- published: 22 Apr 2022
- views: 233
Kápolnásnyék is a village in Fejér county, Hungary.
The excavations in the surroundings revealed bronze-age artifacts, proving that the area was already populated in ancient times.
The name of the settlement originates from the name of the Nyék, tribe (coming to Hungary during the settlement of Hungarian tribes), the first residents belonged probably to a subgroup of the tribe. When István I. defeated Koppány, Nyék became a land of the queen. The name of the settlement is mentioned first in 1193 as Neck. Later the names Kápolnás Nyék, Káposztás Nyék, and Fertőfő Nyék are used to mention this rather insignificant settlement located between Buda and Fehérvár, to the south of the commercial route. As a border village Kápolnásnyék suffered from double taxation during the Turkish occupation (both Hungary and the Turkish Empire collected taxes), therefore the population of the village decreased considerably, it even turned uninhabited during the Turkish camping of 1543. The inhabitants returned to the village in 1772. During the 19th century Upper and Lower Nyék were differentiated, even after 1861, when the Southem Railway was built. It is mentioned as an independent village first in 1871, to which Pettend was attached in 1898.
Több infó: www.budaingatlanhaz.hu oldalon. Telefon: 0670-204-0505
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Videó: Nagy Zoltán Péter / Fejér Megyei Hírlap
Autóalkatrészek mindenféle autómárkához! Speciális autóalkatrészek!
https://lakevelence.eu/festekbolt_kapolnasnyek/hu Pigment Festékáruház, Kápolnásnyék - Szakszerű kiszolgálás, teljes festékáru-választék Kápolnásnyéken, a Velencei-tónál. A 2001-ben alapított festékáruház, közel húsz éve szolgálja ki vásárlóit a velencei-tavi régióban, azóta is töretlen sikerrel. A tulajdonos festékkereskedelmi és szakma szempontokat és a helyi festékforgalmazást figyelembe véve indította el vállalkozását. Sikerének titka az azóta is folyamatosan bővülő és megújuló árukészlet, mind a lakossági vásárlók, az iparosok, mind a vállalkozók számára és a vele dolgozó profi kereskedők, akik szakmai információkkal is ellátják a vásárlókat. Szolgáltatásaik között van a színkeverés: fa-, fém-, falfestékek színre keverése, legyen az oldószeres vagy vízbázisú, kül- és beltérre egyarán...
Körömrágós továbbjutás a kupában a Kápolnásnyék otthonában
Budapesti Szent Rita Templom mise 1081 Budapest Hungary kun utca 5 https://www.szentritatemplom.hu ritaszent@gmail.com Szent Rita Plébánia Budapest támogatása: Számlaszám: CIB 11100104 - 19719294 - 36000001 Donat: IBAN: HU50 11100104-19719294-36000001
Kápolnásnyéki Vörösmarty Mihály Általános Iskola és Gimnázium légifelvétel
Kápolnásnyék is a village in Fejér county, Hungary.
The excavations in the surroundings revealed bronze-age artifacts, proving that the area was already populated in ancient times.
The name of the settlement originates from the name of the Nyék, tribe (coming to Hungary during the settlement of Hungarian tribes), the first residents belonged probably to a subgroup of the tribe. When István I. defeated Koppány, Nyék became a land of the queen. The name of the settlement is mentioned first in 1193 as Neck. Later the names Kápolnás Nyék, Káposztás Nyék, and Fertőfő Nyék are used to mention this rather insignificant settlement located between Buda and Fehérvár, to the south of the commercial route. As a border village Kápolnásnyék suffered from double taxation during the Turkish occupation (both Hungary and the Turkish Empire collected taxes), therefore the population of the village decreased considerably, it even turned uninhabited during the Turkish camping of 1543. The inhabitants returned to the village in 1772. During the 19th century Upper and Lower Nyék were differentiated, even after 1861, when the Southem Railway was built. It is mentioned as an independent village first in 1871, to which Pettend was attached in 1898.
Yeh Kiski Hai Aahat, Yeh Kiska Hai Saaya
Hui Dil Mein Dastak Yahan Kaun Aaya
Hum Pe Yeh Kisne Hara Rang Daala
Oh, Hum Pe Yeh Kisne Hara Rang Daala
Khushi Ne Hamaari Hamein Maar Daala, Oh Maar Daala
Maar Daala, Haan Maar Daala
Hum Pe Yeh Kisne Hara Rang Daala
Khushi Ne Hamaari Hamein Maar Daala
Hamein Maar Daala, Hamein Maar Daala, Hamein
Maar Daala, Maar Daala, Maar Daala, Maar Daala
(Allah, Allah, Allah)
Na Chaand Hatheli Par Sajaaya
Na Taaron Se Koi Bhi Rishta Banaaya
Na Rab Se Bhi Koi Shikaayat Ki
Na Rab Se Bhi Koi Shikaayat Ki
Har Gham Ko Humne Chhupaaya
Har Sitam Ko Haske Uthaaya
Kaanton Ko Bhi Gale Se Lagaaya
Aur Phoolon Se Zakhm Khaaya
Haan Magar Dua Mein Jab Yeh Haath Uthaaya
Oh Haan Magar Dua Mein Jab Yeh Haath Uthaaya
Khuda Se Dua Mein Tumhein Maang Daala, Oh Maang Daala
Allah, Maang Daala, Allah, Maang Daala, Oh
(Hum Pe Yeh Kisne Hara Rang Daala
Khushi Ne Hamaari Hamein Maar Daala)
Hamein Maar Daala, Hamein Maar Daala, Hamein
Maar Daala, Maar Daala, Maar Daala, Maar Daala
(Allah, Allah, Allah)
Maar Daala, Oh Maar Daala, Maar Daala Ho Maar Daala
Maar Daala, Maar Daala, Maar Daala, Maar Daala
(Yeh Kiski Hai Aahat, Yeh Kiska Hai Saaya
Hui Dil Mein Dastak, Yahan Kaun Aaya)
Hey Eh, Eh Eh Eh
Mm Mm Mm Mm Mm, Mm Mm Mm Mm Mm Mm