
How To Create Your Perfect Sim in The Sims 4
We go hands-on with the new Create-a-Sim tool and discover its powerful customization feat...
published: 24 Jun 2014
How To Create Your Perfect Sim in The Sims 4
How To Create Your Perfect Sim in The Sims 4
We go hands-on with the new Create-a-Sim tool and discover its powerful customization features.- published: 24 Jun 2014
- views: 26166

Building A Family With The Sims 4's New Genetics Tool
Create your whole family tree and see what your offspring, siblings, and parents could loo...
published: 24 Jun 2014
Building A Family With The Sims 4's New Genetics Tool
Building A Family With The Sims 4's New Genetics Tool
Create your whole family tree and see what your offspring, siblings, and parents could look like.- published: 24 Jun 2014
- views: 36721

Let's Play: The Sims 3 Showtime - (Part 16) - House Tour
♦ ³Read Me ♦ ³
→The Sims Gameplay: We move into our new home, and im completely monotone,...
published: 23 Jun 2014
Let's Play: The Sims 3 Showtime - (Part 16) - House Tour
Let's Play: The Sims 3 Showtime - (Part 16) - House Tour
♦ ³Read Me ♦ ³ →The Sims Gameplay: We move into our new home, and im completely monotone, and exhausted! Website: http://www.lifesimmer.net/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LifeSimmer Twitter: https://twitter.com/Lifesimmer The Sims 3 Profile: http://goo.gl/4mLQT →Email: ContactLifesimmer@gmail.com →Recording Information: Microphone: Blue Snowball Computer Specifications : http://goo.gl/DII7I- published: 23 Jun 2014
- views: 41346

FAMILIE PÖRVÖRT - Let's Play Die Sims 3 Deutsch #1
Facebook - http://goo.gl/E2UB7m Twitter - http://goo.gl/4OUYM8
Sims 3 günstig kaufen: http...
published: 24 Jun 2014
FAMILIE PÖRVÖRT - Let's Play Die Sims 3 Deutsch #1
FAMILIE PÖRVÖRT - Let's Play Die Sims 3 Deutsch #1
Facebook - http://goo.gl/E2UB7m Twitter - http://goo.gl/4OUYM8 Sims 3 günstig kaufen: http://goo.gl/DmcozS Sims 3 Playlist: http://goo.gl/wFWddE ► ABONNIEREN für mehr Videos! http://goo.gl/rlVx1S ---------------------------------------- Facebook - http://goo.gl/E2UB7m Twitter - https://twitter.com/EinQuantumPro Google+ http://goo.gl/SuYDnX T-Shirts - http://einquantumpro.spreadshirt.de/ Günstig einkaufen: http://amzn.to/1edpNL5 ---------------------------------------- Die Sims 3 ist eine Lebenssimulation des Entwicklerstudios The Sims Studio. Publisher des am 4. Juni 2009 (Deutschland) bzw. am 2. Juni 2009 (USA) veröffentlichten Spiels ist Electronic Arts. Es ist der dritte Teil der Computerspielreihe Die Sims und der Nachfolger von Die Sims 2. Der neuste Teil der Sims-3-Serie ist „Die Sims 3 -- Into the future". Electronic Arts und Maxis kündigten am 6. Mai 2013 den Nachfolger Die Sims 4 für 2014 an. Dieses Sims 3 Let's Play beinhaltet das Erweiterungspack Jahreszeiten und Einfach tierisch. ---------------------------------------- EinQuantumPro Replays/Highlights: http://goo.gl/om3hM2 Replay Vorschlag: http://goo.gl/GhH0xr- published: 24 Jun 2014
- views: 3397

