
Ghost Cereal Box Prank
Learn Magic at http://www.penguinmagic.com Instagram: http://instagram.com/themagicofrahat...
published: 12 Feb 2013
author: MagicofRahat
Ghost Cereal Box Prank
Ghost Cereal Box Prank
Learn Magic at http://www.penguinmagic.com Instagram: http://instagram.com/themagicofrahat Twitter: http://twitter.com/magicofrahat Facebook Group: http://ww...- published: 12 Feb 2013
- views: 3797893
- author: MagicofRahat

How It's Made Cereal product
published: 06 Oct 2009
author: Ian Collier
How It's Made Cereal product

FullyRaw Cereal!
Raw vegan cereal! Fruit fun deliciousness to start your day feeling GREAT! http://youtu.be...
published: 27 Mar 2014
FullyRaw Cereal!
FullyRaw Cereal!
Raw vegan cereal! Fruit fun deliciousness to start your day feeling GREAT! http://youtu.be/SrckWlg5Eas Ingredients for the Nut Mylk: http://youtu.be/YSFy-WfzVs0 Ingredients for the Banana Mylk: 2 Bananas 2-3 Cups of Young Coconut Water Blend until frothy! Ingredients for the Cereal: 2-3 Cups of Mulberries Handful of Blueberries or Raspberries Quarter Cup of Raw Raisins 1 Sliced Banana Handful of Sliced Strawberries Add your cereal into a bowl, pour over with you mylk.... dig in your spoon and enjoy! Want to keep up with me daily? ❤ Co-op: http://www.rawfullyorganic.com ❤ FullyRaw: http://www.fullyraw.com ❤ FullyRaw You Tube: http://www.youtube.com/fullyrawkristina ❤ FullyRaw Kristina Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/fullyrawkristina ❤ Kristina's Bio: http://fullyraw.com/about/about-me ❤ Kristina's Blog: http://www.rawfullyorganic.com/blog ❤ ROC Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/rawfullyorganic ❤ Rawfully Organic Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/rawfullyorganic ❤ FullyRaw Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/fullyraw- published: 27 Mar 2014
- views: 54109

Time for cereal. Starring Robert Benfer and Chris Alex Pictures taken by Jason Steele MY F...
published: 06 Apr 2011
author: KnoxsKorner1
Time for cereal. Starring Robert Benfer and Chris Alex Pictures taken by Jason Steele MY FACE BOOK www.facebook.com/thebenfer TWITTER http://twitter.com/Robe...- published: 06 Apr 2011
- views: 273588
- author: KnoxsKorner1

GloZell's Cereal Challenge GloZell
Cereal challenge XOXO --- Thanks for Subscribing also Subscribe to GloZell's Google+ https...
published: 09 Aug 2012
author: GloZell Green
GloZell's Cereal Challenge GloZell
GloZell's Cereal Challenge GloZell
Cereal challenge XOXO --- Thanks for Subscribing also Subscribe to GloZell's Google+ https://plus.google.com/117070094195565533036/posts Thanks for subscribi...- published: 09 Aug 2012
- views: 5903177
- author: GloZell Green

Best Cereal Ever
Good Mythical Morning Episode 19! Best Cereal Ever! Comment below and tell us what you thi...
published: 03 Feb 2012
author: rhettandlink2
Best Cereal Ever
Best Cereal Ever
Good Mythical Morning Episode 19! Best Cereal Ever! Comment below and tell us what you think is the best cereal ever **** SUBSCRIBE for daily episodes: http:...- published: 03 Feb 2012
- views: 112233
- author: rhettandlink2

