
Risk is a 2007 Bollywood film directed by Vishram Sawant. It stars Randeep Hooda, Vinod Kh...
published: 02 Jun 2013
author: M0VIE4U
Risk is a 2007 Bollywood film directed by Vishram Sawant. It stars Randeep Hooda, Vinod Khanna, Tanushree Dutta, Zakir Hussain, Yashpal Sharma and Anant Jog ...- published: 02 Jun 2013
- views: 21169
- author: M0VIE4U

Risk (2007) - Lakhon Karodon Main
published: 07 Aug 2010
author: Vivekanandainsp
Risk (2007) - Lakhon Karodon Main

Runescape 2007 - Sparc Mac's High Risk Pking & Ninja Turtling!
I double dog dare you to tap that like. There is no going back now ;)
Follow me on Twitch...
published: 15 Jan 2014
Runescape 2007 - Sparc Mac's High Risk Pking & Ninja Turtling!
Runescape 2007 - Sparc Mac's High Risk Pking & Ninja Turtling!
I double dog dare you to tap that like. There is no going back now ;) Follow me on Twitch for Livestreams! http://www.twitch.tv/sparcmaclived Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SparcmacLive Become a Facebookie today: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Sparc-Mac/127906147289030 Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/sparcmacofficial Community Channel: http://www.youtube.com/sparcmacLlVE Real Life: http://www.youtube.com/sparcmacproductions Ignore: Runescape 2007" "Runescape" "2007" "Runescape 2k7" "Runescape '07" "07scape" "sparcmacllve" "sparcmaclived" "sparcmaclive" "Top 10" "Best" "Guide" "How to" "Community Channel" "Glitch" "Jagex" "Money Making" "RS" "Runescape 2007 Pking" "Runescape 2007 Staking" "Runescape 2007 money making" "Runescape 3 money making" "Old version rs" "old runescape"- published: 15 Jan 2014
- views: 35729

Aye Buds Pking Video #11 | High Risk | Ags | Dharoks | PvP | Runescape 2007 Oldschool Pking
First high risk Pking Video hope you guys like it. Also alot of big hits with dds and ags....
published: 14 Feb 2014
Aye Buds Pking Video #11 | High Risk | Ags | Dharoks | PvP | Runescape 2007 Oldschool Pking
Aye Buds Pking Video #11 | High Risk | Ags | Dharoks | PvP | Runescape 2007 Oldschool Pking
First high risk Pking Video hope you guys like it. Also alot of big hits with dds and ags. Suggest a song in the comments below for my next Pking Video and if i use it ill reward you with 5m RSGP. Please Like, Comment and Subscribe I do not own the audio in this video. Join Aye Buds Community Teamspeak - Ayebuds.Teamspeak3.com Songs 1. BASTILLE feat. Ella - No Angels - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xfKU31v3Hc 2. Eminem - Till i collapse -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1xXYeNrW9k Oldschool Runescape - http://oldschool.runescape.com/ IGNORE THIS: OSRS, 2007scape, 2007rs, 07rs,07scape, Oldschool RS, Old school, 8-way, 8 way, 7-way 7 way, 9 -ay, 9 way, Bonesaw , Chrisarchie , PK , Pure , Main, Zerker, Berserker, Barrows, Infinity, AGS, DDS, SOL, Armadyl Godsword, Staff of Light, Sparc Mac , Runeshark , Rune Shark , 2012 , Runescape , 13 Prayer , 60 attack , DDS , Noobs , Pwnage , Hybrid , Hybriding , Hybridding , RCB , MSB , Rune Crossbow , Magic Shortbow , Dragon dagger , Shark , Summer Pie , Honour , Honor , No honor , NH , Pure Hybriding 2007 , Mayhem Makers , MM , FOE , Final Ownage Elite , EOP , Eruption of Pures , TLP , The Last Pures , Fatality , FI, clan , war, PK , wilderness , High risk , Drops , Nice , Pro , Professional , Member , p2p , f2p , NightmareRH, Revolution X rsps, Matrix rsps, new rsps, armour look toggle, old armours, new armours, fight cave, fight kiln, all bosses, 714. zezima, tonyball party hat, santa, hw mask pks!! Ishy bad boy, 14, 13, 12, bounty hunter, godsword pk! dark bow pk! Omfg fury and h ween hat! Runescape zezima kills! 99 str, 99 range, 99 attack, 99 mage, 95 prayer, max hit! wildy owns1, wildyowns1, runescape, bs, bh, pking, bounty hunter pking, bountyhunter, bs, bh, rs, runescape, jagex ltd, upload, videos, p hat, purple hat, clan, purple hats, bh, clans, runescape, di rs, elvemage, kids ranqe, soz owned, defil3d, elf mage, pka, i ayzee i, joshinator48, eazy e369, runescape, rs, wildy owns1, spanjol 91, rs elvewatford, runescape, pking, p2p, f2p, member, PvP, PvP Worlds, team cape, rs fagex, range of ish, pk video, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 16, 17, 20, 18, 19, jagex, rs, 99, 98, 97, 96, 95, 94, 93, 92, 91, 90, 85, 70, magic, mage, str, strength, ranging, range, magic, hp, hitpoints, josh rs, Max, Andrew Gower, Paul Gower, rune, tupac, Justin Bieber Gay, ignore this, rs, dis, jagex songs, music, rock, rap, hiphop, bs, bh, pking, run escape, wild gone, wildy gone, wildy is back, widerness return, wilderness back, dueling vid, i vmser i, elvemage, i kasoy i, fuzzy002005, zezima, uloveme, the old nite, 45, 46, passed away, died, views, comments, subsribe, coventry, uk, england, msn, jagex, usa, america, pk vid, p2p, magic, f2p, p2p, dark bow, 1 def, defence 1, bloodhoun34, bloodhoun, rif, tiny pupet, Nercychlidae, Elvewatford, on youtube, Wolfex16! PURPLE 0WNZ, N0VALYFE, PHAT, LURE,OWNAGE, RUNESCAPE, WILDY, WILDERNESS, RUNESCAPE PKING, RUN3 4RR0WPK, OWNAGE, MAIKEL PRO, I MAHATMA I, EVO , KRAZYFAKEN, RUNESCAPE PKER, RUNESCAPE PKING, INITIATE PURE, 99 STR, MAGE, RANGE, OBBY MAUL, WICKED MAUL, FIRE CAPE, P00NAGE, MAULER, EDGEVILLE, purple 0wnz, bloodhoun34, wild pker, ownage, phat lure, 99, 1337, 9001, over 9000, PWNAGE, PKING PKERS, WILDY, BARRAGE, ANCIENTS, FROSTYDAPKER, JETCHIMP, BLOOD, SEASON, Stonecoldpkr, P0ke N Die2, Sourpatchk1d, 1 Pure Devil, Evilsexc, Dizzy Mauler, I Shonomercy, E4t F0od Nub, Im Easy Xp, Iminsan3, Pure insan3, and Xoxofuryxoxo. whipper, whip, sv3rige, hiei the pk, lexmark78, 6th outlaw, i meleed i, ultimate strength, piety, turmoil, soul split, hybrid, barrage, blitz, burst, 99 range, mage, finnald, phat set, rich, staker, best, runescaper, 100m, 100B, 1b, 99 magic, party, best drop party, 99 range, 99 str, 95 prayer, curses,30 def, 99 attack.- published: 14 Feb 2014
- views: 32

