Jane Goodall: A Retrospective
Jane Goodall has taught the world more about chimpanzees than anyone else in the world. He...
published: 07 Oct 2010
Jane Goodall - Beauty and the Beasts (complete)
Jeremy Bristow's BBC documentary....
published: 18 Jun 2011
author: Dave Kahn
Jane Goodall and Her Chimps
Jane Goodall brings Lara Logan and "60 Minutes" cameras back to the forests of Tanzania, w...
published: 25 Oct 2010
Wounda's Journey: Jane Goodall releases chimpanzee into forest
This video documents the story of Wounda, one of the more than 160 chimpanzees living at t...
published: 17 Dec 2013
Le relâcher de Wounda
Cette magnifique vidéo documente l'histoire de Wounda, l'une des 160 chimpanzés vivant à T...
published: 27 Nov 2013
Jane Goodall: A Birthday Tribute
In celebration of her 80th birthday, see the path Jane Goodall took to become a crusader f...
published: 03 Apr 2014
Jane Goodall: What separates us from chimpanzees?
http://www.ted.com Jane Goodall hasn't found the missing link, but she's come closer than ...
published: 16 May 2007
Jane Goodall on George Stroumboulopoulos Tonight: INTERVIEW
Dr. Jane Goodall was in the red chair to talk about animal consciousness, the ivory trade ...
published: 16 Oct 2013
Jane Goodall on Chimpanzee and Human Emotions
Primatologist Jane Goodall delivers a lecture on the similarities between chimpanzee and h...
published: 17 Aug 2012
author: tvochannel
Jane Goodall Is Hugged By Rescued Chimp.Touching!
It's a touching moment as Dr. Goodall receives a hug of thanks from the Chimpanzee "Wound...
published: 14 Feb 2014
The touching moment Jane Goodall is hugged by rescued chimp
'Thanks for everything': The touching moment a chimp who was nursed back to health hugs Ja...
published: 17 Feb 2014
Jane Goodall: Helping humans and animals live together in Af
http://www.ted.com The legendary chimpanzee researcher Jane Goodall talks about TACARE and...
published: 08 Sep 2008
The Amazing Story of Jane Goodall
This is a video my friend (sofiedofie91) and I did for our AP Biology class. It's not grea...
published: 05 Jun 2009
author: Breezamon
L' abbraccio commovente dello scimpanzé Wounda a Jane Goodall
Come augurio di buone feste e buon 2014, un video che ha incantato le persone di mezzo mon...
published: 27 Dec 2013
Youtube results:
Dave Matthews' Tribute to Jane Goodall
He starts with a story of how they met, and how she won over the audience with her loud ch...
published: 04 Apr 2014
Jane's Journey (2010) - Documentary Movie Official Trailer [HD]
More than 20 years ago, Dr. Jane Goodall, now 75, decided to give up her career as a prima...
published: 16 Jul 2011
Angelina Jolie and Jane Goodall Interview ' Jane's Journey '
Angelina Jolie in an interview about great Jane Goodall. Joint meeting, Jane's Journey - t...
published: 25 Aug 2010
Científica Jane Goodall y sus Chimpancés. Entrevista por 60 Minutos 24-Oct-2010 (Sub al Español)
Dar clik en la parte de más información o Mostrar más por favor.- Jane Goodall ha sido des...
published: 04 Oct 2011