How It's Made - Cereal
Clip from How its made to see 'How Cereal is made'
Discovery / Science Channel's How It's...
published: 15 Feb 2014
How It's Made - Cereal
How It's Made - Cereal
Clip from How its made to see 'How Cereal is made' Discovery / Science Channel's How It's Made Flour episode. This is a starter recipe that can be adapted to your own preferences. The basic recipe contains oats, honey and ghee (or unsalted butter) and is fine just th. Google+: Fanpage: Forum: . Clip from How its made to see 'How Cereal is made' Check my channel for more! All right go to the makers of the show! I don't own this show How Its Made 107 . Clip from How its made to see 'How Cereal is made' Check my channel for more! All right go to the makers of the show! I don't own this show How Its Made 107 . Breakfast cereal—anything puffed, extruded, or flaked—is a quintessentially American invention. Here, Dave Arnold and the MOFAD team explore its origins with. Corn Flakes Processing Line produces corn flakes, cereals, and puff snacks similar to Kellogg and Nestle products, the shapes and sizes can be various. Compl. An overview of the manufacture of shredded wheat from raw materials to table-ready breakfast cereal. Didn't turn out as i hoped, but here it is: How to make your own pre-made cereal! This is a short how to tutorial (and recipe) on how to properly make cereal (Corn Flakes) at home - check out, it should be pretty easy, all you need is a bo. in this video, i am going to show you how cereal is really made, it's actually very simple. GET THE FREE APP COWBOY DIY Twitter : LIKE Facebook page: Drunk History-Detroit I don't own it Comedy Central does. Tv. Recipe - - A No-bake Trail Mix Snack Bar to curb your kids' after-school cravings. For more info: Movin. This is the true way that cereal is made, and no its not in a factory. In this video we show you how to make a home made Non GMO Puffed Rice Cereal. Check out my blog on Healthy Living: The ma. .- published: 15 Feb 2014
- views: 11

MORE INFO BELOW : The shocking truth about cereal. Not every cereal are bad, but what you ...
published: 28 Oct 2011
author: chemlin
MORE INFO BELOW : The shocking truth about cereal. Not every cereal are bad, but what you buy and eat. What you will see in this video is a scientific experi...- published: 28 Oct 2011
- views: 405112
- author: chemlin

10 Scrumptious Cereal Facts
You'll never look at Corn Flakes the same way again. Ever.
Share on Facebook: http://on.f...
published: 14 Mar 2014
10 Scrumptious Cereal Facts
10 Scrumptious Cereal Facts
You'll never look at Corn Flakes the same way again. Ever. Share on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1cZadXp Like BuzzFeedVideo on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1ilcE7k Share on Twitter: http://bit.ly/1cZah9G *Copyrighted content used under the Fair Use exception for review and commentary. MUSIC Beautiful Day Licensed via Warner Chappell Production Music -------------------------- GET MORE BUZZFEED: www.buzzfeed.com www.buzzfeed.com/video www.youtube.com/buzzfeed www.youtube.com/buzzfeedvideo www.youtube.com/buzzfeedyellow www.youtube.com/buzzfeedpop www.youtube.com/cnnbuzzfeed BUZZFEED POP BuzzFeed is the world's first true social news organization. Featuring tasty, short, fun, inspiring, funny, interesting videos from the BuzzFeed. /BuzzFeedPop is a BuzzFeed original YouTube Channel, with a focus on producing great short-form pop-culture inspired for YouTube (and the world!). BuzzFeed Pop will entertain, educate, spark conversation, inspire and delight. Subscribe to BuzzFeedPop today and check us out at http://buzzfeed.com- published: 14 Mar 2014
- views: 45258

Cereal & Deryck (+ DJ Ykve) "Mesto"
Nová krv slovenskej rapovej hry - tak to je chalanisko s menom Cereal! Daj si jeho druhý o...
published: 31 Mar 2014
Cereal & Deryck (+ DJ Ykve) "Mesto"
Cereal & Deryck (+ DJ Ykve) "Mesto"
Nová krv slovenskej rapovej hry - tak to je chalanisko s menom Cereal! Daj si jeho druhý oficiálny videoklip, v ktorom má svoje prsty aj Deryck z Gramo Rokkaz a DJ Ykve z partie OrtoDogz, a teš sa na ďalšie skladby! Video credits: Track: "Mesto" Rap: Cereal Skreče: DJ Ykve Hudba: Deryck Nahrávanie skladby: OrtoDogz Music Mix: Menfo (Dobrosláv Studio) Mastering: Menfo (Dobrosláv Studio) Réžia, kamera a post-produkcia videa: Dope Production Výkonná produkcia videa: Cereal & Deryck Release: N/A ISRC: SKW841400001 http://www.gramorokkaz.com http://www.facebook.com/gramorokkaz http://www.twitter.com/gramorokkaz http://www.soundcloud.com/gramorokkaz http://www.instagram.com/gramorokkaz http://www.youtube.com/gramorokkaz http://www.fb.com/cereal.sk http://www.fb.com/ortodogz.ykve © 2014 GRAMO ROKKAZ, s.r.o.- published: 31 Mar 2014
- views: 9067

