
Our travels to sites around the Sea of Galilee: Mount Arbel, Yardenit Baptismal Site, Hama...
published: 18 Dec 2011
author: idster
Our travels to sites around the Sea of Galilee: Mount Arbel, Yardenit Baptismal Site, Hamat Tiberias, Maimonidies Tomb, ben Zachai Tomb, Meir Baal HaNes Tomb...- published: 18 Dec 2011
- views: 5411
- author: idster

Jesus, the Bible & the Sea of Galilee
In this episode, Ancient Mysteries looks into the impact of what happened in the bible at ...
published: 11 Dec 2013
Jesus, the Bible & the Sea of Galilee
Jesus, the Bible & the Sea of Galilee
In this episode, Ancient Mysteries looks into the impact of what happened in the bible at the Sea of Galilee. (Biblical Mysteries EP02) The Return of Jesus to Galilee is an episode in the life of Jesus that appears in three of the Canonical Gospels: Matthew 4:12, Mark 1:14 and John 4:1-3. It relates the return of Jesus to Galillee upon the imprisonment of John the Baptist. According to the Gospel of John: The Pharisees heard that Jesus was gaining and baptizing more disciples than John, although in fact it was not Jesus who baptized, but his disciples. When the Lord learned of this, he left Judea and went back once more to Galilee. In the Gospel, this episode takes place after the Baptism of Jesus and the Temptation of Jesus and marks the beginning of the public ministry of Jesus in Galilee, as he begins to preach there. Galilee (Hebrew: הגליל HaGalil, lit: the province, Ancient Greek: Γαλιλαία, Latin: Galilaea, Arabic: الجليل al-Jalīl) is a large region in northern Israel which overlaps with much of the administrative North District and Haifa District of the country. Traditionally divided into Upper Galilee (Hebrew: גליל עליון Galil Elyon), Lower Galilee (Hebrew: גליל תחתון Galil Tahton), and Western Galilee (Hebrew: גליל מערבי Galil Ma'aravi), extending from Dan to the north, at the base of Mount Hermon, along Mount Lebanon to the ridges of Mount Carmel and Mount Gilboa north of Jenin and Tulkarm to the south, and from the Jordan Rift Valley to the east across the plains of the Jezreel Valley and Acre to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and the Coastal Plain in the west. According to the Hebrew Bible, the Galilee was named by the Israelites and was the tribal region of Naphthali and Dan at times overlapping Usher's land, however Dan was dispersed among the whole people rather than isolated to the lands of Dan, the caste of the Tribe of Dan were as the hereditary local law enforcement and judiciary for the whole nation. Normally, the Galilee is just referred to as Nafthali. Chapter 9 of Isaiah, and verified by Josephus as the belief of the Jews, that Solomon later rewarded his Phoenecian ally, King Hiram I, the Galilee for the nations. So that he could recipricate previous gifts given to David, he accepted the upland plain among the mountains of Naphtali. Hiram renamed it "the land of Cabul" for a time. The region's Israelite name is from the Hebrew root galil, an ultimately unique word for "district", and usually "circle", a noun which has standardized since antiquity in Hebrew grammar, to be in the construct state, and requires a genitival noun. Hence the Biblical "Galilee of the non-Jewish Nations", Hebrew "galil goyim" (Isaiah 9:1), it previously had other suffixes and following the end of the Phoenecian Empire had different suffixes to the Hebrew culture and its derivatives interchangeably. The "nations" would have been the foreigners who came to settle there, during and after Hiram I of Sidon, or who had been forcibly deported there by later conquerors such as the Assyrians. The region in turn gave rise the English name for the legendary "Sea of Galilee" referred to as such in many languages including ancient Arabic, however the Jews maintained other Hebrew names for the lake, usually Kinneret (Numbers 34:11, etc.), from Hebrew kinnor, "harp", describing its shape, Lake of Gennesaret (Luke 5:1, etc.), from Ginosar (Hebrew) ge, "valley", and either netser, "branch", or natsor, "to guard", "to watch" (the name which may have been a reference to Nazareth city, alternatively renamed the Sea of Tiberias (John 6:1, etc.), from the town of Tiberias at its southwestern end, named after the Greek Tiberius following the 1st-century AD Roman Emperor's Greek derived name. Which are the three names used in originally internal Jewish authored literature rather than the "Sea of Galilee". However, Jews did use "the Galilee" to refer to the whole region (Aramaic הגלילי), including its lake. In Roman times, the country was divided into Judea, Samaria, and Galilee, which comprised the whole northern section of the country, and was the largest of the three regions under the tetrarchy. When Iudaea became a Roman province, formed from a merger of Judea, Samaria and Idumea, Galilee was briefly a part of it, then separated from it for two to three centuries. The Galilee region was presumably the home of Jesus during at least 30 years of his life. The first three Gospels of the New Testament are mainly an account of Jesus' public ministry in this province, particularly in the towns of Nazareth and Capernaum. Galilee is also cited as the place where Jesus cured a blind man.- published: 11 Dec 2013
- views: 2

