Triple decisivo de Maciej Lampe / Triple decisiu de Lampe (final Lliga ACB)
La 18a Lliga ACB sempre estarà vinculada al nom de Maciej Lampe. El pivot polonès ha decid...
published: 26 Jun 2014
Triple decisivo de Maciej Lampe / Triple decisiu de Lampe (final Lliga ACB)
Triple decisivo de Maciej Lampe / Triple decisiu de Lampe (final Lliga ACB)
La 18a Lliga ACB sempre estarà vinculada al nom de Maciej Lampe. El pivot polonès ha decidit el partit amb un triple des de la cantonada que quedarà per sempre més a l'imaginari culer i al Palau Blaugrana. En un tram final força complex, amb empat a 76, la cistella del pivot polonès, l'única que ha fet en tot el partit, ha servit per fer un pas decisiu cap al títol. Lampe ha rebut la pilota a la cantonada, després que passés per les mans de Navarro i Oleson, que estaven ben defensats. L'escorta d'Alaska ha trobat al pivot blaugrana en un racó de la pista, des d'on ha clavat un triple decisiu, que situava el 79-76 a 21 segons del final del partit. ______________ La 18ª Liga ACB siempre estará vinculada al nombre de Maciej Lampe. El pívot polaco ha decidido el partido con un triple desde la esquina que quedará para siempre en el imaginario culer y el Palau. En un tramo final bastante complejo, con empate a 76, la canasta del pívot polaco, la única que ha logrado en todo el partido, ha servido para dar un paso decisivo hacia el título. Lampe recibió el balón en la esquina, después de que pasara por las manos de Navarro y Oleson, que estaban bien defendidos. El escolta de Alaska ha encontrado al pivot azulgrana en un rincón de la pista, desde donde ha clavado un triple decisivo, que situaba el 79-76 a 21 segundos del final del partido. --- Barça 2.0 Subscribe to our official channel http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=fcbarcelona Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fcbarcelona Twitter: http://twitter.com/FCBarcelona Google+: http://plus.google.com/+FCBarcelona Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/FCBarcelona- published: 26 Jun 2014
- views: 200
Google I/O 2014 Final Recap and Thoughts
Another year, another Google I/O. For the second year in a row, Josh shares his thoughts a...
published: 27 Jun 2014
Google I/O 2014 Final Recap and Thoughts
Google I/O 2014 Final Recap and Thoughts
Another year, another Google I/O. For the second year in a row, Josh shares his thoughts about the conference that is altogether astounding, fun, about community, and a snapshot into our future in tech. Talk about Android in our forums: http://www.androidauthority.com/community Subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=androidauthority ---------------------------------------------------- Stay connected to Android Authority: - http://www.androidauthority.com - https://plus.google.com/u/0/+AndroidAuthority/posts - http://www.facebook.com/androidauthority/ - http://www.twitter.com/androidauth/ Follow the Team: Josh Vergara: https://plus.google.com/u/0/115479956157583333059 Joe Hindy: https://plus.google.com/u/0/107254147915240233302 Darcy LaCouvee: https://plus.google.com/u/0/113844012153953197176 Lanh Nguyen: https://plus.google.com/+LanhNguyenFilms Jayce Broda: https://plus.google.com/+JayceBroda Kevin Nether: https://plus.google.com/+KevinNether/posts- published: 27 Jun 2014
- views: 301
Europe - The Final Countdown(with lyrics)
The Final Countdown by Europe Lyrics: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 We're leaving together...
published: 12 Jun 2009
author: Neutralia1
Europe - The Final Countdown(with lyrics)
Europe - The Final Countdown(with lyrics)
The Final Countdown by Europe Lyrics: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 We're leaving together But still it's farewell And maybe we'll come back To earth, who ca...- published: 12 Jun 2009
- views: 11586557
- author: Neutralia1
Stand Up Comedy Indonesia season 4 GRAND FINAL (teaser)
Video pembuka sebelum Abdur dan David tampil di babak Grand Final SUCI 4 ditemani para KOM...
