Hunnia
The fusion of the Scythian people: + Turkic Scythia (ancient central asian Andronovo culture | 2300-1700 BC) + Turkic Subartu (ancient Middle East | 2000-800...- published: 16 Jul 2013
- views: 193
- author: IdelUralState
published: 29 Jan 2010
author: ZulcaCarpathius
- views: 14722
- author: ZulcaCarpathius
the old-hungarian dna and the hungarian history-ősmagyar dns-magyar őstörténelem
The hungarian MTdna from X. th century was native-carpathian (common people), and middle-e...
published: 13 Aug 2010
author: Magyar Eredet
the old-hungarian dna and the hungarian history-ősmagyar dns-magyar őstörténelem
the old-hungarian dna and the hungarian history-ősmagyar dns-magyar őstörténelem
The hungarian MTdna from X. th century was native-carpathian (common people), and middle-eastern (subartu people), east european (hun-ogur) and asian (türk) ...- published: 13 Aug 2010
- views: 21172
- author: Magyar Eredet
Д/ф Полевая археология: Аркаим
Аркаим: полевая археология - документальные свидетельства археологических раскопок.
published: 06 Oct 2013
Д/ф Полевая археология: Аркаим
Д/ф Полевая археология: Аркаим
Аркаим: полевая археология - документальные свидетельства археологических раскопок. "Аркаим" укреплённое поселение эпохи средней бронзы рубежа III-II тыс. до РХ. Города и укреплённые поселения аркаимского типа в настоящий момент обнаружены на значительной площади, охватывающей юг Челябинской области, юго-восток Башкортостана, восток Оренбургской области и север Казахстана. Хронологически они относятся к эпохе средней бронзы, то есть их возраст примерно 4 тысячи лет. http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Аркаим http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Андроновская_культура Андроновская культура: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAkMDYIYFJk Andronovo culture and Arkaim - The first Indo-Iranians http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ViFlT52gs4s Студия "Аркаим", г.Челябинск, 1995 г.- published: 06 Oct 2013
- views: 13
Annunciation in Andronovo, 20 April 2008, Part 3 of 5. Благовещение 2008, Часть 3 из 5
Служба на Праздник Благовещения в деревне Андроново Павлово-Посадского района Московской о...
published: 05 May 2008
author: galvk
Annunciation in Andronovo, 20 April 2008, Part 3 of 5. Благовещение 2008, Часть 3 из 5
Annunciation in Andronovo, 20 April 2008, Part 3 of 5. Благовещение 2008, Часть 3 из 5
Служба на Праздник Благовещения в деревне Андроново Павлово-Посадского района Московской области. Часть 3 из 5.- published: 05 May 2008
- views: 803
- author: galvk
Youtube results:
Celebration of St. Tychon in Andronovo village, 2007, Part 1 of 2. Праздник святого Тихона епископа Амафусийского, 2007, Часть 1 из 2
Celebration of St. Tychon in Andronovo village, Moscow region, Russia....
published: 17 Aug 2007
author: galvk
Celebration of St. Tychon in Andronovo village, 2007, Part 1 of 2. Праздник святого Тихона епископа Амафусийского, 2007, Часть 1 из 2
Celebration of St. Tychon in Andronovo village, 2007, Part 1 of 2. Праздник святого Тихона епископа Амафусийского, 2007, Часть 1 из 2
Celebration of St. Tychon in Andronovo village, Moscow region, Russia.- published: 17 Aug 2007
- views: 3190
- author: galvk
Anthropology of the Ancient Hungarians
etnic types from xth century tombs 1. turanid: sarmatian, hun, avar, magyar (from cro magn...
published: 22 Jan 2012
author: HungarianHistory2
Anthropology of the Ancient Hungarians
Anthropology of the Ancient Hungarians
etnic types from xth century tombs 1. turanid: sarmatian, hun, avar, magyar (from cro magnonid andronovo type) 2. mediterran: scythian (pontid), autochton (g...- published: 22 Jan 2012
- views: 2191
- author: HungarianHistory2
Andronovo 2 и 1/2
Прошлогоднее MTB видео....
published: 31 Dec 2008
author: AndronovoFOREVER
Andronovo 2 и 1/2
Andronovo 2 и 1/2
Прошлогоднее MTB видео.- published: 31 Dec 2008
- views: 849
- author: AndronovoFOREVER
History Of The Bashkirs People
The Bashkirs as a Kipchak group formed in the early medieval period in the context of the ...
