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e.g. yoga, naturopath
e.g. Glebe, 2010


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Learn More about Natural Therapies and Natural Health

On this site you can find comprehensive descriptions and articles of interest about many of the natural therapies available in Australia. Outlined are general therapy descriptions, the illnesses that they help and what to expect in a typical treatment session. Reading about these therapies is the first learning phase for you, contacting a practitioner will guide you toward the healing experience. Learn more about Natural Therapies here.

Use our name search to find your natural health practitioner

You can use our directory to locate a variety of natural health practitioners anywhere in Australia. Each therapist listed has relevant details making them easily contactable to you. Contacting these practitioners is just the first step for you to experience the therapy, really learn about it and let your body's healing process begin. Find your practitioner by name.

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By registering your practice with you will maximise your online exposure and directly target your natural health treatment and services to users who are searching specifically for you. List your practice now.

Aromatherapy Massage

Aromatherapy involves the use of essential oils, often through massage. Individual blends are prepared by the practitioner, in a base of cold pressed oil and then applied to the patient's skin through a remedial or relaxing massage. Read more about Aromatherapy Massage.

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