published: 25 Jun 2014
Stand Up Comedy Indonesia season 4 GRAND FINAL (teaser)
Stand Up Comedy Indonesia season 4 GRAND FINAL (teaser)
Video pembuka sebelum Abdur dan David tampil di babak Grand Final SUCI 4 ditemani para KOMIKA SEASON 4. Saksikan penampilannya di SUCI 4 babak Grand Final! KAMIS, 26 Juni 2014 pukul 21.00 wib Persembahan dari KOMPAS TV, Inspirasi Indonesia. ----------------------------------------------- Subscribe Kompas TV Official Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/KompasTV ----------------------------------------------- Kompas TV is a TV Network in Indonesia with various content including news, adventure & knowledge, and entertainment. Keep update our latest videos by subscribing Kompas TV official youtube channel. ----------------------------------------------- Kompas TV adalah sebuah TV Network di Indonesia yang menyajikan konten tayangan dari news, petualangan dan entertainment. Subscribe channel Youtube Kompas TV agar selalu terinformasi dengan video-video terbaru dari Kompas TV. ----------------------------------------------- [Visit Kompas TV Official Pages] Homepage : http://kompas.tv/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/KompasTV Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KompasTV- published: 25 Jun 2014
- views: 301
David: Susah Nyari Materi (SUCI 4 Grand Final)
David yang keturunan asli Betawi mengaku agak kesulitan di babak grand final. Wah!
published: 26 Jun 2014
David: Susah Nyari Materi (SUCI 4 Grand Final)
David: Susah Nyari Materi (SUCI 4 Grand Final)
David yang keturunan asli Betawi mengaku agak kesulitan di babak grand final. Wah! Pasalnya, semua materi tentang Jakarta hampir semuanya digunakan oleh David. Berhasilkah David mencari materi baru? Saksikan hanya di Stand Up Comedy babak GRAND FINAL! Persembahan dari KOMPAS TV, Inspirasi Indonesia. ----------------------------------------------- Subscribe Kompas TV Official Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/KompasTV ----------------------------------------------- Kompas TV is a TV Network in Indonesia with various content including news, adventure & knowledge, and entertainment. Keep update our latest videos by subscribing Kompas TV official youtube channel. ----------------------------------------------- Kompas TV adalah sebuah TV Network di Indonesia yang menyajikan konten tayangan dari news, petualangan dan entertainment. Subscribe channel Youtube Kompas TV agar selalu terinformasi dengan video-video terbaru dari Kompas TV. ----------------------------------------------- [Visit Kompas TV Official Pages] Homepage : http://kompas.tv/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/KompasTV Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KompasTV- published: 26 Jun 2014
- views: 4648
U-20 World Cup FINAL: Argentina - Nigeria, Netherlands 2005
Lionel Messi famously scored two in the final of the FIFA U-20 World Cup Final to help Arg...
published: 24 Jun 2014
U-20 World Cup FINAL: Argentina - Nigeria, Netherlands 2005
U-20 World Cup FINAL: Argentina - Nigeria, Netherlands 2005
Lionel Messi famously scored two in the final of the FIFA U-20 World Cup Final to help Argentina beat the Nigerians. The two will meet at the 2014 FIFA World Cup. More about this 2-1 match: http://www.fifa.com/tournaments/archive/u20worldcup/netherlands2005/matches/round=91020600/match=91020052/index.html More U-20 World Cup Highlights: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8FC6C461CE5C4D0A Please subscribe to FIFA on YouTube to stay updated on daily releases: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=fifatv More videos from FIFA on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/fifa- published: 24 Jun 2014
- views: 2069
Sneak Peek: The Final Night of Auditions - America's Got Talent 2014 (Preview)
Don't miss the final night of auditions on the next America's Got
Talent, Tuesday at 8/7c ...