High Risk Pking Commentary - "Riskin It For The Biscuit!" - Runescape 2007
This is my first high risk runescape pking video! It took me a while to get all these clip...
published: 26 Jul 2013
author: 123devyn
High Risk Pking Commentary - "Riskin It For The Biscuit!" - Runescape 2007
High Risk Pking Commentary - "Riskin It For The Biscuit!" - Runescape 2007
This is my first high risk runescape pking video! It took me a while to get all these clips because its pretty hard to find risk fights, but I will be workin...- published: 26 Jul 2013
- views: 4803
- author: 123devyn

Spam - Oldschool 2007 Runescape High Risk PK Commentary #1
George's Staking Video & 30M Giveaway - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPMl4h6wVKM
Hey gu...
published: 20 Nov 2013
Spam - Oldschool 2007 Runescape High Risk PK Commentary #1
Spam - Oldschool 2007 Runescape High Risk PK Commentary #1
George's Staking Video & 30M Giveaway - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPMl4h6wVKM Hey guys, So it's been a while since I've uploaded, and I'm sorry for that. My laptop isn't the best at the moment and I've not felt like making videos or really had anything to make them on, as when I do log in I just stake and not much else. Hopefully I'll upload another video soon to explain high risk worlds and what we know so far, as I've fought quite hard to have them polled for some time now. Cheers, Ian. All Music in this video is produced by iamsleepless, you can find his channel here - http://www.youtube.com/bananapielord What client am I using? Runeloader! http://www.runeloader.com Similar to Orion, although the developer (Harry) the owner of Runecore (the rsps choice of B0aty and other old youtubers). The difference between runeloader and Orion is that runeloaders promise is that everything is free and plugins are chosen by the community, the api is public too so coders can make their own plugins and show them to Harry who can approve them to be put into the live client. If you have an idea for something you'd like to see on the client then head over to the forums and get suggesting. My name on the forums is "Ian" if you want to refer me if you do decide to sign up :) Cheers! Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ianspam- published: 20 Nov 2013
- views: 2559

