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Documentation for the OpenEdition TEI schema

Romain Boistel


This documentation concerns the W3C schema that validates the OpenEdition TEI model. This validation notably includes the automatic encoding of bibliographic references produced by the Bilbo system.

It complements the guidelines Creating a TEI document with Lodel 1.0.

The W3C schema is available online at this address:

Cette documentation s’applique au schéma W3C qui valide le modèle de TEI OpenEdition. Cette validation comprend notamment l’encodage bibliographique automatique réalisé par Bilbo.

Elle est complémentaire des recommandations d’encodage disponibles dans l’article composer un document en TEI pour Lodel 1.0.

Le schéma W3C est mis en ligne à cette adresse :

Note about this documentation

The overall definition of each element and attribute is given by the TEI guidelines.

The specific use of the OpenEdition TEI elements is commented in the guidelines “Creating a TEI document with Lodel 1.0”.

When no further indication is provided, attributes are optional and their values match those of the TEI guidelines by default.

To validate an XML document with the W3C schema

To validate an XML TEI document with the OpenEdition TEI schema:

  • If necessary, delete the DOCTYPE tag on top of the document that must be validated.

  • In the TEI root tag, add these two attributes:

xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="​ns/​tei.openedition.1.0.xsd"

Description of the content of the elements


Attributes: @rend @rendition @subtype @type @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: desc label application availability encodingDesc projectDesc publicationStmt sourceDesc body div front

May contain: s hi lb note pb ptr ref figure anchor

(#PCDATA | hi | s | pb | lb | anchor | note | figure | ref | ptr)*


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: bibl note

May contain: hi

(#PCDATA | hi)*


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: author editor

May contain: s email hi lb note pb anchor

(#PCDATA | hi | s | lb | pb | anchor | note | email)*


Attributes: @corresp @subtype @type @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: s author bibl date desc editor email head hi item label listBibl name note p q ref title cell ab seg affiliation forename orgName persName roleName surname back body div front

May contain: empty element



Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: encodingDesc

May contain: application



Attributes: @ident @version @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: appInfo

May contain: desc label p ptr ref ab

((desc | label)+, ((ref | ptr)* | (p | ab)*))


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: bibl note titleStmt

May contain: s email hi lb name note pb ptr ref anchor affiliation forename orgName persName roleName surname

(#PCDATA | s | hi | lb | pb | ref | ptr | anchor | note | email | affiliation | surname | forename | orgName | roleName | name | persName)*


Attributes: @status @xml:id @xml:lang

@status: optionnal, closed list of values: free, unknown, restricted

Contained by: publicationStmt

May contain: p ab

(p | ab)+


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: text

May contain: lb pb anchor div

(div | pb | lb | anchor)*


Attributes: @subtype @type @rend @rendition @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: listBibl note p quote relatedItem seg

May contain: s abbr author biblScope date editor hi lb meeting note pb ptr pubPlace publisher ref relatedItem title edition extent anchor

(#PCDATA | hi | s | pb | lb | anchor | note | ref | ptr | author | editor | meeting | edition | title | abbr | pubPlace | publisher | date | biblScope | relatedItem | extent)*


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: sourceDesc

May contain: noteStmt publicationStmt titleStmt

(titleStmt, publicationStmt, notesStmt?)


Attributes: @unit @xml:id @xml:lang

@unit: optionnal, open list of values: vol, issue, pp, ll, chap, part

Contained by: bibl note

May contain: hi

(#PCDATA | hi)*


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: text

May contain: head lb list note p pb ptr q quote ref figure table ab anchor div

(pb | lb | anchor | note | figure | p | ab | list | table | q | quote | ref | ptr)*, (head, (pb | lb | anchor | note | figure | p | ab | list | table | q | quote | ref | ptr )*)?, (div, (pb | lb | anchor)*)*


Attributes: @cols @rend @rendition @rows @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: row

May contain: s hi lb note pb ptr ref table anchor

(#PCDATA | hi | s | pb | lb | anchor | note | ref | ptr | table)*


Attributes: @lang @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: p

May contain: données textuelles uniquement



Attributes: @when @xml:id @xml:lang

@when: optionnal, may be empty

Contained by: bibl meeting note edition publicationStmt

May contain: s hi lb pb anchor

(#PCDATA | hi | s | lb | pb | anchor)*


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: application

May contain: lb p pb ptr ref ab anchor

(#PCDATA | p | ab | pb | lb | anchor | ref | ptr)*


Attributes: @subtype @type @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: back body div front

May contain: head lb list listBibl note p pb ptr q quote ref figure table ab anchor div