published: 25 Jun 2014
Sneak Peek: The Final Night of Auditions - America's Got Talent 2014 (Preview)
Sneak Peek: The Final Night of Auditions - America's Got Talent 2014 (Preview)
Don't miss the final night of auditions on the next America's Got Talent, Tuesday at 8/7c on NBC. » Subscribe: http://full.sc/IlBBvK » Watch America's Got Talent Tuesdays 8/7c on NBC! » Full Episodes: http://www.nbc.com/americas-got-talent/video/ More AGT on NBC.com: http://www.nbc.com/americas-got-talent/ Like AGT: https://www.facebook.com/nbcagt Follow AGT: https://twitter.com/nbcagt AGT Tumblr: http://nbcagt.tumblr.com/ AGT Google+: https://plus.google.com/+nbcagt/posts AGT on Pinterest: http://full.sc/LMUw0U AGT Instagram: http://instagram.com/nbcagt Like NBC: http://Facebook.com/NBC Follow NBC: http://Twitter.com/NBC NBC Tumblr: http://NBCtv.tumblr.com/ NBC Pinterest: http://Pinterest.com/NBCtv/ NBC Google+: https://plus.google.com/+NBC YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/nbc NBC Instagram: http://instagram.com/nbctv Sneak Peek: The Final Night of Auditions - America's Got Talent 2014 (Preview) http://www.youtube.com/user/americasgottalent- published: 25 Jun 2014
- views: 54612
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Final Official Movie Trailer (2014) (HD)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Final Official Movie Trailer (2014) (HD)...
published: 24 Jun 2014
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Final Official Movie Trailer (2014) (HD)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Final Official Movie Trailer (2014) (HD)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Final Official Movie Trailer (2014) (HD)- published: 24 Jun 2014
- views: 9078
Abdur: Angka Kriminalitas Tertinggi (SUCI 4 Grand Final)
Berdasarkan fakta ada sebuah kota di Indonesia yang memiliki angka kriminalitas tertinggi....
published: 26 Jun 2014
Abdur: Angka Kriminalitas Tertinggi (SUCI 4 Grand Final)
Abdur: Angka Kriminalitas Tertinggi (SUCI 4 Grand Final)
Berdasarkan fakta ada sebuah kota di Indonesia yang memiliki angka kriminalitas tertinggi. Bahkan Abdur mewanti-wanti jangan sampai angka tersebut menjadi semakin tinggi jika permintaannya dikabulkan. Apakah permintaan Abdur tersebut? Saksikan hanya di Stand Up Comedy babak GRAND FINAL! Persembahan dari KOMPAS TV, Inspirasi Indonesia. ----------------------------------------------- Subscribe Kompas TV Official Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/KompasTV ----------------------------------------------- Kompas TV is a TV Network in Indonesia with various content including news, adventure & knowledge, and entertainment. Keep update our latest videos by subscribing Kompas TV official youtube channel. ----------------------------------------------- Kompas TV adalah sebuah TV Network di Indonesia yang menyajikan konten tayangan dari news, petualangan dan entertainment. Subscribe channel Youtube Kompas TV agar selalu terinformasi dengan video-video terbaru dari Kompas TV. ----------------------------------------------- [Visit Kompas TV Official Pages] Homepage : http://kompas.tv/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/KompasTV Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KompasTV- published: 26 Jun 2014
- views: 14634
Dodit: Lagu untuk Feni Rose (SUCI 4 Grand Final)
Dodit beraksi kembali!
Dengan biola kesayangannya, Dodit kembali menghibur para penggemar...
published: 26 Jun 2014
Dodit: Lagu untuk Feni Rose (SUCI 4 Grand Final)
Dodit: Lagu untuk Feni Rose (SUCI 4 Grand Final)
Dodit beraksi kembali! Dengan biola kesayangannya, Dodit kembali menghibur para penggemar setianya. Dan kini Dodit tampil dengan membawakan lagu yang diciptakannya khusus untuk Feni Rose. Seperti apa lagunya? Saksikan hanya di Stand Up Comedy babak GRAND FINAL! Persembahan dari KOMPAS TV, Inspirasi Indonesia. ----------------------------------------------- Subscribe Kompas TV Official Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/KompasTV ----------------------------------------------- Kompas TV is a TV Network in Indonesia with various content including news, adventure & knowledge, and entertainment. Keep update our latest videos by subscribing Kompas TV official youtube channel. ----------------------------------------------- Kompas TV adalah sebuah TV Network di Indonesia yang menyajikan konten tayangan dari news, petualangan dan entertainment. Subscribe channel Youtube Kompas TV agar selalu terinformasi dengan video-video terbaru dari Kompas TV. ----------------------------------------------- [Visit Kompas TV Official Pages] Homepage : http://kompas.tv/ Twitter : https://twitter.com/KompasTV Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KompasTV- published: 26 Jun 2014
- views: 18676
This Minnesota State Museum's Final Offer To Owner Of Couch From 'Mary Tyler Moore' Set
Subscribe to The Onion on YouTube: http://bit.ly/xzrBUA
According to a firm statement giv...
