Samidoun: Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network is a network of organizers and activists, based in North America, working to build solidarity with Palestinian prisoners in their struggle for freedom. We work to raise awareness and provide resources about Palestinian political prisoners, their conditions, their demands, and their work for freedom for themselves, their fellow prisoners, and their homeland. We also work to organize campaigns to make political change and advocate for Palestinian prisoners’ rights and freedoms. Learn more....



Arrest raids throughout West Bank target over 80 Palestinians

Israeli Occupation Forces have been carrying out arrest raids throughout the West Bank and in the Naqab since June 13, when it was reported that three West Bank settlers, a man and two youths, were captured by the Palestinian resistance while hitch-hiking from Gush Etzion (illegal settlement) to Modi’in (another illegal settlement) in the area […]

Internationals hold press conference in Gaza, express solidarity with Palestinian prisoners

by Julie Webb-Pullman from Gaza Scoop Internationals currently resident in Gaza held a press conference on Saturday evening outside the International Committee for the Red Cross to express support from groups in over ten countries for the hunger-striking Palestinian prisoners. Organisers said it was important on the 52nd day of the mass hunger strike to […]

Berlin, June 14: Protest in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners on Hunger Strike

The Palestinian Student Forum in Berlin is organizing a protest in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike. Hundreds of Palestinian prisoners have been consuming only salt and water for over 50 days, demanding an end to administrative detention without charge or trial. The solidarity protest will take place from 3:30 to 5:30 pm at […]

Chicago – Photos and Report: Emergency Vigil for Palestinian Hunger Strikers

Report and photos by Christine Geovanis. For high-res photos, go to Community groups from across Chicago’s Palestinian, Arab and Muslim communities came together Friday evening, June 13, with human rights supporters at an emergency candlelight vigil to support over 100 Palestinian political prisoners on hunger strike in Israeli jails. The hunger strike — a number of […]

Take Action: Free hunger striking Palestinian land defender Abdul-Razeq Faraj!

Abdul-Razeq Farraj is the administrative and financial director of the Union of Agricultural Work Committees, the Palestinian land defense organization that supports Palestinian farmers and fishers to resist and remain steadfast on their land and sea, operating in the West Bank and Gaza. He is now on hunger strike, hospitalized, and imprisoned without charge or […]

June 13, Chicago: Emergency Candlelight Vigil for Palestinian Hunger Strikers

Emergency Candlelight Vigil for Palestinian Hunger Strikers Friday, June 13, 2014 7:00-9:00 PM Water Tower Park – 806 N. Michigan Ave. (corner of Chicago & Michigan Ave.) – Chicago, IL Facebook Event: Convened by the United States Palestinian Community Network (Chicago), Palestine American Council, Al Qasam Mosque along with American Muslims for Palestine, Palestine Solidarity […]

June 12, Dublin: Protest in Solidarity with Palestinian prisoners Mass Hunger Strike

Thu, 12 June 2014, 13:00 Dail Eireann, Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 Facebook Event: There will be a protest in support of the Palestinian detainees on hunger strike in Israeli prisons on Thursday 12th June 2014 from 1pm-2pm outside Dail Eireann (the Irish Parliament), Kildare Street, Dublin 2. Thursday 12th June will mark the 50th […]

Urgent call from administrative detainees on hunger strike: Our will as we await martyrdom

The following statement was released on June 11 from Palestinian administrative detainees on hunger strike for 48 days inside occupation prisons. It was read in a press conference in Gaza by former Palestinian prisoner Allam al-Kaabi, and will be read on June 12 in Beirut by Anwar Yassin, former Lebanese prisoner in occupation prisons during […]

June 13, London: Protest in Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners Mass Hunger Strike

The following protest is being organized by Inminds Palestinian Prisoners Campaign: 13th June – Protest in Solidarity with Palestinian Prisoners Mass Hunger Strike Date: Friday 13th June 2014, 3:00pm – 5:00pm Location: G4S HQ, 105 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QT (Closest public transport: Victoria Tube/Rail station) Facebook Event:, 9th June 2014As the mass hunger strike of […]

June 15, Albuquerque: Teach-in on Palestinian Political Prisoners

There are over 150 Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike. Come out to learn more about this heroic resistance and how we can support Palestine!When: 5pm Sunday June 15 2014Where: 304 Vassar Drive SE Apartment #4 (look for Irish Flag), Albuquerque, NM Facebook event: info email:
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