(((pb | lb | anchor | note | figure | p | ab | table | q | quote | ref | ptr)*, (head, (pb | lb | anchor | note | figure | p | ab | list | table | q | quote | ref | ptr)*)?, (div, (lb | pb | anchor)*)*) | listBibl)


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: bibl note

May contain: date hi

(#PCDATA | hi | date)*


Attributes: @role @xml:id @xml:lang

@role: optionnal, closed list of values: translator, excavationsdirector

Contained by: bibl note titleStmt

May contain: s email hi lb name note pb anchor affiliation forename orgName persName roleName surname ref ptr

(#PCDATA | s | hi | lb | pb | ref | ptr | anchor | note | email | affiliation | surname | forename | orgName | roleName | name | persName)*


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: author editor affiliation orgName roleName

May contain: s hi lb note pb anchor

(#PCDATA | hi | s | lb | pb | anchor | note)*


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: teiHeader

May contain: p appInfo ProjectDesc tagsDecl ab

(projectDesc | tagsDecl | appInfo | p | ab)+


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: bibl note

May contain: hi

(#PCDATA | hi)*


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: p q ab seg body div

May contain: graphic



Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: teiHeader

May contain: publicationStmt sourceDesc titleStmt

(titleStmt, publicationStmt, sourceDesc+)


Attributes: @full @xml:id @xml:lang

@full: optionnal, closed list of values: yes, abb, init

Contained by: author editor persName

May contain: s hi lb note pb anchor

(#PCDATA | hi | s | lb | pb | anchor | note)*


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: text

May contain: lb note p pb ab anchor div

(div | pb | lb | anchor | note | p | ab)*


Attributes: @url @xml:id @xml:lang

@url: required

Contained by: figure

May contain: empty element



Attributes: @subtype @type @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: listBibl body div

May contain: s hi lb note pb ptr ref anchor

(#PCDATA | hi | s | pb | lb | anchor | note | ref | ptr)*


Attributes: @rend @rendition @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: s abbr author bibl biblScope date editor email head hi item meeting name note p pubPlace publisher q ref title cell edition extent ab seg affiliation forename orgName persName roleName surname

May contain: s hi lb note pb ptr ref anchor

(#PCDATA | hi | s | pb | lb | anchor | note | ref | ptr)*


Attributes: @type @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: publicationStmt

May contain: données textuelles uniquement



Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: list

May contain: s hi lb list note p pb ptr ref anchor

(#PCDATA | hi | s | pb | lb | anchor | note | ref | ptr | p | list)*


Attributes: @scheme @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: textClass

May contain: list



Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: application

May contain: lb p pb ab anchor

(#PCDATA | p | ab | pb | lb | anchor)*


Attributes: @ident @xml:id @xml:lang

@ident: required

Contained by: langUsage

May contain: données textuelles uniquement



Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: profileDesc

May contain: language



Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: s author bibl date desc editor email head hi item label listBibl name note p q quote ref title cell ab seg affiliation forename orgName persName roleName surname back body div front

May contain: empty element



Attributes: @target @xml:id @xml:lang

@target: required

Contained by: bibl

May contain: empty element



Attributes: @type @xml:id @xml:lang

@type: optionnal, closed list of values: ordered, unordered

Contained by: item note keywords body div

May contain: item lb pb anchor

(lb | pb | anchor)*, (item, (lb | pb | anchor)*)+


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: listBibl div

May contain: bibl head lb listBibl pb anchor

(lb | pb | anchor)*, (((bibl, (lb | pb | anchor)*)+, (listBibl, (lb | pb | anchor)*)*) | (head, (lb | pb | anchor | bibl)*, (listBibl, (lb | pb | anchor)*)*))


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: bibl note

May contain: date hi

(#PCDATA | hi | date)*


Attributes: @full @xml:id @xml:lang

@full: optionnal, closed list of values: yes, abb, init

Contained by: author editor respStmt

May contain: s hi lb note pb anchor

(#PCDATA | hi | s | lb | pb | anchor | note)*


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: author

May contain: hi lb pb anchor

(#PCDATA | hi | pb | lb | anchor)*


Attributes: @n @place @resp @subtype @type @xml:id @xml:lang

@place: optionnal, closed list of values: foot, end

Contained by: s author bibl editor email head hi item name note p q ref title cell notesStmt ab seg affiliation forename orgName persName roleName surname body div front

May contain: s abbr author bibl biblScope date editor hi lb list meeting note p pb ptr pubPlace publisher ref relatedItem title edition extent anchor

(#PCDATA | hi | s | pb | lb | anchor | note | ref | ptr | author | editor | meeting | edition | title | abbr | pubPlace | publisher | date | biblScope | relatedItem | extent | bibl | p | list)*