Business Man!! "Sims 3" Ep.70
All business on the "Sims 3"
Previous "Sims 3" Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGVo...
published: 24 Jun 2014
Business Man!! "Sims 3" Ep.70
Business Man!! "Sims 3" Ep.70
All business on the "Sims 3" Previous "Sims 3" Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGVoiyV2R54 Subscribe for More "Sims 3": http://bit.ly/1aONsgY SOCIAL MEDIA: Twitter: https://twitter.com/AviatorGaming Instagram: http://instagram.com/aviatorgaming- published: 24 Jun 2014
- views: 9394

Sims 3 Late Night Let's Play - EP 5
Its time to hit up the club and see if our Sims got game :D
SUBSCRIBE ► http://dft.ba/-Su...
published: 25 Jun 2014
Sims 3 Late Night Let's Play - EP 5
Sims 3 Late Night Let's Play - EP 5
Its time to hit up the club and see if our Sims got game :D SUBSCRIBE ► http://dft.ba/-SubscribeNOW Website ► http://thenow.ca NOW Videos ► http://goo.gl/0g1iJC Sims 3 Building Videos ► http://goo.gl/WNYUB7 Gaming Videos ► http://goo.gl/6Qv7kE Personal Vlog ► http://goo.gl/fNrJZm Twitch ► http://www.twitch.tv/curtisparadisgaming Facebook ► http://goo.gl/e23sA Twitter ► http://goo.gl/XQBKg Google+ ► http://goo.gl/yHc62W Tumblr ► http://goo.gl/JuvNo Vlog ► http://goo.gl/A7q3z Buy Stuff / Support the Show ► http://thecurtisparadisstore.ca FAN MAIL: curtis@thecurtisparadisshow.ca BUSINESS: contact@paradisemedia.ca- published: 25 Jun 2014
- views: 301

Poo'ing, Walking & Talking Baby! | Sims with Zoella #18
► Poo'ing, Walking & Talking Baby!
• New Video: http://bit.ly/1isvYkQ
• Zoe: http://www.yo...
published: 20 Jun 2014
Poo'ing, Walking & Talking Baby! | Sims with Zoella #18
Poo'ing, Walking & Talking Baby! | Sims with Zoella #18
► Poo'ing, Walking & Talking Baby! • New Video: http://bit.ly/1isvYkQ • Zoe: http://www.youtube.com/Zoella • Subscribe • http://bit.ly/AlfieGames • Click the 'Thumbs Up' button ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ • If you read this comment: POOP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Zoe's Links: Main Channel: http://www.youtube.com/Zoella Second Channel: http://youtube.com/morezoella Blog : http://www.zoella.co.uk FaceBook : http://facebook.com/zoe.zoella Twitter : http://twitter.com/Zozeebo Instagram : http://instagram.com/Zozeebo Tumblr : http://zoella.tumblr.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ • My Links: Twitter: http://twitter.com/pointlessblog Main Channel: http://youtube.com/Pointlessblog Vlogging Channel: http://youtube.com/pointlessblogtv Facebook: http://fb.com/alfiedeyes Instagram : http://instagram.com/PointlessBlog Tumblr: http://pointlessblogtv.tumblr.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ • Contact: Enquiries@PointlessBlog.Co.Uk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- published: 20 Jun 2014
- views: 204027