Sea of Galilee Disappearing at an Alarming Rate
The Israeli media sounds the alarm time and again: "There is no water," "Water consumption...
published: 09 Feb 2011
Sea of Galilee Disappearing at an Alarming Rate
Sea of Galilee Disappearing at an Alarming Rate
The Israeli media sounds the alarm time and again: "There is no water," "Water consumption should be reduced." Since the main source of water in Israel is the Sea of Galilee, we went out to investigate and indeed found a very sad sight. The Sea of Galilee, or as it is called in Israel "Lake Kinneret," is in fact the only natural water reservoir in the country. This lake has great historical significance and is supposed to provide the water for most of the population in Israel. However, in recent years its water level has dropped sharply. Is there true cause for concern? [Mayer Melman, Boat Owner]: "I remember how its color used to be a stronger blue and the water was cleaner. Can you see the water line? Almost five-and-a-half meters are missing." Fisherman from Tiberias]: "All this was full of water. It was full. Seven, eight years ago this was its maximum height, and slowly it began to drop." We turned to the authority responsible for providing water to the population, hoping to learn why is there so much less water in Lake Kinneret today. [Uri Shor, Water Authority Spokesman]: "It's simply that there is less rain. Something has changed, something has happened. We're talking about the whole region. The whole region is thirsty for water... I am very worried by the lack of rain and about the drop of water level both in Lake Kinneret and in other water sources. This is the seventh year in a row without substantial rain. We're at the end of January in a clear, beautiful day, with no rain." We learned further that the whole region of the Middle East shares the same plight as that of Lake Kinneret. [Uri Shor, Water Authority Spokesman]: "The whole drainage basin of the Kinneret is a very large area that includes a part of Israel, part of Lebanon, and a part of Syria. This means that all of this huge area that is supposed to nourish this lake also suffers from lack of rain." We expressed our concern, asking whether the situation is indeed so serious. [Uri Shor, Water Authority Spokesman]: "It's been a long while since we had reached the bottom red line of the Kinneret and are beneath it. This is a line we wish very hard not to have reached at all. The bottom red line is the water level under which processes begin to take place, ones that are causing damage to the quality of the water and danger to this whole water source." The reduction in water quantity of the Sea of Galilee has many implications, pertaining to more than just drinking water. [Uri Shor, Water Authority Spokesman]: "Part of the concern of reaching low levels is that the whole fabric of fauna and flora may sustain permanent damage." And indeed, fishermen that we met seemed to be deeply worried. [Fisherman from Tiberias]: "This situation has serious effects on the fish. They should be coming close to the shore to lay their eggs, but they are not coming now." [Meyer Melman, Boat Owner]: "When there was water and it was cleaner you could drop a net anywhere and catch fish, huge quantities of them. Now the fish are extinct, everything here starts to disappear." People's livelihood is affected, too. [Meyer Melman, Boat Owner]: "People in Tiberias used to make their living mostly from fishing. Today, sadly, there are no fish, the water level is going down, the old fishermen are tired. Only a few have remained here." And what does Kinneret's Water Authority Spokesman think of the current condition? [Uri Shor, Water Authority Spokesman]: "it's obvious that when the water level is dropping and the level of saltiness goes up, changes would occur in all aspects of life in the lake and certainly that could result in a total reversal wherein the lake would become a dead lake. There is no denying that this is a big problem, and I am very worried." For more news and videos visit ☛ http://english.ntdtv.com Follow us on Twitter ☛ http://twitter.com/NTDTelevision Add us on Facebook ☛ http://on.fb.me/s5KV2C- published: 09 Feb 2011
- views: 108602