Runescape 2007 - Sparc Mac's High Risk Pk Commentary - Dark Bow & Dharoks / Zerker!
HIT THAT LIKE FOR DEEP PKING!! Caps wasn't really necessary but I had to set the mood ;D F...
published: 02 Jun 2013
author: ggggllo
Runescape 2007 - Sparc Mac's High Risk Pk Commentary - Dark Bow & Dharoks / Zerker!
Runescape 2007 - Sparc Mac's High Risk Pk Commentary - Dark Bow & Dharoks / Zerker!
HIT THAT LIKE FOR DEEP PKING!! Caps wasn't really necessary but I had to set the mood ;D Follow me on Twitch for Livestreams! http://www.twitch.tv/sparcmacli...- published: 02 Jun 2013
- views: 49876
- author: ggggllo

So Wreck3d Pking Marathon Day #7 - "HIGH RISK" - Runescape 2007
Day #6 Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHdYci2Etik Start the Marathon Here!: http://w...
published: 28 May 2013
author: sowreck3d
So Wreck3d Pking Marathon Day #7 - "HIGH RISK" - Runescape 2007
So Wreck3d Pking Marathon Day #7 - "HIGH RISK" - Runescape 2007
Day #6 Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHdYci2Etik Start the Marathon Here!: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W54fK85s3Jo&list;=PLc5L2HXoeEfd0ndzCECVVy9Hzv...- published: 28 May 2013
- views: 51890
- author: sowreck3d

Runescape 2007 - Sparc Mac's Uppercutting & High Risk Ft. HUGE Comeback!
Let's have some fun. Like/Fav if you enjoy/enjoyed :)
Follow me on Twitch for Livestreams...
published: 23 Jan 2014
Runescape 2007 - Sparc Mac's Uppercutting & High Risk Ft. HUGE Comeback!
Runescape 2007 - Sparc Mac's Uppercutting & High Risk Ft. HUGE Comeback!
Let's have some fun. Like/Fav if you enjoy/enjoyed :) Follow me on Twitch for Livestreams! http://www.twitch.tv/sparcmaclived Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SparcmacLive Become a Facebookie today: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Sparc-Mac/127906147289030 Gaming Channel: https://www.youtube.com/sparcmacofficial Community Channel: http://www.youtube.com/sparcmacLlVE Real Life: http://www.youtube.com/sparcmacproductions Ignore: Runescape 2007" "Runescape" "2007" "Runescape 2k7" "Runescape '07" "07scape" "sparcmacllve" "sparcmaclived" "sparcmaclive" "Top 10" "Best" "Guide" "How to" "Community Channel" "Glitch" "Jagex" "Money Making" "RS" "Runescape 2007 Pking" "Runescape 2007 Staking" "Runescape 2007 money making" "Runescape 3 money making" "Old version rs" "old runescape"- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 12182

Spam - Oldschool 2007 Runescape Pure High Risk PK Commentary #2 ft. Mystery Book
Mystery's most recent pk video, including some...
published: 09 Dec 2013
Spam - Oldschool 2007 Runescape Pure High Risk PK Commentary #2 ft. Mystery Book
Spam - Oldschool 2007 Runescape Pure High Risk PK Commentary #2 ft. Mystery Book
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huB2u5xqytI Mystery's most recent pk video, including some other clips of him killing me high risking later that day :) Hey guys, Mystery Book and I have been friends for a long time now and luckily we have pures the same combat which means we could most definitely make more of these. He makes some great pk content and livestreams alot on twitch, so if you enjoyed this video be sure to check out the link above and throw this video a like if you'd like to see another session with him. I think he's doing a big giveaway for christmas too (as of this moment his 07 bank is like 17B, so its definitely worth checking that out and telling him I sent you.) Cheers guys, Ian. All Music in this video is produced by iamsleepless, you can find his channel here - http://www.youtube.com/bananapielord What client am I using? RuneLoader! http://www.runeloader.com/community/member.php?action=register&referrer;=22 Similar to Orion, although the developer (Harry) the owner of Runecore (the rsps choice of B0aty and other old youtubers). The difference between RuneLoader and Orion is that RuneLoader's promise is that everything is free and plugins are chosen by the community, the api is public too so programmers can make their own plugins and show them to Harry who can approve them to be put into the live client. If you have an idea for something you'd like to see on the client then head over to the forums and get suggesting. My name on the forums is "Ian" if you want to refer me if you do decide to sign up :) Cheers! Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/ianspam- published: 09 Dec 2013
- views: 166

Colorado Youth at Risk 2007 Video
This video was a part of the 2007 fundraising breakfast for Colorado Youth at Risk. The th...
published: 22 Nov 2007
author: underwriteDOM
Colorado Youth at Risk 2007 Video
Colorado Youth at Risk 2007 Video
This video was a part of the 2007 fundraising breakfast for Colorado Youth at Risk. The theme of this year's breakfast was "Inspire, Inquire, Join the Conver...- published: 22 Nov 2007
- views: 2642
- author: underwriteDOM