Cereal - Radšej budem sám (prod. Lkama)
Dalsi singel rapera menom "Cereal"
Track: "Radšej budem sám"
Rap: Cereal
Hudba: ...
published: 23 Aug 2013
Cereal - Radšej budem sám (prod. Lkama)
Cereal - Radšej budem sám (prod. Lkama)
Dalsi singel rapera menom "Cereal" Credits: Track: "Radšej budem sám" Rap: Cereal Hudba: Lkama Mix a master: Kenny Rough Nahravane v "Studio Salatech" ------------------------------------------------------------------ Ďalšie info: http://www.facebook.com/lkama.gramorokkaz https://www.facebook.com/nechce.samiuz https://www.facebook.com/SalatechStudio- published: 23 Aug 2013
- views: 6618

Candy Bar Cereal - Every Child's Dream! | Furious Pete
Furious Pete combines all his favorite childhood chocolate bars into one amazing cereal bo...
published: 31 Oct 2013
Candy Bar Cereal - Every Child's Dream! | Furious Pete
Candy Bar Cereal - Every Child's Dream! | Furious Pete
Furious Pete combines all his favorite childhood chocolate bars into one amazing cereal bowl, check out the details below! Subscribe to future videos! ► http://bit.ly/Sub2FuriousPete Last Week's Video ► http://bit.ly/1akHrvZ Get Team Furious Shirts! ► https://furiouspete.myshopify.com My place for all my Fitness/Supp Needs ► http://bit.ly/11TnUfi Candy Bar Cereal: - 12 Fun Size M&M; Packs - 2 Pretzel M&M; Packs - 2 Twix Bars - 2 Snickers Bars - 1 King Size Wunderbar - 1 King Size Kit Kat - 1 Tolberone Bar - 10 Reese Peanut Butter Cups - 2 Bottles of Whipped Cream - Half a Gallon of Milk COMMENT/LIKE this video if you enjoyed it! I appreciate all the support! Thanks for watching! Share this video on Twitter! ► http://clicktotweet.com/53n7Y Share this video on Facebook! ► http://on.fb.me/1hxlT2z Follow Me Here if you want (please follow me, I need friends): Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/Furiouspete123 Google+ http://gplus.to/furiouspete YouNow - http://www.younow.com/users/furiouspete Tumblr - http://furiouspete.tumblr.com/ Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/furiouspete Bodyspace- http://bodyspace.bodybuilding.com/Dedicatedforlif/ Send me stuff: Furious Pete 1801 Lakeshore Rd W Unit 6 PO Box 52559 Turtle Creek Mississauga, ON, L5J 4S6 Canada Check out my other Channels: Vlogs - http://www.youtube.com/furioustalks Supplement Reviews - http://www.youtube.com/suppsreviews The Furious Dog - http://www.youtube.com/thefuriousdog Furious Eats - http://www.youtube.com/furiouspete Furious GamePlay - http://www.youtube.com/FuriousGamePlay Thanks for subscribing! For Business inquires only: Businessinquiries [at] thecollective-la.com or events [at] furiouspete.com - Peter Czerwinski, aka 'Furious Pete', is a Professional Competitive Eater, Master in Engineering Graduate and Fitness Guru. He began doing Eating YouTube videos in 2007, which landed him into his first eating contest a year later (he has done 100 contests to date winning 85% of them). Through his online eating, breaking numerous Guinness World Records and eating contests, he has landed a number of TV spots for National Geographic, Discovery Channel, Sport Science, Travel Channel and currently hosts a show on German TV (Abenteuer Leben on Kabel Eins), doing a world eating tour. Through his difficult times and passion for fitness he aims to show the world that you can still have a good time in life, go out with friends, party it up, eat some burgers and still maintain a good and healthy physique. Stay Sexy, Stay Hungry, Get Laid my friends...and of course stay Dedicated For Life.- published: 31 Oct 2013
- views: 62311

