Valerio de Vita - Artò
Choreography: Gisella Biondo
published: 08 Jun 2007
21 aprile 2013
published: 21 Apr 2013
regione Lazio e Artò
Visita critica ad artò . Ricerca del visitatore dello stand della Regione Lazio
published: 12 Nov 2013
Artò 2010
published: 16 Nov 2010
I 20 dell'Innovazione: CREATIVITA' - ARt-ART-Collection: grande successo ad ArTò
Nuovo appuntamento con I 20 DELL'INNOVAZIONE, martedì 20 novembre alle 17.00
Centro Congressi Ville Ponti di Varese, si parlerà di INDUSTRIA CREATIVA:
la creatività come valore e risorsa per le imprese, case history e opportunità.
Partecipazione gratuita - ISCRIZIONI ONLINE - www.va.camcom.it
ART-ART COLLECTION: un successo alla fiera di Torino ArTò, la collezione degli artigiani artisti Varesini partecipanti alla mostra Art-Art Varese ha suscitato un grande interesse da parte del pubblico torinese.
published: 12 Nov 2012
Artò - Sogni di Carta
Promo spettacolo sogni di carta, compagnia artò
published: 19 Feb 2010
Daniel Robu ArTò Torino 2012
published: 20 Nov 2013
Pesca amb Artò
Pesca amb artó
Firamar 2018- Sant Pol de Mar
Traditional fishing
published: 20 Aug 2018
Fulvio Massano ad ArTò 2013
arte, ingegno e funzionalità
8-10 novembre 2013
Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
published: 06 Nov 2013
Single Trail inediti : Zagro- Alpe Mescia-Cambocciolo-Lauger-Artò
Merlera -Zagro: Sempre spettacolare in mezzo ai faggi con tante tante foglie
Alpe Mescia -Cambocciolo : peccato per alcuni alberi caduti ma anche qui bel percorso.
Cambocciolo-deviazione vs Lauger: Super variante molto molto molto bella. Non è segnalata quindi non ci passa nessuno. Scoperta grazie a Street view di Google.
Rientro ad Artò : percorso pedonale fatto in discesa OK
Artò-Ventraggia : Sentieri discesa vs Ventraggia
published: 18 Apr 2021
Torino: evento ArTò (2017)
L'UNSIC, Unione Nazionale Sindacale Imprenditori e Coltivatori, nasce nel 1996 per iniziativa di alcuni soci fondatori; è un Ente di tipo associativo non commerciale costituito sottoforma di associazione sindacale autonoma, libera ed apolitica.
L'UNSIC si ispira ai principi costituzionali; si impegna a difendere e sostenere le libere istituzioni ed il sistema pluralistico; rifiuta il concetto della politica del sindacalismo di classe; si pone come associazione di base, la cui linea programmatica si definisce nel serio ed aperto confronto delle posizioni e si realizza attraverso la libera elezione delle cariche.
L'UNSIC si configura come associazione apolitica e come garanzia della libertà di coscienza e di attività dei singoli iscritti.
L'autonomia è pertanto fonte stessa della linea org...
published: 26 Apr 2019
videosfilata artò 2012
artò 9-11 novembre 2012
sfilata delle mie creazioni su abiti
published: 26 Nov 2012
published: 11 Apr 2014
Madonna del Sasso frazione Artò (Piemonte regione Lago d'Orta) - slideshow
Artò è una frazione del comune di Madonna del Sasso situata a 607 m s.l.m. Prima di essere aggregata a tale comune il paese fu capoluogo di un comune autonomo.Il paese di Artò è situato a mezza costa sulle pendici che dallo spartiacque tra la Valsesia e il bacino del lago d'Orta scendono verso questo specchio d'acqua. Il torrente Pellino lo separa dal vicino centro abitato di Arola. Il toponimo Artò deriverebbe dal latino ar(c)tus “stretto”; una seconda ipotesi è quella che lo collegherebbe al termine celtico arto- “orso”. (cfr → Artogne e Artegna).
Chiesa parrocchiale: intitolata a San Bernardino da Siena; fu iniziata alla fine del XV secolo e portata a termine in periodo barocco.
Lavatoio pubblico: collocato nella piazza centrale del paese; sul muro del piccolo portico che lo contiene un...
published: 21 May 2015
regione Lazio e Artò
Visita critica ad artò . Ricerca del visitatore dello stand della Regione Lazio
Visita critica ad artò . Ricerca del visitatore dello stand della Regione Lazio
Visita critica ad artò . Ricerca del visitatore dello stand della Regione Lazio
- published: 12 Nov 2013
- views: 19
I 20 dell'Innovazione: CREATIVITA' - ARt-ART-Collection: grande successo ad ArTò
Nuovo appuntamento con I 20 DELL'INNOVAZIONE, martedì 20 novembre alle 17.00
Centro Congressi Ville Ponti di Varese, si parlerà di INDUSTRIA CREATIVA:
la crea...
Nuovo appuntamento con I 20 DELL'INNOVAZIONE, martedì 20 novembre alle 17.00
Centro Congressi Ville Ponti di Varese, si parlerà di INDUSTRIA CREATIVA:
la creatività come valore e risorsa per le imprese, case history e opportunità.
Partecipazione gratuita - ISCRIZIONI ONLINE - www.va.camcom.it
ART-ART COLLECTION: un successo alla fiera di Torino ArTò, la collezione degli artigiani artisti Varesini partecipanti alla mostra Art-Art Varese ha suscitato un grande interesse da parte del pubblico torinese.
Nuovo appuntamento con I 20 DELL'INNOVAZIONE, martedì 20 novembre alle 17.00
Centro Congressi Ville Ponti di Varese, si parlerà di INDUSTRIA CREATIVA:
la creatività come valore e risorsa per le imprese, case history e opportunità.
Partecipazione gratuita - ISCRIZIONI ONLINE - www.va.camcom.it
ART-ART COLLECTION: un successo alla fiera di Torino ArTò, la collezione degli artigiani artisti Varesini partecipanti alla mostra Art-Art Varese ha suscitato un grande interesse da parte del pubblico torinese.