Mysterious STONE MONUMENT discovered in the Sea of Galilee
"A giant "monumental" stone structure discovered beneath the waters of the Sea of Galilee ...
published: 15 Apr 2013
author: MLordandGod
Mysterious STONE MONUMENT discovered in the Sea of Galilee
Mysterious STONE MONUMENT discovered in the Sea of Galilee
"A giant "monumental" stone structure discovered beneath the waters of the Sea of Galilee in Israel has archaeologists puzzled as to its purpose and even how...- published: 15 Apr 2013
- views: 1550
- author: MLordandGod

The GALILEE Tour in Israel- Go2Israel HD Video.mpg
The Galilee vacation means to travel in Galileein Israel and enjoy the perfect escape to n...
published: 15 Jul 2010
The GALILEE Tour in Israel- Go2Israel HD Video.mpg
The GALILEE Tour in Israel- Go2Israel HD Video.mpg
The Galilee vacation means to travel in Galileein Israel and enjoy the perfect escape to nature and visit many of Galilee attractions of historical and spiritual interest.Go2Israel offers private tours as well as one or more days tour to Galilee, and will tailor your tour to every interest you have.- published: 15 Jul 2010
- views: 4052

L'affaire Galilee
Galilée et la science moderne: Dans cette vidéo pédagogique, l'historien de sciences Jérôm...
published: 23 May 2012
author: Unisciel
L'affaire Galilee
L'affaire Galilee
Galilée et la science moderne: Dans cette vidéo pédagogique, l'historien de sciences Jérôme Lamy s'appui sur les textes originaux pour replacer l'affaire Gal...- published: 23 May 2012
- views: 3676
- author: Unisciel

Jesus In The Galilee (Bible History Documentary)
Jesus In The Galilee (Bible History Documentary)
Take a journey of discovery to the timel...
published: 18 Mar 2014
Jesus In The Galilee (Bible History Documentary)
Jesus In The Galilee (Bible History Documentary)
Jesus In The Galilee (Bible History Documentary) Take a journey of discovery to the timeless landscapes that bear witness to Christ's ministry, where he is said to have chosen his disciples, on the sea where he walked upon the water of the Galilee. What secrets may reside in these hills where Jesus once taught? Can new findings tell us more about the missing years of Jesus' life? Do the four gospels hold clues to the evidence of Christ's teachings that we can still investigate today? Is there a fifth gospel that could be what the others are not, an eyewitness account of Jesus' life? See how recent archeological discoveries are shedding new light on this mystical place, and on the life of Jesus Christ.- published: 18 Mar 2014
- views: 82

Karat Kid ft. Patoranking - Galilee [Official Video]
From the stables of Paper Trail Records comes this smashing video "Galilee" by Karat Kid f...
published: 11 Apr 2014
Karat Kid ft. Patoranking - Galilee [Official Video]
Karat Kid ft. Patoranking - Galilee [Official Video]
From the stables of Paper Trail Records comes this smashing video "Galilee" by Karat Kid featuring Patoranking. Shot and directed by Patrick Elis.- published: 11 Apr 2014
- views: 6006

