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This week
2,471Code commits
5,471Issue comments
1,072,599 people in 230 countries* speaking 181 languages power Drupal.
30.2672 -97.7431
DrupalCon Austin
02-06 June 2014
44.4125592 26.1724191
andrei.dincu committed Issue #2249723...
48.2 16.4
46.5 -81
Devin Carlson committed Added additional releases to upgrade tests.
51.1802654 -0.6070481
juliangb committed Issue #2261313...
50.719164 -1.880769
46.5 -81
Devin Carlson committed Added content type creation tests.
50.8098759 4.4238222
44.419226 -72.015103
37.4069428 -122.0907097
tim.plunkett committed Update for access param.
37.4069428 -122.0907097
tim.plunkett committed rename render to build
-6.914744 107.609811
37.4069428 -122.0907097
tim.plunkett committed Adjust for #2286357...
36.4955129281004 -4.74683435911525
35.7298401 51.3574141
50.8 4.4
colorfield committed [add] time tracking totals
49.261226 -123.113927
infojunkie committed Better qTip examples, part 3...
44.4125592 26.1724191
andrei.dincu committed Issue #2249723...
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Drupal.org Maintenance: July 2nd 13:00 PDT (July 2nd 20:00 UTC)
AJAX forms auto-fill
How do i remove caption in slideshow
Workflow For Adding New Features To A Module
Upgraded D6 custom module not working

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