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Under Kurdish Rule in Syria

Thursday, June 19, 2014 - Thursday, June 19, 2014 - Kurdish authorities running three enclaves in northern Syria have committed arbitrary arrests, due process violations, and failed to address unsolved killings and disappearances.

MADE IN THE USA: Child Labor and Tobacco

Tuesday, May 13, 2014 - Child labor is common on tobacco farms in the United States, where children are exposed to nicotine, toxic pesticides, and other dangers. The largest tobacco companies in the world can't legally sell cigarettes to children, but they are profiting from child labor. US law also fails these children, by allowing them to work at much younger ages, for longer hours, and under more hazardous conditions than children working in all other sectors.

China: Address Enduring Legacy of Tiananmen Massacre

Thursday, May 29, 2014 - 25 years after the Tiananmen Massacre of June 4, 1989, popular demands for accountability, the rule of law, freedom of expression, and other basic human rights in China have continued to grow.

US: Don’t Call 911

Friday, May 16, 2014 - The use of state and local authorities to enforce US immigration laws undermines public safety by raising fear of the police among immigrant communities. States and cities across the United States should separate community police work from federal immigration enforcement.

Human Rights Watch and Hivos are partnering to advance the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in sub-Saharan Africa. Supported by the Dutch Postcode Lottery, Human Rights Watch is documenting and pressing for an end to violence against LGBT communities, while Hivos is training brave LGBT activists to promote tolerance throughout the region.

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Non-state armed groups in Syria have used children as young as 15 to fight in battles, sometimes recruiting them under the guise of offering education.
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Syria: Armed Groups Send Children into Battle

June 22, 2014
Kurdish authorities running three enclaves in northern Syria have committed arbitrary arrests, due process violations, and failed to address unsolved killings and disappearances.
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Under Kurdish Rule in Syria

June 19, 2014
25 years after the Tiananmen Massacre of June 4, 1989, popular demands for accountability, the rule of law, freedom of expression, and other basic human rights in China have continued to grow.
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China: Address Enduring Legacy of Tiananmen Massacre

May 29, 2014

Bahrain: A System of Injustice

May 28, 2014
Traffickers in Yemen hold African migrants in detention camps, torturing them to extort payment from their families, with the complicity of local officials.
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Yemen: Migrants Held at ‘Torture Camps’

May 25, 2014
The Philippine government should investigate an alleged “death squad” implicated in several hundred killings in Tagum City on the southern island of Mindanao.
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Philippines Death Squad Killings – Interview with a Former Hitman

May 20, 2014

US: "Don't Call 911"

May 14, 2014
US child labor law doesn't apply to agriculture, so the fruits and veggies you eat might have been picked by kids. Tell your Congressperson to end child labor at
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Child Labor on US Farms

May 13, 2014
Children working on tobacco farms in the United States are exposed to nicotine, toxic pesticides, and other dangers, Human Rights Watch said in a report released today.
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MADE IN THE USA: Child Labor & Tobacco

May 13, 2014
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Transgender women in Malaysia have filed a groundbreaking court case challenging a law that prohibits them from expressing their gender identity.
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Malaysia: Court to Rule on Transgender Rights

May 12, 2014

Strong Evidence Syrian Government Used Chemicals as a Weapon

May 9, 2014
Japan’s overwhelming use of institutions instead of family-based care is failing thousands of vulnerable children by not preparing them for independent, productive lives in Japanese society.
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Japan: Children in Institutions Denied Family Life

May 1, 2014
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