
HD Stock Footage San Marino Defeats Communist Rule
Purchase Link: http://www.buyoutfootage.com/pages/titles/pd_nr_357.html True HD direct fil...
published: 27 Feb 2013
author: BuyoutFootage
HD Stock Footage San Marino Defeats Communist Rule
HD Stock Footage San Marino Defeats Communist Rule
Purchase Link: http://www.buyoutfootage.com/pages/titles/pd_nr_357.html True HD direct film transfer Newsreels 1957, October 7 Republic Of San Marino - Polit...- published: 27 Feb 2013
- views: 102
- author: BuyoutFootage

Igor Klimovich one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9 @yokkaoboxing
Igor Klimovich one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9. YOKKAO 9 rewrote the pages of history...
published: 03 Jun 2014
Igor Klimovich one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9 @yokkaoboxing
Igor Klimovich one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9 @yokkaoboxing
Igor Klimovich one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9. YOKKAO 9 rewrote the pages of history for ring sports in China. The enormous crowd of YOKKAO 9 at the football stadium of Xinyang was attended by more than 10,000 fans who came from all over the various regions of China to be part of history. Read the full article results on Muay Thai Combat Blog: http://www.muaythaicombat.com/muay-thai-blog/yokkao-9-results-thailand-draws-2-2-with-china/ ** YOKKAO 9 RESULT ** Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee (Thailand) won by points vs Yi Long (China) -72kg K-1 rules 3x3 Leggi l'articolo con tutti i risultati di YOKKAO 9 nel blog di Muay Thai Combat: http://www.muaythaicombat.it/muay-thai-blog/yokkao-9-thailandia-pareggia-con-la-cina-nello-stadio-da-calcio-di-xinyang/ Buy Yokkao in UK at http://www.thaiboxingstore.co.uk/ Buy Yokkao in Europe at http://www.muaythaicombat.com/ Buy Yokkao in USA: http://www.yokkao.com/shop Buy Yokkao in Netherlands: http://www.allcombatsports.eu/ Buy Yokkao in Brazil at http://www.facebook.com/muaythaicombatbrasil Buy Yokkao in Hong Kong: http://www.8boxing.com Acquista l'attrezzatura Yokkao in Italia nel sito http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ Follow Yokkao on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/yokkaoboxing *** ABOUT YOKKAO BOXING *** Yokkao Boxing is the leading Muay Thai Gear brand name completly handmade in Thailand with headquarters in Bangkok and offices in Bangkok, Hong Kong, Republic of San Marino, London, Amsterdam, Kunshan (China), San Francisco and Sao Paulo. Yokkao Boxing is the official sponsor of the top Muay Thai fighters from around the world. The company works on Muay Thai with 360° of dedicated specialized departments in events & promotions recognized by fans as the best in the world. *** CHI E' MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat è la più grande azienda al mondo specializzata nella vendita di attrezzatura per Muay Thai e MMA multimarchio. La sede centrale di Muay Thai Combat si trova nella Repubblica di San Marino. Con un incremento di fatturato pari al 600% dalla data di apertura (2008), nel 2012 Muay Thai Combat ha iniziato una formula di franchising aprendo negozi in Italia (Milano, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. di San Marino), Brasile (San Paolo) e Stati Uniti (San Francisco) L'azienda opera a 360 gradi nella promozione della Muay Thai. Muay Thai Combat è partner ufficiale degli eventi Yokkao e distributore esclusivo per l'Europa e gli Stati Uniti del marchio Yokkao Boxing. Stefania Picelli, CEO di Muay Thai Combat, organizza e promuove i più grandi eventi al mondo di Muay Thai e K-1 rules denominati "Yokkao" e "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europa, Stati Uniti e Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ *** ABOUT MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat is the largest company selling Muay Thai & MMA gear throughout the world. The Muay Thai Combat headquarter's is located in Republic of San Marino. Increasing its turnover by more than 600% from the opening (2008), on 2012 Muay Thai Combat started a franchising formula opening shops in Italy (Milan, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. of San Marino), USA (San Francisco) and Brazil (Sao Paulo). The company works on combat sports with 360° department dedicated to specializing in events promotions. Muay Thai Combat is the official partner of Yokkao events and the exclusive distributor for Europe and in the U.S.A. of Yokkao Boxing brand. Stefania Picelli, the CEO of Muay Thai Combat, organizes and promotes the biggest Muay Thai and K-1 rules events in the world named "Yokkao" and "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europe, USA, and Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.com/- published: 03 Jun 2014
- views: 432

Carl N'Diaye one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9 - @yokkaoboxing
Carl N'Diaye one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9. YOKKAO 9 rewrote the pages of history f...
published: 05 Jun 2014
Carl N'Diaye one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9 - @yokkaoboxing
Carl N'Diaye one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9 - @yokkaoboxing
Carl N'Diaye one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9. YOKKAO 9 rewrote the pages of history for ring sports in China. The enormous crowd of YOKKAO 9 at the football stadium of Xinyang was attended by more than 10,000 fans who came from all over the various regions of China to be part of history. Read the full article results on Muay Thai Combat Blog: http://www.muaythaicombat.com/muay-thai-blog/yokkao-9-results-thailand-draws-2-2-with-china/ ** YOKKAO 9 RESULT ** Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee (Thailand) won by points vs Yi Long (China) -72kg K-1 rules 3x3 Leggi l'articolo con tutti i risultati di YOKKAO 9 nel blog di Muay Thai Combat: http://www.muaythaicombat.it/muay-thai-blog/yokkao-9-thailandia-pareggia-con-la-cina-nello-stadio-da-calcio-di-xinyang/ Buy Yokkao in UK at http://www.thaiboxingstore.co.uk/ Buy Yokkao in Europe at http://www.muaythaicombat.com/ Buy Yokkao in USA: http://www.yokkao.com/shop Buy Yokkao in Netherlands: http://www.allcombatsports.eu/ Buy Yokkao in Brazil at http://www.facebook.com/muaythaicombatbrasil Buy Yokkao in Hong Kong: http://www.8boxing.com Acquista l'attrezzatura Yokkao in Italia nel sito http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ Follow Yokkao on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/yokkaoboxing *** ABOUT YOKKAO BOXING *** Yokkao Boxing is the leading Muay Thai Gear brand name completly handmade in Thailand with headquarters in Bangkok and offices in Bangkok, Hong Kong, Republic of San Marino, London, Amsterdam, Kunshan (China), San Francisco and Sao Paulo. Yokkao Boxing is the official sponsor of the top Muay Thai fighters from around the world. The company works on Muay Thai with 360° of dedicated specialized departments in events & promotions recognized by fans as the best in the world. *** CHI E' MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat è la più grande azienda al mondo specializzata nella vendita di attrezzatura per Muay Thai e MMA multimarchio. La sede centrale di Muay Thai Combat si trova nella Repubblica di San Marino. Con un incremento di fatturato pari al 600% dalla data di apertura (2008), nel 2012 Muay Thai Combat ha iniziato una formula di franchising aprendo negozi in Italia (Milano, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. di San Marino), Brasile (San Paolo) e Stati Uniti (San Francisco) L'azienda opera a 360 gradi nella promozione della Muay Thai. Muay Thai Combat è partner ufficiale degli eventi Yokkao e distributore esclusivo per l'Europa e gli Stati Uniti del marchio Yokkao Boxing. Stefania Picelli, CEO di Muay Thai Combat, organizza e promuove i più grandi eventi al mondo di Muay Thai e K-1 rules denominati "Yokkao" e "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europa, Stati Uniti e Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ *** ABOUT MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat is the largest company selling Muay Thai & MMA gear throughout the world. The Muay Thai Combat headquarter's is located in Republic of San Marino. Increasing its turnover by more than 600% from the opening (2008), on 2012 Muay Thai Combat started a franchising formula opening shops in Italy (Milan, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. of San Marino), USA (San Francisco) and Brazil (Sao Paulo). The company works on combat sports with 360° department dedicated to specializing in events promotions. Muay Thai Combat is the official partner of Yokkao events and the exclusive distributor for Europe and in the U.S.A. of Yokkao Boxing brand. Stefania Picelli, the CEO of Muay Thai Combat, organizes and promotes the biggest Muay Thai and K-1 rules events in the world named "Yokkao" and "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europe, USA, and Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.com/- published: 05 Jun 2014
- views: 741