Die Sims 3 Into the Future #522 Eier ohne Namen - Die Sims 3 Let's Play
Die Sims 3 (500 - ???) Playlist: http://goo.gl/IPlUKH
Die Sims 3 + Addons unschlagbar güns...
published: 24 Jun 2014
Die Sims 3 Into the Future #522 Eier ohne Namen - Die Sims 3 Let's Play
Die Sims 3 Into the Future #522 Eier ohne Namen - Die Sims 3 Let's Play
Die Sims 3 (500 - ???) Playlist: http://goo.gl/IPlUKH Die Sims 3 + Addons unschlagbar günstig kaufen auf: http://mmo.ga/9deA ▶Die Familie Winchester: http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=8084632 ▶Die Winchester WG (mit Freya) http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=7649425 ▶Die Winchester WG (mit Freundinnen): http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=7364913 ▶ Familie Winchester: http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=7362341 ▶ Haus der Familie Winchester: http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=7580026# ▶ Im Spiel gezeigte Stadt: Hidden Springs (Store Stadt), Oasis Landing ▶ Verwendete Mods: Overwatch, Wohooer, MasterController (http://nraas.wikispaces.com/ ) ▶ Verwendete Musik: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Papafiot: http://papafiotmusic.com/ Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Hauptspiel: Die Sims 3 ✔ Into the Future ✔ Movie Accessoires ✔ Inselparadies ✔ Wildes Studentenleben ✔ Design Garten Accessoires ✔ Luxus Accessoires ✔ Stadt Accessoires ✔ Diesel Accessoires ✔ 70er,80er,90er Accessoire Pack ✔ Jahreszeiten ✔ Supernatural ✔ Showtime ✔ Einfach Tierisch ✔ Lebensfreude ✔ Late Night ✔ Reiseabenteuer ✔ Traumsuite Accessoires ✔ Traumkarrieren ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Release: 24.10.2013 Entwickler: The Sims Studio (EA Black Box) Publisher : Electronic Arts- published: 24 Jun 2014
- views: 4365

Sims 3 Into The Future Ep. 130: CHINA
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=chrisandthemike
published: 24 Jun 2014
Sims 3 Into The Future Ep. 130: CHINA
Sims 3 Into The Future Ep. 130: CHINA
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=chrisandthemike http://www.lovelyattractivenetwork.com Sims 3 Into The Future Ep. 130: CHINA prev ep: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pAkC5LeSDqI Official Social Media Links: -Main Channel: http://www.youtube.com/chrisandthemike -Main Channel: http://www.youtube.com/chrisandthemikeIRL -Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/chrisandthemike -Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/chrisandthemike -Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/therealchrisandthemike -Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/chrisandthemike.channel Mail Me Stuff Here: Chrisandthemike 146 S Main St #L302 Orange, CA 92868 Royalty Free Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)- published: 24 Jun 2014
- views: 3054

"NEW HORSE RANCH" Mystic Creatures - Sims 3 Ep 37
Today in sims3, I create a ranch for Carnitas and Argus gets involved in an unexpected rom...
published: 21 Jun 2014
"NEW HORSE RANCH" Mystic Creatures - Sims 3 Ep 37
"NEW HORSE RANCH" Mystic Creatures - Sims 3 Ep 37
Today in sims3, I create a ranch for Carnitas and Argus gets involved in an unexpected romance. // For the latest videos, Subscribe! http://bit.ly/iHasCupquakeYT My other channels! http://bit.ly/1mOLzKi & http://bit.ly/RJ8Hy8 "NEW HORSE RANCH" Mystic Creatures - Sims 3 Ep 37 Minecraft Oasis Playlist - http://bit.ly/MinecraftOasis Cloud 9 Minecraft Playlist - http://bit.ly/Cloud9Minecraft Minecraft Mods Playlist http://bit.ly/MCModPlaylist Husband VS Wife Playlist - http://bit.ly/Husband_Vs_Wife Follow me --------------------------------------------------------- Twitter - https://twitter.com/iHasCupquake Facebook - http://bit.ly/iHasCupquakeFB Instagram - http://instagram.com/tiffyquake Music Credit --------------------------------------------------------- Absent Tone - "To Fall In Love" Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/absent-tone Bandcamp - absenttone.bandcamp.com- published: 21 Jun 2014
- views: 32939

