#rest 的结果

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  2. - comes in so many forms. In my world, rest is synonymous with abide. Rest to listen, so to…

  3. documentation has been updated to include the new DAOs. Feels so good to replace all my raw queries!

  4. in God | Because when you worry it doesn’t take away your problems tomorrow - it takes away peace today!!

  5. Back 4rm Barcelona love it soooo much!!! Hola!! Lolll and in the uk Happy to see my sister <333 x

  6. "Give me life through your word" Psalms 119:37 I thank God for his grace and peace in difficult circumstances. No darkness in Heaven!

  7. Each of us needs to withdraw from the cares which will not withdraw from us. ~ Maya Angelou

  8. Wen yu giv busness a sabath ur giving that day to God and tellin him he is in control…

  9. Please Rest Tonight: No matter how things look, I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.


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