Australian Centre for Indepedent Journalism
Contact us

Australian Centre for Independent Journalism
p: +61 2 9514 2488
f: +61 2 9514 1890

City Campus:
Building 3, Level 5, Room 503 (CB03.05.03)
755 Harris Street, Ultimo
NSW 2007, Australia


Open Justice: Forensic patients in NSW

Under NSW law forensic patients—those who have committed a serious crime but have been found not guilty by reason of mental illness—can’t be identified. But the man known as Patient A is fighting a legal battle for the right to use his own name in the media.  Hear ACIJ Director Tom Morton's report on ABC Background Briefing (20 April 2014).

Where are the women in the media? An investigation into gender and the media
ACIJ researchers Wendy Bacon and Jenna Price are on the project team, which has begun as a partnership between UTS journalism (ACIJ) staff and students and University of Wollongong’s Julie Posetti and students. For further details on the project see

A sceptical climate – media coverage of climate change in Australia
How well is the Australian media reporting climate change? Are Australian audiences getting accurate information? Is the selection of sources fair and accurate?  Public forum 5 March 2014. For details.

The Detention Business: ACIJ Associate lifts lid on Serco contract
ACIJ Research Associate Antony Loewenstein and freelance journalist Paul Farrell obtain the recently published contract under FOI between the Federal Government and the British multinational Serco, which runs all of Australia's detention centres.

Australian newspaper coverage of the 'News of the World' hacking
UTS Journalist academic Jenna Price and journalist and professor with the ACIJ, Wendy Bacon, compared the coverage by the Australian national dailies of the 'News of the World' hacking story.

Living in hell at subsidised rates
In August 2011, Crikey and Reportage Online are published a 5-part special investigation by the Centre of the appalling conditions suffered by people with mental illness in public housing in the western suburbs of Sydney.