published: 26 Jun 2014
This Minnesota State Museum's Final Offer To Owner Of Couch From 'Mary Tyler Moore' Set
This Minnesota State Museum's Final Offer To Owner Of Couch From 'Mary Tyler Moore' Set
Subscribe to The Onion on YouTube: http://bit.ly/xzrBUA According to a firm statement given Thursday by the institution's staff, this is the final offer that the Minnesota State Museum is going to make for the brown living room sofa used on the hit 1970s sitcom 'The Mary Tyler Moore Show'. Like The Onion on Facebook: http://www.fb.com/theonion Follow The Onion on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/theonion More Breaking News: http://www.theonion.com/video/- published: 26 Jun 2014
- views: 4285
MINECRAFT PE 0.9.0 BUILD 9 | Version final? | APK
Nuevo vídeo de la build 9 QUE SEGÚN...
published: 25 Jun 2014
MINECRAFT PE 0.9.0 BUILD 9 | Version final? | APK
MINECRAFT PE 0.9.0 BUILD 9 | Version final? | APK
*LEE TODA LA DESCRIPCIÓN PARA PODER PROBAR LA BUILD* Nuevo vídeo de la build 9 QUE SEGÚN LOS DE MOJANG ES CANDIDATA PARA SER LA VERSIÓN FINAL Con algunos cambios entre ellos que los lobos funcionan a la perfección corrección de bugs y más! Página de Facebook(descarga): https://www.facebook.com/liongold0919 Twitter: @Liongold0919 (para estar al tanto del canal :D) Hagan respaldo de sus mundos!!!!!! Cambios en esta build 9: Corrección de errores: - Crash con lobos - Fallo al quitar bloques debajo de los carriles - Bloques colocados donde el jugador estaba de pie - Ubicación de la freza incorrecto - ENTIDADES ahora se guardan de forma más fiable - Elaboración de artículos de número unlitmied - Iluminación suave Desaparecidos en la parte superior de la nieve y alfombras - Wolfs moverse mientras se está sentado - Offspring era indomable en ciertos casos - Creepers flotando sobre el suelo - Collar color incorrecto de los lobos - El botón interactúan es ahora sólo "presionado" cuando se suelte - Bordes negros en partículas cuando la destrucción de las antorchas Ajustes: - Reproductores Mob ahora emiten luz - Creepers y esqueletos ahora utiliza el antiguo AI nuevo - Botón de Tame y sentarse interactúan para los lobos - La elaboración de pantalla ya no cambia a la siguiente receta cuando no se puede hacer que el actual Problemas conocidos - A veces trozos sólo contienen bloques transparentes no hagan hasta que interactuaron con - A veces las entidades degeneran en racimos extraños de los triángulos No olvides dar una manita arriba si te gusto, suscribirte y comentar porque habrá mucho más! :DNo olvides dar una manita arriba si te gusto, suscribirte y comentar porque habrá mucho más! :D- published: 25 Jun 2014
- views: 8487
BEHIND THE SCENES / FCB - Real Madrid (ACB Final - 3rd game)
FC Barcelona Basketball is just one victory away from winning the Liga Endesa after the wi...
