
UNICEF: Schools for Africa Rwanda: Sports and development - Gilbert
Schools for Africa, a partnerhsip between UNICEF, the Nelson Mandela Foundation and the Ha...
published: 27 May 2009
author: unicef
UNICEF: Schools for Africa Rwanda: Sports and development - Gilbert
UNICEF: Schools for Africa Rwanda: Sports and development - Gilbert
Schools for Africa, a partnerhsip between UNICEF, the Nelson Mandela Foundation and the Hamburg Society, aims to benefit 8 million more children by creating ...- published: 27 May 2009
- views: 2118
- author: unicef

UNICEF: Schools for Africa - Rwanda - Sports and Development
Schools for Africa, a partnerhsip between UNICEF, the Nelson Mandela Foundation and the Ha...
published: 01 Jun 2009
author: unicef
UNICEF: Schools for Africa - Rwanda - Sports and Development
UNICEF: Schools for Africa - Rwanda - Sports and Development
Schools for Africa, a partnerhsip between UNICEF, the Nelson Mandela Foundation and the Hamburg Society, aims to benefit 8 million more children by creating ...- published: 01 Jun 2009
- views: 1532
- author: unicef

Star School Music & Sports Program, Masaka, Rwanda
On September 21st - Playing For Change Day 2013 - the Playing For Change Foundation launch...
published: 10 Jan 2014
Star School Music & Sports Program, Masaka, Rwanda
Star School Music & Sports Program, Masaka, Rwanda
On September 21st - Playing For Change Day 2013 - the Playing For Change Foundation launched a new music and sports program in Masaka, a village near Rwanda's capital city, Kigali. The program takes place at Star School, a primary and secondary school founded by Bishop Nathan Amooti that now provides education for more than 300 underprivileged children. This program continues our commitment to serving orphaned and vulnerable children in Rwanda, and provides access to regular music and dance instruction, in addition to a soccer program.- published: 10 Jan 2014
- views: 80

UNICEF: Schools for Africa - Rwanda - Sports & development 2
Schools for Africa, a partnerhsip between UNICEF, the Nelson Mandela Foundation and the Ha...
published: 01 Jun 2009
author: unicef
UNICEF: Schools for Africa - Rwanda - Sports & development 2
UNICEF: Schools for Africa - Rwanda - Sports & development 2
Schools for Africa, a partnerhsip between UNICEF, the Nelson Mandela Foundation and the Hamburg Society, aims to benefit 8 million more children by creating ...- published: 01 Jun 2009
- views: 941
- author: unicef

Rayon Sport (Rwanda) 2 - 2 AC Léopards (Congo) CAF Champions League 15/12/2014
Rayon Sport (Rwanda) 2 - 2 AC Léopards (Congo) CAF Champions League 15/12/2014
published: 15 Feb 2014
Rayon Sport (Rwanda) 2 - 2 AC Léopards (Congo) CAF Champions League 15/12/2014
Rayon Sport (Rwanda) 2 - 2 AC Léopards (Congo) CAF Champions League 15/12/2014
Rayon Sport (Rwanda) 2 - 2 AC Léopards (Congo) CAF Champions League 15/12/2014 https://www.facebook.com/Almaestrotv- published: 15 Feb 2014
- views: 103

Sports Chanbara in Kigali, Rwanda (3)
We have started Kigali Sports Chanbara Club. Currently, we practice only Kodachi (Short Sw...
published: 14 Oct 2013
Sports Chanbara in Kigali, Rwanda (3)
Sports Chanbara in Kigali, Rwanda (3)
We have started Kigali Sports Chanbara Club. Currently, we practice only Kodachi (Short Sword) because we do not have other staff such as Choken, Tanto and Yari. Before starting Sports Chanbara, we have been practicing Kung-fu, and still continue it. The benefit of Sports Chanbara is to fight with real speed and contact but without any harmful incidents by using soft staff. So, this activity enable us to develop skills to find the moment for attack and to keep an appropriate distance for defense. Anyway, fighting without injury is enjoyable for anyone who is not a professional fighter.- published: 14 Oct 2013
- views: 11