published: 18 May 2014
History Of The Bashkirs People
History Of The Bashkirs People
The Bashkirs as a Kipchak group formed in the early medieval period in the context of the Turkic migrations. Russian ethnographic literature has discussed, besides their Turkic ancestry, Ugrian and Iranian contributions. Genetically, R1b1a1 (2011 name) occurs with comparatively high frequency among the Bashkirs in Bashkortostan (62/471 = 13.2%). Paleontological and anthropological findings link the roots of the Bashkir people to the Andronovo culture. Recent studies[when?] regard Turkic and Ugrian theories as the most likely explanations of the ethnogenesis of the Bashkirs. Linguistic data in favor of the Iranian hypothesis is not given, and hardly any can be found. Tribal subdivision The Bashkirs developed from a mixture of Finno-Ugric tribes and a variety of Turkic and Mongolian tribes, although their origins are still unclear. Traditionally, the Bashkir nation comprises seven clans, the Kypchak, Yurmat, Myng, Usergan, Katai, Tabin, and Burzyan. The clans, which are closely related to the neighboring Tatars, are further divided into numerous subclans and extended familiy groups such as Yurmi, Yenei, Geine-Tarkhan, Kese, Suler, Tanyp, Yomran, Negmen, Yulaman, Imes, Misher. The Bashkir language is spoken in three major dialects, Kuvakan (Mountain Bashkir), Yurmaty (Steppe Bashkir), and Burzhan (Western Bashkir). Seven of these ethnonyms have analogues in ancient Hungarian ethnonyms: Yurmaty/Gyarmat, Yenei/Jenö, Geine-Tarkhan/Tarján, Kese/Keszi, Yulaman/Gjula, Misher/Megyer, Negmen/Nyék. The first five are of Turkic orign and have ancient Bulgar traits and the ethnonyms Negmen and Mischer are of Ugric origin. The ethnonyms Tarkhan and Imes also find analogues in Chuvash ethnonyms. Early records on the Bashkirs are found in medieval works by Sallam Tardzheman (9th century) and Ibn-Fadlan (10th century). Al-Balkhi (10th century) described Bashkirs as a people divided into two groups, one inhabiting the Southern Urals, the second group living on the Danube plain near the boundaries of Byzantium——therefore - given the geography and date - referring to either Danube Bulgars or Magyars (the former is more likely). Ibn Rustah, a contemporary of Al Balkhi, observed that Bashkirs were an independent people occupying territories on both sides of the Ural mountain ridge between Volga, Kama, and Tobol Rivers and upstream of the Yaik river. Achmed ibn-Fadlan visited Volga Bulgaria as a staff member in the embassy of the Caliph of Baghdad in 922. He described them as a belligerent Turk nation. Ibn-Fadlan described the Bashkirs as nature worshipers, identifying their deities as various forces of nature, birds and animals. He also described the religion of acculturated Bashkirs as a variant of Tengrism, including 12 'gods' and naming Tengri -- lord of the endless blue sky. The first European sources to mention the Bashkirs are the works of Joannes de Plano Carpini and William of Rubruquis. These travelers, encountering Bashkir tribes in the upper parts of the Ural River, called them Pascatir or Bastarci, and asserted that they spoke the same language as the Hungarians. During the 10th century, Islam spread among the Bashkirs. By the 14th century, Islam had become the dominant religious force in Bashkir society. By 1236, lands of Bashkortostan were incorporated into the empire of Genghis Khan. During the 13th and 14th centuries, all of Bashkortostan was part of the Golden Horde. The brother of Batu-Khan, Sheibani, received the Bashkir lands to the east of the Ural Mountains, at that time inhabited by the ancestors of contemporary Kurgan Bashkirs. During the period of Mongolian-Tatar dominion, the features of Kipchaks a part of Bashkirs. Under the Golden Horde, separate Mongolian elements. During the 17th and 18th centuries -- a part of the Kalmyks and Middle Asian Sarts. From the 16th to the 20th centuries, various groups of Tatars. After the breakup of the Mongol Empire, the Bashkirs were separated between Nogay horde and Kazan and Siberian khanates, founded in the 15th century. Trans-Ural Bashkirs were subordinated to the Siberian Khanate. In the late 16th and early 19th centuries Bashkirs occupied the territory from the left bank of the Volga on the south-west to the riverheads of Tobol in the east, from the river Sylva in the north, to the middle stream of the Yaik in the south, in the Middle and Southern Urals, in Cis-Urals, including Volga territory and Trans-Urals. In the middle of the 16th century, Bashkirs joined the Russian state. Previously they formed parts of the Nogayskaya, Kazan, Sibir, and partly, Astrakhan khanates. Charters of Ivan the Terrible to Bashkir tribes became the basis of their contractual relationship with the tsar's government. Primary documents pertaining to the Bashkirs during this period have been lost, some are mentioned in the (shezhere) family trees of the Bashkir.- published: 18 May 2014
- views: 6