published: 25 Jun 2014
BEHIND THE SCENES / FCB - Real Madrid (ACB Final - 3rd game)
BEHIND THE SCENES / FCB - Real Madrid (ACB Final - 3rd game)
FC Barcelona Basketball is just one victory away from winning the Liga Endesa after the win in the third game of the Finals. On Tuesday the Palau was witness to a great win, and the title is now just one step away. Xavi Pascual's players were superior to Pablo Laso's Madrid team throughout the whole match, which they ended up winning 94-79. Here you can now watch the behind the scenes video, from the arrival of the team through to the scenes of celebration after the match. The arrival of the players at the Palau Blaugrana, the preparation of the court, the arrival of the fans, both teams warming up, the presentations before the start of the game, the post match dressing room scenes ...... these videos are special, but even more so when it deals with the Final of the Endesa League, and against Real Madrid. _____________ El Barça de bàsquet és a només una victòria de guanyar la Lliga Endesa després de la victòria en el tercer partit de la final. El Palau Blaugrana va viure aquest dimarts un gran triomf blaugrana que deixa el títol a només un pas. El conjunt de Xavi Pascual va ser superior en tot moment a l'equip de Pablo Laso i va acabar guanyant per 94-79. Una victòria que ara es pot veure des de dins en un vídeo que mostra les interioritats dels moments previs i posteriors al gran partit. L'arribada dels jugadors al Palau Blaugrana, la preparació de la pista, l'arribada dels aficionats, l'escalfament dels dos equips, les presentacions abans de l'inici de l'enfrontament, el postpartit al vestidor... Tots els moments que es viuen en el vídeo són especials, però ho són encara més quan es tracta d'un partit de la final de la Lliga Endesa i contra el Reial Madrid. ________________ El Barça de baloncesto està a sólo una victoria de ganar la Liga Endesa tras la victoria en el tercer partido de la final. El Palau Blaugrana vivió este martes un gran triunfo azulgrana que deja el título a sólo un paso. El conjunto de Xavi Pascual fue superior en todo momento al equipo de Pablo Laso y acabó ganando por 94-79. Una victoria que ahora se puede ver desde dentro en un vídeo que muestra las interioridades de los momentos previos y posteriores al gran partido. La llegada de los jugadores en el Palau Blaugrana, la preparación de la pista, la llegada de los aficionados, el calentamiento de los dos equipos, las presentaciones antes del inicio del enfrentamiento, el postpartido en el vestuario... Todos los momentos que se viven en el vídeo son especiales, pero lo son aún más cuando se trata de un partido de la final de la Liga Endesa y contra el Real Madrid. --- Barça 2.0 Subscribe to our official channel http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=fcbarcelona Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fcbarcelona Twitter: http://twitter.com/FCBarcelona Google+: http://plus.google.com/+FCBarcelona Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/FCBarcelona- published: 25 Jun 2014
- views: 2037
Vimeo results:
Understand Music
Music is a good thing. But what we did not know until we started with the research for thi...
published: 03 Dec 2012
author: finally.
Understand Music
Music is a good thing. But what we did not know until we started with the research for this piece: Music is also a pretty damn complex thing. This experimental animation is about the attempt to understand all the parts and bits of it. Have a look. You might agree with our conclusion!
Additional sound recordings
finally. Showreel 2012
finally. is a dynamic and passionate creative studio.
We are exploring new ways of presen...
published: 26 Nov 2012
author: finally.
finally. Showreel 2012
finally. is a dynamic and passionate creative studio.
We are exploring new ways of presenting creativity.
This is our 2012 Showreel.
Music by: Plus
Funny or Die – Season II Interstitials
We love Will Ferrell, and of course, the TV-Design of the early 70`s. Florian has combined...
published: 19 Nov 2012
author: finally.
Funny or Die – Season II Interstitials
We love Will Ferrell, and of course, the TV-Design of the early 70`s. Florian has combined both when he created three of the interstitials for HBO’s „Funny or Die Presents“ as a freelancer for Visual Creatures.
Beautiful/Decay – Logoanimation
Self-described, Beautiful/Decay is a lifestyle for those who can see beauty in decay and p...
published: 19 Nov 2012
author: finally.
