
Welcome to the CHROMATIC blog. We discuss topics related to Drupal web development, responsive web design, web strategy, small business, and last but not least, our company and projects.

How to Organize Drupal Features, Reduce Merge Conflicts, and Stay Sane

Features play a significant role in any major Drupal 6 or 7 project. The organization of features is often overlooked, but becomes important as a project grows. Agreeing on an effective organization strategy avoids headaches and reduces merge conflicts. After experiencing just about every strategy on projects of all sizes, we’d love to share what works best for us.

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How to Implement a Content First Workflow

In college I once had an art history class immediately after a class devoted entirely to databases. At the beginning of the semester I thought they couldn’t have less in common, but soon enough I’d realized the combination taught me an important lesson in the web design process: Content precedes design.

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Don't just be a vendor, be a partner!

In the web design/development/consulting world (and many others), we consistently talk about vendors and the client/vendor relationship. Accounting software uses the terms customers and vendors as well. Is this really how we want to be known? Is this really how we work? And as a client, do you really just want a vendor?

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Creating a Custom Progress Throbber for Drupal

Every Drupal site contains the spinning circle of progress – the “throbber”. Seeing the default throbber on an otherwise beautiful site takes away from the magic a bit, doesn’t it? Go the extra step and create a custom throbber to keep your visitors immersed in the world you’ve created for them. It’s too easy not to!

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Sublime Text Configuration for Front-Enders

Sublime Text is the best text editor on the market right now. If you do work on the web, you should consider using this text editor. The interface is clean, intuitive and out of the way. The back end is fast as all get out. Searching thousands of files is snappier than you’d imagine. Text rendering on retina is gorgeous. But most of all, Sublime is highly pluggable and configurable.

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Entity Caching Strategies with Drupal

There comes a time where you sit back and look at your Drupal site and realize that you've created a monster. You try to refactor your code, but there is only so much you can do, as there is genuine level of complexity behind how all of your different node types render out their fields.

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  • "Blacks, Hispanics, low-income Americans, high school educated are more likely to be mobile-only users." - Pew Internet
  • "Google recommends following the industry best practice of using responsive web design to decide the rendering on each device." - Google
  • "Only 16% of consumer brands have a mobile strategy, so it’s no surprise that only 14% are happy with the results." - Digiday
  • "77% of mobile searches take place at home or work, only 17% on-the-go, according to Google." - Google
  • "46% of shoppers reported they exclusively use their mobile device to conduct pre-purchase research for local products and services." - Mobile Path-to-Purchase Study
  • "55% of mobile phone owners say they use their phone to access the internet." - Pew Internet
  • "31% of current mobile internet users mostly go online using their phone. That’s 17% of all mobile phone owners." - Pew Internet
  • "When people use different devices to complete a single task, they want the same content and navigation." - A List Apart