- published: 12 Nov 2012
- views: 33
Artò - Sogni di Carta
Promo spettacolo sogni di carta, compagnia artò
Promo spettacolo sogni di carta, compagnia artò
Promo spettacolo sogni di carta, compagnia artò
- published: 19 Feb 2010
- views: 240
Pesca amb Artò
Pesca amb artó
Firamar 2018- Sant Pol de Mar
Traditional fishing
Pesca amb artó
Firamar 2018- Sant Pol de Mar
Traditional fishing
Pesca amb artó
Firamar 2018- Sant Pol de Mar
Traditional fishing
- published: 20 Aug 2018
- views: 182
Fulvio Massano ad ArTò 2013
arte, ingegno e funzionalità
8-10 novembre 2013
Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
arte, ingegno e funzionalità
8-10 novembre 2013
Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
arte, ingegno e funzionalità
8-10 novembre 2013
Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
- published: 06 Nov 2013
- views: 387
Single Trail inediti : Zagro- Alpe Mescia-Cambocciolo-Lauger-Artò
Merlera -Zagro: Sempre spettacolare in mezzo ai faggi con tante tante foglie
Alpe Mescia -Cambocciolo : peccato per alcuni alberi caduti ma anche qui bel perco...
Merlera -Zagro: Sempre spettacolare in mezzo ai faggi con tante tante foglie
Alpe Mescia -Cambocciolo : peccato per alcuni alberi caduti ma anche qui bel percorso.
Cambocciolo-deviazione vs Lauger: Super variante molto molto molto bella. Non è segnalata quindi non ci passa nessuno. Scoperta grazie a Street view di Google.
Rientro ad Artò : percorso pedonale fatto in discesa OK
Artò-Ventraggia : Sentieri discesa vs Ventraggia
Merlera -Zagro: Sempre spettacolare in mezzo ai faggi con tante tante foglie
Alpe Mescia -Cambocciolo : peccato per alcuni alberi caduti ma anche qui bel percorso.
Cambocciolo-deviazione vs Lauger: Super variante molto molto molto bella. Non è segnalata quindi non ci passa nessuno. Scoperta grazie a Street view di Google.
Rientro ad Artò : percorso pedonale fatto in discesa OK
Artò-Ventraggia : Sentieri discesa vs Ventraggia
- published: 18 Apr 2021
- views: 180
Torino: evento ArTò (2017)
L'UNSIC, Unione Nazionale Sindacale Imprenditori e Coltivatori, nasce nel 1996 per iniziativa di alcuni soci fondatori; è un Ente di tipo associativo non commer...
L'UNSIC, Unione Nazionale Sindacale Imprenditori e Coltivatori, nasce nel 1996 per iniziativa di alcuni soci fondatori; è un Ente di tipo associativo non commerciale costituito sottoforma di associazione sindacale autonoma, libera ed apolitica.
L'UNSIC si ispira ai principi costituzionali; si impegna a difendere e sostenere le libere istituzioni ed il sistema pluralistico; rifiuta il concetto della politica del sindacalismo di classe; si pone come associazione di base, la cui linea programmatica si definisce nel serio ed aperto confronto delle posizioni e si realizza attraverso la libera elezione delle cariche.
L'UNSIC si configura come associazione apolitica e come garanzia della libertà di coscienza e di attività dei singoli iscritti.
L'autonomia è pertanto fonte stessa della linea organizzativa dell'UNSIC e viene da essa affermata come capacità di definire, nei confronti della vita sociale italiana e delle sue espressioni e conformazioni, un proprio giudizio scevro da ogni preconcetto di carattere ideologico o di opportunità politica, per adeguare invece l'azione sindacale alle realistiche valutazioni dei problemi dei lavoratori autonomi ed allo sviluppo economico e civile del paese ricercando, di volta in volta, le soluzioni più razionali, allo scopo di armonizzare interessi della categoria e visione dei problemi della crescita civile della popolazione.
L'UNSIC, Unione Nazionale Sindacale Imprenditori e Coltivatori, nasce nel 1996 per iniziativa di alcuni soci fondatori; è un Ente di tipo associativo non commerciale costituito sottoforma di associazione sindacale autonoma, libera ed apolitica.
L'UNSIC si ispira ai principi costituzionali; si impegna a difendere e sostenere le libere istituzioni ed il sistema pluralistico; rifiuta il concetto della politica del sindacalismo di classe; si pone come associazione di base, la cui linea programmatica si definisce nel serio ed aperto confronto delle posizioni e si realizza attraverso la libera elezione delle cariche.
L'UNSIC si configura come associazione apolitica e come garanzia della libertà di coscienza e di attività dei singoli iscritti.
L'autonomia è pertanto fonte stessa della linea organizzativa dell'UNSIC e viene da essa affermata come capacità di definire, nei confronti della vita sociale italiana e delle sue espressioni e conformazioni, un proprio giudizio scevro da ogni preconcetto di carattere ideologico o di opportunità politica, per adeguare invece l'azione sindacale alle realistiche valutazioni dei problemi dei lavoratori autonomi ed allo sviluppo economico e civile del paese ricercando, di volta in volta, le soluzioni più razionali, allo scopo di armonizzare interessi della categoria e visione dei problemi della crescita civile della popolazione.
- published: 26 Apr 2019
- views: 7
videosfilata artò 2012
artò 9-11 novembre 2012
sfilata delle mie creazioni su abiti
artò 9-11 novembre 2012
sfilata delle mie creazioni su abiti
artò 9-11 novembre 2012
sfilata delle mie creazioni su abiti
- published: 26 Nov 2012
- views: 39
Madonna del Sasso frazione Artò (Piemonte regione Lago d'Orta) - slideshow
Artò è una frazione del comune di Madonna del Sasso situata a 607 m s.l.m. Prima di essere aggregata a tale comune il paese fu capoluogo di un comune autonomo.I...
Artò è una frazione del comune di Madonna del Sasso situata a 607 m s.l.m. Prima di essere aggregata a tale comune il paese fu capoluogo di un comune autonomo.Il paese di Artò è situato a mezza costa sulle pendici che dallo spartiacque tra la Valsesia e il bacino del lago d'Orta scendono verso questo specchio d'acqua. Il torrente Pellino lo separa dal vicino centro abitato di Arola. Il toponimo Artò deriverebbe dal latino ar(c)tus “stretto”; una seconda ipotesi è quella che lo collegherebbe al termine celtico arto- “orso”. (cfr → Artogne e Artegna).
Chiesa parrocchiale: intitolata a San Bernardino da Siena; fu iniziata alla fine del XV secolo e portata a termine in periodo barocco.
