O'Grady is an animated television show created by Tom Snyder and Carl Adams and developed for TV by co-star Holly Schlesinger. It used to air on The N in the US, on MTV in Latin America, Nickelodeon in the United Kingdom (first season only), Family Channel in Canada and on 2x2 in Russia. It stars Melissa Bardin Galsky and H. Jon Benjamin, among other Soup2nuts Productions alumni, as high school students Abby, Beth, Harold, and Kevin, and chronicles their lives along with those of other residents of O'Grady, a fictional town which is periodically plagued by "The Weirdness." The Weirdness affects its residents in strange ways such as projecting their private thoughts in bubbles over their heads, or producing clones of themselves every time they get angry.
Although The N no longer airs reruns of the series, episodes can still be viewed on the network's website. Although O'Grady has been never been released on DVD, all episodes are also available for purchase through iTunes, as well as Amazon Video. On July 14, 2013, TeenNick aired reruns of the show.
The O'Grady family, also styled O'Grady of Kilballyowen, is one of Ireland's noble families and surviving Chiefs of the Name. Their title is The O'Grady in English and Ó Grádaigh in Irish. The current Chief of the Name is Henry Thomas Standish O'Grady, The O'Grady, who resides in France.
They belong to the Dál gCais kindred and are distant cousins to the O'Brien dynasty, but have since the Middle Ages been based not in County Clare, from where they originated, but in County Limerick. The (former) seat of the family, Kilballyowen, is near the town of Bruff.
The name Standish was often used by the family; it derives from the marriage in 1633 of Darby O'Grady, The O'Grady, to Faith Standish.
Some of the O'Grady family converted to the Church of Ireland (Anglican Communion) and produced a Bishop of Meath, Hugh Brady. The family also produced some prominent historians such as Standish Hayes O'Grady and Standish James O'Grady.
The now extinct title in the peerage of Ireland, the Viscount Guillamore, was held by the family.