Cereal - The Movie (Official Trailer)
The worlds greatest cereal mascots must team up to take down a psychotic health nut.
published: 13 Mar 2014
Cereal - The Movie (Official Trailer)
Cereal - The Movie (Official Trailer)
The worlds greatest cereal mascots must team up to take down a psychotic health nut. Writer/Director/Producer/Editor - Alex Goyette (JouleThief) Producer/Composer - Matthias - youtube.com/user/Matthiasiam Cinematographer - Mykee Del Mundo Visual Effects - Caesar Augustus Campos Cast: Captain Crunch - Patrick Finerty General Mills - Emilio Palame Quaker Oats Guy - Don Yanan Narrator Voice - Jake Foushee -youtube.com/user/MoonwalkHD Trix Rabbit - JouleThief Lucky - Alexander J. Alexander C.I.A Agent - Ryan Beard Count Chocula - Jon Rosell Russian Roulette Minion - Joey Fredrick Snap - Mick Stalone Crackle - Ian Start Pop - Brian Mitchell Crew: Gaffer - Dima Koshutin Sound Design/Sound Mixing - Michael Badal Key Grip - Peter Koocheradis 1st AC - Daniel Lee 2nd AC - Max Margolin Sound Mixer - Kate Sheil Boom Operator - Geoffrey Jerrell Boom Operator 2 - Richard Sheehan Co Producer/Location Scout - Amy Yarbrough Key Make-up Artist - Amanda Marucut Make-up Effects - Jon Rosell Make-up Assistant - Amy Yarbrough Costume Designers - Alex Goyette/Gabi Goyette/Matt Fredrick Best Boy Electric - Rene Yescas Best Boy Grip - Chris Vaughn Grip/Electric - Brian Mitchell Grip/Electric - Ian Start Location Manager - Gary Montgomery Special Thanks to Andrew Craven and FULL SCALE EFFECTS Extras: Bar Fighter 1 - Geoffrey Jerrell Bar Fighter 2 - Matt Fredrick Minion 1 - Brian Mitchell Minion 2 - Ian Start Minion 3 - Chris Hosea Minion 4 - Jordan Tandowski Minion 5 - Jake Iorio Minion 6 - Joey Fredrick Minion 7 - Aaron Avila Minion 8 - Mick Stalone Minion 9 - Matt Fredrick Originally created for AwesomenessTV. This is the directors cut. K thx bai.- published: 13 Mar 2014
- views: 25145
Vimeo results:

Meticulous Ink
A short video showcasing the process of contemporary letterpress with Meticulous Ink in Ba...
published: 23 Jun 2013
author: Cereal
Meticulous Ink
A short video showcasing the process of contemporary letterpress with Meticulous Ink in Bath, UK.

Vol.1 - Pine Cone
Our first film for Volume 1 of Cereal Magazine - the inspiration behind our cover image. ...
published: 02 Dec 2012
author: Cereal
Vol.1 - Pine Cone
Our first film for Volume 1 of Cereal Magazine - the inspiration behind our cover image.
Filmed and Edited by Raspberry and Jam - www.raspberryandjam.com
MUSIC - Memoryhouse - Old Haunts (LTR remix)
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LTRtunes
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/LTRtunes
Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/ltr_tunes

Hooray For Earth "True Loves" (Cereal Spiller Remix)
Directed by Cyriak
- Music video for Hooray For Earth's "True Loves" (Cereal Spiller Remi...
published: 21 May 2011
author: Cereal Spiller
Hooray For Earth "True Loves" (Cereal Spiller Remix)
Directed by Cyriak
- Music video for Hooray For Earth's "True Loves" (Cereal Spiller Remix). Animated and Directed by Cyriak Harris.