Speech by Rwanda's Minister of Sports and Culture Mitali Protais in Nyanza, Kwibuka Flame Tour
Speech by Rwanda's Minister of Sports and Culture Mitali Protais at the Urumuri Rutazima K...
published: 23 Jan 2014
Speech by Rwanda's Minister of Sports and Culture Mitali Protais in Nyanza, Kwibuka Flame Tour
Speech by Rwanda's Minister of Sports and Culture Mitali Protais in Nyanza, Kwibuka Flame Tour
Speech by Rwanda's Minister of Sports and Culture Mitali Protais at the Urumuri Rutazima Kwibuka Flame Tour stop in Nyanza District. The Urumuri Rutazima (Kwibuka Flame) will travel through Rwanda's thirty districts before reaching Kigali on 7 April 2014, the start of the national mourning period. The flame symbolises remembrance as well as the resilience and courage of Rwandans over the past twenty years. Carried in a simple lamp, it will be used to light other lamps in communities around Rwanda. To mark the 20th commemoration of the Genocide against the Tutsi, all memorial fires throughout the country will stem from this single Kwibuka Flame. On returning to Kigali, President Paul Kagame will use the Kwibuka Flame to light the National Flame of Mourning. This will take place on 7 April 2014, marking the official beginning of the national mourning period. The flame will also be the source of the fire used at the candlelit vigil at Amahoro Stadium on the evening of 7 April 2014. Learn more here: http://www.kwibuka.rw/urumuri-rutazim... http://www.kwibuka.rw- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 3

Speech by Rwanda's Minister of Sports and Culture Mitali Protais in Nyange, Kwibuka Flame Tour
Watch the speech delivered by Rwanda's Minister of Sports and Culture Mitali Protais at th...
published: 21 Jan 2014
Speech by Rwanda's Minister of Sports and Culture Mitali Protais in Nyange, Kwibuka Flame Tour
Speech by Rwanda's Minister of Sports and Culture Mitali Protais in Nyange, Kwibuka Flame Tour
Watch the speech delivered by Rwanda's Minister of Sports and Culture Mitali Protais at the Urumuri Rutazima Kwibuka Flame Tour stop in Nyange, Ngororero District. The Urumuri Rutazima (Kwibuka Flame) will travel through Rwanda's thirty districts before reaching Kigali on 7 April 2014, the start of the national mourning period. Community conversations will take place in each district, offering Rwandans the opportunity to reflect on the events of 1994 as well as the country's journey since. Peace education workshops and a countrywide arts competition will also accompany the flame. The flame symbolises remembrance as well as the resilience and courage of Rwandans over the past twenty years. Carried in a simple lamp, it will be used to light other lamps in communities around Rwanda. To mark the 20th commemoration of the Genocide against the Tutsi, all memorial fires throughout the country will stem from this single Kwibuka Flame. On returning to Kigali, President Paul Kagame will use the Kwibuka Flame to light the National Flame of Mourning. This will take place on 7 April 2014, marking the official beginning of the national mourning period. The flame will also be the source of the fire used at the candlelit vigil at Amahoro Stadium on the evening of 7 April 2014. Learn more here: http://www.kwibuka.rw/urumuri-rutazima-kwibuka-flame/ www,kwibuka.rw- published: 21 Jan 2014
- views: 8

Rwanda Youth for Christ - Sports Ministry
As a program of Rwanda Youth for Christ, we are engaging youth through a dynamic, comprehe...
published: 14 May 2012
author: RYFCsports
Rwanda Youth for Christ - Sports Ministry
Rwanda Youth for Christ - Sports Ministry
As a program of Rwanda Youth for Christ, we are engaging youth through a dynamic, comprehensive, and relationally-based sports ministry in Rwanda.- published: 14 May 2012
- views: 196
- author: RYFCsports