Lavatoio pubblico: collocato nella piazza centrale del paese; sul muro del piccolo portico che lo contiene una lapide riporta il seguente brano del romanzo Alpinisti ciabattoni (Achille Giovanni Cagna, 1888): Passarono vicino alle fontane; un bell'arco di acqua viva precipitava gorgogliando nel trogolo colmo, riboccando e travasando in cascatelle e stillicidi argentei; in terra un guazzo viscido, che fra gli interstizi dei ciottoli lucenti rispecchiava il cielo. Gaudenzio volle bere una sorsata, ma quel mestolone di ferro arrugginito gli faceva ripunianza, e preferì il metodo più spiccio. Mise la mano sotto la bocchetta dell'acqua, e vi accostò le labbra; ma nell'incurvarsi, la mano si piegò, e giù nella manica un torrente di acqua gelida..
Su una casa del centro del paese è visibile un dipinto del cinquecento della scuole di Gaudenzio Ferrari.
Artò è una frazione del comune di Madonna del Sasso situata a 607 m s.l.m. Prima di essere aggregata a tale comune il paese fu capoluogo di un comune autonomo.Il paese di Artò è situato a mezza costa sulle pendici che dallo spartiacque tra la Valsesia e il bacino del lago d'Orta scendono verso questo specchio d'acqua. Il torrente Pellino lo separa dal vicino centro abitato di Arola. Il toponimo Artò deriverebbe dal latino ar(c)tus “stretto”; una seconda ipotesi è quella che lo collegherebbe al termine celtico arto- “orso”. (cfr → Artogne e Artegna).
Chiesa parrocchiale: intitolata a San Bernardino da Siena; fu iniziata alla fine del XV secolo e portata a termine in periodo barocco.
Lavatoio pubblico: collocato nella piazza centrale del paese; sul muro del piccolo portico che lo contiene una lapide riporta il seguente brano del romanzo Alpinisti ciabattoni (Achille Giovanni Cagna, 1888): Passarono vicino alle fontane; un bell'arco di acqua viva precipitava gorgogliando nel trogolo colmo, riboccando e travasando in cascatelle e stillicidi argentei; in terra un guazzo viscido, che fra gli interstizi dei ciottoli lucenti rispecchiava il cielo. Gaudenzio volle bere una sorsata, ma quel mestolone di ferro arrugginito gli faceva ripunianza, e preferì il metodo più spiccio. Mise la mano sotto la bocchetta dell'acqua, e vi accostò le labbra; ma nell'incurvarsi, la mano si piegò, e giù nella manica un torrente di acqua gelida..
Su una casa del centro del paese è visibile un dipinto del cinquecento della scuole di Gaudenzio Ferrari.
- published: 21 May 2015
- views: 548
►Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
Seguir a mi vecina: https://www.instagram.com/aandreitamartinez/
Seguir a Carla: https://www.instagram.com/carlahb2/
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzDHuRMEICs
Grupo de Discord: https://discord.gg/N7eJH4R
Mi set up: https://www.amazon.es/shop/artagame
Contacto: ContactoArtaGame@gmail.com
Mi vecina se ha hecho la prueba de embarazo pero no consigo que me diga el resultado, le pido a su mejor amiga que hable con ella para averiguarlo pero está muy rara y a ella tamp...
published: 13 Oct 2021
►Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
Seguir a mi vecina: https://www.instagram.com/aandreitamartinez/
Seguir a Carla: https://www.instagram.com/carlahb2/
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhMwXor-6uc
Grupo de Discord: https://discord.gg/N7eJH4R
Mi set up: https://www.amazon.es/shop/artagame
Contacto: ContactoArtaGame@gmail.com
Mi vecina y su mejor amiga se presentan en casa sin nosotros haberlas invitado pero cuando las recibimos a mi vecina se le cae algo en la puerta, ¡UN TEST DE EMBARAZO!. No sabemos...
published: 12 Oct 2021
Painful Necking Game | بازی دردناک پس گردنی زیاد
پس گردنی زیاد - بازی دردناک
published: 13 Oct 2021
New Game with Guys | Hard Challenges - بازی جدید با بچه ها ( با چالش های سنگین )
آرتا و بازی جدید با بچه ها همراه با چالش های سنگین
published: 11 Oct 2021
ARTA VS KOOROSH 8BALL - بیلیارد آرتا و کوروش
بیلیارد آرتا و کوروش تک دست
published: 07 Oct 2021
Arta Ft Koorosh & Khashayar SR - "Erade Kon" OFFICIAL AUDIO
Arta Ft Koorosh & Khashayar SR - "Erade Kon"
published: 28 Aug 2019
Beer Pong at Arta's House / آیا سپی حریف آرتا تو بیرپانگ میشه ؟
Playing Beer Pong with Arta , Vinak & Rassam
Thanks for watching
published: 09 Jan 2021
Arta - Me shum se gabim (Prod.by Don Arbas)
Produced : Don Arbas
Lyrics by : Arsim Bunjaku
Video : Fab3 Productions
Rec,Mix&Mastering; : Arbasound ™
Bzzz Entertainment - https://smarturl.it/Bzzz
Arbasound - https://smarturl.it/ArbaSound
Arta Bajrami - https://smarturl.it/ArtaBajrami
Don Arbas - https://smarturl.it/Don.Arbas
All Rights Reserved ℗ & © Arbasound ™
published: 09 Jan 2016
Rebecca Ghaderi - ARTA's Birthday VLOG, Part 1 | ولاگ تولد آرتا - قسمت ١
چنل رو سابسکرایب کنید، زنگوله رو هم بزنید تا ویدیو های بعدی رو از دست ندید 🙏🌹
Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3vNlRxs
published: 11 Oct 2021
Arta - Maje
@ONIMA - http://smarturl.it/ONIMA
Arta - Maje
Video: Imagine Films
Music & Produced: @MIXEY MUSIC
Styling: Valdrin Sahiti
Hair and Makeup: Arber Bytyqi MUA
Executive Producer: LAHUTA
#Arta #Lahuta #Maje
published: 02 Apr 2021
►Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
Seguir a Nakar: https://www.instagram.com/nakarinsta/
Seguir a Javi: https://www.tiktok.com/@guuiijj
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8Ij9vv99DE
Grupo de Discord: https://discord.gg/N7eJH4R
Mi set up: https://www.amazon.es/shop/artagame
Contacto: ContactoArtaGame@gmail.com
Nakar está muy unido al niño que he adoptado así que vamos a gastarle una broma. Me pongo de acuerdo con Javi para esconder al niño y que Nakar piense que ha desaparecido de casa...