San Marino Nazionale di calcio inno I think SAN MARINO needs a song to play well.SAN MARIN...
published: 09 Oct 2011
author: Murat Akay
San Marino Nazionale di calcio inno I think SAN MARINO needs a song to play well.SAN MARINO will destroy all teams after this song.. Sanırım SAN MARINO'nun i...- published: 09 Oct 2011
- views: 24131
- author: Murat Akay

YOKKAO 9: Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee vs Yi Long - Muay Thai vs Shaolin Kung Fu
Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee vs Shaolin Monk Yi Long at YOKKAO 9. YOKKAO 9 rewrote the pages of h...
published: 01 Jun 2014
YOKKAO 9: Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee vs Yi Long - Muay Thai vs Shaolin Kung Fu
YOKKAO 9: Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee vs Yi Long - Muay Thai vs Shaolin Kung Fu
Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee vs Shaolin Monk Yi Long at YOKKAO 9. YOKKAO 9 rewrote the pages of history for ring sports in China. The enormous crowd of YOKKAO 9 at the football stadium of Xinyang was attended by more than 10,000 fans who came from all over the various regions of China to be part of history. Read the full article results on Muay Thai Combat Blog: http://www.muaythaicombat.com/muay-thai-blog/yokkao-9-results-thailand-draws-2-2-with-china/ ** YOKKAO 9 RESULT ** Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee (Thailand) won by points vs Yi Long (China) -72kg K-1 rules 3x3 Leggi l'articolo con tutti i risultati di YOKKAO 9 nel blog di Muay Thai Combat: http://www.muaythaicombat.it/muay-thai-blog/yokkao-9-thailandia-pareggia-con-la-cina-nello-stadio-da-calcio-di-xinyang/ Buy Yokkao in UK at http://www.thaiboxingstore.co.uk/ Buy Yokkao in Europe at http://www.muaythaicombat.com/ Buy Yokkao in USA: http://www.yokkao.com/shop Buy Yokkao in Netherlands: http://www.allcombatsports.eu/ Buy Yokkao in Brazil at http://www.facebook.com/muaythaicombatbrasil Buy Yokkao in Hong Kong: http://www.8boxing.com Acquista l'attrezzatura Yokkao in Italia nel sito http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ Follow Yokkao on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/yokkaoboxing *** ABOUT YOKKAO BOXING *** Yokkao Boxing is the leading Muay Thai Gear brand name completly handmade in Thailand with headquarters in Bangkok and offices in Bangkok, Hong Kong, Republic of San Marino, London, Amsterdam, Kunshan (China), San Francisco and Sao Paulo. Yokkao Boxing is the official sponsor of the top Muay Thai fighters from around the world. The company works on Muay Thai with 360° of dedicated specialized departments in events & promotions recognized by fans as the best in the world. *** CHI E' MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat è la più grande azienda al mondo specializzata nella vendita di attrezzatura per Muay Thai e MMA multimarchio. La sede centrale di Muay Thai Combat si trova nella Repubblica di San Marino. Con un incremento di fatturato pari al 600% dalla data di apertura (2008), nel 2012 Muay Thai Combat ha iniziato una formula di franchising aprendo negozi in Italia (Milano, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. di San Marino), Brasile (San Paolo) e Stati Uniti (San Francisco) L'azienda opera a 360 gradi nella promozione della Muay Thai. Muay Thai Combat è partner ufficiale degli eventi Yokkao e distributore esclusivo per l'Europa e gli Stati Uniti del marchio Yokkao Boxing. Stefania Picelli, CEO di Muay Thai Combat, organizza e promuove i più grandi eventi al mondo di Muay Thai e K-1 rules denominati "Yokkao" e "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europa, Stati Uniti e Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ *** ABOUT MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat is the largest company selling Muay Thai & MMA gear throughout the world. The Muay Thai Combat headquarter's is located in Republic of San Marino. Increasing its turnover by more than 600% from the opening (2008), on 2012 Muay Thai Combat started a franchising formula opening shops in Italy (Milan, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. of San Marino), USA (San Francisco) and Brazil (Sao Paulo). The company works on combat sports with 360° department dedicated to specializing in events promotions. Muay Thai Combat is the official partner of Yokkao events and the exclusive distributor for Europe and in the U.S.A. of Yokkao Boxing brand. Stefania Picelli, the CEO of Muay Thai Combat, organizes and promotes the biggest Muay Thai and K-1 rules events in the world named "Yokkao" and "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europe, USA, and Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.com/- published: 01 Jun 2014
- views: 7431