A Place To Bury Strangers "Keep Slipping Away" (Cereal Spiller Remix)
A Place To Bury Strangers "Keep Slipping Away" (Cereal Spiller Remix)
published: 01 Sep 2010
author: Cereal Spiller
A Place To Bury Strangers "Keep Slipping Away" (Cereal Spiller Remix)
A Place To Bury Strangers "Keep Slipping Away" (Cereal Spiller Remix)
Video Mashup of A Place To Bury Strangers/ Brendan Bellomo/ Greg Wilson/ Cereal Spiller Remix. Mute 2010
Youtube results:

Breakfast Cereal | Raw. Vegan. Not Gross.
Grab a seat, Laura's making breakfast. These groats, with a bonus apple crumble and cream,...
published: 09 Jan 2014
Breakfast Cereal | Raw. Vegan. Not Gross.
Breakfast Cereal | Raw. Vegan. Not Gross.
Grab a seat, Laura's making breakfast. These groats, with a bonus apple crumble and cream, are a great alternative to those humdrum smoothies and can be served warm during cold winter months. FULL RECIPE BELOW Breakfast Cereal Recipe: INGREDIENTS Cereal: 2 cups buckwheat groats, soaked 1 hour 1/2 c maple syrup 2 t cinnamon 1 t salt 1/8 t stevia Baked Apples: (optional) 2 apples 1 T coconut oil 1 t vanilla extract pinch of salt 1 t cinnamon Cashew Cream: (optional) 2 cups cashews ½ cup maple syrup ¼ cup lemon juice 1 t vanilla extract pinch of salt ½ cup coconut oil PROCESS Cereal 1. Soak buckwheat groats for at least one hour, then rinse 2. Combine all remaining ingredients in a medium-sized bowl 3. Mix thoroughly 4. Spread on a teflex sheet and dehydrate overnight or bake on a silpat in oven at 200 degrees for 1 hour 5. Pour milk over it. Cereal. Done. Crumble Complete steps 1-4 above. 5. Cut two apples into small slices, toss with coconut oil, vanilla, salt and cinnamon 6. Spread onto a teflex sheet and dehydrate overnight, or bake on a silpat sheet in the oven at 200 degrees for 1 hour Cashew Cream 1. Soak cashews for at least 1 hour, then strain and add to food processor 2. Add maple syrup, lemon juice, vanilla, salt and coconut oil then blend 3. Assemble by placing roasted apples, crumble, and optional cream in layers to make a breakfast parfait BENEFITS - high in protein, fiber, B vitamins - high in calcium, iron, and folic acid - lower cholesterol Director: Eric Slatkin Producer: Emily Mraz Starring: Laura Miller DP's: Ramy Romany / Sharra Romany / Chris Low Sound: Justin Gay PA: James Navaira Food Stylist: Maria Zizka -- www.mariazizka.com Hair and Make-up: Linda Sammut Editors: Eric Slatkin and Jeremiah Mayhew Recipes by: Laura Miller For more info on Laura visit: http://sidesaddlekitchen.com Music by: http://bromeliadmusic.com- published: 09 Jan 2014
- views: 4752

Cereal - Bolo raz ( prod. Lkama)
Track: "Bolo Raz"
Rap: Cereal
Hudba: Lkama
Mix a master: Kenny Rough
published: 12 Jul 2013
Cereal - Bolo raz ( prod. Lkama)
Cereal - Bolo raz ( prod. Lkama)
Credits: Track: "Bolo Raz" Rap: Cereal Hudba: Lkama Mix a master: Kenny Rough ------------------------------------------------------------------ Ďalšie info: http://www.facebook.com/lkama.gramorokkaz https://www.facebook.com/nechce.samiuz- published: 12 Jul 2013
- views: 5736

Cereal Mascot Therapy Session
Your favorite characters learn to think outside the back of the box. See more at http://ww...
published: 19 May 2008
author: collegehumor
Cereal Mascot Therapy Session
Cereal Mascot Therapy Session
Your favorite characters learn to think outside the back of the box. See more at http://www.collegehumor.com/originals Free CHTV video podcast on iTunes: htt...- published: 19 May 2008
- views: 1694282
- author: collegehumor

The Cereal Feeding Machine
This video has been funded by KELLOGG'S KRAVE cereal. VIP competition challenges open Frid...
published: 16 Aug 2013
author: JacksGap
The Cereal Feeding Machine
The Cereal Feeding Machine
This video has been funded by KELLOGG'S KRAVE cereal. VIP competition challenges open Friday at 9.30am and close Sunday at 9.00pm - click here to get involve...- published: 16 Aug 2013
- views: 712404
- author: JacksGap