AVISO: Los ac...
published: 11 Oct 2021
➽CONTINUACION: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
Seguir a Nakar: https://www.instagram.com/nakarinsta/
Seguir a Javi: https://www.tiktok.com/@guuiijj
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCJw-aGmTa8
Grupo de Discord: https://discord.gg/N7eJH4R
Mi set up: https://www.amazon.es/shop/artagame
Contacto: ContactoArtaGame@gmail.com
¡Un niño pequeño ha aparecido en la puerta de mi casa! No sabemos quién lo ha dejado allí pero no podemos dejarlo en la calle. Así que lo metemos en casa, los chicos dicen que debería a...
published: 10 Oct 2021
Fisniket - ARTA
▶️: http://smarturl.it/Baresha
Publisher : Baresha Network
Follow Baresha on...
FB : https://www.smarturl.it/BareshaFB
IG : https://www.smarturl.it/BareshaIG
© & ℗ Baresha Network. All rights reserved
published: 19 May 2007
Arta - I njejti ke mbet (Re-Upload)
Produced : Don Arbas
Lyrics : Arsim Bunjaku
Rec,Mix&Mastering; : Arbasound Studios
Bzzz Entertainment - https://smarturl.it/Bzzz
Arbasound - https://smarturl.it/ArbaSound
Arta Bajrami - https://smarturl.it/ArtaBajrami
Don Arbas - https://smarturl.it/Don.Arbas
All Rights Reserved © & ℗ Arbasound
published: 01 Sep 2014
►Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
Seguir a mi vecina: https://www.instagram.com/aandreitamartine...
►Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
Seguir a mi vecina: https://www.instagram.com/aandreitamartinez/
Seguir a Carla: https://www.instagram.com/carlahb2/
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzDHuRMEICs
Grupo de Discord: https://discord.gg/N7eJH4R
Mi set up: https://www.amazon.es/shop/artagame
Contacto: ContactoArtaGame@gmail.com
Mi vecina se ha hecho la prueba de embarazo pero no consigo que me diga el resultado, le pido a su mejor amiga que hable con ella para averiguarlo pero está muy rara y a ella tampoco se lo dice. Según mi vecina tengo que hacer un acto heroico para que me lo diga...
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
►Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
Seguir a mi vecina: https://www.instagram.com/aandreitamartinez/
Seguir a Carla: https://www.instagram.com/carlahb2/
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzDHuRMEICs
Grupo de Discord: https://discord.gg/N7eJH4R
Mi set up: https://www.amazon.es/shop/artagame
Contacto: ContactoArtaGame@gmail.com
Mi vecina se ha hecho la prueba de embarazo pero no consigo que me diga el resultado, le pido a su mejor amiga que hable con ella para averiguarlo pero está muy rara y a ella tampoco se lo dice. Según mi vecina tengo que hacer un acto heroico para que me lo diga...
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
- published: 13 Oct 2021
- views: 249001
►Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
Seguir a mi vecina: https://www.instagram.com/aandreitamartine...
►Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
Seguir a mi vecina: https://www.instagram.com/aandreitamartinez/
Seguir a Carla: https://www.instagram.com/carlahb2/
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhMwXor-6uc
Grupo de Discord: https://discord.gg/N7eJH4R
Mi set up: https://www.amazon.es/shop/artagame
Contacto: ContactoArtaGame@gmail.com
Mi vecina y su mejor amiga se presentan en casa sin nosotros haberlas invitado pero cuando las recibimos a mi vecina se le cae algo en la puerta, ¡UN TEST DE EMBARAZO!. No sabemos si es por mi o porque ha estado con otro chico mientras estábamos separados pero tenemos que averiguarlo.
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
►Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
Seguir a mi vecina: https://www.instagram.com/aandreitamartinez/
Seguir a Carla: https://www.instagram.com/carlahb2/
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhMwXor-6uc
Grupo de Discord: https://discord.gg/N7eJH4R
Mi set up: https://www.amazon.es/shop/artagame
Contacto: ContactoArtaGame@gmail.com
Mi vecina y su mejor amiga se presentan en casa sin nosotros haberlas invitado pero cuando las recibimos a mi vecina se le cae algo en la puerta, ¡UN TEST DE EMBARAZO!. No sabemos si es por mi o porque ha estado con otro chico mientras estábamos separados pero tenemos que averiguarlo.
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
- published: 12 Oct 2021
- views: 369538
Arta - Me shum se gabim (Prod.by Don Arbas)
Produced : Don Arbas
Lyrics by : Arsim Bunjaku
Video : Fab3 Productions
Rec,Mix&Mastering; : Arbasound ™
Bzzz Entertainment - https://smarturl.it/Bzzz...
Produced : Don Arbas
Lyrics by : Arsim Bunjaku
Video : Fab3 Productions
Rec,Mix&Mastering; : Arbasound ™
Bzzz Entertainment - https://smarturl.it/Bzzz
Arbasound - https://smarturl.it/ArbaSound
Arta Bajrami - https://smarturl.it/ArtaBajrami
Don Arbas - https://smarturl.it/Don.Arbas
All Rights Reserved ℗ & © Arbasound ™
Produced : Don Arbas
Lyrics by : Arsim Bunjaku
Video : Fab3 Productions
Rec,Mix&Mastering; : Arbasound ™
Bzzz Entertainment - https://smarturl.it/Bzzz
Arbasound - https://smarturl.it/ArbaSound
Arta Bajrami - https://smarturl.it/ArtaBajrami
Don Arbas - https://smarturl.it/Don.Arbas
All Rights Reserved ℗ & © Arbasound ™
- published: 09 Jan 2016
- views: 4804798
Rebecca Ghaderi - ARTA's Birthday VLOG, Part 1 | ولاگ تولد آرتا - قسمت ١
چنل رو سابسکرایب کنید، زنگوله رو هم بزنید تا ویدیو های بعدی رو از دست ندید 🙏🌹
Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3vNlRxs
چنل رو سابسکرایب کنید، زنگوله رو هم بزنید تا ویدیو های بعدی رو از دست ندید 🙏🌹
Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3vNlRxs
چنل رو سابسکرایب کنید، زنگوله رو هم بزنید تا ویدیو های بعدی رو از دست ندید 🙏🌹
Subscribe: https://bit.ly/3vNlRxs
- published: 11 Oct 2021
- views: 80656
Arta - Maje
@ONIMA - http://smarturl.it/ONIMA
Arta - Maje
Video: Imagine Films
Music & Produced: @MIXEY MUSIC
Styling: Valdrin Sahiti
Hair and Makeup: Arber Bytyqi MUA
@ONIMA - http://smarturl.it/ONIMA
Arta - Maje
Video: Imagine Films
Music & Produced: @MIXEY MUSIC
Styling: Valdrin Sahiti
Hair and Makeup: Arber Bytyqi MUA
Executive Producer: LAHUTA
#Arta #Lahuta #Maje
@ONIMA - http://smarturl.it/ONIMA
Arta - Maje
Video: Imagine Films
Music & Produced: @MIXEY MUSIC
Styling: Valdrin Sahiti
Hair and Makeup: Arber Bytyqi MUA
Executive Producer: LAHUTA
#Arta #Lahuta #Maje
- published: 02 Apr 2021
- views: 289878
►Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
Seguir a Nakar: https://www.instagram.com/nakarinsta/
Seguir a ...
►Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
Seguir a Nakar: https://www.instagram.com/nakarinsta/
Seguir a Javi: https://www.tiktok.com/@guuiijj
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8Ij9vv99DE
Grupo de Discord: https://discord.gg/N7eJH4R
Mi set up: https://www.amazon.es/shop/artagame
Contacto: ContactoArtaGame@gmail.com
Nakar está muy unido al niño que he adoptado así que vamos a gastarle una broma. Me pongo de acuerdo con Javi para esconder al niño y que Nakar piense que ha desaparecido de casa...
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
►Mi Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
Seguir a Nakar: https://www.instagram.com/nakarinsta/
Seguir a Javi: https://www.tiktok.com/@guuiijj
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8Ij9vv99DE
Grupo de Discord: https://discord.gg/N7eJH4R
Mi set up: https://www.amazon.es/shop/artagame
Contacto: ContactoArtaGame@gmail.com
Nakar está muy unido al niño que he adoptado así que vamos a gastarle una broma. Me pongo de acuerdo con Javi para esconder al niño y que Nakar piense que ha desaparecido de casa...
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
- published: 11 Oct 2021
- views: 466954
➽CONTINUACION: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
Seguir a Nakar: https://www.instagram.com/nakarinsta...
➽CONTINUACION: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
Seguir a Nakar: https://www.instagram.com/nakarinsta/
Seguir a Javi: https://www.tiktok.com/@guuiijj
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCJw-aGmTa8
Grupo de Discord: https://discord.gg/N7eJH4R
Mi set up: https://www.amazon.es/shop/artagame
Contacto: ContactoArtaGame@gmail.com
¡Un niño pequeño ha aparecido en la puerta de mi casa! No sabemos quién lo ha dejado allí pero no podemos dejarlo en la calle. Así que lo metemos en casa, los chicos dicen que debería adoptarlo pero yo no estoy seguro es un niño muy pequeño.
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
➽CONTINUACION: https://www.instagram.com/artamios
Seguir a Nakar: https://www.instagram.com/nakarinsta/
Seguir a Javi: https://www.tiktok.com/@guuiijj
Sigueme en las Redes:
➽ TikTok - https://www.tiktok.com/@artamios?lang=es
➽ Twitter - https://twitter.com/GameArta
➽ Canal Secundario - https://bit.ly/3k1TCXb
➽ Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/artagametv
►Mira el Video de Ayer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCJw-aGmTa8
Grupo de Discord: https://discord.gg/N7eJH4R
Mi set up: https://www.amazon.es/shop/artagame
Contacto: ContactoArtaGame@gmail.com
¡Un niño pequeño ha aparecido en la puerta de mi casa! No sabemos quién lo ha dejado allí pero no podemos dejarlo en la calle. Así que lo metemos en casa, los chicos dicen que debería adoptarlo pero yo no estoy seguro es un niño muy pequeño.
AVISO: Los actos/hechos contados y realizados en el video no coinciden al 100% con la realidad, el personaje de Arta exagera las cosas que pasan en su vida "ficticia". Cualquier acto es actuado y con la intención de entretener a los espectadores que lo ven, no hay segundo transfondo. No imitar las acciones en casa
Quieres ver esto otra vez? Dale like al videos y haremos mas tipos de videos para esta serie!
- published: 10 Oct 2021
- views: 646264
Fisniket - ARTA
▶️: http://smarturl.it/Baresha
Publisher : Baresha Network
Follow Baresha on...
FB : https://www.smarturl.it/BareshaFB
IG : https://www.smarturl.it/Baresha...
▶️: http://smarturl.it/Baresha
Publisher : Baresha Network
Follow Baresha on...
FB : https://www.smarturl.it/BareshaFB
IG : https://www.smarturl.it/BareshaIG
© & ℗ Baresha Network. All rights reserved
▶️: http://smarturl.it/Baresha
Publisher : Baresha Network
Follow Baresha on...
FB : https://www.smarturl.it/BareshaFB
IG : https://www.smarturl.it/BareshaIG
© & ℗ Baresha Network. All rights reserved
- published: 19 May 2007
- views: 167645
Arta - I njejti ke mbet (Re-Upload)
Produced : Don Arbas
Lyrics : Arsim Bunjaku
Rec,Mix&Mastering; : Arbasound Studios
Bzzz Entertainment - https://smarturl.it/Bzzz
Arbasound - https://sm...
Produced : Don Arbas
Lyrics : Arsim Bunjaku
Rec,Mix&Mastering; : Arbasound Studios
Bzzz Entertainment - https://smarturl.it/Bzzz
Arbasound - https://smarturl.it/ArbaSound
Arta Bajrami - https://smarturl.it/ArtaBajrami
Don Arbas - https://smarturl.it/Don.Arbas
All Rights Reserved © & ℗ Arbasound
Produced : Don Arbas
Lyrics : Arsim Bunjaku
Rec,Mix&Mastering; : Arbasound Studios
Bzzz Entertainment - https://smarturl.it/Bzzz
Arbasound - https://smarturl.it/ArbaSound
Arta Bajrami - https://smarturl.it/ArtaBajrami
Don Arbas - https://smarturl.it/Don.Arbas
All Rights Reserved © & ℗ Arbasound
- published: 01 Sep 2014
- views: 3531175
Best File Formats For Saving Digital Art (Photoshop Tutorial)
In this video I'll show you the best file formats to use when saving your digital artwork. You'll learn about lossy/lossless file formats, color spaces, compression, transparency and more. I'm using Photoshop CC, but these tips apply to all digital painting software.
• Custom Brushes for Photoshop: https://youtu.be/OUBD9VOyEpw
• More Photoshop Tutorials: http://aaronrutten.link/Photoshop
• How To Remove A Background From An Image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZV8ON-ED8Uo
• 3D Postcard Effects: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJfmfwl3oGw
► SUBSCRIBE: http://aaronrutten.link/subscribe
► DONATE to support my Channel: http://www.patreon.com/aaronrutten
► WEBSITE: http://www.aaronrutten.com
published: 14 May 2015
Best File Formats For Saving Digital Art
Which image file format should you use for saving digital art? PSD, TIFF, PNG, JPEG??? In this video you will learn the best file formats to use when saving your digital artwork. I'll be demonstrating with Corel Painter, but these principles are applicable to other art software as well.