Runmai Mo Tammachat one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9 @yokkaoboxing
Runmai Mo Tammachat one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9. YOKKAO 9 rewrote the pages of hi...
published: 03 Jun 2014
Runmai Mo Tammachat one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9 @yokkaoboxing
Runmai Mo Tammachat one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9 @yokkaoboxing
Runmai Mo Tammachat one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9. YOKKAO 9 rewrote the pages of history for ring sports in China. The enormous crowd of YOKKAO 9 at the football stadium of Xinyang was attended by more than 10,000 fans who came from all over the various regions of China to be part of history. Read the full article results on Muay Thai Combat Blog: http://www.muaythaicombat.com/muay-thai-blog/yokkao-9-results-thailand-draws-2-2-with-china/ ** YOKKAO 9 RESULT ** Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee (Thailand) won by points vs Yi Long (China) -72kg K-1 rules 3x3 Leggi l'articolo con tutti i risultati di YOKKAO 9 nel blog di Muay Thai Combat: http://www.muaythaicombat.it/muay-thai-blog/yokkao-9-thailandia-pareggia-con-la-cina-nello-stadio-da-calcio-di-xinyang/ Buy Yokkao in UK at http://www.thaiboxingstore.co.uk/ Buy Yokkao in Europe at http://www.muaythaicombat.com/ Buy Yokkao in USA: http://www.yokkao.com/shop Buy Yokkao in Netherlands: http://www.allcombatsports.eu/ Buy Yokkao in Brazil at http://www.facebook.com/muaythaicombatbrasil Buy Yokkao in Hong Kong: http://www.8boxing.com Acquista l'attrezzatura Yokkao in Italia nel sito http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ Follow Yokkao on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/yokkaoboxing *** ABOUT YOKKAO BOXING *** Yokkao Boxing is the leading Muay Thai Gear brand name completly handmade in Thailand with headquarters in Bangkok and offices in Bangkok, Hong Kong, Republic of San Marino, London, Amsterdam, Kunshan (China), San Francisco and Sao Paulo. Yokkao Boxing is the official sponsor of the top Muay Thai fighters from around the world. The company works on Muay Thai with 360° of dedicated specialized departments in events & promotions recognized by fans as the best in the world. *** CHI E' MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat è la più grande azienda al mondo specializzata nella vendita di attrezzatura per Muay Thai e MMA multimarchio. La sede centrale di Muay Thai Combat si trova nella Repubblica di San Marino. Con un incremento di fatturato pari al 600% dalla data di apertura (2008), nel 2012 Muay Thai Combat ha iniziato una formula di franchising aprendo negozi in Italia (Milano, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. di San Marino), Brasile (San Paolo) e Stati Uniti (San Francisco) L'azienda opera a 360 gradi nella promozione della Muay Thai. Muay Thai Combat è partner ufficiale degli eventi Yokkao e distributore esclusivo per l'Europa e gli Stati Uniti del marchio Yokkao Boxing. Stefania Picelli, CEO di Muay Thai Combat, organizza e promuove i più grandi eventi al mondo di Muay Thai e K-1 rules denominati "Yokkao" e "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europa, Stati Uniti e Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ *** ABOUT MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat is the largest company selling Muay Thai & MMA gear throughout the world. The Muay Thai Combat headquarter's is located in Republic of San Marino. Increasing its turnover by more than 600% from the opening (2008), on 2012 Muay Thai Combat started a franchising formula opening shops in Italy (Milan, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. of San Marino), USA (San Francisco) and Brazil (Sao Paulo). The company works on combat sports with 360° department dedicated to specializing in events promotions. Muay Thai Combat is the official partner of Yokkao events and the exclusive distributor for Europe and in the U.S.A. of Yokkao Boxing brand. Stefania Picelli, the CEO of Muay Thai Combat, organizes and promotes the biggest Muay Thai and K-1 rules events in the world named "Yokkao" and "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europe, USA, and Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.com/- published: 03 Jun 2014
- views: 156

Kamel Mezatni one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9 - @yokkaoboxing
Kamel Mezatni one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9. YOKKAO 9 rewrote the pages of history ...
published: 05 Jun 2014
Kamel Mezatni one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9 - @yokkaoboxing
Kamel Mezatni one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9 - @yokkaoboxing
Kamel Mezatni one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9. YOKKAO 9 rewrote the pages of history for ring sports in China. The enormous crowd of YOKKAO 9 at the football stadium of Xinyang was attended by more than 10,000 fans who came from all over the various regions of China to be part of history. Read the full article results on Muay Thai Combat Blog: http://www.muaythaicombat.com/muay-thai-blog/yokkao-9-results-thailand-draws-2-2-with-china/ ** YOKKAO 9 RESULT ** Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee (Thailand) won by points vs Yi Long (China) -72kg K-1 rules 3x3 Leggi l'articolo con tutti i risultati di YOKKAO 9 nel blog di Muay Thai Combat: http://www.muaythaicombat.it/muay-thai-blog/yokkao-9-thailandia-pareggia-con-la-cina-nello-stadio-da-calcio-di-xinyang/ Buy Yokkao in UK at http://www.thaiboxingstore.co.uk/ Buy Yokkao in Europe at http://www.muaythaicombat.com/ Buy Yokkao in USA: http://www.yokkao.com/shop Buy Yokkao in Netherlands: http://www.allcombatsports.eu/ Buy Yokkao in Brazil at http://www.facebook.com/muaythaicombatbrasil Buy Yokkao in Hong Kong: http://www.8boxing.com Acquista l'attrezzatura Yokkao in Italia nel sito http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ Follow Yokkao on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/yokkaoboxing *** ABOUT YOKKAO BOXING *** Yokkao Boxing is the leading Muay Thai Gear brand name completly handmade in Thailand with headquarters in Bangkok and offices in Bangkok, Hong Kong, Republic of San Marino, London, Amsterdam, Kunshan (China), San Francisco and Sao Paulo. Yokkao Boxing is the official sponsor of the top Muay Thai fighters from around the world. The company works on Muay Thai with 360° of dedicated specialized departments in events & promotions recognized by fans as the best in the world. *** CHI E' MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat è la più grande azienda al mondo specializzata nella vendita di attrezzatura per Muay Thai e MMA multimarchio. La sede centrale di Muay Thai Combat si trova nella Repubblica di San Marino. Con un incremento di fatturato pari al 600% dalla data di apertura (2008), nel 2012 Muay Thai Combat ha iniziato una formula di franchising aprendo negozi in Italia (Milano, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. di San Marino), Brasile (San Paolo) e Stati Uniti (San Francisco) L'azienda opera a 360 gradi nella promozione della Muay Thai. Muay Thai Combat è partner ufficiale degli eventi Yokkao e distributore esclusivo per l'Europa e gli Stati Uniti del marchio Yokkao Boxing. Stefania Picelli, CEO di Muay Thai Combat, organizza e promuove i più grandi eventi al mondo di Muay Thai e K-1 rules denominati "Yokkao" e "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europa, Stati Uniti e Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ *** ABOUT MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat is the largest company selling Muay Thai & MMA gear throughout the world. The Muay Thai Combat headquarter's is located in Republic of San Marino. Increasing its turnover by more than 600% from the opening (2008), on 2012 Muay Thai Combat started a franchising formula opening shops in Italy (Milan, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. of San Marino), USA (San Francisco) and Brazil (Sao Paulo). The company works on combat sports with 360° department dedicated to specializing in events promotions. Muay Thai Combat is the official partner of Yokkao events and the exclusive distributor for Europe and in the U.S.A. of Yokkao Boxing brand. Stefania Picelli, the CEO of Muay Thai Combat, organizes and promotes the biggest Muay Thai and K-1 rules events in the world named "Yokkao" and "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europe, USA, and Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.com/- published: 05 Jun 2014
- views: 248