Speech by Rwanda's Minister of Sports and Culture Mitali Protais in Kinazi, Kwibuka Flame Tour
Speech by Rwanda's Minister of Sports and Culture Mitali Protais at the Urumuri Rutazima K...
published: 31 Jan 2014
Speech by Rwanda's Minister of Sports and Culture Mitali Protais in Kinazi, Kwibuka Flame Tour
Speech by Rwanda's Minister of Sports and Culture Mitali Protais in Kinazi, Kwibuka Flame Tour
Speech by Rwanda's Minister of Sports and Culture Mitali Protais at the Urumuri Rutazima Kwibuka Flame Tour stop in Kinazi. The Urumuri Rutazima (Kwibuka Flame) will travel through Rwanda's thirty districts before reaching Kigali on 7 April 2014, the start of the national mourning period. The flame symbolises remembrance as well as the resilience and courage of Rwandans over the past twenty years. Carried in a simple lamp, it will be used to light other lamps in communities around Rwanda. To mark the 20th commemoration of the Genocide against the Tutsi, all memorial fires throughout the country will stem from this single Kwibuka Flame. On returning to Kigali, President Paul Kagame will use the Kwibuka Flame to light the National Flame of Mourning. This will take place on 7 April 2014, marking the official beginning of the national mourning period. The flame will also be the source of the fire used at the candlelit vigil at Amahoro Stadium on the evening of 7 April 2014. Learn more here: http://www.kwibuka.rw/urumuri-rutazim... http://www.kwibuka.rw- published: 31 Jan 2014
- views: 5

10 Sport on 19 08 2013 BY YVAN IBUKA GATARI GATARI@@@@ TV 10 RWANDA
published: 22 Sep 2013
10 Sport on 19 08 2013 BY YVAN IBUKA GATARI GATARI@@@@ TV 10 RWANDA
10 Sport on 19 08 2013 BY YVAN IBUKA GATARI GATARI@@@@ TV 10 RWANDA
- views: 21

Discover Rwanda Programme: Meeting with Minister of Sports and Culture of Rwanda
Throughout the Discover Rwanda programme (2010) participants had the opportunity to person...
published: 02 Nov 2010
author: TheOlenkaPolenka
Discover Rwanda Programme: Meeting with Minister of Sports and Culture of Rwanda
Discover Rwanda Programme: Meeting with Minister of Sports and Culture of Rwanda
Throughout the Discover Rwanda programme (2010) participants had the opportunity to personally meet and interview Rwanda's most influential political actors,...- published: 02 Nov 2010
- views: 540
- author: TheOlenkaPolenka

Rayon Sport (Rwanda) 2 - 0 AC Léopards (Congo) CAF Champions League 15/12/2014
Rayon Sport (Rwanda) 2 - 0 AC Léopards (Congo) CAF Champions League 15/12/2014
published: 15 Feb 2014
Rayon Sport (Rwanda) 2 - 0 AC Léopards (Congo) CAF Champions League 15/12/2014
Rayon Sport (Rwanda) 2 - 0 AC Léopards (Congo) CAF Champions League 15/12/2014
Rayon Sport (Rwanda) 2 - 0 AC Léopards (Congo) CAF Champions League 15/12/2014 https://www.facebook.com/Almaestrotv- published: 15 Feb 2014
- views: 163

Sport Rwanda Festival 2013 (King Edward VI School, Bury St Edmunds)
A showcase of our annual celebration of sport, culture, leadership and participation. In t...
published: 21 Jul 2013
author: kevisburystedmunds
Sport Rwanda Festival 2013 (King Edward VI School, Bury St Edmunds)
Sport Rwanda Festival 2013 (King Edward VI School, Bury St Edmunds)
A showcase of our annual celebration of sport, culture, leadership and participation. In the process, our students raise money to support education projects ...- published: 21 Jul 2013
- views: 219
- author: kevisburystedmunds
Vimeo results:

In summer of 2012, Mammoth spent two weeks in Rwanda, Africa filming for the country's tou...
published: 15 Jan 2013
author: MAMMOTH
In summer of 2012, Mammoth spent two weeks in Rwanda, Africa filming for the country's tourism department.
After delivering the finished video, we decided to create another edit to include all the bonus footage and outtakes.
This video is NOT the edit currently playing in their airports and welcome centers.
If you wish to visit this beautiful country, contact us and we'll put you in touch with our guide, Amani.
Music in this portfolio edit:
"Equestrian" by U.S. Royalty
"Still Life" by The Horrors
Created by MammothMedia.tv

Paralympics - London 2012 - Sport doesn't care who you are - Everyone can take part - Samsung
published: 02 Sep 2012
author: NPC Rwanda
Paralympics - London 2012 - Sport doesn't care who you are - Everyone can take part - Samsung