Israel turning Desert Green = Gog Magog)Yajooj Majooj drinking and drying Sea of Galilee
Israel turning Desert Green = Yajooj wa Majooj/ Gog Magog drinking & drying Sea of Galilee...
published: 21 Dec 2013
Israel turning Desert Green = Gog Magog)Yajooj Majooj drinking and drying Sea of Galilee
Israel turning Desert Green = Gog Magog)Yajooj Majooj drinking and drying Sea of Galilee
Israel turning Desert Green = Yajooj wa Majooj/ Gog Magog drinking & drying Sea of Galilee : Major Sign of Emergence of Dajjal "...Tamim Dari said, 'When it named a man for us, we fled away from it lest it might be the devil. Then we hurriedly went on until we entered the monastery and found a big-bodied man whom we had never seen before. He was firmly tied up, his hands tied to his neck, the place between his knees, and joints tied up with iron chains.' We asked, 'Woe to thee! What are thou?' He replied, 'You have the power to get my information. Inform me about yourselves. ' They replied, 'We are people from Arabia, we embarked upon a sea boat, but the sea waves played with us for a month and threw us onto this island. A beast of coarse hairs met us and said, 'I am a spy. Go to the man in the monastery.' So we approached you hurriedly. He asked, 'Tell me about the trees of Baisan. Do they bear fruit?.' 'Yes' We replied. He said, 'Behold! Soon they will not yield fruit.' He asked, 'Inform me of the lake of Tiberias. Is there water in it?' We replied, 'It is full of water.' He informed us, 'Soon its water will disappear.' He then asked, 'Inform me of the fountain of Zugara. Is there water in it and do its inhabitants irrigate with the water of the fountain?' 'Yes, it is full of water and it's inhabitants irrigate from its water. He asked, 'Inform me of the Prophet of the illiterates. What does he do?' We said, 'He has just come out of Makkah and gone to Yathrib.' He asked, 'Have the Arabs fought with him?' 'Yes' We replied. He asked, 'How did he treat them' We informed him that he had got the upper hand of those of the Arabs who opposed him and they obeyed him. He said, 'Behold! It is better for them if they obey him. As for myself I am certainly the Anti-Christ and it is near that an order will be passed for me to come out. I shall then come out and travel the world. I shall leave no village at which I shall not land within 40 nights except Makkah and Taibah, which will be forbidden to me. Whenever I wish to enter one of the two, an angel with a sword in his hand will encounter me and prevent me therefrom. There will be angels on every side to guard it. The apostle of Allah struck his pulpit with his staff and said, 'This is Taibah meaning Madinah. Behold! Did I not tell you?' 'Yes' they replied. 'Behold, he is in the Syrian sea or sea of Yemen; no, rather he is from the eastern direction. He then pointed out with his hand to wards the East.' [Sahih Muslim]- published: 21 Dec 2013
- views: 129

It was Christmas eve in a little Texas town, The snow was falling softly to the ground, Ou...
published: 19 Feb 2013
author: 747orangejuice
It was Christmas eve in a little Texas town, The snow was falling softly to the ground, Outside a little chapel stood a man, With sightless eyes, a candle in...- published: 19 Feb 2013
- views: 150
- author: 747orangejuice

published: 10 Apr 2013
"GIANT STONE STRUCTURE FOUND IN SEA OF GALILEE THE END TIMES FALLEN ANGELS" What is this giant cone shaped structure? Why are there so many UFO sightings? Ho...- published: 10 Apr 2013
- views: 6228

Emmylou Harris & The Peasall Sisters - On The Sea Of Galilee
Emmylou Harris & The Peasall Sisters - On The Sea Of Galilee (written by A.P. Carter) f...
published: 12 Jan 2013
Emmylou Harris & The Peasall Sisters - On The Sea Of Galilee
Emmylou Harris & The Peasall Sisters - On The Sea Of Galilee
Emmylou Harris & The Peasall Sisters - On The Sea Of Galilee (written by A.P. Carter) from the album "The Unbroken Circle - The Musical Heritage Of The Carter Family" (2004) Over the past five years, the Peasall Sisters—Sarah,Hannah and Leah have earned GRAMMY and CMA Awards for their part in the blockbuster O Brother, Where Art Thou? movie and soundtrack, and performed at such esteemed venues as Carnegie Hall and Radio City Music Hall with the acclaimed Down From the Mountain tour, in addition to the Grand Ole Opry.- published: 12 Jan 2013
- views: 17918