Imwiset Pornnarai one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9 - @yokkaoboxing
Imwiset Pornnarai one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9. YOKKAO 9 rewrote the pages of hist...
published: 03 Jun 2014
Imwiset Pornnarai one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9 - @yokkaoboxing
Imwiset Pornnarai one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9 - @yokkaoboxing
Imwiset Pornnarai one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9. YOKKAO 9 rewrote the pages of history for ring sports in China. The enormous crowd of YOKKAO 9 at the football stadium of Xinyang was attended by more than 10,000 fans who came from all over the various regions of China to be part of history. Read the full article results on Muay Thai Combat Blog: http://www.muaythaicombat.com/muay-thai-blog/yokkao-9-results-thailand-draws-2-2-with-china/ ** YOKKAO 9 RESULT ** Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee (Thailand) won by points vs Yi Long (China) -72kg K-1 rules 3x3 Leggi l'articolo con tutti i risultati di YOKKAO 9 nel blog di Muay Thai Combat: http://www.muaythaicombat.it/muay-thai-blog/yokkao-9-thailandia-pareggia-con-la-cina-nello-stadio-da-calcio-di-xinyang/ Buy Yokkao in UK at http://www.thaiboxingstore.co.uk/ Buy Yokkao in Europe at http://www.muaythaicombat.com/ Buy Yokkao in USA: http://www.yokkao.com/shop Buy Yokkao in Netherlands: http://www.allcombatsports.eu/ Buy Yokkao in Brazil at http://www.facebook.com/muaythaicombatbrasil Buy Yokkao in Hong Kong: http://www.8boxing.com Acquista l'attrezzatura Yokkao in Italia nel sito http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ Follow Yokkao on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/yokkaoboxing *** ABOUT YOKKAO BOXING *** Yokkao Boxing is the leading Muay Thai Gear brand name completly handmade in Thailand with headquarters in Bangkok and offices in Bangkok, Hong Kong, Republic of San Marino, London, Amsterdam, Kunshan (China), San Francisco and Sao Paulo. Yokkao Boxing is the official sponsor of the top Muay Thai fighters from around the world. The company works on Muay Thai with 360° of dedicated specialized departments in events & promotions recognized by fans as the best in the world. *** CHI E' MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat è la più grande azienda al mondo specializzata nella vendita di attrezzatura per Muay Thai e MMA multimarchio. La sede centrale di Muay Thai Combat si trova nella Repubblica di San Marino. Con un incremento di fatturato pari al 600% dalla data di apertura (2008), nel 2012 Muay Thai Combat ha iniziato una formula di franchising aprendo negozi in Italia (Milano, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. di San Marino), Brasile (San Paolo) e Stati Uniti (San Francisco) L'azienda opera a 360 gradi nella promozione della Muay Thai. Muay Thai Combat è partner ufficiale degli eventi Yokkao e distributore esclusivo per l'Europa e gli Stati Uniti del marchio Yokkao Boxing. Stefania Picelli, CEO di Muay Thai Combat, organizza e promuove i più grandi eventi al mondo di Muay Thai e K-1 rules denominati "Yokkao" e "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europa, Stati Uniti e Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ *** ABOUT MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat is the largest company selling Muay Thai & MMA gear throughout the world. The Muay Thai Combat headquarter's is located in Republic of San Marino. Increasing its turnover by more than 600% from the opening (2008), on 2012 Muay Thai Combat started a franchising formula opening shops in Italy (Milan, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. of San Marino), USA (San Francisco) and Brazil (Sao Paulo). The company works on combat sports with 360° department dedicated to specializing in events promotions. Muay Thai Combat is the official partner of Yokkao events and the exclusive distributor for Europe and in the U.S.A. of Yokkao Boxing brand. Stefania Picelli, the CEO of Muay Thai Combat, organizes and promotes the biggest Muay Thai and K-1 rules events in the world named "Yokkao" and "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europe, USA, and Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.com/- published: 03 Jun 2014
- views: 181

YOKKAO 9 China Highlights: Muay Thai and K-1 Rules Earthquake!
YOKKAO 9 rewrote the pages of history for ring sports in China. The enormous crowd of YOKK...
published: 12 Jun 2014
YOKKAO 9 China Highlights: Muay Thai and K-1 Rules Earthquake!
YOKKAO 9 China Highlights: Muay Thai and K-1 Rules Earthquake!
YOKKAO 9 rewrote the pages of history for ring sports in China. The enormous crowd of YOKKAO 9 at the football stadium of Xinyang was attended by more than 10,000 fans who came from all over the various regions of China to be part of history. Read the full article results on Muay Thai Combat Blog: http://www.muaythaicombat.com/muay-thai-blog/yokkao-9-results-thailand-draws-2-2-with-china/ ** YOKKAO 9 RESULT ** Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee (Thailand) won by points vs Yi Long (China) -72kg K-1 rules 3x3 Leggi l'articolo con tutti i risultati di YOKKAO 9 nel blog di Muay Thai Combat: http://www.muaythaicombat.it/muay-thai-blog/yokkao-9-thailandia-pareggia-con-la-cina-nello-stadio-da-calcio-di-xinyang/ Buy Yokkao in UK at http://www.thaiboxingstore.co.uk/ Buy Yokkao in Europe at http://www.muaythaicombat.com/ Buy Yokkao in USA: http://www.yokkao.com/shop Buy Yokkao in Netherlands: http://www.allcombatsports.eu/ Buy Yokkao in Brazil at http://www.facebook.com/muaythaicombatbrasil Buy Yokkao in Hong Kong: http://www.8boxing.com Acquista l'attrezzatura Yokkao in Italia nel sito http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ Follow Yokkao on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/yokkaoboxing *** ABOUT YOKKAO BOXING *** Yokkao Boxing is the leading Muay Thai Gear brand name completly handmade in Thailand with headquarters in Bangkok and offices in Bangkok, Hong Kong, Republic of San Marino, London, Amsterdam, Kunshan (China), San Francisco and Sao Paulo. Yokkao Boxing is the official sponsor of the top Muay Thai fighters from around the world. The company works on Muay Thai with 360° of dedicated specialized departments in events & promotions recognized by fans as the best in the world. *** CHI E' MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat è la più grande azienda al mondo specializzata nella vendita di attrezzatura per Muay Thai e MMA multimarchio. La sede centrale di Muay Thai Combat si trova nella Repubblica di San Marino. Con un incremento di fatturato pari al 600% dalla data di apertura (2008), nel 2012 Muay Thai Combat ha iniziato una formula di franchising aprendo negozi in Italia (Milano, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. di San Marino), Brasile (San Paolo) e Stati Uniti (San Francisco) L'azienda opera a 360 gradi nella promozione della Muay Thai. Muay Thai Combat è partner ufficiale degli eventi Yokkao e distributore esclusivo per l'Europa e gli Stati Uniti del marchio Yokkao Boxing. Stefania Picelli, CEO di Muay Thai Combat, organizza e promuove i più grandi eventi al mondo di Muay Thai e K-1 rules denominati "Yokkao" e "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europa, Stati Uniti e Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ *** ABOUT MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat is the largest company selling Muay Thai & MMA gear throughout the world. The Muay Thai Combat headquarter's is located in Republic of San Marino. Increasing its turnover by more than 600% from the opening (2008), on 2012 Muay Thai Combat started a franchising formula opening shops in Italy (Milan, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. of San Marino), USA (San Francisco) and Brazil (Sao Paulo). The company works on combat sports with 360° department dedicated to specializing in events promotions. Muay Thai Combat is the official partner of Yokkao events and the exclusive distributor for Europe and in the U.S.A. of Yokkao Boxing brand. Stefania Picelli, the CEO of Muay Thai Combat, organizes and promotes the biggest Muay Thai and K-1 rules events in the world named "Yokkao" and "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europe, USA, and Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.com/- published: 12 Jun 2014
- views: 3818

Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee one day before his fight vs Shaolin Monk Yi Long - @yokkaoboxing
Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee one day before his fight vs Shaolin Monk Yi Long at YOKKAO 9. YOKKAO...
published: 03 Jun 2014
Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee one day before his fight vs Shaolin Monk Yi Long - @yokkaoboxing
Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee one day before his fight vs Shaolin Monk Yi Long - @yokkaoboxing
Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee one day before his fight vs Shaolin Monk Yi Long at YOKKAO 9. YOKKAO 9 rewrote the pages of history for ring sports in China. The enormous crowd of YOKKAO 9 at the football stadium of Xinyang was attended by more than 10,000 fans who came from all over the various regions of China to be part of history. Read the full article results on Muay Thai Combat Blog: http://www.muaythaicombat.com/muay-thai-blog/yokkao-9-results-thailand-draws-2-2-with-china/ ** YOKKAO 9 RESULT ** Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee (Thailand) won by points vs Yi Long (China) -72kg K-1 rules 3x3 Leggi l'articolo con tutti i risultati di YOKKAO 9 nel blog di Muay Thai Combat: http://www.muaythaicombat.it/muay-thai-blog/yokkao-9-thailandia-pareggia-con-la-cina-nello-stadio-da-calcio-di-xinyang/ Buy Yokkao in UK at http://www.thaiboxingstore.co.uk/ Buy Yokkao in Europe at http://www.muaythaicombat.com/ Buy Yokkao in USA: http://www.yokkao.com/shop Buy Yokkao in Netherlands: http://www.allcombatsports.eu/ Buy Yokkao in Brazil at http://www.facebook.com/muaythaicombatbrasil Buy Yokkao in Hong Kong: http://www.8boxing.com Acquista l'attrezzatura Yokkao in Italia nel sito http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ Follow Yokkao on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/yokkaoboxing *** ABOUT YOKKAO BOXING *** Yokkao Boxing is the leading Muay Thai Gear brand name completly handmade in Thailand with headquarters in Bangkok and offices in Bangkok, Hong Kong, Republic of San Marino, London, Amsterdam, Kunshan (China), San Francisco and Sao Paulo. Yokkao Boxing is the official sponsor of the top Muay Thai fighters from around the world. The company works on Muay Thai with 360° of dedicated specialized departments in events & promotions recognized by fans as the best in the world. *** CHI E' MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat è la più grande azienda al mondo specializzata nella vendita di attrezzatura per Muay Thai e MMA multimarchio. La sede centrale di Muay Thai Combat si trova nella Repubblica di San Marino. Con un incremento di fatturato pari al 600% dalla data di apertura (2008), nel 2012 Muay Thai Combat ha iniziato una formula di franchising aprendo negozi in Italia (Milano, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. di San Marino), Brasile (San Paolo) e Stati Uniti (San Francisco) L'azienda opera a 360 gradi nella promozione della Muay Thai. Muay Thai Combat è partner ufficiale degli eventi Yokkao e distributore esclusivo per l'Europa e gli Stati Uniti del marchio Yokkao Boxing. Stefania Picelli, CEO di Muay Thai Combat, organizza e promuove i più grandi eventi al mondo di Muay Thai e K-1 rules denominati "Yokkao" e "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europa, Stati Uniti e Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ *** ABOUT MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat is the largest company selling Muay Thai & MMA gear throughout the world. The Muay Thai Combat headquarter's is located in Republic of San Marino. Increasing its turnover by more than 600% from the opening (2008), on 2012 Muay Thai Combat started a franchising formula opening shops in Italy (Milan, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. of San Marino), USA (San Francisco) and Brazil (Sao Paulo). The company works on combat sports with 360° department dedicated to specializing in events promotions. Muay Thai Combat is the official partner of Yokkao events and the exclusive distributor for Europe and in the U.S.A. of Yokkao Boxing brand. Stefania Picelli, the CEO of Muay Thai Combat, organizes and promotes the biggest Muay Thai and K-1 rules events in the world named "Yokkao" and "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europe, USA, and Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.com/- published: 03 Jun 2014
- views: 948

Ekapop Sor Klinmee one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9 - @yokkaoboxing
Ekapop Sor Klinmee one day before his fight vs Nu Er La at YOKKAO 9. YOKKAO 9 rewrote the ...
published: 04 Jun 2014
Ekapop Sor Klinmee one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9 - @yokkaoboxing
Ekapop Sor Klinmee one day before his fight at YOKKAO 9 - @yokkaoboxing
Ekapop Sor Klinmee one day before his fight vs Nu Er La at YOKKAO 9. YOKKAO 9 rewrote the pages of history for ring sports in China. The enormous crowd of YOKKAO 9 at the football stadium of Xinyang was attended by more than 10,000 fans who came from all over the various regions of China to be part of history. Read the full article results on Muay Thai Combat Blog: http://www.muaythaicombat.com/muay-thai-blog/yokkao-9-results-thailand-draws-2-2-with-china/ ** YOKKAO 9 RESULT ** Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee (Thailand) won by points vs Yi Long (China) -72kg K-1 rules 3x3 Leggi l'articolo con tutti i risultati di YOKKAO 9 nel blog di Muay Thai Combat: http://www.muaythaicombat.it/muay-thai-blog/yokkao-9-thailandia-pareggia-con-la-cina-nello-stadio-da-calcio-di-xinyang/ Buy Yokkao in UK at http://www.thaiboxingstore.co.uk/ Buy Yokkao in Europe at http://www.muaythaicombat.com/ Buy Yokkao in USA: http://www.yokkao.com/shop Buy Yokkao in Netherlands: http://www.allcombatsports.eu/ Buy Yokkao in Brazil at http://www.facebook.com/muaythaicombatbrasil Buy Yokkao in Hong Kong: http://www.8boxing.com Acquista l'attrezzatura Yokkao in Italia nel sito http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ Follow Yokkao on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/yokkaoboxing *** ABOUT YOKKAO BOXING *** Yokkao Boxing is the leading Muay Thai Gear brand name completly handmade in Thailand with headquarters in Bangkok and offices in Bangkok, Hong Kong, Republic of San Marino, London, Amsterdam, Kunshan (China), San Francisco and Sao Paulo. Yokkao Boxing is the official sponsor of the top Muay Thai fighters from around the world. The company works on Muay Thai with 360° of dedicated specialized departments in events & promotions recognized by fans as the best in the world. *** CHI E' MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat è la più grande azienda al mondo specializzata nella vendita di attrezzatura per Muay Thai e MMA multimarchio. La sede centrale di Muay Thai Combat si trova nella Repubblica di San Marino. Con un incremento di fatturato pari al 600% dalla data di apertura (2008), nel 2012 Muay Thai Combat ha iniziato una formula di franchising aprendo negozi in Italia (Milano, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. di San Marino), Brasile (San Paolo) e Stati Uniti (San Francisco) L'azienda opera a 360 gradi nella promozione della Muay Thai. Muay Thai Combat è partner ufficiale degli eventi Yokkao e distributore esclusivo per l'Europa e gli Stati Uniti del marchio Yokkao Boxing. Stefania Picelli, CEO di Muay Thai Combat, organizza e promuove i più grandi eventi al mondo di Muay Thai e K-1 rules denominati "Yokkao" e "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europa, Stati Uniti e Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ *** ABOUT MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat is the largest company selling Muay Thai & MMA gear throughout the world. The Muay Thai Combat headquarter's is located in Republic of San Marino. Increasing its turnover by more than 600% from the opening (2008), on 2012 Muay Thai Combat started a franchising formula opening shops in Italy (Milan, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. of San Marino), USA (San Francisco) and Brazil (Sao Paulo). The company works on combat sports with 360° department dedicated to specializing in events promotions. Muay Thai Combat is the official partner of Yokkao events and the exclusive distributor for Europe and in the U.S.A. of Yokkao Boxing brand. Stefania Picelli, the CEO of Muay Thai Combat, organizes and promotes the biggest Muay Thai and K-1 rules events in the world named "Yokkao" and "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europe, USA, and Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.com/- published: 04 Jun 2014
- views: 387