The Sims 3: 100 Baby Challenge - {Part 26} Red Handed!
{Open Me} Don't Forget To Rate *Please*
☞ Our man Lynden is such a helpful young man. Ha...
published: 25 Jun 2014
The Sims 3: 100 Baby Challenge - {Part 26} Red Handed!
The Sims 3: 100 Baby Challenge - {Part 26} Red Handed!
{Open Me} Don't Forget To Rate *Please* ☞ Our man Lynden is such a helpful young man. Having this many siblings would make any sim snap. Not him, hes MR. COOL! Paisley has graduation today! Which Jenn, though was a ploy to escape! Haha. Five hours later she realizes there just attending her ceremony! Later, Lydia and Aaliyah try and steal Vinces car. With NO LUCK its safe to say, they are HORRIBLE criminals! ☞ Description of This Family - Lydia Harthrow (Harthrows) Lydia grew up amongst the wild flowers, she has always been one with nature. She grew up in Anne arbor and would always be playing out side in the forest with her twin sister Dahlia. Her sister was her best friend. They would spend so many hours talking about how they wanted a huge family. They were the only siblings since their parents "Anne and Ranger" couldn't conceive after having the twins. Jokingly talking about having hundreds of children, although it was a joke. There was no doubt Dahlia would have wanted to have a big family herself. Recently, in the summer Dahlia went missing. Now in their early 20's, they started to drift apart. Rumor was, Dahlia was seeing a high profile business man who worked in the offices downtown where she was doing an internship at. He was married. In her heart Lydia knew what had became of her, for her sister shared her a secret days before she had went missing. Dahlia was pregnant and was more than excited about the baby. Of course, this wouldn't fly with Vince Longshawl (The man she was seeing) and affair would ruin his career. After Dahlias body was found in the Vanderbilt lake. The whole Harthrow family knew, the fate she had suffered at the hands of this man. In which he paid local police to write off as a tragic accident. But they all knew better. It is now Lydias soul mission. To get back at the city for turning its back on their family. She most importantly wants to fulfill her sisters wish and she will do exactly that. ☞ The Rules: http://modthesims.info/t/465479 ☞ Check Out Anne Arbor: http://www.mysimrealty.com/WORLDS_AnneArborUpdated.html ☞ Sport Your Support (Merch): http://xurbansimsx.spreadshirt.com/ ☞ Places You Can Find Me: Facebook: https://facebook.com/UrbanSims Blogger: http://www.xurbansimsx.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/XUrbanSimX The Sims 3: Jenn951 Instagram: XUrbanBellaX ☞ Computer & Recording Specs: http://www.xurbansimsx.com/p/computer-recording-specs_28.html- published: 25 Jun 2014
- views: 1928

The Sims 3 - A Casa #02
• Não Perca os Vídeos! http://goo.gl/IJ5uSN
• Facebook : http://goo.gl/vTnu0e
• Facebook ...
published: 23 Jun 2014
The Sims 3 - A Casa #02
The Sims 3 - A Casa #02
• Não Perca os Vídeos! http://goo.gl/IJ5uSN • Facebook : http://goo.gl/vTnu0e • Facebook TotalArmy: http://goo.gl/vTnu0e • Twitter TotalArmy : https://twitter.com/TotalArmy • Google+ TotalArmy : http://goo.gl/1TcCZE • Twitter pessoal dos membros :: - Cris https://twitter.com/crisbunker - Jean https://twitter.com/jea_walker • Compre seu pc na StudioPC http://goo.gl/Lkw5in- published: 23 Jun 2014
- views: 4714

Pogrywamy (z) simami odc. 39 - The Sims 3 - "Maskarada"
Pogrywamy simami to seria luźnych odcinków z życia simów.
Dodatki do The Sims 3, które po...
published: 23 Jun 2014
Pogrywamy (z) simami odc. 39 - The Sims 3 - "Maskarada"
Pogrywamy (z) simami odc. 39 - The Sims 3 - "Maskarada"
Pogrywamy simami to seria luźnych odcinków z życia simów. Dodatki do The Sims 3, które posiadam: - Wymarzone podróże - Zwierzaki - Nie z tego świata - Cztery pory roku - Pokolenia - Studenckie życie - Zostań gwiazdą - Po zmroku - Kariera - Rajska wyspa - Skok w przyszłość Akcesoria: - Miejskie życie - Luksusowy wypoczynek - Nowoczesny apartament - Diesel - Szalone lata 70, 80, 90 - Szybka jazda - Impreza w plenerze - Film Link do SimPage: http://mypage.thesims3.com/mypage/Aiko8787 E-mail: niezapominajkowegranie@gmail.com Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/niezapominajkowegranie Muzyka w intro: główny motyw z The Sims 3.- published: 23 Jun 2014
- views: 5541

