
Victoria University is helping to build strong communities in the western region of Melbourne and beyond. We work in partnership with a broad range of community groups on a diverse portfolio of projects - contact us to discuss how VU might help your organisation make a difference in the community.

In 'Community':

Engaging with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities

Victoria University has significant experience engaging with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities (CALD) through a broad range of activities. Our expertise includes:

  • facilitating productive interactions with the local community
  • addressing significant refugee issues
  • tackling diversity and social inclusion issues
  • helping with access to external funding and sponsorship opportunities
  • working to build community capacity
  • working collaboratively on advocacy and information dissemination projects of importance
  • offering University facilities for Community use on an appropriate commercial basis.

Community and cultural engagement projects

These are just some of the community and cultural engagement projects the University is currently involved in:

Family-based Careers Program for Horn of Africa Students in four African Languages

We work with the Horn of African Communities Network and Centacare to educate families about career and pathway options for students from the Horn of Africa. We worked in partnership to assist the Horn of Africa community and produce a publication that aims to address community concerns about:

  • poor transition into education
  • high attrition rates of students undertaking courses
  • lack of role models and limited information or knowledge about career options
  • lack of knowledge about workplace culture
  • the need to recognise the important place of families in influencing and supporting students' life choices

This project was initiated in 2006 and was the first of its kind in Australia.

The Horn of African Communities Network

VU hosts the Horn of African Communities Network. A VU-African Community Advisory Committee has been formed to discuss and negotiate the education, training and employment needs of the African communities.

Spanish Latin American Welfare Centre

VU in partnerships with CELAS, developed a targeted Aged Care course for 14 students. Eleven out of 14 students obtained work in Aged Care services.

Australian Vietnamese Women Association

"Stories on a Plate" was a Living in Harmony project. The project addressed social isolation and promoted the integration of Vietnamese women into the Australian culture by connecting them with Horn of Africa women. This program established shared activities which is likely to expand to include a 'buddy system'.

East Timor

The University's strategic plan is explicit in its commitment to Timor Leste where the University has had a long involvement and has continued to host the Honorary Consulate of Timor-Leste in Melbourne since before independence. In 2011, VU consolidated its partnership with the National University of Timor-Leste, Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL) and the Dili Institute of Technology (DIT). Joint activities with UNTL, with whom we have had a partnership since 2005, include a biannual conference focusing on issues facing Timor Leste's development, and a 'Timor-Leste, History, Politics and Society' study tour lead by Dr Helen Hill to study the intervening years.

Newly Arrived Migrants & Refugee Communities

In partnership with Centacare, VU established an Education Support Program (Prep to 12 years) in Wyndham Council. The program was establish to assist community groups such as the Karen community with transitioning to the Australian education system.

Indian Community

In partnership with Victoria Police and the Indian communities in the Western Region, we established an Indian Community Reference Group on 21 January 2009. The role of the Reference Group is to identify, implement and monitor projects that can be undertaken to reduce the incidents of violent crime against members of the Indian community.

Muslim Women's Council of Victoria University

VU accommodates the Australia Islamic Women's Council at St. Albans Campus. The group offers VU students and community member's appropriate resources including lessons in Arabic and English.