Swede Badass 2007 PK Video 9 | Hybriding | Void Trolling | High Risk
My last void trolling video got such good feedback so I thought I'd make another one :]
published: 08 Feb 2014
Swede Badass 2007 PK Video 9 | Hybriding | Void Trolling | High Risk
Swede Badass 2007 PK Video 9 | Hybriding | Void Trolling | High Risk
My last void trolling video got such good feedback so I thought I'd make another one :] If you enjoyed the video make sure you leave a Like/Comment really motivates me to make more. had to re-edit and re upload the video :( Thanks for song Marius:p- published: 08 Feb 2014
- views: 1965

Runescape 2007 High Risk Pking Ft Blue Altair
Doing some high risk pking with blue altair, hope you all enjoi ^^
Songs used
Fox Youth (...
published: 16 Feb 2014
Runescape 2007 High Risk Pking Ft Blue Altair
Runescape 2007 High Risk Pking Ft Blue Altair
Doing some high risk pking with blue altair, hope you all enjoi ^^ Songs used Fox Youth (Adventure Club)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XG_0iV2B40 "Runescape 2007" "Runescape" "2007" "Runescape 2k7" "Runescape '07" "07scape" "ChrisArchieProds" "Top 10" "Best" "Guide" "How to" "New" "Chris Archie" "Community Channel" "WTF" "Fail" "Lol" "Troll" "Scam" "Glitch" "Jagex" "Money Making" "GP" "Partyhat" "Rage" "RS"- published: 16 Feb 2014
- views: 2348

Mala Lagalee Kunaachee Hitchakee From Risk (2007)
Lyrics By :- http://www.lyricsbogie.com/movies/risk-2007/mala-lagalee-k...chee-hitchakee.h...
published: 20 Aug 2012
author: Helen Warner
Mala Lagalee Kunaachee Hitchakee From Risk (2007)
Mala Lagalee Kunaachee Hitchakee From Risk (2007)
Lyrics By :- http://www.lyricsbogie.com/movies/risk-2007/mala-lagalee-k...chee-hitchakee.html Movies : Risk (2007) Singer : Sonu Kakkar Song Lyricist : Ami...- published: 20 Aug 2012
- views: 6125
- author: Helen Warner
Youtube results:

Pot Up Son | High Risk Fighting Pk Commentary #2 | RuneScape 2007 Pure PKing | COMBOS
Hey guys, In this video, I practise some newly discovered combo's and make bank risk fight...
published: 04 Apr 2013
author: PotUpSonRs
Pot Up Son | High Risk Fighting Pk Commentary #2 | RuneScape 2007 Pure PKing | COMBOS
Pot Up Son | High Risk Fighting Pk Commentary #2 | RuneScape 2007 Pure PKing | COMBOS
Hey guys, In this video, I practise some newly discovered combo's and make bank risk fighting, leave a like if you enjoyed :D Cheers guys ~Alex Clan Chat: Po...- published: 04 Apr 2013
- views: 10193
- author: PotUpSonRs

Runescape 2007 High Risk Pking
This is for all the haters that said I would never kill anybody!
Song used in Video - Sin...
published: 21 Apr 2014
Runescape 2007 High Risk Pking
Runescape 2007 High Risk Pking
This is for all the haters that said I would never kill anybody! Song used in Video - Singularity - Rift (The Eden Project Remix)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDheBd_hBac "2007" "Runescape 2k7" "Runescape '07" "07scape" "ChrisArchieProds" "Top 10" "Best" "Guide" "How to" "New" "Chris Archie" "Community Channel" "WTF" "Fail" "Lol" "Troll" "Scam" "Glitch" "Jagex" "Money Making" "GP" "Partyhat" "Rage" "RS"- published: 21 Apr 2014
- views: 4490

Runescape 2007 High Risk Pking Ft. Lil Billis
Pking adventure Ft. Lil Billis 2007scape
Refer a friend to watch my videos and get 250k 0...
published: 06 Feb 2014
Runescape 2007 High Risk Pking Ft. Lil Billis
Runescape 2007 High Risk Pking Ft. Lil Billis
Pking adventure Ft. Lil Billis 2007scape Refer a friend to watch my videos and get 250k 07 or 2.5m eoc! - - - - - - "Runescape 2007" "Runescape" "2007" "Runescape 2k7" "Runescape '07" "07scape" "ChrisArchieProds" "Top 10" "Best" "Guide" "How to" "New" "Chris Archie" "Community Channel" "WTF" "Fail" "Lol" "Troll" "Scam" "Glitch" "Jagex" "Money Making" "GP" "Partyhat" "Rage" "RS"- published: 06 Feb 2014
- views: 5621