► Digital Art Tutorials for Beginners: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLo_kbikcLfN_P93T3PZZZx9bs_GsNTPEa
► Digital Art Tips for Better Drawing: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLo_kbikcLfN8UVWUcL0sexJqzwOfbYT31
► File Organization Techniques: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfsqjLD1sDo
► SUBSCRIBE: http://aaronrutten.link/subscribe
published: 07 May 2013
Art File Types
Learn what art files to bring in to convert to embroidery and where to get them. Which files have backgrounds? Which ones have outlines? Which ones do I want?!?!? There are many to choose from and all have different benefits.
published: 15 Feb 2021
e's art tips: #24 On Scanning, Resolution, and File Formats
I filmed this video for my students, but maybe it will help you too. It gets into the nuances of resolution, how to choose it, how to work with it, and why it's important. (Sorry for the sound hiccup at 1:45 - can't seem to fix it!)
If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe to this channel and my newsletter to be updated on new videos, read author/illustrator interviews, and get a free coloring page each week at http://dulemba.com/index_newsletter.html
I am a children's book author, illustrator, speaker, blogger, and Professor of Illustration at Winthrop University and Hollins University (in the summers).* Learn more at http://dulemba.com.
Thanks for watching!
*All opinions are my own. And it should be "bouquet" not "boquet" - PAH!
published: 03 Sep 2020
How to Open .dxf,.eps and .art file
published: 15 Apr 2021
Art file..... 😃
art by hitesh
#insta reels
#pencil colour art
other links:- https://www.instagram.com/p/CADHvy2BMij/?igshid=191vyhvonuleb
published: 13 Apr 2021
art file
published: 24 Feb 2021
Art 101: Programs, File types and Formatting
Watch an overview of CorelDRAW® and Adobe Illustrator and decide for yourself which program best fits the needs of your business.
published: 25 May 2011
Art file created
published: 13 Apr 2019
Art File Needed To Print Your Logo
This helpful video explains how you can tell if your logo or artwork is the right quality and file type for use on a custom tablecloth, and how MVP Visuals can help if it isn’t. Find out more and shop around at http://mvpvisuals.com.
Video Highlights:
00:06 What Type of Art File Do I Need?
00:13 Vector File Formats Explained
00:26 Image File Options
00:36 Low Resolution Images
00:46 Minimum Requirement for Printing
01:13 How to Find the PPI of Your Image
It’s exciting to get your logo or design printed on a custom table cover, but you do have to make sure your image will look good! The first step in the printing process is to ensure that your artwork is the right quality and file type to print well, even on a big printable area like a trade show table cover. This video will explain what...
published: 13 Sep 2016
How to Add Album Art Cover Image to Any MP3 song file
ADD Album Art Cover Image on Your MP3 music File works in 2021 Share This Video : https://youtu.be/aDlP9kYz5r0 Add Image Cover on mp3 file for free on windows and apple mac
Our Website https://www.webbyfan.com
Steps to Add Album Art on Mp3 File
- Download the software : https://www.mp3tag.de/en/dodownload.html
- Open the MP3 Tag Software.
- Drag and Drop your Mp3 Music File on the software.
- Add the details you want to add.
- Right Click on cover icon to add cover image
- Click to save
- Done
More Videos :
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published: 27 Feb 2019
Digital Art File Organization Techniques
Keeping your digital art organized will not only make it easier to manage and backup, it can also give you insight into your artwork and your productivity. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to organize your digital art files like a pro with illustrator, Aaron Rutten.
Which File Format To Use When Saving: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyax0-LoVwM
Navigating the Painter 12 Interface: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bN4NCQdpYkE
SUBSCRIBE: http://aaronrutten.link/subscribe | WEBSITE: http://www.aaronrutten.com | - COMMENT and suggest a topic that you'd like help with.
- CONTRIBUTE to help Aaron make more tutorials available on YouTube. Donate or buy a print of Aaron's art: http://aaronrutten.link/PainterBrushes
published: 11 Mar 2013
Web Animation Step 1: Build Illustrator Art, File Set-up and Import
This is the first step in our Animate Basics Video Series. In this step-by-step series, we'll import a file from Adobe Illustrator, then craft an animation in Adobe Animate that's ready for placement in an HTML web page. In this step, I'll show you how to create and set up animation art in Adobe Illustrator, then set up your Adobe Animate file. Finally, I'll teach you how to effectively import your Illustrator file into Animate.
published: 22 Mar 2021
art 🎨🖌️ file 🗃️
published: 16 May 2021
Best File Formats For Saving Digital Art (Photoshop Tutorial)
In this video I'll show you the best file formats to use when saving your digital artwork. You'll learn about lossy/lossless file formats, color spaces, compres...
In this video I'll show you the best file formats to use when saving your digital artwork. You'll learn about lossy/lossless file formats, color spaces, compression, transparency and more. I'm using Photoshop CC, but these tips apply to all digital painting software.
• Custom Brushes for Photoshop: https://youtu.be/OUBD9VOyEpw
• More Photoshop Tutorials: http://aaronrutten.link/Photoshop
• How To Remove A Background From An Image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZV8ON-ED8Uo
• 3D Postcard Effects: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJfmfwl3oGw
► SUBSCRIBE: http://aaronrutten.link/subscribe
► DONATE to support my Channel: http://www.patreon.com/aaronrutten
► WEBSITE: http://www.aaronrutten.com
In this video I'll show you the best file formats to use when saving your digital artwork. You'll learn about lossy/lossless file formats, color spaces, compression, transparency and more. I'm using Photoshop CC, but these tips apply to all digital painting software.
• Custom Brushes for Photoshop: https://youtu.be/OUBD9VOyEpw
• More Photoshop Tutorials: http://aaronrutten.link/Photoshop
• How To Remove A Background From An Image: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZV8ON-ED8Uo
• 3D Postcard Effects: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJfmfwl3oGw
► SUBSCRIBE: http://aaronrutten.link/subscribe
► DONATE to support my Channel: http://www.patreon.com/aaronrutten
► WEBSITE: http://www.aaronrutten.com
- published: 14 May 2015
- views: 71910
Best File Formats For Saving Digital Art
Which image file format should you use for saving digital art? PSD, TIFF, PNG, JPEG??? In this video you will learn the best file formats to use when saving you...