The Sims 3 Life as a Stray! Trailer!
♥Don't forget to comment, like and subscribe! :) ♥
See below for important links :) ↓
published: 22 Jun 2014
The Sims 3 Life as a Stray! Trailer!
The Sims 3 Life as a Stray! Trailer!
♥Don't forget to comment, like and subscribe! :) ♥ See below for important links :) ↓ T-Shirts & more! http://sofeesims.spreadshirt.co.uk/ Twitter! http://www.twitter.com/sofeesims Cheap PC Games! https://www.g2a.com/r/sofeesims Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/pages/Sofee-Sims/1431119413779193?ref=profile Gaming Channel: http://www.youtube.com/xsofeeee Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/SofeeSims Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/SofeeSims Ask.fm: http://ask.fm/SofeeSims Instagram: http://instagram.com/sofee_xx My Website: http://www.sofeesims.co.uk- published: 22 Jun 2014
- views: 6620
Youtube results:

The Chuckle Crumble - Sims 3 w/ BYZE
Tweet me and tell me you love me - http://goo.gl/y0OaWo
My main channel: http://goo.gl/fZr...
published: 23 Jun 2014
The Chuckle Crumble - Sims 3 w/ BYZE
The Chuckle Crumble - Sims 3 w/ BYZE
Tweet me and tell me you love me - http://goo.gl/y0OaWo My main channel: http://goo.gl/fZrUFl Like me on Facebook - http://goo.gl/BjnjMK Follow my Livestream - http://goo.gl/azhGq7 Join my Steam Group - http://goo.gl/VT4LIW KLIM beats - Program Two + Bandcamp: http://goo.gl/SmWboF + Soundcloud: http://goo.gl/4zfkLB + YouTube: http://goo.gl/BgmO07 Madloops - Theme Music + http://madloops.bandcamp.com/ + https://soundcloud.com/madloops + https://twitter.com/thatguyloops- published: 23 Jun 2014
- views: 3456

Não perca mais nenhum vídeo! http://goo.gl/MPyteW
Primeiro Episódio http://bit.ly/1nq41qb
published: 21 Jun 2014
Não perca mais nenhum vídeo! http://goo.gl/MPyteW Primeiro Episódio http://bit.ly/1nq41qb O seu like e favorito ajudam na avaliação do vídeo e o seu comentário é sempre bem vindo ;DD CANAL CHIPART http://bit.ly/canalchipart SITE CHIPART http://bit.ly/sitechipart FACEBOOK CHIPART http://bit.ly/facechipart ----------------- Música da Intro: Goldfinger - Superman Música do final: Young Folks - The Kooks Twitter: https://twitter.com/LoiraNoob Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Malena0202 Contato PROFISSIONAL: contatomalena@live.com Quer me mandar algo? Caixa Postal Malena Nunes Caixa Postal: 48316 CEP: 03512-970 Sao Paulo -SP --------------- Configs PC: Processador Intel core i5 3330 3.0GHz 6MB 8 GB DDR3 (2x4GB) G.SKILL HD de 1 T Placa de vídeo: GTX 660ti 2 GB de DDR5 FONTE 650W COOLER MASTER PLACA MAE GIGABYTE GA-B75M-D3H Placa de Captura: ElGato Game capture HD (para consoles) Microfone: Samson C01U Câmeras: Canon T3i, GoPro Hero 3 Black Edition, Webcam Logitech C615 ----------- Royalty Free Music by http://audiomicro.com/royalty-free-music Sound Effects by http://audiomicro.com/sound-effects ---------------- Oi meu nome é Malena e eu tenho 19 anos.- published: 21 Jun 2014
- views: 35371