Unforgiven: Rwanda
How can a victim forgive a killer?
This is a first teaser I made as a result of a research...
published: 28 Aug 2013
author: Augustin Pictures
Unforgiven: Rwanda
How can a victim forgive a killer?
This is a first teaser I made as a result of a research trip to Rwanda in April 2013. At the moment we are in the fundraising process before we start the production of a feature length documentary coming in 2014.
Directed, Filmed and Edited by Lukas Augustin
Music: "Slip Away" by Josh Garrels
Shot in Rwanda with the Canon C100 in 2013
Augustin Pictures:
more information and production photos:

September Campaign 2012 Trailer: Rwanda
This September, we're celebrating charity: water's sixth birthday by tackling the water cr...
published: 14 Aug 2012
author: charity: water
September Campaign 2012 Trailer: Rwanda
This September, we're celebrating charity: water's sixth birthday by tackling the water crisis in Rwanda. People here have overcome the worst of humanity and rebuilt their country, but women and children still walk for hours every day just to collect dirty water. Now the people of Rwanda are working to give clean, safe water to everyone. You can help. Visit www.charitywater.org/september to learn more.
Video by: Jamie Pent @jazzyjamieleigh / Paul Pryor / Jon Reisinger
Music by: Dustin O'Halloran, Josh Ralph, Jon Steinmeier
Post-Audio/Final Mix: Claymore Pictures
Youtube results:

Sports Chanbara in Kigali, Rwanda (4)
We have started Kigali Sports Chanbara Club. Currently, we practice only Kodachi (Short Sw...
published: 21 Oct 2013
Sports Chanbara in Kigali, Rwanda (4)
Sports Chanbara in Kigali, Rwanda (4)
We have started Kigali Sports Chanbara Club. Currently, we practice only Kodachi (Short Sword) because we do not have other staff such as Choken, Tanto and Yari. Before starting Sports Chanbara, we have been practicing Kung-fu, and still continue it. The benefit of Sports Chanbara is to fight with real speed and contact but without any harmful incidents by using soft staff. So, this activity enable us to develop skills to find the moment for attack and to keep an appropriate distance for defense. Anyway, fighting without injury is enjoyable for anyone who is not a professional fighter.- published: 21 Oct 2013
- views: 2

Sports Chanbara in Kigali, Rwanda (2)
We have started Kigali Sports Chanbara Club. Currently, we practice only Kodachi (Short Sw...
published: 14 Oct 2013
Sports Chanbara in Kigali, Rwanda (2)
Sports Chanbara in Kigali, Rwanda (2)
We have started Kigali Sports Chanbara Club. Currently, we practice only Kodachi (Short Sword) because we do not have other staff such as Choken, Tanto and Yari. Before starting Sports Chanbara, we have been practicing Kung-fu, and still continue it. The benefit of Sports Chanbara is to fight with real speed and contact but without any harmful incidents by using soft staff. So, this activity enable us to develop skills to find the moment for attack and to keep an appropriate distance for defense. Anyway, fighting without injury is enjoyable for anyone who is not a professional fighter.- published: 14 Oct 2013
- views: 3

Rwanda Sports Club
Video of RSC soccer team from Montreal. Site managed by Aboubacar HABAKURAMA....
published: 11 Aug 2007
author: rsconline
Rwanda Sports Club
Rwanda Sports Club
Video of RSC soccer team from Montreal. Site managed by Aboubacar HABAKURAMA.- published: 11 Aug 2007
- views: 1421
- author: rsconline

Eritrea TV Sport Report - Tour of Rwanda 2013 - Stage 1 - Metkel Eyob
Eritrea TV Sport Report Tour of Rwanda 2013 - Stage 1 - Metkel Eyob. More videos of Eri-...
published: 20 Nov 2013
Eritrea TV Sport Report - Tour of Rwanda 2013 - Stage 1 - Metkel Eyob
Eritrea TV Sport Report - Tour of Rwanda 2013 - Stage 1 - Metkel Eyob
Eritrea TV Sport Report Tour of Rwanda 2013 - Stage 1 - Metkel Eyob. More videos of Eri-TV @ http://www.eritrea-chat.com or http://www.youtube.com/eritreachat. Add YT Channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=eritreachat Eri-TV Live @ http://www.eritrea-chat.com/eri-tv-live/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/eritrea-chatcom/129151057132514 Twitter: https://twitter.com/eritrean_news G+: https://plus.google.com/b/108360680856241728001/108360680856241728001/posts- published: 20 Nov 2013
- views: 186