Which image file format should you use for saving digital art? PSD, TIFF, PNG, JPEG??? In this video you will learn the best file formats to use when saving your digital artwork. I'll be demonstrating with Corel Painter, but these principles are applicable to other art software as well.
► Digital Art Tutorials for Beginners: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLo_kbikcLfN_P93T3PZZZx9bs_GsNTPEa
► Digital Art Tips for Better Drawing: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLo_kbikcLfN8UVWUcL0sexJqzwOfbYT31
► File Organization Techniques: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfsqjLD1sDo
► SUBSCRIBE: http://aaronrutten.link/subscribe
Which image file format should you use for saving digital art? PSD, TIFF, PNG, JPEG??? In this video you will learn the best file formats to use when saving your digital artwork. I'll be demonstrating with Corel Painter, but these principles are applicable to other art software as well.
► Digital Art Tutorials for Beginners: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLo_kbikcLfN_P93T3PZZZx9bs_GsNTPEa
► Digital Art Tips for Better Drawing: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLo_kbikcLfN8UVWUcL0sexJqzwOfbYT31
► File Organization Techniques: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfsqjLD1sDo
► SUBSCRIBE: http://aaronrutten.link/subscribe
- published: 07 May 2013
- views: 9644
Art File Types
Learn what art files to bring in to convert to embroidery and where to get them. Which files have backgrounds? Which ones have outlines? Which ones do I want?!?...
Learn what art files to bring in to convert to embroidery and where to get them. Which files have backgrounds? Which ones have outlines? Which ones do I want?!?!? There are many to choose from and all have different benefits.
Learn what art files to bring in to convert to embroidery and where to get them. Which files have backgrounds? Which ones have outlines? Which ones do I want?!?!? There are many to choose from and all have different benefits.
- published: 15 Feb 2021
- views: 493
e's art tips: #24 On Scanning, Resolution, and File Formats
I filmed this video for my students, but maybe it will help you too. It gets into the nuances of resolution, how to choose it, how to work with it, and why it's...
I filmed this video for my students, but maybe it will help you too. It gets into the nuances of resolution, how to choose it, how to work with it, and why it's important. (Sorry for the sound hiccup at 1:45 - can't seem to fix it!)
If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe to this channel and my newsletter to be updated on new videos, read author/illustrator interviews, and get a free coloring page each week at http://dulemba.com/index_newsletter.html
I am a children's book author, illustrator, speaker, blogger, and Professor of Illustration at Winthrop University and Hollins University (in the summers).* Learn more at http://dulemba.com.
Thanks for watching!
*All opinions are my own. And it should be "bouquet" not "boquet" - PAH!
I filmed this video for my students, but maybe it will help you too. It gets into the nuances of resolution, how to choose it, how to work with it, and why it's important. (Sorry for the sound hiccup at 1:45 - can't seem to fix it!)
If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe to this channel and my newsletter to be updated on new videos, read author/illustrator interviews, and get a free coloring page each week at http://dulemba.com/index_newsletter.html
I am a children's book author, illustrator, speaker, blogger, and Professor of Illustration at Winthrop University and Hollins University (in the summers).* Learn more at http://dulemba.com.
Thanks for watching!
*All opinions are my own. And it should be "bouquet" not "boquet" - PAH!
- published: 03 Sep 2020
- views: 121
Art file..... 😃
art by hitesh
#insta reels
#pencil colour art
other links:- https://www.instagram.com/p/CADHvy2BMij/?igshid=191vyhvonuleb
art by hitesh
#insta reels
#pencil colour art
other links:- https://www.instagram.com/p/CADHvy2BMij/?igshid=191vyhvonuleb
art by hitesh
#insta reels
#pencil colour art
other links:- https://www.instagram.com/p/CADHvy2BMij/?igshid=191vyhvonuleb
- published: 13 Apr 2021
- views: 187
Art 101: Programs, File types and Formatting
Watch an overview of CorelDRAW® and Adobe Illustrator and decide for yourself which program best fits the needs of your business.
Watch an overview of CorelDRAW® and Adobe Illustrator and decide for yourself which program best fits the needs of your business.
Watch an overview of CorelDRAW® and Adobe Illustrator and decide for yourself which program best fits the needs of your business.
- published: 25 May 2011
- views: 447
Art File Needed To Print Your Logo
This helpful video explains how you can tell if your logo or artwork is the right quality and file type for use on a custom tablecloth, and how MVP Visuals can ...
This helpful video explains how you can tell if your logo or artwork is the right quality and file type for use on a custom tablecloth, and how MVP Visuals can help if it isn’t. Find out more and shop around at http://mvpvisuals.com.
Video Highlights:
00:06 What Type of Art File Do I Need?
00:13 Vector File Formats Explained
00:26 Image File Options
00:36 Low Resolution Images
00:46 Minimum Requirement for Printing
01:13 How to Find the PPI of Your Image
It’s exciting to get your logo or design printed on a custom table cover, but you do have to make sure your image will look good! The first step in the printing process is to ensure that your artwork is the right quality and file type to print well, even on a big printable area like a trade show table cover. This video will explain what formats are necessary and why. For our complete guide on preparing your artwork for the perfect print, download our free eBook here: https://goo.gl/sgsx4d.
To print your logo in a much larger size than usual (like on a logo tablecloth or spandex table cover), you’ll need either a vector file or a high resolution image file. Vector files are ideal since they allow all elements of an image to scale up without distorting. MVP Visuals can convert your image file to vector format: https://goo.gl/KG4C93.
For non-vector images like .JPEG and .PNG files, the minimum resolution for a good quality custom table cloth print is 150 PPI at the actual print size. To see more FAQs about artwork and printing, visit https://goo.gl/edjgXQ.
Request Quotes
You can get a quote for your custom tablecloth right away, through our easy online form: https://goo.gl/N9j82g.
Browse Trade Show Table Covers
Whether you’re looking for a sleek spandex table cover, or a traditional draped logo tablecloth, browse all your options for custom table covers here: https://goo.gl/cw0X36.
This helpful video explains how you can tell if your logo or artwork is the right quality and file type for use on a custom tablecloth, and how MVP Visuals can help if it isn’t. Find out more and shop around at http://mvpvisuals.com.
Video Highlights:
00:06 What Type of Art File Do I Need?