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: biblFull

May contain: note



Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: author editor respStmt

May contain: s email hi lb note pb anchor

(#PCDATA | hi | s | lb | pb | anchor | note | email)*


Attributes: @rend @rendition @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: desc item label note application availability encodingDesc projectDesc publicationStmt sourceDesc body div front

May contain: s bibl hi lb note pb ptr ref figure anchor code

(#PCDATA | hi | s | pb | lb | anchor | note | figure | ref | ptr | bibl | code)*


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: s author bibl date desc editor email head hi item label list listBibl name note p q quote ref title cell ab seg affiliation forename orgName persName roleName surname back body div front

May contain: empty element



Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: author editor respStmt

May contain: s hi lb note pb anchor forename surname

(#PCDATA | s | hi | lb | pb | anchor | note | surname | forename)*


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: teiHeader

May contain: langUsage textClass

(langusage | textClass)*


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: encodingDesc

May contain: p ab

((p | ab)+


Attributes: @target @xml:id @xml:lang

@target: required

Contained by: s author bibl desc editor head hi item note p q quote cell application ab seg surname body div

May contain: empty element



Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: biblFull fileDesc

May contain: date p publisher availability idno ab

((p | ab)+ | (publisher, (date | idno | availability)+))


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: bibl note publicationStmt

May contain: hi

(#PCDATA | hi)*


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: bibl note

May contain: hi

(#PCDATA | hi)*


Attributes: @rend @rendition @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: body div

May contain: s hi lb note pb ptr ref figure anchor

(text | hi | s | pb | lb | anchor | note | figure | ref | ptr)*


Attributes: @subtype @type @n @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: quote body div

May contain: bibl lb pb ptr quote ref anchor seg

(((bibl | lb | pb | anchor | ref | ptr)*, (quote, (bibl | lb | pb | anchor | ref | ptr)*)+) | (seg, (lb |pb |anchor | ref | ptr)*)+)


Attributes: @subtype @target @type @xml:id @xml:lang

@target: required

Contained by: s author bibl desc editor head hi item note p q quote cell application ab seg surname body div

May contain: s hi lb note pb anchor

(#PCDATA | hi | s | pb | lb | anchor | note)*


Attributes: @subtype @type @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: bibl note

May contain: bibl



Attributes: @scheme @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: tagsDecl

May contain: données textuelles uniquement



Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: respStmt

May contain: données textuelles uniquement



Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: titleStmt

May contain: name resp orgName persName

((resp+, (name | orgName | persName)+) | ((name | orgName | persName)+, resp+))


Attributes@subtype @type @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: author editor

May contain: s email hi lb note pb anchor

(#PCDATA | hi | s | lb | pb | anchor | note | email)*


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: table

May contain: cell



Attributes: @rend @rendition @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: author bibl date editor email head hi item name note p q ref title cell ab seg affiliation forename orgName persName roleName

May contain: hi lb note pb ptr ref anchor

(#PCDATA | hi | pb | lb | anchor | note | ref | ptr)*


Attributes: @rend @rendition @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: quote

May contain: s hi lb note pb ptr ref figure anchor

(text | hi | s | pb | lb | anchor | note | figure | ref | ptr)*


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: fileDesc

May contain: p biblFull ab

((p | ab)+ | biblFull+)


Attributes: @full @xml:id @xml:lang

@full: optionnal, closed list of values: yes, abb, init

Contained by: author editor persName

May contain: hi lb note pb ptr ref anchor

(#PCDATA | hi | pb | lb | anchor | note | ref | ptr)*


Attributes: @cols @rend @rendition @rows @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: cell body div

May contain: row



Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: encodingDesc

May contain: rendition



Attributes: @version @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: root element

May contain: teiHeader text

(teiHeader, text)


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: TEI

May contain: fileDesc encodingDesc profileDesc

(fileDesc, encodingDesc?, profileDesc)


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: TEI

May contain: lb pb anchor back body front

(front?, body, back?)


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: profileDesc

May contain: keywords



Attributes: @level @rend @rendition @subtype @type @xml:id @xml:lang

@level: optionnal, open list of values: a, j, s, m, u

Contained by: bibl note titleStmt

May contain: s hi lb note pb figure anchor

(#PCDATA | s | hi | note | lb | pb | anchor | figure)*


Attributes: @xml:id @xml:lang

Contained by: biblFull fileDesc

May contain: author editor respStmt title

(title+, (author | editor | respStmt)*)

List of elements specific to Bilbo

  • abbr

  • biblScope

  • edition

  • extent

  • link

  • meeting

  • nameLink

  • ptr

  • pubPlace

  • relatedItem

List of elements shared with Bilbo

  • author

  • bibl

  • date

  • editor

  • forename

  • listBibl

  • orgName

  • publisher

  • surname

  • title

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