The Sims 4 Gameplay Character Creation Walkthrough
The Sims 4 Gameplay Character Creation Walkthrough
The Sims 4 E3 Gameplay Showing Characte...
published: 21 Jun 2014
The Sims 4 Gameplay Character Creation Walkthrough
The Sims 4 Gameplay Character Creation Walkthrough
The Sims 4 Gameplay Character Creation Walkthrough The Sims 4 E3 Gameplay Showing Character Creation The Sims 4 Character Creation Gameplay Walkthrough How to make a custom character The Sims 4 ---[ Please LIKE, COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE for more! ]--- The Sims 4 GamesCom Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTwEEjwRWsQ New gaming VIDEOS DAILY featuring Skylanders, Disney Infinity, Rayman, LEGO Games, Batman Games, Call Of Duty, Assassin's Creed and more! COIN-OP TV is owned and operated by Robert Welkner based out of Los Angeles, California. Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/coinoptv Website: http://www.coin-op.tv Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/coinoptv Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/coinoptv Google+: http://www.google.com/+CoinOpTV Additional Music by Kevin MacLeod http://www.incompetech.com DISCLAIMER: All videos published to the COINOPTV YouTube channel were made and/or produced with permission from the company's respective publishers. In most cases the video games showcased on this channel have been sent to us by their PR firms for the purpose of reviewing. Trailers and/or official gameplay video were sent to us directly to showcase on this channel. Linking or embedding COINOPTV content is allowed and encouraged but you may NOT download or publish our videos to your own channel or website without our expressed permission in writing. Please refer to the YouTube Terms of Service if you have any questions about copyright restrictions and violations. Part of the Machinima Network www.youtube.com/machinima.- published: 21 Jun 2014
- views: 6133

Die Sims 3 - Alles ist möglich Familie #104 Ein komisch tragischer Tag
Die Alles ist möglich Familie Playlist: http://goo.gl/tXPxcn
Die Sims 3 Into the Future gi...
published: 22 Jun 2014
Die Sims 3 - Alles ist möglich Familie #104 Ein komisch tragischer Tag
Die Sims 3 - Alles ist möglich Familie #104 Ein komisch tragischer Tag
Die Alles ist möglich Familie Playlist: http://goo.gl/tXPxcn Die Sims 3 Into the Future gibts auf: http://goo.gl/aJ1A8G Die Sims 3 + Addons super günstig kaufen auf: http://mmo.ga/9deA ▶ Alles ist möglich Familie (Haushalt) :http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=7628353 ▶ Das Haus der Aim-Familie: http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=7573669 ▶ Brad Cooper: http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=7177515# ▶ Amy Fera: http://www.thesims3.com/assetDetail.html?assetId=7177817# ▶ Im Spiel gezeigte Stadt: Roaring Heights (Store Stadt) ▶ Verwendete Mods: Overwatch, Wohooer, MasterController, Debug Enabler (http://nraas.wikispaces.com/ ) ▶ Verwendete Musik: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/ Hauptspiel: Die Sims 3 ✔ Into the Future ✔ Movie Accessoires ✔ Inselparadies ✔ Wildes Studentenleben ✔ Design Garten Accessoires ✔ Luxus Accessoires ✔ Stadt Accessoires ✔ Diesel Accessoires ✔ 70er,80er,90er Accessoire Pack ✔ Jahreszeiten ✔ Supernatural ✔ Showtime ✔ Einfach Tierisch ✔ Lebensfreude ✔ Late Night ✔ Reiseabenteuer ✔ Traumsuite Accessoires ✔ Traumkarrieren ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Release: 24.10.2013 Entwickler: The Sims Studio (EA Black Box) Publisher : Electronic Arts- published: 22 Jun 2014
- views: 811