00:13 Vector File Formats Explained
00:26 Image File Options
00:36 Low Resolution Images
00:46 Minimum Requirement for Printing
01:13 How to Find the PPI of Your Image
It’s exciting to get your logo or design printed on a custom table cover, but you do have to make sure your image will look good! The first step in the printing process is to ensure that your artwork is the right quality and file type to print well, even on a big printable area like a trade show table cover. This video will explain what formats are necessary and why. For our complete guide on preparing your artwork for the perfect print, download our free eBook here: https://goo.gl/sgsx4d.
To print your logo in a much larger size than usual (like on a logo tablecloth or spandex table cover), you’ll need either a vector file or a high resolution image file. Vector files are ideal since they allow all elements of an image to scale up without distorting. MVP Visuals can convert your image file to vector format: https://goo.gl/KG4C93.
For non-vector images like .JPEG and .PNG files, the minimum resolution for a good quality custom table cloth print is 150 PPI at the actual print size. To see more FAQs about artwork and printing, visit https://goo.gl/edjgXQ.
Request Quotes
You can get a quote for your custom tablecloth right away, through our easy online form: https://goo.gl/N9j82g.
Browse Trade Show Table Covers
Whether you’re looking for a sleek spandex table cover, or a traditional draped logo tablecloth, browse all your options for custom table covers here: https://goo.gl/cw0X36.
- published: 13 Sep 2016
- views: 138
How to Add Album Art Cover Image to Any MP3 song file
ADD Album Art Cover Image on Your MP3 music File works in 2021 Share This Video : https://youtu.be/aDlP9kYz5r0 Add Image Cover on mp3 file for free on windows ...
ADD Album Art Cover Image on Your MP3 music File works in 2021 Share This Video : https://youtu.be/aDlP9kYz5r0 Add Image Cover on mp3 file for free on windows and apple mac
Our Website https://www.webbyfan.com
Steps to Add Album Art on Mp3 File
- Download the software : https://www.mp3tag.de/en/dodownload.html
- Open the MP3 Tag Software.
- Drag and Drop your Mp3 Music File on the software.
- Add the details you want to add.
- Right Click on cover icon to add cover image
- Click to save
- Done
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#AddAlbumArt #AddImageToMp3 .
Music Credit
Late (Music by Ikson): https://www.soundcloud.com/ikson
Song Promoted By No Copyright Music Library : https://youtu.be/eVjV9osgH_Y
✪ Disclaimer :
This Channel Does not Promote Any Illegal Content, Does not encourage any kind of illegal activities. All Contents Provided by this Channel is Meant for Fair Use Purpose Only. The information contained in This Video is strictly for Educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in This Video, You are taking full Responsibility for Your Actions. The Owner, Admin, Author and Publisher of This YouTube Channel do not have any responsibilities for The contents of this Video.
ADD Album Art Cover Image on Your MP3 music File works in 2021 Share This Video : https://youtu.be/aDlP9kYz5r0 Add Image Cover on mp3 file for free on windows and apple mac
Our Website https://www.webbyfan.com
Steps to Add Album Art on Mp3 File
- Download the software : https://www.mp3tag.de/en/dodownload.html
- Open the MP3 Tag Software.
- Drag and Drop your Mp3 Music File on the software.
- Add the details you want to add.
- Right Click on cover icon to add cover image
- Click to save
- Done
More Videos :
Track Mobile Current Location ? :
Check Who's Using My WIFI ? :
Know Your WhatsApp Hack ? :
Change Default Download Location to SD card in Android :
How To Install Google Play Store App on PC / Laptop :
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unlock android phone When you forgot your password :
Delete A Folder Files That can't Delete on Windows :
Fix This Site Can't Be Reached on Chrome :
#AddAlbumArt #AddImageToMp3 .
Music Credit
Late (Music by Ikson): https://www.soundcloud.com/ikson
Song Promoted By No Copyright Music Library : https://youtu.be/eVjV9osgH_Y
✪ Disclaimer :
This Channel Does not Promote Any Illegal Content, Does not encourage any kind of illegal activities. All Contents Provided by this Channel is Meant for Fair Use Purpose Only. The information contained in This Video is strictly for Educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in This Video, You are taking full Responsibility for Your Actions. The Owner, Admin, Author and Publisher of This YouTube Channel do not have any responsibilities for The contents of this Video.
- published: 27 Feb 2019
- views: 200090
Digital Art File Organization Techniques
Keeping your digital art organized will not only make it easier to manage and backup, it can also give you insight into your artwork and your productivity. In t...
Keeping your digital art organized will not only make it easier to manage and backup, it can also give you insight into your artwork and your productivity. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to organize your digital art files like a pro with illustrator, Aaron Rutten.
Which File Format To Use When Saving: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyax0-LoVwM
Navigating the Painter 12 Interface: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bN4NCQdpYkE
SUBSCRIBE: http://aaronrutten.link/subscribe | WEBSITE: http://www.aaronrutten.com | - COMMENT and suggest a topic that you'd like help with.
- CONTRIBUTE to help Aaron make more tutorials available on YouTube. Donate or buy a print of Aaron's art: http://aaronrutten.link/PainterBrushes
Keeping your digital art organized will not only make it easier to manage and backup, it can also give you insight into your artwork and your productivity. In this video tutorial, you will learn how to organize your digital art files like a pro with illustrator, Aaron Rutten.
Which File Format To Use When Saving: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyax0-LoVwM
Navigating the Painter 12 Interface: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bN4NCQdpYkE
SUBSCRIBE: http://aaronrutten.link/subscribe | WEBSITE: http://www.aaronrutten.com | - COMMENT and suggest a topic that you'd like help with.
- CONTRIBUTE to help Aaron make more tutorials available on YouTube. Donate or buy a print of Aaron's art: http://aaronrutten.link/PainterBrushes
- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 7682
Web Animation Step 1: Build Illustrator Art, File Set-up and Import
This is the first step in our Animate Basics Video Series. In this step-by-step series, we'll import a file from Adobe Illustrator, then craft an animation in A...
This is the first step in our Animate Basics Video Series. In this step-by-step series, we'll import a file from Adobe Illustrator, then craft an animation in Adobe Animate that's ready for placement in an HTML web page. In this step, I'll show you how to create and set up animation art in Adobe Illustrator, then set up your Adobe Animate file. Finally, I'll teach you how to effectively import your Illustrator file into Animate.
This is the first step in our Animate Basics Video Series. In this step-by-step series, we'll import a file from Adobe Illustrator, then craft an animation in Adobe Animate that's ready for placement in an HTML web page. In this step, I'll show you how to create and set up animation art in Adobe Illustrator, then set up your Adobe Animate file. Finally, I'll teach you how to effectively import your Illustrator file into Animate.
- published: 22 Mar 2021
- views: 33