Storm In Teacup Republic (1957)
San Marino.
GV. Shot from moving car showing roadway and rock where town of San Marino ...
published: 13 Apr 2014
Storm In Teacup Republic (1957)
Storm In Teacup Republic (1957)
San Marino. GV. Shot from moving car showing roadway and rock where town of San Marino stands. GV. Car comes up to road block and stops. SCU. Man getting out of car. CU. Military man takes pass from him and checks it. LV. Civilian inspecting somebody's car at another road block. GV. Empty streets. SV. Dog sitting outside closed restaurant. GV. Town square with people walking out. SCU. Man reading newspaper, communist headquarters in background. CU. Newspaper with headline reading "Ore Difficili a San Marino". SCU. Old lady looking down from window. SV. Two civilians carrying rifles. SV. Local policemen. GV. Communist headquarters. GV. Pan down to doorway. SV. Communist foreign secretary Dr Gino Giacomini going into headquarters. SCU. Local policeman salutes on doorway. SV. Another man going in. GV. Small sports stadium where Christian Democrat Government is settled. GV. Checking passes at entrance. GV. Christian Democrat house. SV. Christian Democrats sitting at table. GV. Crowded square. GV. Crowds milling into square carrying banners. GV. Communist leader speaking in foreground from balcony. CU. Leader speaking to crowd - he announces that Communist government is forced to resign due to Italian blockade. GV. Square and crowd listening to speaker. (F.G.) (Orig. Track "B") 90,000 historic films, all SEARCHABLE on YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/britishpathe Join us on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/britishpathe Tweet us @britishpathe FILM ID:1503.21- published: 13 Apr 2014
- views: 20

YOKKAO 9 Promo: Imwiset Pornnarai (Yokkao Fight Team)
Yokkao 9 will take place in Xinyang (China) Saturday 24th May 2014.
Iwmiset Pornnarai wil...
published: 18 May 2014
YOKKAO 9 Promo: Imwiset Pornnarai (Yokkao Fight Team)
YOKKAO 9 Promo: Imwiset Pornnarai (Yokkao Fight Team)
Yokkao 9 will take place in Xinyang (China) Saturday 24th May 2014. Iwmiset Pornnarai will fight vs Qui Jianliang (China) in Muay Thai Full Rules 3x3 -67kg. The main event of #Yokkao9 will be a revolutionary fight between two legends of Martial Arts: the -70kg Muay Thai Superstar Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee will face off the Shaolin Monk Yi Long! **ITALIANO** Yokkao 9 si terrà a Xinyang (Cina) sabato 27 Maggio 2014. Il main event sarà un match rivoluzionario tra due leggende delle arti marziali: superstar -70kg della Muay Thai Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee vs il Monaco Shaolin Yi Long. L'evento verrà trasmesso per i fans italiani nel canale Nuvolari Sport. Buy Yokkao in UK at http://www.thaiboxingstore.co.uk/ Buy Yokkao in Europe at http://www.muaythaicombat.com/ Buy Yokkao in USA: http://www.yokkao.com/shop Buy Yokkao in Netherlands: http://www.allcombatsports.eu/ Buy Yokkao in Brazil at http://www.facebook.com/muaythaicombatbrasil Buy Yokkao in Hong Kong: www.8boxing.com Acquista l'attrezzatura Yokkao in Italia nel sito http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ Follow Yokkao on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/yokkaoboxing *** ABOUT YOKKAO BOXING *** Yokkao Boxing is the leading Muay Thai brand name made in Thailand with headquarters in Bangkok and offices in Bangkok, Hong Kong, Singapore, Republic of San Marino, London, Amsterdam, San Francisco and Sao Paulo. Yokkao Boxing is the official sponsor of the top Muay Thai fighters from around the world. The company works on Muay Thai with 360° of dedicated specialized departments in events & promotions recognized by fans as the best in the world. *** CHI E' MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat è la più grande azienda al mondo specializzata nella vendita di attrezzatura per Muay Thai e MMA multimarchio. La sede centrale di Muay Thai Combat si trova nella Repubblica di San Marino. Con un incremento di fatturato pari al 600% dalla data di apertura (2008), nel 2012 Muay Thai Combat ha iniziato una formula di franchising aprendo negozi in Italia (Milano, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. di San Marino), Brasile (San Paolo) e Stati Uniti (San Francisco) L'azienda opera a 360 gradi nella promozione della Muay Thai. Muay Thai Combat è partner ufficiale degli eventi Yokkao e distributore esclusivo per l'Europa e gli Stati Uniti del marchio Yokkao Boxing. Stefania Picelli, CEO di Muay Thai Combat, organizza e promuove i più grandi eventi al mondo di Muay Thai e K-1 rules denominati "Yokkao" e "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europa, Brasile, Stati Uniti e Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ *** ABOUT MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat is the largest company selling Muay Thai & MMA gear throughout the world. The Muay Thai Combat headquarter's is located in Republic of San Marino. Increasing its turnover by more than 600% from the opening (2008), on 2012 Muay Thai Combat started a franchising formula opening shops in Italy (Milan, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. of San Marino), USA (San Francisco) and Brazil (Sao Paulo). The company works on combat sports with 360° department dedicated to specializing in events promotions. Muay Thai Combat is the official partner of Yokkao events and the exclusive distributor for Europe and in the U.S.A. of Yokkao Boxing brand. Stefania Picelli, the CEO of Muay Thai Combat, organizes and promotes the biggest Muay Thai and K-1 rules events in the world named "Yokkao" and "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europe, Brazil, USA and Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.com/- published: 18 May 2014
- views: 1149

Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee Promo YOKKAO 9 vs Shaolin Monk Yi Long
Yokkao 9 will take place in Xinyang (China) Saturday 24th May 2014.
The main event of #Yo...
published: 18 May 2014
Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee Promo YOKKAO 9 vs Shaolin Monk Yi Long
Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee Promo YOKKAO 9 vs Shaolin Monk Yi Long
Yokkao 9 will take place in Xinyang (China) Saturday 24th May 2014. The main event of #Yokkao9 will be a revolutionary fight between two legends of Martial Arts: the -70kg Muay Thai Superstar Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee will face off the Shaolin Monk Yi Long! **ITALIANO** Yokkao 9 si terrà a Xinyang (Cina) sabato 27 Maggio 2014. Il main event sarà un match rivoluzionario tra due leggende delle arti marziali: superstar -70kg della Muay Thai Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee vs il Monaco Shaolin Yi Long. L'evento verrà trasmesso per i fans italiani nel canale Nuvolari Sport. Buy Yokkao in UK at http://www.thaiboxingstore.co.uk/ Buy Yokkao in Europe at http://www.muaythaicombat.com/ Buy Yokkao in USA: http://www.yokkao.com/shop Buy Yokkao in Netherlands: http://www.allcombatsports.eu/ Buy Yokkao in Brazil at http://www.facebook.com/muaythaicombatbrasil Buy Yokkao in Hong Kong: www.8boxing.com Acquista l'attrezzatura Yokkao in Italia nel sito http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ Follow Yokkao on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/yokkaoboxing *** ABOUT YOKKAO BOXING *** Yokkao Boxing is the leading Muay Thai brand name made in Thailand with headquarters in Bangkok and offices in Bangkok, Hong Kong, Singapore, Republic of San Marino, London, Amsterdam, San Francisco and Sao Paulo. Yokkao Boxing is the official sponsor of the top Muay Thai fighters from around the world. The company works on Muay Thai with 360° of dedicated specialized departments in events & promotions recognized by fans as the best in the world. *** CHI E' MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat è la più grande azienda al mondo specializzata nella vendita di attrezzatura per Muay Thai e MMA multimarchio. La sede centrale di Muay Thai Combat si trova nella Repubblica di San Marino. Con un incremento di fatturato pari al 600% dalla data di apertura (2008), nel 2012 Muay Thai Combat ha iniziato una formula di franchising aprendo negozi in Italia (Milano, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. di San Marino), Brasile (San Paolo) e Stati Uniti (San Francisco) L'azienda opera a 360 gradi nella promozione della Muay Thai. Muay Thai Combat è partner ufficiale degli eventi Yokkao e distributore esclusivo per l'Europa e gli Stati Uniti del marchio Yokkao Boxing. Stefania Picelli, CEO di Muay Thai Combat, organizza e promuove i più grandi eventi al mondo di Muay Thai e K-1 rules denominati "Yokkao" e "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europa, Brasile, Stati Uniti e Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ *** ABOUT MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat is the largest company selling Muay Thai & MMA gear throughout the world. The Muay Thai Combat headquarter's is located in Republic of San Marino. Increasing its turnover by more than 600% from the opening (2008), on 2012 Muay Thai Combat started a franchising formula opening shops in Italy (Milan, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. of San Marino), USA (San Francisco) and Brazil (Sao Paulo). The company works on combat sports with 360° department dedicated to specializing in events promotions. Muay Thai Combat is the official partner of Yokkao events and the exclusive distributor for Europe and in the U.S.A. of Yokkao Boxing brand. Stefania Picelli, the CEO of Muay Thai Combat, organizes and promotes the biggest Muay Thai and K-1 rules events in the world named "Yokkao" and "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europe, Brazil, USA and Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.com/- published: 18 May 2014
- views: 4267
Youtube results:

