Upcoming Events

28 May 2014Anarchist Discussion Group: Confronting sexual violence in the left, facebook event.

Join Anarchist Affinity for a discussion about how we can confront sexual violence in left-wing groups, social movements and our day-to-day lives in a way which empowers sexual violence survivors and attempts to avoid common forms of victim blaming and silencing.

Past Events

19 March 2013Michael Schmidt at Trades Hall, facebook event.

Michael Schmidt is an investigative journalist, an anarchist theorist and a radical historian based in Johannesburg, South Africa. He has been an active participant in the international anarchist milieu for 22 years, including the Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front and the multilingual anarkismo news & analysis website. His major works include ‘Cartography of Revolutionary Anarchism’ (2013, AK Press) and, with Lucien van der Walt, ‘Black Flame: The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism’ (2009, AK Press). The sequel to Black Flame, ‘Global Fire: 150 Fighting Years of International Anarchism and Syndicalism’, will be released by AK Press in 2015. He will be speaking on behalf of the Institute for Anarchist Theory and History, Brazil.

5 December 2013Discussion: Fighting Landlords and Bosses with the Seattle Solidarity Network

SeaSol is a volunteer network of working people who believe in standing up for our rights. Our goal is to support our fellow workers’ strikes and struggles, build solidarity, and organize to deal with specific job, housing, and other problems caused by the greed of the rich and powerful.

7 November 2013Discussion: Counter-culture and Revolutionary Organising

What role does “counter-culture” have to play in building the counter-power of the mass of people in the struggle against sexism, racism, capitalism and other systems of oppression?

3 October 2013Discussion: The Greens and the failure of electoralism

In the aftermath of an election which saw the election of Abbott and the Liberals, and a significant slump in the Greens vote, we’ll be discussing:

Can the Greens’ strategy achieve significant social change?
Is the (further) political degeneration of the Greens inevitable?
Do the Greens offer a real alternative on the environment and refugees?

29 August 2013Bookfair Workshop: Mandatory Detention is State Terrorism

At this year’s Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair, we want to ask the question: what can we, as anarchists, contribute to debates about strategy and ideas in the refugee movement in Australia?

9 August 2013Discussion: class, feminism and intersectionality

“Feminism doesn’t mean female corporate power or a woman President; it means no corporate power and no Presidents… Challenging sexism means challenging all hierarchy — economic, political, and personal. And that means an anarcha-feminist revolution” – Peggy Kornegger.

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