Mani Vijay

Nashua, NH

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User Bio

I am the primary founder of IRFCA, the largest community of Indian Railways enthusiasts in the world. Please visit our website at .

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  1. Sushant
  2. srivats ramanan
  3. Bharath Moro
  4. Rajendra Saxena
  5. Sriram Bal
  6. Prateek Kalkundrikar
  7. Satish Vegesna
  8. wdp4 hubli
  9. Sameer Karamchandani
  10. P Kumar
  11. sritharan
  12. Adrean Mangiardi
  13. Viswa Chandra
  14. Bhaveen Patel
  15. Hari Kishore Malladi
  16. Ashar Khan
  17. Ateeq
  18. 4Moorhens2

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