YOKKAO 9 Promo: Sudsakorn vs Yi Long - Muay Thai vs Shaolin Kung Fu
Yokkao 9 will take place in Xinyang (China) Saturday 24th May 2014. The main event of #Yok...
published: 16 May 2014
YOKKAO 9 Promo: Sudsakorn vs Yi Long - Muay Thai vs Shaolin Kung Fu
YOKKAO 9 Promo: Sudsakorn vs Yi Long - Muay Thai vs Shaolin Kung Fu
Yokkao 9 will take place in Xinyang (China) Saturday 24th May 2014. The main event of #Yokkao9 will be a revolutionary fight between two legends of Martial Arts: the -70kg Muay Thai Superstar Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee will face off the Shaolin Monk Yi Long! **ITALIANO** Yokkao 9 si terrà a Xinyang (Cina) sabato 27 Maggio 2014. Il main event sarà un match rivoluzionario tra due leggende delle arti marziali: superstar -70kg della Muay Thai Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee vs il Monaco Shaolin Yi Long. L'evento verrà trasmesso per i fans italiani nel canale Nuvolari Sport. Buy Yokkao in UK at http://www.thaiboxingstore.co.uk/ Buy Yokkao in Europe at http://www.muaythaicombat.com/ Buy Yokkao in USA: http://www.yokkao.com/shop Buy Yokkao in Netherlands: http://www.allcombatsports.eu/ Buy Yokkao in Brazil at http://www.facebook.com/muaythaicombatbrasil Buy Yokkao in Hong Kong: www.8boxing.com Acquista l'attrezzatura Yokkao in Italia nel sito http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ Follow Yokkao on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/yokkaoboxing *** ABOUT YOKKAO BOXING *** Yokkao Boxing is the leading Muay Thai brand name made in Thailand with headquarters in Bangkok and offices in Bangkok, Hong Kong, Republic of San Marino, London, Amsterdam, San Francisco and Sao Paulo. Yokkao Boxing is the official sponsor of the top Muay Thai fighters from around the world. The company works on Muay Thai with 360° of dedicated specialized departments in events & promotions recognized by fans as the best in the world. *** CHI E' MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat è la più grande azienda al mondo specializzata nella vendita di attrezzatura per Muay Thai e MMA multimarchio. La sede centrale di Muay Thai Combat si trova nella Repubblica di San Marino. Con un incremento di fatturato pari al 600% dalla data di apertura (2008), nel 2012 Muay Thai Combat ha iniziato una formula di franchising aprendo negozi in Italia (Milano, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. di San Marino), Brasile (San Paolo) e Stati Uniti (San Francisco) L'azienda opera a 360 gradi nella promozione della Muay Thai. Muay Thai Combat è partner ufficiale degli eventi Yokkao e distributore esclusivo per l'Europa e gli Stati Uniti del marchio Yokkao Boxing. Stefania Picelli, CEO di Muay Thai Combat, organizza e promuove i più grandi eventi al mondo di Muay Thai e K-1 rules denominati "Yokkao" e "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europa, Brasile, Stati Uniti e Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ *** ABOUT MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat is the largest company selling Muay Thai & MMA gear throughout the world. The Muay Thai Combat headquarter's is located in Republic of San Marino. Increasing its turnover by more than 600% from the opening (2008), on 2012 Muay Thai Combat started a franchising formula opening shops in Italy (Milan, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. of San Marino), USA (San Francisco) and Brazil (Sao Paulo). The company works on combat sports with 360° department dedicated to specializing in events promotions. Muay Thai Combat is the official partner of Yokkao events and the exclusive distributor for Europe and in the U.S.A. of Yokkao Boxing brand. Stefania Picelli, the CEO of Muay Thai Combat, organizes and promotes the biggest Muay Thai and K-1 rules events in the world named "Yokkao" and "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europe, USA and Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.com/- published: 16 May 2014
- views: 3470

NEWS Sport - San Marino 0-8 England- As close to pointless as it gets
The announcer inside Stadio Olimpico di Seravalle may have reversed the name of every Engl...
published: 24 Mar 2013
author: sportnewsish
NEWS Sport - San Marino 0-8 England- As close to pointless as it gets
NEWS Sport - San Marino 0-8 England- As close to pointless as it gets
The announcer inside Stadio Olimpico di Seravalle may have reversed the name of every England player - prompting the chant "One Sturridge Daniel" - but nothi...- published: 24 Mar 2013
- views: 17
- author: sportnewsish