Beautiful/Decay – Logoanimation
Self-described, Beautiful/Decay is a lifestyle for those who can see beauty in decay and push creativity to its limits in order to create something new and inspiring for our generation.
We do not only agree with this statement, we also tried to capture this feeling in various Logo-Animations we created for them.
Youtube results:
Transformers 4 - Final Official Movie Trailer (2014) (HD)
Transformers 4 - Final Official Movie Trailer (2014) (HD)...
published: 17 Jun 2014
Transformers 4 - Final Official Movie Trailer (2014) (HD)
Transformers 4 - Final Official Movie Trailer (2014) (HD)
Transformers 4 - Final Official Movie Trailer (2014) (HD)- published: 17 Jun 2014
- views: 11881
Europe - The Final Countdown
Music video by Europe performing The Final Countdown. (C) 1986 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMEN...
published: 25 Oct 2009
Europe - The Final Countdown
Europe - The Final Countdown
Music video by Europe performing The Final Countdown. (C) 1986 SONY BMG MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT- published: 25 Oct 2009
- views: 62503193
Final Girl Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Abigail Breslin, Alexander Ludwig Movie HD
Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h
Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn...
published: 17 Jun 2014
Final Girl Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Abigail Breslin, Alexander Ludwig Movie HD
Final Girl Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Abigail Breslin, Alexander Ludwig Movie HD
Subscribe to TRAILERS: http://bit.ly/sxaw6h Subscribe to COMING SOON: http://bit.ly/H2vZUn Like us on FACEBOOK: http://goo.gl/dHs73 Follow us on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/1ghOWmt Final Girl Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Abigail Breslin, Alexander Ludwig Movie HD In the film, Loner Veronica is new to school, shy and vulnerable, the perfect target for a group of teenage boys who lure girls into the woods to hunt and kill them for sport. It's only after they get her alone that she turns the tables on them, escaping and revealing she's armed and knows how to defend herself. Little do they know, Veronica is an assassin-in-training, and she's chosen killing these boys as her final test. When the dust clears, Veronica will find out if she can be the final girl these boys ever have a chance to hurt. The Movieclips Trailers channel is your destination for the hottest new trailers the second they drop. Whether it's the latest studio release, an indie horror flick, an evocative documentary, or that new RomCom you've been waiting for, the Movieclips team is here day and night to make sure all the best new movie trailers are here for you the moment they're released. In addition to being the #1 Movie Trailers Channel on YouTube, we deliver amazing and engaging original videos each week. Watch our exclusive Ultimate Trailers, Showdowns, Instant Trailer Reviews, Monthly MashUps, Movie News, and so much more to keep you in the know. Here at Movieclips, we love movies as much as you! "final girl" "final girl movie" "final girl trailer" pack boys "the mastermind" "the hipster" "the heavy hitter" "the ladies man" game victim initiation kidnap murder kill action drama thriller revenge assassin target "Tyler Shields" "Abigail Breslin" "Alexander Ludwig" "Francesca Eastwood" "Wes Bentley " vchan- published: 17 Jun 2014
- views: 6130
Final Solo Round (CallBack) - SYTYCD Season 11
Final Solo Round (CallBack) - SYTYCD Season 11....As Seen On ©Fox Wed 8pm7c Audiovisual Co...
published: 26 Jun 2014
Final Solo Round (CallBack) - SYTYCD Season 11
Final Solo Round (CallBack) - SYTYCD Season 11
Final Solo Round (CallBack) - SYTYCD Season 11....As Seen On ©Fox Wed 8pm7c Audiovisual Content Administered by dcpMedia, All Rights Reserved. Website: http://www.idolxfactor.com/ Tweet Me: https://twitter.com/idolxfactor1 Vote Here: http://www.fox.com/dance FB: https://www.facebook.com/SoYouThinkYouCanDance Twitter: https://twitter.com/DANCEonFOX NOTE: THIS CHANNEL IS NOT OFFICIALLY AFFILIATED WITH So You Think You Can Dance or ©FOX- published: 26 Jun 2014
- views: 9614