Mysterious Structure Found At The Bottom Of Sea Of Galilee
Mysterious Structure Found At Bottom Of Sea Of Galilee. Mysterious Sea of Galilee stone st...
published: 20 Apr 2013
author: ihcker
Mysterious Structure Found At The Bottom Of Sea Of Galilee
Mysterious Structure Found At The Bottom Of Sea Of Galilee
Mysterious Structure Found At Bottom Of Sea Of Galilee. Mysterious Sea of Galilee stone structure part of ancient 'well-organized society' - Israeli scientis...- published: 20 Apr 2013
- views: 1225
- author: ihcker

Groundation - Golan To Galilee
Música do novo álbum "Here I Am" Song from the new album "Here I Am"...
published: 22 Jul 2009
author: Victor X.
Groundation - Golan To Galilee
Groundation - Golan To Galilee
Música do novo álbum "Here I Am" Song from the new album "Here I Am"- published: 22 Jul 2009
- views: 31922
- author: Victor X.
Youtube results:

Galilee Solicitors - TIPT Case Study - Telstra Enterprise
By unifying Galilee's communications system using Telstra IP Telephony (TIPT), Ralph was a...
published: 01 Nov 2013
Galilee Solicitors - TIPT Case Study - Telstra Enterprise
Galilee Solicitors - TIPT Case Study - Telstra Enterprise
By unifying Galilee's communications system using Telstra IP Telephony (TIPT), Ralph was able to improve the efficiency and responsiveness of Galilee's operations. And the results speak for themselves: • Long-term productivity gains of an estimated 1 hour per day • Saved approximately $500,000 in upfront equipment costs • Being able to set a target of zero missed calls. We believe in the Clever Australian, and want to create partnerships that ensure Australian thinking and skills have an even brighter future. Find out more: http://www.telstra.com/enterprise/galilee More case studies: http://www.telstra.com/customercasestudies- published: 01 Nov 2013
- views: 55783

Aliens Reveal Jesus Near The Sea Of Galilee? 2013 HD
Very interesting picture I received in my inbox a few days ago. It purports to show Jesus ...
published: 02 Oct 2013
Aliens Reveal Jesus Near The Sea Of Galilee? 2013 HD
Aliens Reveal Jesus Near The Sea Of Galilee? 2013 HD
Very interesting picture I received in my inbox a few days ago. It purports to show Jesus and some of his disciples walking near the sea of Galilee. More Here: http://www.adguk-blog.com/2013/10/aliens-reveal-jesus-near-sea-of-galilee.html ADG Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Alien-Disclosure-Group/189249627773146 Follow ADG on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ADG_UK- published: 02 Oct 2013
- views: 30625

The Carter Family- On the Sea Of Galilee
On the Sea Of Galilee- The Carter Family....
published: 08 Dec 2008
author: baasting
The Carter Family- On the Sea Of Galilee
The Carter Family- On the Sea Of Galilee
On the Sea Of Galilee- The Carter Family.- published: 08 Dec 2008
- views: 96098
- author: baasting

Bethlehem, Galilee, Gethsemane [Live]
Music video by Bill & Gloria Gaither performing Bethlehem, Galilee, Gethsemane (feat. Russ...
published: 21 Sep 2012
author: GaitherVEVO
Bethlehem, Galilee, Gethsemane [Live]
Bethlehem, Galilee, Gethsemane [Live]
Music video by Bill & Gloria Gaither performing Bethlehem, Galilee, Gethsemane (feat. Russ Taff) [Live]. (P) (C) 2012 Spring House Music Group. All rights re...- published: 21 Sep 2012
- views: 2054
- author: GaitherVEVO