What We Do

UNDP is the United Nations' development arm and knowledge organisation. In Ethiopia, our programme areas focus on three pillars, namely, Economic Growth & Poverty Reduction, Democractic Governance & Capacity Building, and Climate Resilient Green Growth.

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UNDP Ethiopia 2013 Annual Report

2013 proved to be a year of strong progress for UNDP-supported initiatives that are in line with Ethiopia’s priority areas. One leading priority area is to unleash the full potential of Ethiopia’s still fledgling private sector and UNDP has taken the lead to support the government to set up a national Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) and an Entrepreneurship Development Centre to manage the programme.

Ethiopia Country Economic Brief

The Ethiopian economy has experienced impressive growth performance over the last decade with average GDP growth rate of 11 %, which is about double of the average growth for Sub Saharan Africa. 2012/13 was markedly successful in terms of maintaining macroeconomic stability and fiscal management as witnessed by inflation falling to a single digit, which had been a major challenge in the past two years. The medium term outlook shows that the growth will continue albeit at a slow pace than the previous years.