YOKKAO 9: Fight Team Arrival in China
Yokkao 9 will take place in Xinyang (China) Saturday 24th May 2014. The main event of #Yok...
published: 24 May 2014
YOKKAO 9: Fight Team Arrival in China
YOKKAO 9: Fight Team Arrival in China
Yokkao 9 will take place in Xinyang (China) Saturday 24th May 2014. The main event of #Yokkao9 will be a revolutionary fight between two legends of Martial Arts: the -70kg Muay Thai Superstar Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee will face off the Shaolin Monk Yi Long! ** YOKKAO 9 FIGHT CARD ** Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee (Thailand) vs Yi Long (China) -72kg K-1 rules N'Daye Carl (France) vs Fang Bian (China) -80kg K-1 rules Imwiset Pornnarai (Thailand) vs Qiu Jianliang (China) -67kg Muay Thai Full Rules Calogero Palmeri (Italy) vs Yang Zhou (China) -67kg K-1 rules Ekapop Sor Klinmee (Thailand) vs Nu Er La (China) -80kg K-1 rules Runmai Mo Tammachat (Thailand) vs Ji Wenhao Muay Thai Full Rules 58kg Igor Klimovich (Belarus) vs Li Ning (China) K-1 rules -60kg Kamel Meztani (France) Guo Xi Chuang (China) -74kg K-1 rules Philaphaeng Walchart (Thailand) vs Deng Ze Qi (China) -65kg Muay Thai Full Rules Gustavo Ferreira De Oliveira Mendes (Brasil) vs Zhou Tao (China) -70kg K-1 rules **ITALIANO** Yokkao 9 si terrà a Xinyang (Cina) sabato 27 Maggio 2014. Il main event sarà un match rivoluzionario tra due leggende delle arti marziali: superstar -70kg della Muay Thai Sudsakorn Sor Klinmee vs il Monaco Shaolin Yi Long. L'evento verrà trasmesso per i fans italiani nel canale Nuvolari Sport. Buy Yokkao in UK at http://www.thaiboxingstore.co.uk/ Buy Yokkao in Europe at http://www.muaythaicombat.com/ Buy Yokkao in USA: http://www.yokkao.com/shop Buy Yokkao in Netherlands: http://www.allcombatsports.eu/ Buy Yokkao in Brazil at http://www.facebook.com/muaythaicombatbrasil Buy Yokkao in Hong Kong: www.8boxing.com Acquista l'attrezzatura Yokkao in Italia nel sito http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ Follow Yokkao on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/yokkaoboxing *** ABOUT YOKKAO BOXING *** Yokkao Boxing is the leading Muay Thai brand name made in Thailand with headquarters in Bangkok and offices in Bangkok, Hong Kong, Republic of San Marino, London, Amsterdam, San Francisco and Sao Paulo. Yokkao Boxing is the official sponsor of the top Muay Thai fighters from around the world. The company works on Muay Thai with 360° of dedicated specialized departments in events & promotions recognized by fans as the best in the world. *** CHI E' MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat è la più grande azienda al mondo specializzata nella vendita di attrezzatura per Muay Thai e MMA multimarchio. La sede centrale di Muay Thai Combat si trova nella Repubblica di San Marino. Con un incremento di fatturato pari al 600% dalla data di apertura (2008), nel 2012 Muay Thai Combat ha iniziato una formula di franchising aprendo negozi in Italia (Milano, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. di San Marino), Brasile (San Paolo) e Stati Uniti (San Francisco) L'azienda opera a 360 gradi nella promozione della Muay Thai. Muay Thai Combat è partner ufficiale degli eventi Yokkao e distributore esclusivo per l'Europa e gli Stati Uniti del marchio Yokkao Boxing. Stefania Picelli, CEO di Muay Thai Combat, organizza e promuove i più grandi eventi al mondo di Muay Thai e K-1 rules denominati "Yokkao" e "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europa, Brasile, Stati Uniti e Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ *** ABOUT MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat is the largest company selling Muay Thai & MMA gear throughout the world. The Muay Thai Combat headquarter's is located in Republic of San Marino. Increasing its turnover by more than 600% from the opening (2008), on 2012 Muay Thai Combat started a franchising formula opening shops in Italy (Milan, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. of San Marino), USA (San Francisco) and Brazil (Sao Paulo). The company works on combat sports with 360° department dedicated to specializing in events promotions. Muay Thai Combat is the official partner of Yokkao events and the exclusive distributor for Europe and in the U.S.A. of Yokkao Boxing brand. Stefania Picelli, the CEO of Muay Thai Combat, organizes and promotes the biggest Muay Thai and K-1 rules events in the world named "Yokkao" and "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europe, USA and Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.com/- published: 24 May 2014
- views: 3228

YOKKAO 7: Imwiset Pornnarai vs Umar Semata FULL-HD
Imwiset Pornnarai vs Umar Semata -67kg Muay Thai Full Rules. MUAY THAI COMBAT MANIA YOKKAO...
published: 31 May 2014
YOKKAO 7: Imwiset Pornnarai vs Umar Semata FULL-HD
YOKKAO 7: Imwiset Pornnarai vs Umar Semata FULL-HD
Imwiset Pornnarai vs Umar Semata -67kg Muay Thai Full Rules. MUAY THAI COMBAT MANIA YOKKAO 7 took place On February 19, 2014 at Pattaya World Boxing Stadium (Pattaya - Thailand) helding a full house event with the living legends of Muay Thai. Read the full article results on Muay Thai Combat Blog: http://www.muaythaicombat.com/muay-thai-blog/yokkao-7-perfect-equilibrium/ Leggi l'articolo con tutti i risultati di YOKKAO 7 nel blog di Muay Thai Combat: http://www.muaythaicombat.it/muay-thai-blog/yokkao-7-lequilibrio-perfetto/ Buy Yokkao in UK at http://www.thaiboxingstore.co.uk/ Buy Yokkao in Europe at http://www.muaythaicombat.com/ Buy Yokkao in USA: http://www.yokkao.com/shop Buy Yokkao in Netherlands: http://www.allcombatsports.eu/ Buy Yokkao in Brazil at http://www.facebook.com/muaythaicombatbrasil Buy Yokkao in Hong Kong: www.8boxing.com Acquista l'attrezzatura Yokkao in Italia nel sito http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ Follow Yokkao on Twitter http://www.twitter.com/yokkaoboxing *** ABOUT YOKKAO BOXING *** Yokkao Boxing is the leading Muay Thai Gear brand name completly handmade in Thailand with headquarters in Bangkok and offices in Bangkok, Hong Kong, Republic of San Marino, London, Amsterdam, Kunshan (China), San Francisco and Sao Paulo. Yokkao Boxing is the official sponsor of the top Muay Thai fighters from around the world. The company works on Muay Thai with 360° of dedicated specialized departments in events & promotions recognized by fans as the best in the world. *** CHI E' MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat è la più grande azienda al mondo specializzata nella vendita di attrezzatura per Muay Thai e MMA multimarchio. La sede centrale di Muay Thai Combat si trova nella Repubblica di San Marino. Con un incremento di fatturato pari al 600% dalla data di apertura (2008), nel 2012 Muay Thai Combat ha iniziato una formula di franchising aprendo negozi in Italia (Milano, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. di San Marino), Brasile (San Paolo) e Stati Uniti (San Francisco) L'azienda opera a 360 gradi nella promozione della Muay Thai. Muay Thai Combat è partner ufficiale degli eventi Yokkao e distributore esclusivo per l'Europa e gli Stati Uniti del marchio Yokkao Boxing. Stefania Picelli, CEO di Muay Thai Combat, organizza e promuove i più grandi eventi al mondo di Muay Thai e K-1 rules denominati "Yokkao" e "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europa, Stati Uniti e Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.it/ *** ABOUT MUAY THAI COMBAT *** Muay Thai Combat is the largest company selling Muay Thai & MMA gear throughout the world. The Muay Thai Combat headquarter's is located in Republic of San Marino. Increasing its turnover by more than 600% from the opening (2008), on 2012 Muay Thai Combat started a franchising formula opening shops in Italy (Milan, Cagliari, Taranto, Rep. of San Marino), USA (San Francisco) and Brazil (Sao Paulo). The company works on combat sports with 360° department dedicated to specializing in events promotions. Muay Thai Combat is the official partner of Yokkao events and the exclusive distributor for Europe and in the U.S.A. of Yokkao Boxing brand. Stefania Picelli, the CEO of Muay Thai Combat, organizes and promotes the biggest Muay Thai and K-1 rules events in the world named "Yokkao" and "Muay Thai Combat Mania" in Europe, USA, and Asia. http://www.muaythaicombat.com/- published: 31 May 2014
- views: 2190